Update--February 2018

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Bienvenido — welcome — to our 16 new Chilean Associates! By Sister Ruth Gehres


pirits ran high at Casa Ursulina on the evening of Dec. 13, 2017, when 16 women and men, all members of the Casa Ursulina community, were welcomed as Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Gathered in the bright multipurpose kitchen area, the new associates listened eagerly as Sister Mary Elizabeth (Mimi) Ballard, Casa Ursulina founding director, reflected with them on their preparation as members of the Casa Ursulina Prayer Group. Next, Sister Pam Mueller, a member of the Leadership Council of the Ursuline Sisters, addressed the group, beginning, “I’m so delighted to be here with you!” Just a few days before, Sister Pam had accomplished the something-like-16-hour journey from Maple Mount to Chillán, Chile, to bring a personal and community welcome to our new associates. After reading together their commitment (translated into Spanish by Sister Mimi), the new associates came forward one by one to sign the commitment form, to receive their official certificate of membership, and to receive their Ursuline pin from Sister Pam. Four of the original seven associates – also present for the ceremony – then renewed their associate commitment. The Dianna Ortiz Ursuline Center for Women – Casa Ursulina – was founded in 1997 by Sister Mimi Ballard and seven Chilean women, who became our first associates. A ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Casa Ursulina works in solidarity with women of limited economic resources and those

Almost every Associate in Chile gathered at Casa Ursulina on Dec. 13, 2017. Front row: Yolanda Moraga*, Rosa González, Sonia Pradenas*, Raquel Sepúlveda*, Gabriela Mora, Mercedes (Meche) Filipi, Sister Mimi Ballard, Mercedes O’Campo, Sandra Herrera, Guadalupe Pantoja. Back row: Erica Cabezas, Nini Santana, Luisa Espinosa, Clarina Henríquez, Jeanette Contreras, Gladys Aedo, Patty Jamett*, María Erica Lorca and husband Claudio Olea, Catalina Candia and husband Pepe Pérez, Sister Pam Mueller, Sister Ruth Gehres. Note: Evelina Salas* and Carola Pulgar* could not attend, and Ines Gálvez* is deceased. *Original associate (all others are new)

experiencing special needs. The house is located amid the people it serves, in a lower-income area of the city of Chillán. Sister Mimi and her staff – all volunteers from among the participants – offer workshops in various crafts and courses for women’s mental and physical health. Outreach to the surrounding area, especially to elderly and bedfast neighbors, is an essential part of the ministry of Casa Ursulina. Over 200 women annually gather in this environment of living, loving and learning together. Many of these women – including almost all the new associates – are monitoras (volunteer teachers) and/or assist Sister Mimi as members of the Coordination Team. All of the new Ursuline Associates are active, longtime participants in the ministry of Casa Ursulina. Together with the 14 women are our first two men – Claudio Olea and Pepe Pérez – who join their wives – María Erica Lorca and Cata Candia – as associates. Both Claudio and Pepe are members of a growing, Continued on page 5

Mark your calendars! Associates & Sisters Day is Saturday, June 23 3 "Exploring Personal Growth in the Spirit of Angela Merici" with Father Joseph Merkt

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Associate Office Notes...

Dear Associates, We want to welcome our new Ursuline Associates from Chile. Thanks to Sister Mimi for working with these women and men as they prepared to make their commitment to our Ursuline community. They are a source of inspiration and wonderful prayer support. In Saint Angela’s last Counsel, she says, “Be bound one to the other by C o h t e the bond of charity, respecting each other, helping each other and bearing with each other in Jesus Christ.” You, our associates, are from many states m and other countries, yet we know that A South the charism of Saint Angela continues to hold us together no matter where we live and work. We are called to serve the people of God wherever we are. As we read the good things that you are doing, we know that you have taken the message of Angela to heart. You are giving of yourselves in so many ways. As we continue our Ursuline journey, let us look for ways to reach out to the poor, the hungry and those who need love and support. It is in doing this that we will build on the foundation of service that Saint Angela teaches in her Counsels and Legacy. God bless each of you and your families. Sister Amelia Stenger, Congregational Leader

ASSOCIATE UPDATE is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Website: ursulinesmsj.org Email: associates.msj@maplemount.org Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Director of Development: Betsy Jo Mullins Communications and Development Specialist: Maggie Matsko Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Mary McDermott, OSU Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Marcella Schrant, OSU



e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.


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Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, February is the time when we look forward to…the end of chilly weather and the arrival of Spring, the beginning of baseball season, cleaning out closets, planting the garden…And Associates and Sisters Day! Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 23. Father Joseph Merkt will guide us as we examine our spiritual lives with his presentation “Exploring Personal Growth in the Spirit of Angela Merici.” Father Joe is a priest of the Archdiocese of Louisville and a former director of Brescia University’s Ministry Studies program. In addition, we will welcome our newest associates and enjoy our always-popular trivia quiz. You will find your registration form in our May issue. Friday overnight lodging will be available. Here’s more news from the Mount: In the past, you’ve logged countless hours of volunteer service – at picnic and other events, visiting the sisters in the Villa and stepping forward whenever the need arises. Now, I’m happy to announce the Volunteer Service Program. Working together with department managers we’re developing a method to let you know in advance about upcoming service opportunities. Would you like to pull weeds while you enjoy the sunshine in the gardens? Would you like to join the sisters to cut corn off the cobs for freezing? How about helping with filing or stuffing letters in the Mission Advancement office? Go to the MSJ website, ursulinesmsj.org. