P I H S R E D LEA UNCIL CO or future s f d s n e e r a e r p u e r n p te “For it is not enough to begin, if one does not also persevere.” r i e as th S pr i n g
The Leadership Council in October 2017: Back row: Sister Pam Mueller, Sister Helen Smith, Sister Judith Nell Riney. Front row: Assistant Congregational Leader Sister Pat Lynch and Congregational Leader Sister Amelia Stenger
–Saint Angela Merici, Prologue to the Rule
By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff
erseverance is “a steady persistence in a course of action … especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.” Resilience is the “ability of a person to adjust to or recover readily from illness, adversity, or major life changes.” As the Ursuline Sisters’ Leadership Council winds down its six-year term this July, “perseverance” and “resilience” are words the members used to describe their Sisters. It was a term marked by two years of Covid-19 that derailed strategic planning efforts. Heaven welcomed 45 Sisters – two of whom served on the Council. Never in the community’s 110 years of existence had two Council members died in office. And yet, as the Council prepares to hand over the reins to new members, the Sisters can look to the future with the belief that a strong foundation is in place, if only the Sisters rely on God and the intercession of their founder, Saint Angela Merici. “I learned that we are resilient, and that the spirit of Angela is alive and well among us,” Sister Pat Lynch said. “Each of us carries a piece of her special charism, and we recognize in each other the gifts
that each one brings.” “I believe we have many Sisters who have tremendous hearts of service,” Sister Judith Nell Riney said. “I appreciate and respect their dedication, gentleness, and generosity not only in community but in all the areas of ministry where they reside and work. Our senior Sisters certainly are our wisdom figures; they have much to teach us and share with us as we face the future. I am grateful to all for their prayerful support during this time of service on the Council.” Sister Amelia Stenger serves as congregational leader, and said her term has been filled with the unpredictable. She is proud that during so much uncertainty, communication with the Sisters was a constant. “The first week I was in office, I sent out a note to tell the Sisters something that had happened that week,” Sister Amelia said. “Several of them wrote back and said they really appreciated the information. They asked if we would do it again the next week. That is how the Week in Review started and we have only missed one or two over the whole six years. One of the things that Sister Kathleen Condry, left, with Sister Ruth Gehres during Community Days 2015. RIGHT: Sister Judith Nell Riney, left, and Sister Helen Smith during Community Days 2016.
the community asked of us was to have more communication. Every Sister got a letter every week.” The Council that began in July 2016 featured Sister Amelia as congregational leader and Sister Kathleen Condry as assistant leader. The Councilors were Sister Pam Mueller and Sister Judith Nell – who both maintained their ministries at Brescia University – along with Sister Pat. Both Sister Kathleen and Sister Pat had previously served as superiors of the Ursulines of Paola, Kan., the community that merged with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. Tragedy struck the Council almost immediately. Sister Kathleen was diagnosed with a fatal illness and died just two months into her term on Sept. 5, 2016. In a special election that fall, Sister Pat was elevated to assistant leader, and Sister Helen Smith – another former Paola Sister who had served in leadership – was elected as a councilor. Less than three years later on Sept. 2, 2019, she also died. The Council decided to forego another election and continue with four members the rest of the term. “The hardest times were when Sister Kathleen Condry died and then Sister Helen died,” Sister Amelia said. “We had not Continued on page 4