UPDATE February 2008

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February 2008

Associate providing medical care in Jamaica


By Mary Danhauer, OSUA


iving in Jamaica has certainly broadened my horizons and helped me to sharpen my nursing skills. I have grown as a person and been touched in so many ways by the people I serve. My experience of God as a person has been my still point in the midst of Ursuline Associate Mary Danhauer, a nurse practitioner, sees suffering and extreme poverty. about 50 patients a day at the clinic in Maggotty, Jamaica. Left: I am in the last half of my third Mary and Rannie Simpson, the bus driver for the missionaries. year of service in Jamaica. I live at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Maggotty, Saint Elizabeth. This area is the more rural and mountainous area, toward the middle of the island. The island is only 50 miles wide and 140 miles long, so it is a rather small island. But the roads are very curvy and pothole-filled, and the driving time is slow. I have mastered driving on the left side of the road in a right hand driving position. An elderly lady gave me the ultimate compliment, that I drove like a man! I work in the Holy Spirit Clinic at Maggotty on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday, I go to St. Croix Clinic in Santa Cruz, about a 20-minute drive. On Thursday, I go into the surrounding areas and do home visits. I have about 100 patients I see every other month at home. Most are homebound because of strokes, blindness, or amputations. Last year we had 7,000 patient visits at Maggotty, and 500 home visits for the year. We average about 50 patients a day at the clinic. I used to think that 25 was a bad day in the States! Continued on page 3

Ursuline Associates Celebrate 25 Years! Mark your calendars for the Ursuline Associates Jubilee Year July 19, 2008 ~ July 11, 2009

Celebrating Our Past, Present & Future! On July 19, we begin a year of celebration and inspiration to mark the 25th anniversary of the associate experience at Mount Saint Joseph. Sister Cheryl Clemons will be our keynote speaker. In the afternoon, we will review the associate experience through the eyes of our former directors. The plan for the entire year will be “unveiled,� and all will receive a special commemorative calendar to keep.

The jubilee year will conclude in July 2009 with author Mary-Cabrini Durkin as our featured speaker.

In the intervening months, we will explore together the partnership of Ursuline sisters and associates. We will look to the future through retreats, immersion experiences and gatherings focused on new ministries, new associates, and new paths to follow Angela as our model in listening to God in our daily lives. Watch for details in the May issue of Update!

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Associate Update

Letter from the director... Dear Ursuline Associates, Candidates and Friends, In just a few months – July 19, to be exact – we begin a yearlong observation of 25 years of Ursuline associates. Planning has already begun for this celebration of our partnership with Angela Merici and the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. We will celebrate our past, present, and future and explore the many ways sisters and associates together address poverty of body, mind, and spirit, especially in women and children. Although the smudge of ashes on our foreheads has faded away, we’re journeying together through the season of Lent, a good time to reflect upon the ways all of us live our Gospel mandate for one another. May your Lent bring light and peace to you and to those around you. Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Ursuline Partnerships

VITAMINS NEEDED FOR JAMAICA Ursuline sisters and associates are collecting medicine to bring to Mary Danhauer’s clinic in Jamaica in March 2008. Urgently needed: Adult aspirin 325 mg Children and adult multivitamins (no chewy types, please – they melt in the heat) Monetary donations are also welcome. Please send or bring to Sister Betsy Moyer by March 7, 2008 Saint Joseph Villa, Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 For more information, contact Sister Betsy

270-229-4103, Ext. 709

February 2008

Join the Ursuline Sisters on a 10-day Saint Angela Pilgrimage to ITALY!

We will travel the places where Saint Angela Merici lived, ministered, and founded the Company of Saint Ursula. We will also spend a few days in Rome.

May 27-June 5, 2008 Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Ursuline Associate Father John Vaughan Spiritual Directors

Destinations include Milan, Desenzano, Brescia, Florence, Assisi and Rome We will join the Papal audience at St. Peter’s Basilica Interested in joining us?

Contact Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU (270) 229-2008 ssims@maplemount.org 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 The cost per person is $2,899 leaving from Atlanta

Sign up soon!

ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Web site: www.ursulinesmsj.org E-mail: associates@maplemount.org Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Administrative Assistant: Christi Bowman Editor/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski ASSOCIATE MISSION STATEMENT


e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

February 2008

Associate Update

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Three associates make their commitments...

BELOW: Father Brian Johnson, made his lifetime commitment as an associate at the Grayson County, Ky., associates meeting Dec. 14, 2007. Sister Ruth Mattingly, his contact sister, stands behind him. Father Brian is pastor of three parishes.

Father Jerry Riney and Victoria Cecil made their first commitments as Ursuline associates at Fall Commitment Mass Nov. 7, 2007 in the Mount Saint Joseph Chapel. Sister Michele Morek, congregational leader, left, welcomed the new associates. They were accompanied by Sister Suzanne Sims, center, Father Riney’s contact sister, and Sister Alicia Coomes, far right, who invited Victoria to become an associate. Victoria is director of religious education for Blessed Mother Parish, Owensboro. She is pursuing a master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. Father Jerry grew up on the grounds of Maple Mount because his father was farm manager. He is pastor at Holy Spirit Parish in Bowling Green, Ky.


continued from front

There are two Polish sisters, Sister Emila and Sister Rita, who are nurses who help run the clinic at Maggotty. We try to provide medications for the patients because they don’t have the money to buy prescriptions. That means we try to raise the money to buy medications that I can buy here from three different suppliers. The costs for that last year averaged about $2,000 U.S. a month. We ask for a donation of $300 in Jamaican currency (about $3 U.S.) at each visit. Some are not able to pay even that amount. Sister Jane, a nurse from Kenya, runs the clinic at St. Croix. She sees patients for refills on Monday and Wednesday. I have found not only deep satisfaction but deep feelings of inadequacy working here. We do not have the multiple tests Sister Suzanne Sims, left, and Associate Father John that are so easily available to practitioners in the States. It is not Vaughan visited Mary in Jamaica in November 2006. pleasant to watch someone die of a bowel obstruction and not They brought supplies with them. Other associates who be able to do anything about it. So many patients have diabetes, have been to Jamaica to do mission work include Carol Alvey and Meghan Payne. Another associate, Bonnie hypertension, anemia and other common First World diseases. Trying to treat all the complications of diabetes and hypertension is Marks, plans to go with six Ursulines on a trip in March. a difficult task. Try as I might to prevent strokes and heart attacks, there is always someone to die from one of these. The people of Jamaica are grateful for anything that we can do for them. They are a happy lot, content with what they have. They have a sense of gratitude for what God provides for them in the here and now. I want to live in the present and know that God provides for all that I need. I have certainly learned that this mission experience is much larger than just me. There are a wealth of people back home who sacrifice and give to help me help others. Without that support, I could not do what I do for so many. I am seeking someone to come and take my place here, either a doctor or nurse practitioner. I suppose that someone will drop out of the sky and want to help those who need so much. I also need help searching the Internet for grants to build clinics or provide services for the underserved. Keep that in your prayers and know that all our benefactors are remembered in prayer by the Holy Spirit community. n

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Associate Update / F

Associate Meetings

Sister Maureen Griner, left, speaks during the Jan. 12 Ursuline Associate Advisory board meeting at Mount Saint Joseph. To her right is associate Therese Fraize. They were planning associate anniversary activities.

Bernadette Howard, center, coordinator for the Owensboro associates, opened the Dec. 3, 2007 meeting at Brescia. Also pictured: associates Margie Hill, left, Marian Bennett (standing) and Helen Miles.

ABOVE: The Central City/ Muhlenberg County associates met in October 2007. Pictured, Row 1: Laura Smith, Sister Rose Karen Johnson, Brenda Busick, Elenita McConnell. Row 2: Sister Michael Ann Monaghan, Sister Rose Theresa Johnson, Jean Simpson, Gail Davenport, Melinda Prunty. Row 3: Two guests, Eddie Prunty, Linda Zender, Don Monaghan, Marlene Monaghan.

A crowd was on hand Dec. 14, 2007 for the annual G Saint Anthony Church Rectory in Peonia, Ky. Seated (guest), Sr. Marietta Wethington, Sr. Cheryl Clemons George Mary Hagan, Sr. Mary Louise Knott, Sr. Clar Stella McClure, Sr. Annalita Lancaster, Sr. Eileen Ho (guest), Marian Bennett, Catherine Gawarecki, Jean Stone (candidate), Fr. Brian Johnson, Brenda Semar,

LEFT: Several associates from Grayson County spe beauty of friendship at Mount Saint Joseph Center. B Hamilton, Brenda Semar, Carol Hill. Front: Ola Hig

February 2008

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Associate Jubilee Celebration Volunteers welcome! If you have talents in videography, photography, DVD production, communications, information gathering, event planning, research or writing, we need you! Contact Marian Bennett: mbennett@maplemount.org 270-229-2006 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356

