Ursuline Associate Update Feb. 2013

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Associates have evolved over 30 years By Dan Heckel, OSUA

n the early 1990s, Mary Ifrom Ann Schilling transferred Indiana to Hancock

County, Ky., for her job, and met Ursuline Sisters who were teaching at Immaculate Conception School. “The (Ursulines) Associates Day 1989 started meeting with Isabel Crenshaw, Shirley Hagman and Shirlene Quinn for prayer,” Schilling said. “I had made Cursillo and I missed getting together for prayer and social time. They invited me to join them.” That group became the core of the Ursuline Associates in Hancock County, which Schilling joined in 1991. “It’s so good to be with women who are committed to living out their life in a religious community,” Schilling said. “They are committed to God, to each other and to community service.” Sid Mason met the Ursuline Sisters when she came to the Mount Saint Joseph Picnic in the 1990s, and became an associate in 1996. Her Western Kentucky group is spread out, but has a special connection. “We’ve been able to support each other through some tough times,” she said. “I have just met wonderful, inspiring people who really help you want to be a better person, to do for others. You receive so much more than you give. Becoming an associate is just a good feeling, like you belong.” This year, the Ursuline Associates celebrate 30 years of “living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.” Being an associate has evolved from an idea spurred by the Second Vatican Council’s desire to include the laity in ministries, to today when it blends ongoing spiritual formation with an opportunity to minister side by side with the Ursuline Sisters. “I think prayer has really developed,” Schilling said. “We have programs throughout the year that allow us to learn more about Saint Angela, our relationship with God and other people.” Audrey Durbin, of Radcliff, Ky., became an associate in 2002, at the urging of Sister George Mary Hagan, who

Associate pinning 1998

Sisters and associates in San Jose, Calif., in 2000

was ministering at Fort Knox at the time. “I graduated from the academy in 1939 and the college in 1941, so Mount Saint Joseph was a second home for me,” Durbin said. “Being an associate has helped me stay in touch with the sisters.” Early days Sister Fran Wilhelm returned from ministering in California in 1983 to be director of the Jyotiniketan Prayer House at the Mount and to serve on the leadership Council. Sister Kathleen Kaelin was asked by the previous Council to research associate groups of other communities, and Sister Fran was asked to take her research and begin the Ursuline Associates. “Sisters had talked to their friends and we had nine people on the waiting list,” Sister Fran said. “Those were our first nine associates.” At least three associates were added every month, Sister Fran said. They were instructed individually based on the first manual Sister Fran prepared. “I don’t think it evolved very much during my tenure,” because she had other ministries to serve, Sister Fran said. “The formation started after I let go (in 1991). I see that as a wonderful path it took.” Sister Mary Lois Speaks took over the associates in 1991 and began organizing the files. “We grew quite a bit during that time, and Mark your were able to continue the calendars for Sunday formation that Sister Fran began, in which Saturday, June 8! Associates and Sisters any associate could come Day 2013 on “The to the Mount one Sunday Spirituality of the a month for spiritual Workplace” formation,” she said. • More details on page 2 “I started geographical and in our May issue outreach, visiting


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Associate Update

A Word from Marian... Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, February is a good time to think about FALLING IN LOVE. I’ve been told by more than one associate, “I fell in love with Angela. I can’t get enough.” When we draw closer to the sisters and learn of their myriad ministries, windows open and we see ways that we, too, can make a difference. In subtle ways, we recognize our own call to discover more about Angela and the Ursulines. We realize that it’s possible to envision ourselves as the hands and feet of Jesus, like the sisters. And that call has been going on for over 400 years. That’s truly love! The simple act of spending an hour before the Holy Eucharist allows Angela, Ursula or Saint Joseph to speak – helping to focus our minds and prayers on the needs of our world. Volunteering in a soup kitchen or food pantry; comforting one another in hard times; rejoicing together in the first soft breeze of spring - isn’t that what love is about? So let’s take more time to “fall in love” with Jesus through the inspiration of Angela. Mount Saint Joseph’s website and the Partnerships Office offer countless ways to observe and learn. Regional group meetings are an invaluable source for sharing and supporting one another. Lessons, blogs and meditations are available online. We are here for you. I consider myself lucky and blessed every day to work with all of you – women and men who have met Angela – who strive to know her better – who want to follow her clear thinking and steadfast faith. Thank you. – Marian Bennett, OSUA, Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships

