Update August 2019

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Sharing “Love in Action” at Associates and Sisters Day

By Associate Joanne Thompson of Paola, Kan.

Ursuline Associates and Sisters Day 2019 was about examining our actions in love – how our lives are spent in ministry Joanne Thompson serving others. Father Joe Merkt made a return to Associates and Sisters Day for participants to explore more challenging Ursuline spirituality exercises. During the morning session, associates shared their bird’s-eye view of ministry and what drives them. Father Joe reminded us that Saint Angela became aware of others’ needs and that Ursuline Sisters and Associates in turn share their lives in various forms of ministry to others. By raising of hands, 90 percent participated in parish volunteer roles and 70 percent participated in community projects. Part of the Vision Statement of the Ursuline Associates in ministry reads that associates respond to their baptismal call and “accept the grace of leadership and manifest a range of skills and ministerial gifts” which allow them to: • Be effective listeners • Foster respect and offer compassionate care • Demonstrate good stewardship • Work collaboratively with other lay and ordained ministers • Have an ability to discern and nurture the gifts of all the baptized in order to build the Kingdom of God; and • Embrace a professional code of ethics worthy of Catholic ministry and abide by civil and Church law. Thoughts shared after allowing these words to speak to them were: “Gifts without the giver are bare. The baptismal call is being buried and living with Christ – the giver from whom all gifts flow.”–Sister Pam Mueller

There were lively discussions on Associates and Sisters Day on June 22, including Father Joe Merkt’s question about personal spiritual events in the past year. Clockwise from bottom, Betty Stone, Marian Bennett, Tina Wolken, Sister Pam Mueller, and Joan Perry.

“Gifts we have are given by grace. We are all journeying. We journey with a rich variety of Sister Elaine Burke, left, visits with Memphis Associates George and journeyers.”–Sister Lorna Horishny on Associates Day. Sharon Sullivan “It is looking others in the eye, being there for them and reflecting their joy, too.”–Associate Nanette Foley “It is the gift of service – the joy of serving others in a positive way.”–Associate Risë Karr “Each of us is a minister to others. We have an opportunity to help others.”–Associate George Horishny “Joys of heaven will be meeting the people who we minister to and who were impacted by our actions … where we can hug each other and meet and share our joy.”–Father Joe Merkt There were more challenges to develop and grow in ministry offered as well. Many acknowledged to continually seek opportunities to improve their ministry skills as well as developing and nurturing the prayer lives of their associate community. Sister Elaine Burke requested traditional prayers daily for Ursuline Sisters in their efforts utilizing collaboration, visioning, planning, communication and decision-making as they face the challenges of a changing future. Father Joe said our ministry is called to be a ministry of accompaniment – “we listen and accompany them on a journey. We pray with them. We walk the journey and allow the experience to be shared.” Continued on page 2

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Associate Update

From the Associate Office...

Another celebration of Associates and Sisters has come and gone. What a glorious day it was as (regardless of a little rain), the sun shone on our gathering with the presence of the Holy Spirit and Angela Merici. Over 80 people attended Father Joe Merkt’s discussion on Associates in Ministry. The interaction between everyone was spectacular; and the sharing was heartfelt and touching. It was an especially moving day for me, being my first year as coordinator of this event. It was a chance to meet several associates I’d never met and to get to know them through discussion and reflection time. The panel of associates was very moving as they shared how they showed love through their daily actions. I am so happy to announce that we pinned three new Ursuline Associates that day: Lori Haynes of Whitesville, Ky., Marian Pusey of Louisville, and Renee Schultz of Prairie Village, Kan. It was a very exciting time for all. I felt like a proud mama at graduation letting my little ones fly off on their own to begin their new journey in the company of Angela Merici. That afternoon we had the chance to celebrate together the beautiful Mass of Corpus Christi as Father Joe brought tears to several with his amazing homily. I just want to say “thank you” to everyone for making this year’s Associates and Sisters Day such a tremendous success. I am truly looking forward to seeing you again as well as other associates throughout the coming year as I travel from group to group. Thank you and God Bless.