Grayson County associates Christmas party at d front: Sr. Rosalin Thieneman, Beverly Harrison s, Carol Hill, Jody Ziegler. Seated second row: Sr. rence Marie Bickett, Sr. Catherine Marie Barber, oward, Sr. Ruth Mattingly. Standing: Joyce Carter n Gutierrez, Mary Jo Dodson, Teen Robinette, Betty r, Sr. Jean Madeline Peake.

ent Jan. 11-13 praying, sharing, and enjoying the Back: Catherine Gawarecki, Stella McClure, Violet gdon, Betty Stone (candidate), Jean Gutierrez.

ABOVE: Associates in Western Kentucky met Jan. 11 at the home of Jerry and Sid Mason in Mayfield. Seated: left to right, Betty Boren, Sid Mason, Pat Sullivan Risë Karr, Sister Marietta Wethington. Standing: Mike Sullivan, Sister Teresa Riley, Pat Wilson, Sister Karla Marie Kaelin, Marian Bennett.

Associate Carol Alvey, right, stopped by to see Sister Mary Louise Knott last fall in Jamaica. Both were there on mission trips. Sister Mary Louise taught sewing.

The Henderson-Union County associates discussed their names for God at the October 2007 meeting. It is easy to see why Don Speaks named God, “The Gardener.” Here, he shows us a prime specimen of his cauliflower, as well as some of the beautiful tomatoes grown in his summer garden.

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Associate Update


Remembering Associates’ Special Days... March Birthdays:

2 Shearon Harris Diane Wilson 5 Kay Buckman Stella McClure 7 George Horishny 10 Chris Denniston 12 Velma Dees 14 Mary Costello Pauline Goebel 15 Diane Hayden 16 Joan McKinnon 17 Evelyn Cange 18 Camilla Frey Mike Sullivan 19 Carolyn Butler 20 Angelina Glomb 21 Fr. Leonard Alvey Marcy Bufalini Elaine Wood 23 Carlene Braun 24 Catherine Roddy 25 Marcella Critchelow Jodie Fulkerson 26 Bea Porter

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in March: 1997 Priscilla Archunde 1998 Frances Elder David Henderson Gloria Henderson Sandra Jull Anna V. Lesousky Sharon Rose

Happy Easter!

April Birthdays: 1 2 3 4 6

Frances Elder Phyllis Ann Hackmann, FS Larry Minks Jeanne Miller Joyce Firenza Evelina Salas Marian Bennett Mary Jo Dodson Violet Hamilton Mary Rita Trittschuh 8 Sue Donahue Wanda Gibson 9 Fr. Brian Johnson Doris Kolb-Hopkins 11 Wanda Rickard 14 Lucille Weidenbenner 15 Laura Smith Fr. Richard White, CMF 16 Claudette Ford 17 Terry Barnes 21 Jerry Frey 22 Mildred McDowell 24 Fr. Ed Bradley Carolyn Head 25 Rev. Patricia Dawkins Fr. Brian Roby 27 Edna Marnell 28 Michael Lemm Michael Ziegler

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in April: 1988 Debby Ludwig Gertrude Tyrala 1990 John Allen Fr. Ed Bradley Margaret Brasuel Mary Ann Brown Margaret Chavez Loni Daniels David Grant Jean Grant Rev. Phil Hoy Bonnie Marks Janice Miller Joan Minks Larry Minks Fr. Phil Riney Brett Stallings Lina Trujillo Fr. John Vaughan 1997 Ann Ruth Hayden 1998 Georgann Stuck 1999 Judy Embry Fanny Gonzalez 2001 Lena Dees Phil Dees 2005 Marian Bennett 2007 Catherine Gawarecki

May Birthdays: 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 14 18 21 22

Karen Beavers Marie Ritz Murilla Giittinger Lil Wilson Madeleine Bianco John Allen Susan Reiss Ruth Wright-Welzen Clarence Kaiser Sonia Pradenas Loni Daniels Mike Synk Cecilia McEldowney Gail Davenport Loretta Oliver Tracy Strother 23 Maxine Hobbs 24 Sandra Jull Ola Higdon 25 Rose Mary Egli Kevin Karl Amy Payne 26 Sr. Agnes Ijoko, HHCJ 28 Sharon Rose 29 Jean Bertram 30 Rev. Tom Barrett