Dear Friends, Can you remember? Can you think back 30 years? That would have been 1983. Where were you then? The world was quite active with many firsts, lasts and timely attempts at innovations and new ways of thinking. We saw: • The first female and first African- American astronauts travel in outer space; • The final episode of M*A*S*H; • Lech Walesa of Poland awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; • The Martin Luther King Jr., national holiday established; • The Space Shuttle Challenger take its first flight; and We heard about: • The opening of the Tokyo “Disneyland;” • “Pioneer 10,” the very first human-made object that had at last reached – and gone beyond – the limits of our solar system; • The growing efforts – from Congress, the UN, and the U.S. Bishops – to halt the spread of nuclear weapons; and • The birth of the first cellular (telephone) network in the U.S. Some of these were short-lived or never came to fruition; others have “caught on” or “caught fire.” Still others reflected a broadening mindset or the birth of a greater recognition of the value of all human life. And there is one other notable occurrence in 1983 that should have been included in these lists. That event, that occurrence, was the establishment of the Associate program of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. The Ursuline Associates were the group that caught on and caught fire, spreading the charism and the mission of proclaiming God’s love. The Ursuline Associate seeds have been planted and are now growing in at least 29 states, plus the District of Columbia, and in Chile, Mexico and Nigeria. In this 30th year, let us see in how many other ways we might plant those seeds of charism and mission. Within this Update, please pray and reflect with us as you read of the 30th anniversary, the upcoming Ursuline Convocation, the formation program, and the exciting young Y-DOSA initiatives. We know you hold us in your prayers and you are in ours, as we explore the unity of faith and hope that grows from our shared mission. In Angela, – Sr. Sharon Sullivan, Congregational Leader

ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Website: www.ursulinesmsj.org Email: associates.msj@maplemount.org Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Coordinator of Formation-Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Coordinator of Mission Effectiveness: Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU Director of Development: Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Administrative Specialist/Website: April Ray



e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

February 2013

Associates Day: “Spirituality of Work”

Make plans to attend Associates and Sisters Day on June 8, where the theme will be “The Spirituality of Work.” Both speakers have vast experience in how to keep God present in your workplace. Father Tony Shonis is the parochial vicar at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Henderson, Ky. Sister Amelia Stenger, director of development for the Ursuline Sisters, led workshops on this topic while superintendent of Catholic Schools in Louisville and Owensboro. Similar to the past two years, a panel discussion will take place after lunch. Registration information will be in the May Update.

February 2013

Associate Update

30 Years

Associate Carol Hill, left, and Claire Kaminski look at a large miniature village on Dec. 21, 2012 in the Ursula Room at Mount Saint Joseph. Associate Bonnie Marks and her husband, Houston, set it up for the sisters and visitors to enjoy. Claire is the daughter of Associate Jennifer Kaminski.

Associate Don Adams ordained a deacon Sept. 15, 2012 was a day of great joy for Muhlenberg County, Ky., Associate Don Adams and his wife, Bonnie. Surrounded by clergy, family and friends, Don was one of 18 men ordained permanent deacons for the Catholic Diocese of Owensboro. His path to ordination had many turns: he was raised and baptized in the Baptist Church and taught by Ursuline Sisters at Immaculate Conception School in Earlington, Ky. Don joined the Catholic Church in 1961. Ordination day was the culmination of five years of study and discernment for both Don and Bonnie, who have been married 41 years and are members of St. Joseph Church in Central City. Laura Abell Smith invited Don to become an Ursuline Associate in 2005, and he made his lifetime commitment in 2008 with contact Sister Rose Karen Johnson (pictured). In his application, Don told the Ursulines, “You have inspired and directed my life for soonto-be 50 years; I wish to give back to you what you have given me.” Join us for Eucharistic Adoration Second Sunday of each month from 1-5 p.m. at Mount Saint Joseph