Doreen Abbott, OSUA, Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships ASSOCIATE UPDATE is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 www.ursulinesmsj.org • Email associates.msj@maplemount.org Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Doreen Abbott, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Communications and Development Specialist: Maggie Hatfield Director of Development: Carol Braden-Clarke Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Marcella Schrant, OSU Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Mary McDermott, OSU

ASSOCIATE MISSION STATEMENT We, the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

August 2019


from page 1 Kansas/Missouri Associates Nanette “Nettie” Foley, left, Carol O’Keefe, center, and Carol Cox made the more than eighthour drive to be a part of Associates and Sisters Day.

Associates Nanette Foley and Tina Wolken shared their stories in the afternoon Associate Forum. Nanette stated that she was blessed to play and sing for Masses and weddings but felt that her action in love came from her heart and interactions with people, especially her family. She shared finding meaning in suffering and journeying with others. “I felt I saw illuminated stepping stones leading me to heaven and to God’s path, calling me to a higher calling, to be Christ’s light to others through forgiveness, compassion and love,” she said. When asked, “How does your life call you to act with love?” Tina Wolken said that she discovered it through opportunity, openness, acts with love, and observation. Simple things, such as acting with love by holding the door, smiling, and conversing, were a good start; being open to the Spirit and not being consumed by self leads a person to more openness to others. Tina shared an example of a life-changing moment when she witnessed middle-school-aged students respond to a highly sensitive, nonverbal, severely autistic student with an act of love – whispering in song “happy birthday” to their friend. It was moving and renewed her spirit to witness such an act of unselfishness and appropriate display of care and compassion by the youngsters. Asked how her day went, Sister Betsy Moyer expressed, “It was very good sharing at the table and the spontaneity in talking together. All in all, it was a wonderful experience.” n

Join us for the Associate Fall Commitment Wednesday, October 16 Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse Chapel 270-229-2006 • doreen.abbott@maplemount.org Sign up to share a little kindness! The Ursuline Sisters will provide 12 monthly inspirational cards to be sent to your designated person. This service will be provided for a contribution of $50. To request an order form, or if your group would like to help with the mailings, contact Carol Braden-Clarke: 270-229-2008, carol.braden-clarke@ maplemount.org or online: ursulinesmsj.org/kindness-campaign

Welcome New Associates! Lori A. Haynes: Lori lives in Whitesville, Ky., with her husband of 47 years and her five beautiful children. She works as a health caregiver for the elderly and also cares for children with special needs. Lori felt the calling to become an Ursuline Associate after Sister Diane Marie Payne mentioned it to her while she was working in Saint Joseph Villa at Mount Saint Joseph. During that time, she struggled with being able to make the commitment of becoming an Associate due to caring for her sick mother, her children and her husband; all while working nights as a licensed practical nurse. Lori left Mount Saint Joseph to be closer to her family, but often thought of the friendships she made with many of the Ursuline Sisters. She again felt the calling to become an Ursuline Associate and decided to pursue her commitment. Lori feels so blessed and excited to be an Ursuline Associate. Marian B. Pusey: Marian was born in Lebanon, Ky., and is one of seven children who was raised in a very loving Catholic family. She attended St. Catherine Grade School and High School until it closed during her junior year. Marian went on to finish high school at Bethlehem High School in Bardstown, Ky. She was taught by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph through grades 1-11 and by the Sisters of Charity in grade 12. Watching how the sisters conduct themselves and being taught good values by them is something she hopes she passed on to her sons. Marian has been married to Jim Pusey for 33 years and lives in Louisville. They have two sons and five grandchildren whom they love dearly. Both are very active in their church and love attending weekly Mass, while Marian

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The 2019 new Ursuline Associates stand with their contact companions. From left, Associate Pauline Goebel of Louisville with new Associate Marian Pusey of Louisville; Associate Debbie Lanham of Hawesville, Ky., with new Associate Lori Haynes of Whitesville, Ky.; and new Associate Renee Schultz of Prairie Village, Kan., with Sister Michele Morek who resides in Shawnee Mission, Kan.