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in May: 1989 1991 1992 1994 1998

Claire Buckley Nettie Castle Connie Del Muro Joan McKinnon Midge Palm Edith Whitechurch Margaret Stenger Paul Kordenbrock Judy Krese Christopher Walls June Irizarry Cecilia Curtis


February 2008

Associate Update

In Loving Memory... Thurman E. Mullen of Memphis, Tenn., died Saturday, Dec. 22, 2007. An Ursuline associate since 2002, Thurman made his lifetime commitment on Dec. 18, 2007, in Memphis, surrounded by friends and Ursuline associates, including his contact sisters, Sister Maureen Griner and Sister Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer. Thurman Mullen Raised in the Methodist church while growing up in Missouri, Thurman joined the Catholic Church in 1995 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. In that parish he used business skills, artistic talent, and genuine concern for the welfare of others by serving on the parish pastoral council. His special joy was his participation in the Cathedral choir. Later he joined St. Mary Parish and became actively involved in the Knights of Columbus and the RCIA process. He was called a “strong example of living your faith,”and expressed the hope that he “left at least someone with the Good News and the benefit of becoming a part of the body of Christ.” In reflecting on the days before Thurman’s death, Sister Maureen said, “I was deeply touched by Thurman’s desire to make his final commitment as an Ursuline associate before his death. What a moment of grace it was for us (Sister Margaret Ann, 10 Memphis associates and me) when we gathered around his hospital bed, heard his words of commitment and saw him struggle to sign the document. That very act seemed to bring him great peace and joy.” Thurman’s survivors include a daughter, Kimberly, three grandchildren, and his companion, Bobby Smyth.

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E-mail Prayer Network Another full year of our E-mail Prayer Network is complete. During these months, we shared 863 requests for prayer and thanksgiving, sadness and joy, with associates, sisters, and friends around the world! Listen to their voices: God bless you for this wonderful ministry…Please pray for a friend who is dying of kidney failure…Thanks for the prayers so far and please keep them coming…I ask your prayers as I undergo surgery in the morning…Please storm heaven…My brother has died…Thank you for your prayers…The chemo has started to work…Things are looking good…The whole family needs your prayers…We look forward to the e-mail every day…We are grateful for your support…Please thank all who offered prayers…Please help me thank God…Prayer does work miracles… We invite you to join us. Send your prayer requests to associates@maplemount.org or call 270-229-2006 or mail them to Ursuline Associate Office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Therese Allen, OSUA, whose brother, Spencer Osborne, died Nov. 17 • Fr. Leonard Alvey, OSUA, whose sister, Irene Hildenbrand, died Dec. 30 in Jasper, Ind. • Priscilla Archunde, OSUA, whose grandson, Christopher Alan Sanchez, age 25, died Nov. 7 in Albuquerque • Stephanie George, OSUA, whose aunt, Lena Levy, died Dec. 16 • Wanda Rickard, OSUA, whose sister, Judith Marilyn Ward Hardesty, died Dec. 16 in Owensboro • Sally Scully, OSUA, whose uncle Orin Savre, died Jan. 2 in Fargo, N.D.

WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU …told someone about your associate experience? …invited a friend to attend an associate gathering with you?

Call a friend today and share the joy of Saint Angela!

’ You are therefore to pray to God that He enlighten you, direct you, and teach you what Saint Angela Merici you are to do for love of Him.” - Counsel Introduction

Upcoming Events,,, • Feb. 29-March 2 - Women in the Bible Women’s Retreat, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • March 6 - Associate Advisory Board (conf. call), 4:00 p.m. • March 14 - Western Kentucky Associates, 5:30 p.m.

LENT Feb. 6March 23

• March 17 - Owensboro Associates, 5:00 p.m. • March 19 - Feast of Saint Joseph • March 19 - Muhlenberg County Associates, 6:00 p.m. • March 23 - Easter Sunday – Rejoice! • April 9 - Associate Spring Commitment, 4:30 p.m. • April 16 - Muhlenberg County Associates, 6:00 p.m. • April 26 - Louisville Associates, 1:00 p.m. • May 9 - Western Kentucky Associates, 5:30 p.m. • May 17-18 - Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Weekend • May 25 - Alumni and Sisters Reunion in Nebraska • June 16 - Owensboro Associates, 5:00 p.m. • July 19 - Associates and Sisters Day • July 20-27 - Centering Prayer Retreat at the Center

This, rather, is the fast that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own. – Isaiah 58:6-7

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