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from front

associates in Bowling Green, western Kentucky, St. Louis, etc.” she said. “I started going to them rather than they having to come to us.” The screening process became a bit more stringent during Sister Mary Lois’s five-year tenure. “We wanted to make sure it was a responsibility and a call, rather than just wanting to be connected,” she said. She credits the evolution of the formation program to Sister Maureen Griner’s tenure on the Associate Advisory Board from 2005-2010. “She was able to implement formation with broader theology, broader history and spirituality,” Sister Mary Lois said. From 1996-2002, Sister Marie Bosco Wathen and the late Sister Marita Greenwell directed the program, with help the first two years from Sister Elaine Burke. “Every weekend we worked on associate material,” Sister Marie Bosco said. “We revised the manual, created the newsletter, visited associates. We sent birthday cards to every associate, about 300.” “The role I played mostly during that time was to be a welcoming presence to the associates who came for retreats,” Sister Elaine said. “That was basically my opportunity to get to know them more personally and spiritually.” Sister Elaine is impressed with the spirituality and commitment of the associates, but they are also a lot of fun, she said. “One year, on the night before the picnic, we furnished some entertainment. I remember doing a number from ‘Sister Act’ called ‘Hail, Holy Queen’ which starts out very pious,” Sister Elaine said. “The song then begins to pick up at a rapid pace and I danced to it. Whoopi Goldberg was the main character in that movie. I was then known by some of the associates as “Sister Whoopi.” Even to this day when they greet me, they call me ‘Sister Whoopi.’” Cecilia McEldowney, a 1966 graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, became the first lay associate director in 2002. “I noticed the definition of ‘associate’ wasn’t clearly defined,” she said. “I felt my role was in talking to Sister Marietta Wethington, who was director of formation then, to suggest we have something of a similar path that the postulants have, but not as rigorous, since the associates were laity.” She thought there needed to be more uniformity in what was expected of each associate group. “It has developed and grown more toward the spiritual role and working in community with the sisters,” McEldowney said. “As the community ages, I see associates can be more like the sisters’ hands.” In 2004, Marian Bennett and Sister Marietta took over the program, and remain today, with Sister Marietta returning as coordinator of formation after a year away. One of the highlights of their tenure was the revival of the Associate Advisory Board in 2005, which has helped fill the need for more structure by revising the formation process and making the study of Saint Angela more accessible. Other highlights include the growth in the prayer request network, the creation of Young Daughters of Saint Angela chapters and assimilation of associates from the merged communities in Belleville, Ill., and Paola, Kan. As more than 400 Ursuline Associates move into the future, they continue to gain spiritual strength from the Ursuline Sisters and from the words of Saint Angela to, “Act, move, believe, strive and hope.” n

Reflective Moments Moments Reflective

By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU

Following the Star, Pondering the Word As I am writing this, we have just finished the Christmas season and are in our first day of “ordinary time” for those of us who follow the Catholic liturgical calendar. Some of the biblical words and passages that stood out for me during the Christmas season are:

“These things” that Mary pondered in her heart were the message from the angel, her “yes” as God’s handmaid, and the birth of her son Jesus. Jesus was the Word that was made flesh and lived among us as divine and human. It was Mary’s pondering that led her to submission to God’s will and her willingness to give birth to the One who would save us all.

The star is the light that led the Magi – people from the east representing us all – to Jesus. The star – the word – the pondering. What star do you follow – the light that points to Jesus and draws you into relationship with him, the light that will lead to a different way as it did for the travelers from the east? Or do you follow the bright flashing lights of the world enticing you to power, possessions and prestige? What do you ponder in your heart – the message that you hear from God that prepares you to receive Jesus and his unconditional love, or the message you hear from society that attempts to convince you that consumerism, the latest gadget, the newest fashion will make you happy? What word(s) are you birthing – words of kindness, praise and affirmation or words of criticism, judgment and gossip? Words are powerful. They can heal or hurt. What words will you use?