also helps with the church linens and is a Eucharistic Minister. They enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and sharing their religious beliefs and the love of God with them. Renee A. Schultz: Renee was born in Lincoln, Neb., and moved to Prairie Village, Kan., when she was a young girl. She is the eldest of four children, with two brothers and a sister. She attended Bishop Miege High School where she was first introduced to the Ursuline Sisters. Renee was very active in the Campus Ministry Program and joined in every service opportunity possible. After transferring from Kansas University to Johnson County Community College, she began working at Bishop Miege a few hours a week. She later took on the role of associate campus minister, which she loves because she feels like she is following her vocation. She is a member of St. James Parish, where Sister Michele Morek introduced her to the wonderful community of Ursuline Sisters. Renee hopes in the future to become more involved with the community. She is very excited to be an Ursuline Associate of Mount Saint Joseph, and sharing her knowledge of Angela Merici and the Associates present at the Associates Day commitment ceremony were asked to stand mission of the Ursuline Sisters with to read their Renewal of Commitment. Afterward, the Ursuline Sisters read their her students in Kansas. Response of the Community. The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Gift Shop officially reopened on July 2. It had been closed for several months to refurbish and restock the merchandise. Sister Helen Smith and Sister Rose Jean Powers are now running the Gift Shop. New Mount Saint Joseph T-shirts and fleece jackets are great mementos to take home after a visit. New store hours are: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30 a.m. to noon, 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. to noon. It is also open to retreat groups at the Mount by arrangement. To see some of the items for sale, visit ursulinesmsj.org/gift-shop. 270-229-4103 • giftshop@maplemount.org

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Phyllis Troutman: Mayor Extraordinaire By Dan Heckel, OSUA

Phyllis Troutman grew up in the tiny central Kentucky town of Raywick in Marion County, in an area so Catholic it was known as “the Kentucky Holy Land.” Throughout her life, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph have been playing a role in her growth. First it was the sisters who taught her at Raywick School, a public school in which the teachers were mostly Ursuline Sisters. In fact, Ursuline Sisters from Mount Saint Joseph were teaching in Raywick in 1911 – a year before the community separated from the Ursulines of Louisville. “Sister Edwardine Murphy was my 8th grade teacher. She talked to my mother and asked if I’d like to attend Mount Saint Joseph Academy,” Phyllis said. “She got me a scholarship for $150 and I worked off the rest of my tuition.” During her freshman year at the Academy, the sophomore class decided to adopt “little sisters” so they could show the new girls the ropes in Maple Mount. Phyllis’ big sister was Mary Lois Speaks, who would later become an Ursuline Sister. It was Sister Mary Lois’ aunt, Sister Mary Boniface Speaks, who had the greatest influence on Phyllis as an Academy student. “I told her I was not a college kid, but I liked business,” Phyllis said. “I took whatever classes she taught. After I graduated (in 1963), at 18 I started working at Liberty National Bank in Louisville, from 1965-70.” She then moved back to Marion County where she worked in banking for 18 years. For the past 25 years, she’s run her own business, Clean As A Whistle car wash. In the early 1990s, Phyllis was visiting Sister Mary Boniface at the Mount and Sister Mary Lois was there leading the Associate program. The two rekindled their friendship after 30 years. It was Sister Mary Lois who encouraged Phyllis to become an Ursuline Associate, which she did in 1993. The two remained the best of friends until Sister Mary Lois’ death in May 2017. Phyllis is both an active alumna of the Academy and an active associate. She’s a regular volunteer at many major Mount events, and she served a stint on the Associate Advisory Board. “I’d like to see more alumnae become associates,” she said. “They are both special to me.” Numerous Ursuline Sisters came from Marion

