“ Hope and Firm Faith ” tells the story of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph
U r s u l i n e s
By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff
There are so are chronicled through the eyes of many fascinating the Sisters who lived them, using stories interwoven their own words from letters they throughout the sent. You’ll meet all the Sisters history of the who’ve served in leadership, and Ursuline Sisters of Sisters who were simply noted for Mount Saint Joseph, eventually any their kindness. You’ll learn how discussion of one typically leads a the Mount Saint Joseph Junior listener to reply, “Someone should College and Brescia College write a book.” began, and who was responsible In June 2017, at the conclusion for keeping them going. The of her first year as congregational relationships between the Sisters leader, Sister Amelia Stenger and their bishops and priests – decided it was time to find most supportive, others tense – are “someone” to write that book. detailed. You will learn of their “Come by my office, I want to perseverance through the hard talk about a project with you,” she times – from their arrival in the said to me that June. Little did I woodlands in 1874, to the struggle know that her “project” was to write the history of the for independence in 1912, through the changes and Ursuline Sisters who call Maple Mount home. resulting exodus of Sisters following the Second I had never written a book before, but I agreed to Vatican Council in the 1960s. be that “someone.” The ensuing four years provided Mostly, you will learn about many amazing a life-changing experience for me as I got to know women who managed to forge their own identity many Sisters who long ago went to heaven. I was while devoting their lives in service to God and the motivated by a paragraph I read in a book by two Church. They were teachers, but so much more – role Australian professors: models, spiritual giants and fearless pioneers. This is “History isn’t about the past. It’s about someone their story – one that continues being written today. else’s present. We hope to write about them as vividly To preorder your copy of “Hope and Firm as if they were in the room with us.” Faith:” Soon, you will have the chance to see if that You can order online at ursulinesmsj.org/hopehappened. “Hope and Firm Faith: The Story of and-firm-faith-book. Or to order by mail, send the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph” will be us your name, address, phone number and email available this spring. (The exact date is still up in the address. Indicate if you would like your book signed air at the time this magazine went to press.) by the author (at no extra charge). The cost is $37.10 We are fortunate to have such expansive archives for the book (that includes sales tax) plus $10 for at Maple Mount. Other than trips to the archives shipping. If you order two books, shipping is $14. of the Sisters of Loretto and the Ursuline Sisters of Make check payable to “Ursuline Sisters” and Louisville, the research for this book was all done at mail your check and the Mount, with the Dan Heckel has served as director of Mission Advancement and information to: help of the Internet and Book Order Communications for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph since some well-placed phone 8001 Cummings 2007. He made his commitment as an Ursuline Associate in 2009. calls. Road The key ministries He lives in Owensboro, Ky., with his wife Sherri. They have one son, Maple Mount, KY and adventures of the Max. This is his first book. 42356 Ursuline community