Join us as we pray for one another! Send your prayer requests for friends and loved ones to the Email Prayer Network. Write the Ursuline Partnerships office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 • Call 270-229-2006 • Email associates.msj@maplemount.org • www.ursulinesmsj.org

Y-DOSA spreads some cheer, readies for Centennial

Y-DOSA Whitesville, KY

By Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU, Adviser

We currently have 11 members: Lydia, Jeri, Mary, Colsi, Nina (6th grade), Valerie, Samantha (7th), Ashley (8th) and Breana, Silva, and Chassity, our charter members and pinned 8th graders. During Advent we used Caryl Houselander’s “Reed of God” to reflect on Mary, the young mother of Jesus, as God’s instrument. The girls could identify with the woodwinds and how they are played. Each one took some quiet time to reflect on the question: “How am I a reed of God in my life right now?” We all shared our responses and heard some amazing examples of Y-DOSA girls allowing God to act in their lives. The girls are organizing a drive of hats, gloves and scarves, toiletry items and other useful things for the boys and girls at St. Joseph Peace Mission in Owensboro. They hope to visit the mission to learn more about the good work that dedicated volunteers do for children there. On Jan. 25, the Friday closest to the feast of Saint Angela, we will have our second annual in-school sleepover. Last year was a lot of fun and a good bonding time for the girls and some of the moms with us. At each meeting we read a few pages of Mary-Cabrini Durkin’s book, “Angela’s Story.” I asked the girls what qualities or characteristics they have learned that Saint Angela possessed. Their responses pleased me a lot: Leadership, belief in God, caring for others, charity, helping young women, listening, strength, hope and giving. I added simplicity and hospitality. Finally, we had our first fundraiser to help us host the Y-DOSA Summit No. 2 next summer at the Mount. The girls’ moms invited them in groups to their homes to bake goodies together. The fundraiser yielded $46.35 and the girls deemed it a success. Please continue to pray for our young group.n Note: There are currently two Y-DOSA chapters: Kansas and Whitesville, Ky.

Y-DOSA Training Workshop Saturday, April 13, 2013 Mount Saint Joseph

• 1:00 Registration • 1:30 Opening prayer & introductions • 2:00 Session 1 – Y-DOSA Philosophy/History • 2:45 Break • 3:00 Session 2 –Starting a Y-DOSA chapter • 3:45 Break • 4:00 Session 3 – Leadership Training • 5:00 Supper • 5:30 Session 4 – Questions & Evaluations • 6:00 Candlelight Rosary • 7:00 Farewell & Depart Who should attend: Anyone interested in knowing more about the Y-DOSA program and especially those who want to start a new chapter in their area. Young Daughters of Saint Angela is a group for young women ages 11-18 who study Saint Angela Merici’s life and seek her guidance. REGISTER BY March 25, 2013 Contact Marian Bennett: 270-229-2006

marian.bennett@maplemount.org Overnight lodging is available.

February 2013

Associate Update

Learning from nature... Dear Associates, Over the holidays, there was some time to relax, rest and get ready for the new year. There was an opportunity to have some retreat time which provided moments to contemplate the wonderful season of Christmas. It was a time to reflect on the past year and a time to thank God for all those who had been so good to us. Since it snowed, it wasn’t difficult to get into the silence. Not much was happening and everything slowed down. Standing in the midst of the quiet with the snow falling and the wind softly moving through the trees, I realized the great beauty of God’s gift. The lake in the park was like a piece of glass which reflected the large blue heron that walked along the edge not worrying at all about the snow, simply looking for something to eat. It was a wonderful meditation on the wonder and beauty of God’s Earth. Nineteenth-century English novelist, poet and preacher George MacDonald tells us why the natural world teaches us about our Creator when he says, “If it were not for the outside world, we should have no inside world to understand things by. Least of all could we understand God without these millions of sights and sounds and

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scents and motions weaving their endless harmonies. They come out of His heart to let us know a little of what is in it.” As we go into the New Year, let us remember that God cares. God cares enough to promise that in the days to come, all nature will be refreshed, restored and reunified. We are a part of that nature. We have the opportunity to begin again, to start over, to be restored and seek unity and peace. Almost everything in nature is resting and waiting for spring to bring it back to life. Let us take this time to breathe in the goodness of God and prepare ourselves for the year ahead. We have many blessings in store. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. Please pray for us. We pray for you each day. Sincerely, Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Director of Development Buy a $20 Quilt Club ticket by March 1...Get 7 chances to win a quilt, and support the sisters! Call 270-229-4103 ext. 448

Mark your calendars...43nd Mount Saint Joseph Picnic is Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013. Please volunteer - we need your help!