County, and though there are no sisters serving there now, the Ursuline presence is still alive, Phyllis said. “The people who come into my shop, they talk about the Ursulines all the time,” Phyllis said. “I know who taught them. They love the sisters.” Phyllis is a Eucharistic Minister at St. Francis Xavier Church in Raywick, but it’s her public service that is most known. She was treasurer for the city of Raywick from 1979-86, then was elected mayor, where she served until 1998. She was re-elected mayor in 2018. It was 1979 when Raywick began hosting a homecoming for everyone to return, and this year marked the 40th anniversary. Raywick has 151 residents, but the homecoming this July served 912 meals. “I’m proud to be taking care of my community,” she said. “It was absolutely awesome.” When the Ursuline Sisters prepared to celebrate 100 years as an independent community in 2012, it was Phyllis and Sister Mary Lois who spearheaded an effort to honor the centennial of the Ursulines in Marion County. The result was a three-day celebration that concluded with Mass celebrated by the archbishop of Louisville followed by the dedication of a memorial in front of the government office building. At the time of Sister Mary Lois’ death, she and Phyllis were working on expanding the Associate program in Marion County, and Phyllis says she has not given up yet. She is happy to see how the Associate program has evolved during her 26 years of involvement. “It’s getting better every year,” she said. “Saint Angela was a lay person. I think the lay people are bringing her spirituality to the world. She’s done a number on me. I see things differently than I ever have. It’s the Holy Spirit.” Last year, Phyllis organized a fundraiser in Raywick in honor of Sister Mary Lois that resulted in a gift of $11,600 for the local cancer program. She’s heading up another one this year on Aug. 17. And she will be selling Mount Raffle tickets everywhere she goes. “Mount Saint Joseph gave me the foundation of what I am today,” she said. “Mount Saint Joseph is home to me.”

Did you know you can see a color version of Update on our website? Visit ursulinesmsj.org/publications

Reflective ReflectiveMoments Moments

Page 5 By Sister Marietta Wethington

Lord, Have Mercy on Me

Pope Francis calls us to be agents of mercy. Merriam-Webster defines mercy as “compassion shown to an offender.” Is that easy? Not in my experience. Our humanness often wants to offend those who offended us. We frail human beings can often hold grudges. I don’t think that is what Jesus had in mind when he gave us the beatitude: “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.” Psalm 145 tells us that God is all mercy and grace, not quick to anger, and rich in love. In Ephesians, Jesus tells us to be imitators of God as beloved children. Our Mother, Saint Angela Merici, often showed mercy to those around her. Without counting the cost. Again, Pope Francis points out that “patient and merciful” is a prevalent phrase in the Old Testament describing God. I believe there are many other passages in both the Old and New Testaments that call us, followers of Jesus, to be merciful. No doubt, many of you have your own favorites. REFLECTION: How do I show mercy in my everyday life?

Several members of Nonviolent Owensboro - including an Ursuline Sister and two Ursuline Associates - went on an educational outing on June 8. They visited multiple restored buildings of the West Kentucky African-American Heritage Center in Russellville, Ky., as well as Shaker Village at South Union (one of two former Shaker communities in Kentucky). Above, the group poses with their tour guide in front of the segregated school house exhibit in Russellville. Left to right: George Gray, assistant professor of social work at Brescia University; Tom Hicks; Arba Kenner; Ursuline Associate Mary Danhauer; Ursuline Sister Rebecca White; tour guide Michael Morrow; Peggy Wilson; Nancy Connor, and Ursuline Associate Jennifer Kaminski. Not pictured: Rev. Claudia Ramisch.

Doreen Abbott, coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships, was among the visitors on a trip to Paola, Kan., on April 10-12. Left to right: Amelia Guenther, Associate Lisa Guenther, Sister Amelia Stenger, Carol Braden-Clarke (director of development for the Ursuline Sisters), Doreen, soon-to-be-Associate Renee Schultz, Sister Angela Fitzpatrick, Associate Janice Arth, Associate Irene Quigley, Associate Lily Cloughley, Associate Pam Knudson and her husband, Bob. The group discussed the sale of the former Ursuline convent in Paola and a 2020 fundraiser in Kansas.

Past and present Associate leaders Previous directors and the current coordinator of the Ursuline Associate program gathered on Associates and Sisters Day on June 22. Seated are Sister Fran Wilhelm, left, who served from 1983-92, and Sister Marie Bosco Wathen, who served from 1996-2002. Standing, from left, are Sister Elaine Burke (1996-98), Sister Marietta Wethington (2004-2011, 201314), current Coordinator Doreen Abbott and Associate Marian Bennett (2004-2018). The only living former director not present was Associate Cecilia McEldowney (2002-2004) (pictured at right). Sister Mary Lois Speaks (1992-96) and Sister Marita Greenwell (1996-2002) are both deceased.

The Ursuline Sisters have a new website! ursulinesmsj.org

It’s the same URL, but our website has a whole new look! And now visitors can share our articles to their social media pages with the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Be sure to visit us often online, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! If you do not get the Pilgrimage ezine or prayer requests, sign up at: https://ursulinesmsj.org/subscribe

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Escape to the Mount September 7-8

Escape to the Mount Weekend is an opportunity to share in the vision of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Join us on Saturday, Sept. 7, for Trivia from 4-7 p.m., and Sunday, Sept. 8, from noon to 3 p.m. for Quilt Bingo. We will have the Mount raffle drawing on Sunday at 3 p.m. Escape to the Mount is a chance to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the Mount and join the fun and fellowship. We encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to support the mission of the Ursuline Sisters. Register your Trivia team for $25 per person, up to 10 people per team, with proceeds going to support the Ursuline Sisters. Refreshments will be served. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams. Tickets for Quilt Bingo are $25, which includes lunch and your first bingo card. Extra cards may be purchased for $1 or $2 per game depending on the quilt size. Seating is limited, so register your Trivia Team or get your seat for Quilt Bingo by Aug. 30 at carol.bradenclarke@maplemount.org. You can also sign up online: ursulinesmsj.org/ escape-to-the-mount-weekend or mail a check payable to Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Development Office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356. Mount Raffle tickets can be purchased for $5 per chance to win a grand prize of $10,000. Last year the Ursuline Sisters touched the lives of over 500,000 people through education, visiting the homebound, faith formation and providing for those in need. Your participation will make it possible for many others to experience the love of Jesus Christ in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici.

Carol Braden-Clarke, Director of Development

2 3 4 6 9 10 11

Judy Embry Aimee McCarty Martha Alle Renee Schultz Fr. Joe Mills Gene Tritsch Melissa Tuley Anna Mae Kaiser Peggy Clark Brenda Semar 14 DiAnn Jenkins Joanne Mason Donna Szurgot 15 Christa Bennett Judy Gray Laurie Hicks 16 Jackie Sommers 18 Kim Clemons Haire Meg Synk Jody Ziegler 19 Nellie Coffman Mike Haughton 20 Serafina Mesnier 21 Priscilla Archunde Francis Steffen 23 Barbara Hasenstab Cathey Seaton 24 Beatriz Dansdill Rosann Whiting 25 Gerry Hasenstab Eileen Locke Kelly Roe 27 Sheila Blandford 28 Fr. Freddie Byrd Charlotte Paez 30 Eddie Prunty

1 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12

Janet Kuper Patty Wernel Jean Gutierrez Betty Girten Jane Denton Genon Putnam Patricia Jamett Margaret Chavez Tom Payne Lena Dees Catherine Gawarecki Kristene Pickert Therese Allen Margaret Brasuel Carol O’Keefe Pat Wilson 13 Mary Ann Schilling 14 Alice Albus Margie Hill 15 Betty Stone 16 Robert Greene, Jr. 17 Catherine Bockhold Victor Fromm 18 Anna Conn Shirley Hagman 21 Mariita Rodriguez 22 Ada Bader Margaret Gallegos 23 Lee Jerome 24 Alice Blazina Linda Lattus 26 JoAnne Horstmann Mary Justice 28 Keith Putnam 29 Benjamin Head 30 Lisa Guenther 31 Audrey Durbin Mary Lyne Jean Steffen

Happy Birthday!