”Aunt” Ada’s kindness is contagious By Sister Carol Shively, OSU

Ada Bader is one of the kindest women I’ve ever known. I met her in January 1987 when I made my first visit to Glennonville, Mo., to see the school where I was about to become the principal and grades 6-8 teacher. It was at this moment Ada, left, and Sister Carol that Ada Bader became “Aunt” Ada to me and I have continued to know and love her as a family member since 1987. During my years in southeast Missouri, “Aunt” Ada guided me, admonished me and challenged me to look beyond the immediate and see the good in everyone in the community. Ada Bader is the guiding star of her 10 children who have brought her much joy. While visiting with her in October, she fondly showed me her yearly calendar where she always writes her childrens’ birthdays, their spouses birthdays, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren’s birthdays. She pointed out to me that

there are just not many days on the calendar when she is not invited to celebrate another family event. One of my greatest joys in my life has been to call Ada Bader my friend. When I invited her to become an Ursuline Associate many years ago, she readily accepted the request. In her own words, she said, “I thought I was already a part of the Ursulines.” As I reflect on that statement, I know she is correct; she is enshrouded in the spirit of Angela. Editor’s Note: Ada of Glennonville, Mo., is 86; her husband, Andrew, who died in 1996, was also an associate. She was taught by Ursuline Sisters all 12 grades at St. Teresa School, and “thoroughly enjoyed every year.” Her close-knit family of 10 children and multiple grandchildren live nearby and “come by real often.” She worked in the St. Teresa school cafeteria for 30 years; former students still call her “Aunt Ada.” She has recovered well from her September hip surgery and still drives, especially to church.

Don’t miss! March 1-3 Women’s Retreat with Sister Cheryl Clemons on “Recognizing God:

Insights from Saint Hildegard, Doctor of the Church” Contact Kathy McCarty: 270-229-0206 •April 27 Annual Fundraising Dinner at the Mount (Elvis theme!) Contact Sister Amelia: 270-229-2008

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Associate Update February 2013

Sister Marietta returns to lead formation

A familiar face has returned to Ursuline Partnerships to bring her unique background in spirituality to share with associates. After a year away focusing on other ministries, Sister Marietta Wethington has returned to serve as coordinator of formation for Ursuline Partnerships, where she served from 2004-2011. Sister Marietta will continue to minister with the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Her office will remain at the Center. NOTE: The Spiritual Direction Training Program at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center will now begin in October 2013. Applications will be accepted through Aug. 15. Call 270-229-0269.

2 Shearon Harris Diane Wilson 4 Jennifer Kaminski DeAnne Schmidt 5 Kay Buckman Stella McClure Fr. Jerry Spencer 7 George Horishny 10 Chris Denniston 11 Margaret Birge 12 Velma Dees 14 Mary Costello Pauline Goebel 15 Diane Hayden 16 Joan McKinnon 18 Mike Sullivan 19 Carolyn Butler 20 Angelina Glomb 21 Marcy Bufalini Elaine Wood 23 Carlene Braun Laura Locke 25 Marcella Critchelow Jodie Fulkerson

8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 2 5


27 28 29 30

Do not lose heart and hope. - Fifth Counsel

2 3 4 5 6

Phyllis Ann Hackmann, FS Larry Minks Lily Cloughley Joyce Firenza Evelina Salas Marilyn Trechter Marian Bennett Mary Jo Dodson Violet Hamilton Sue Donahue Wanda Gibson Fr. Brian Johnson Doris Kolb-Hopkins Wanda Rickard John Caton Lucille Weidenbenner Bob Panchyshyn Laura Smith Claudette Ford Terry Barnes John Laker Alice Piezuch Kathi Latta Dennis Reilly Teri Hubner Fr. Ed Bradley Carolyn Head Rev. Patricia Dawkins Nancy Krische Susan Scott Edna Marnell Michael Lemm Michael Ziegler Roxanne Bollin

1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 14 18 19 21 22 23 24 25

Karen Howard Marie Ritz Murilla Giittinger Madeleine Bianco John Allen Jerry Birge Susan Reiss Bernice Rockers Ruth Wright-Welzen Clarence Kaiser Sonia Pradenas Loni Daniels Karen Feehan Michael Synk Carol Hardy Paul Parker Cecilia McEldowney Gail Davenport Loretta Oliver Maxine Hobbs Ola Higdon Sandra Jull Rose Mary Egli Kevin Karl Amy Payne Judy Sims 26 Sr. Agnes Ijoko, HHCJ 28 Marilyn Katzer Marianna Robinson Sharon Rose 30 Rev. Tom Barrett 31 Norma Jean Witten