1 Ed Cecil Mel Howard 2 Dolores Polson 3 Claire Buckley Bobby Smyth 4 Will Payne 6 Odelean Hill 7 Joan DeBauge Jeannie Foster Karen Lasher 8 Raqúel Sepúlveda 9 Cindy Bornander Lorna Horishny 10 Kathy Kiper Becky Pedley 12 Delores Turnage 13 Valentino Simpao Mary Ann Stewart Marilyn Terry 15 Carol Alvey 16 Lois Clark 17 Al Coleman 18 Annette Stokes 23 Terri Hubner 24 Donald Adams 28 Randy Shelby Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC 30 Shirley Palmer

Escape to the Mount Weekend


Sept. 7, 2019 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Enjoy snacks, drinks, wine, beer. $25 per person

Teams: 4-10 players, Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place

Get your $5 Mount raffle tickets for a chance to win $10,000, a quilt, and other cash prizes! Drawing Sunday at 3 p.m.

Have fun while supporting the Ursuline Sisters!


Sept. 8, 2019 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Play bingo to win quilts! Enjoy lunch and drinks. $25 per person

Buy extra Bingo cards for $1 or $2 each. Half-pot tickets available.

For more information, contact Carol: 270-229-2008 • carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org License 0290

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In Loving Memory... SISTER MILDRED KATZER, 100, died May 19, in Richmond, Kan., in her 82nd year of religious life. She was an Ursuline of Paola, Kan., prior to their merger with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. A native of Garnett, Kan., she liked making nun dolls and teaching Vacation Bible School. Sister Mildred taught for 59 years in Kansas and Oklahoma. For the last 20 years of her life, she visited the sick in St. Therese Parish in Richmond. She was the contact sister for Associate Mary Ann Stewart. Survivors include the members of her religious community; a sister, Rita Jackson of Ottawa, Kan., and nieces and nephews. The funeral Mass was May 23 at St. Therese Church, Richmond, with burial in the Ursuline Cemetery in Paola, Kan. SISTER ROSE MARITA O’BRYAN, 77, died June 10 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 58th year of religious life. She was a native of Owensboro, Ky. Sister Rose Marita had a smile awaiting all those she met. She was known for her leadership skills and her deep love of the Ursuline charism of Saint Angela Merici. She was the contact sister for Associates Shirley Hagman, Helen Rose Kanter, Marianna Robinson and Cathey Majors Seaton. She was a teacher and religious education coordinator in St. Louis until she was elected councilor on the Ursuline Leadership Council from 1976-84. She was director of vocations, postulants and the contact program (1984-90), and then served as a pastoral associate at Sacred Heart Parish in Hickman, Ky. (1991-96). She was elected major superior of the Ursuline Sisters from 1996-2004, then served as coordinator of Mission Effectiveness (2005-2016). She was director of the Contemporary Woman Program at Brescia University (2005-16). Survivors include the members of her religious community; two brothers, Joe (Maggie) O’Bryan of Owensboro and David (Trafta) O’Bryan of Louisville; and nieces and nephews. The funeral Mass was June 13, with burial in the Motherhouse cemetery. Memorials for the sisters may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Family of Rose Nelson, sister of the late Sister Jean Richard Stukenholtz, OSU, who died April 22. • Sister Sara Marie Gomez, whose uncle, Joe Gomez, died on April 23. • Sister Helen Smith, whose brother, Francis T. Smith, died May 14. • Sister Mary Diane Taylor, whose sister-in-law, Joyce Osbourn Thompson, died May 31. • Denise Heying, whose father, Bert Heying, died June 2. • Bob and Marilyn Beam, whose cousin, Ken Pott, died on June 12. • Sister Naomi Aull, whose sister, Sister Marie Michael Aull, CP, died June 19. • Sister Grace Simpson, whose sister, Kate Spears, died July 3. • Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger and Sister Michael Marie Friedman, whose cousin, Evelyn Kuper Siegmund Viviano, died July 7. • Sister George Mary Hagan, whose nephew, Ron Hutcherson, died July 11. • Sister Susan Mary Mudd, whose sister, Dolores Ann Thomson, died July 15. • Diane Wilson, whose mother, Jean Ballard, died July 15.

Several associates enjoyed a movie night on May 28 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall in Owensboro. They had sandwiches, chips and cookies for supper and watched “The Nativity Story,” a 2006 movie directed by Catherine Hardwicke. The group gave it positive reviews and said it was interesting to see the classic biblical story brought to life.

ENGAGED LEADERSHIP: Listening and Leading with Purpose, Meaning and Joy

Sept. 13-14

Begins Friday–5:30 p.m. and ends Saturday–4 p.m.


"Now I am going, and you, in the meantime, do what has to be done. But first I embrace you, and to you Saint Angela Merici all I give the kiss of peace, begging God to bless you." – Last Legacy: Final Farewell

Retreat Director

Diane Millis, Ph.D.

Author, speaker, retreat leader and teacher

We are all challenged to integrate our psychological and spiritual dimensions into our work. Strengthen your capacity to listen to what is most meaningful. Learn how to engage deeply with life – and engage others in genuine, meaningful interaction.

Resident $130, Commuter $70 Please register:. 270-229-0206

retreatcenter@maplemount.org Online: ursulinesmsj.org/registration-formfor-sponsored-programs

Following Jesus: God loves us IN SPITE OF...

Oct. 18-20

Friday evening to Sunday lunch Retreat Director: Sister Cheryl Clemons

The ordinary men and women of the Gospels can teach 21st century Christians a LOT about God’s love! God loves us NOT because we’re perfect but because we’re chosen. Note: This is a co-ed retreat for men and women.

Fee: $190 single or $320 double occupancy or $90 for commuters. Deduct 10% if paid by Sept. 18.

270-229-0206 • retreatcenter@maplemount.org Online: ursulinesmsj.org/registration-formfor-sponsored-programs

Jesus the Peacemaker: Following Jesus on the Path of Peace and Nonviolence

Nov. 1-2

Friday evening to Saturday at 4:30 Retreat Director: Father John Dear

Join us as we welcome a renowned peace advocate!

Fee: $130 single or $225 double occupancy or $70 for commuters.

270-229-0206 • retreatcenter@maplemount.org Online: ursulinesmsj.org/registration-formfor-sponsored-programs

CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS Aug. 13........Teatime at Mount for cancer survivors, family, friends. 11:30 a.m. Aug. 14.......Deacon John Cecil will present “Trust” - 6 p.m. Includes dinner. Sept. 7-8.....Escape to the Mount Weekend (Sat. Trivia 4-7, Sun. Bingo 12-3) Sept. 11........ Dr. Raymond Curry will present “Healing”- 6 p.m. Includes dinner. Sept. 12.......“Focus on Faith” Reasons to Believe book study 10:30 a.m. Sept. 13-14...Engaged Leadership Retreat with Dr. Diane Millis Sept. 27-29...Gennesaret Retreat (for those with chronic/serious health issues) Oct. 11-13.....“Life of Joy” retreat for Spiritual Directors with Sr. Barbara Schmitz Oct. 18-20...Co-ed retreat “Following Jesus” by Sister Cheryl Clemons Nov. 1-2.......Jesus the Peacemaker retreat with Fr. John Dear Nov. 2.........Mass to honor 100th anniversary of Fr. Paul Volk’s death Nov. 3.........MSJ Academy Alumnae Memorial Mass in Motherhouse Chapel

ASSOCIATE GATHERINGS OWENSBORO: Saturday, Aug. 17 @ 8:45 a.m., Jail Ministry at the Daviess County Detention Center Building 1 Tuesday, Aug. 27 @ 5:30 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall Tuesday, Sept. 24 @ 5:30 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall Wednesday, Oct. 16 - Fall Associate Commitment, Motherhouse Chapel KANSAS: Our Lady of Brescia - Monday, Sept. 16, Lily Cloughley’s House LOUISVILLE: Saturday, Aug. 17 @ 10 a.m. in St. Michael Church MUHLENBERG COUNTY: Wednesday, Sept. 11 @ 6 p.m., St. Joseph Church WESTERN KENTUCKY: Saturday, Oct. 12 @ 10 a.m., St. Francis de Sales

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