Saint Angela

5 Years Don Adams Gloria Adams Barbara Boatner Carolyn Butler Doreen & Mike Haughton Denise Heying Mary Louise Kelly Fr. Ben Luther Elenita McConnell Ruth Metschuleit Wanda Rickard Jean Simpson Mary Teder

Debbie Walker Rita & Jim Wilkus

10 Years

Merle Weilbacher

15 Years

Dottie Clark Roxanne Bollin Cecilia Curtis Maribeth Clancy Mary Danhauer Rose Mary Egli Shirley Eckert Carolyn & Benjamin Head Maria Rose Galles Gloria & David Henderson Joe Hubbard Sandra Jull Mike Inyart Doris Kolb-Hopkins Bobbie & John Laker Joan Perry Judy & Bob Lawrence Kristene Pickert Mike Lemm Sharon Rose Florence & Elden Lyon Mildred Shrewsbury Mary Ann McGraw

20 Years

Betty Boren Peggy Clark Jodie Fulkerson Judith A. Hancock Risë Karr Marilyn J. Paul

25 Years

Therese Allen Lillian Cloughley Marjorie Cook Paula Graves Eileen M. Locke

Debby Ludwig Bishop Emeritus John McRaith Lupe Sabala Cathey Seaton Laura Smith Marilyn Terry Gertrude Tyrala Wilma Uziel Doris and Jim Wilson

30 Years

DeAnne Schmidt Fr. Jerry Spencer

February 2013

Associate Update

In Loving Memory... Sister Miriam Medley, 93, died Nov. 26, 2012 in her 73rd year of religious life. A native of Loretto, Ky., she devoted 53 years to education. She loved to travel, loved angels and had a heart of gold. She served as principal or teacher in nine Kentucky schools, including Mount Saint Joseph Academy, Maple Mount (1960-66), and in Missouri. She was the librarian at Brescia College in Owensboro (1987-94), and a pastoral minister in New Mexico. She is survived by a sister, Kathleen Daugherty of Louisville. She was the contact person for Associates Mary Costello of Moorpark, Calif. and Chris Denniston of Louisville, Ky. Gifts in memory of a sister may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. Father Leonard Alvey, 79, died Nov. 24, 2012 at Brescia University, Owensboro. A respected teacher, avid reader, dedicated confessor and counselor, Father Alvey is survived by his sister, Pauline Barton. Sister Vivian Bowles was his contact companion; he made his lifetime commitment in 1988. By Sister Vivian Bowles Tribute to Father Alvey ver the years I heard Father Leonard Alvey described as a wise and brilliant man, a kind and well-read priest who loved the church, a devoted son, a caring and listening confessor, a challenging and helpful teacher, an insightful and confidential counselor, a Brescia University ambassador, one who respected and promoted women, a faithful Ursuline Associate, or one who enjoyed being at the lake on his boat. This is so true but I think of him as a PATIENT FRIEND who loved unconditionally. Since 1972 Father Leonard has always been willing to share his attributes with my family and me without reservations. He patiently aided my wheelchair-bound father to travel and be as independent as possible. When our associate Jean became homebound he visited and drove her to doctors. When Mother became ill he helped her so she could stay in her home longer. He assisted her move to Carmel Home, daily visiting her, calming her better than I could. He never complained but just asked what else he could do. When I was overwhelmed with family health issues or ministry duties and my Irish temper flared he was there to support, listen and offer counsel. We often shared the rosary and his meditations were so inspiring and consoling. He knew my love for the Eucharist and nurtured that devotion. He sensed when I needed to work or play. He accepted criticism well but seldom gave it and never judged. He was happy to praise others. Father Leonard was special and I am proud and happy to call him friend and colleague.


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We Extend Deepest Sympathy To:

• Marianna Robinson, whose nephew, Brent Robinson, died Dec. 4. • Janice (Lawless) Arth, whose mother, Olive Gage, died Nov. 27. • Sister Clarence Marie Luckett, whose nephew, John Michael Moore, died Nov. 2. • Sue Donahue, whose brother, Bob Vittitow, died Oct. 27. • Sister Lisa Marie Cecil, whose aunt, Mary Bryant Brown, died Dec. 16. • Leon & Sue Donahue, whose daughter-in-law, Margaret Donahue, died Dec. 17. • Kathy Kiper, whose mother, Juanita Kiper, died Dec. 20. • Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner, whose great niece, Gwen, died Jan. 6. • Therese Osborne Allen, whose sister-in-law, Faye Osborne, died Jan. 8. Anna V. Lesousky, 87, died Jan. 11 at Twinbrook Nursing Home in Louisville, Ky. Anna V. was a lifelong educator and spoke lovingly of the Ursulines: “My faith would not be so important to me today if it were not for their influence. At the end of my life, I will be proud to have been able to implement these values by living the Ursuline spirit as an associate.” She is survived by a brother, Rev. John Lesousky, C.R. She made her lifetime associate commitment in 1998 with Sister Alfreda Malone, her contact companion. Al Massoth, 87, died Jan. 6 at Villa Saint Joseph in Overland Park, Kan. An Ursuline Associate since 1986, Al was an active member of Holy Trinity Church and volunteered at Lakemary Center. He worked for the Frisco and Burlington Northern Railroads as well as on the family farm. His wife, Julia preceded him in death. Survivors include his sons, Richard and William and his daughter, Janis. Sister Jane Falke was his contact companion. Pat Sullivan, 75, wife of Associate Mike Sullivan, died Dec. 23, 2012, at Lourdes Hospital, Paducah. She was a member of the Western Kentucky associates and a faithful volunteer at the Mount Saint Joseph Picnic. Pat was active at St. Francis de Sales Church as lector and in Cursillo. She had worked as a clerk/ secretary at Union Carbide in shipping and receiving, and retired as cafeteria manager at St. Mary High School, Paducah. Married to Mike for 55 years, Pat’s survivors include their son, Barry, and daughters Laurie and Kathleen. She made her lifetime associate commitment in 1992 with her contact companion, Sister Suzanne Sims.

If you have a smartphone, this QR code will take you to our website!

Associate Meeting Calendar

Lenten Prayer Day Wednesday, March 20 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Led by Msgr. Bernard Powers

Mount Saint Joseph Center Cost: $20. Program includes Mass, lunch and Reconciliation To register, contact Kathy McCarty 270-229-0206 kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org

Associate Formation 2012-2013 “Saint Angela, Risk-Taker”

Lesson 3 - Sacrificing our Own Agenda Lesson 4 - Our Everyday Response to Jesus. Note: If you cannot attend an associate meeting, contact Marian Bennett for an email or printed copy.

• Louisville, Feb. 9, April 6 • Memphis, Feb. 16, March 16, April 20, May 18 • Grayson Co., Feb. 27, March 27, April 24, May 22 • Associate Group Coordinators meeting, March 8 • Kansas Lenten Day of Reflection, March 9 • Western Kentucky, March 16 • Owensboro, March 18, May 20 • Muhlenberg County, March 20, May 15 • Associate Advisory Board meeting, April 13 • Owensboro Associates Jail Ministry visit, April 20

North American Ursuline Convocation July 4-7 in Cincinnati

“Angela’s Radical Gospel Vision: Expanding the Circles” Contact Marian Bennett for more information.

Don’t miss these other events...

• Women’s Retreat “Saint Hildegard” with Sr. Cheryl Clemons - March 1-3 • Yarn Spinners Weekend Retreat at Maple Mount - March 8-10 • Study of the Catholic Catechism at MSJ Retreat Center - Thursdays, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13, Aug. 8, Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 5 • Sr. Michele Morek’s talk at Brescia “It’s a Woman’s World?”- Thursday, April 4 • Y-DOSA Training Workshop at Mount Saint Joseph April 13-14 • Annual Fundraising Dinner “Elvis is in the House” in gym - Saturday, April 27 • Alumnae Weekend at the Mount - May 18-19 • Associates and Sisters Day 2013 - Saturday, June 8 • Y-DOSA Summit June 13-15 at Mount Saint Joseph • Associate Summer Retreat - Aug. 17 • Mount Saint Joseph Annual BBQ Picnic - Sunday, Sept. 8 • First Spiritual Direction Training Class for 2013-2015 begins week of Oct. 14

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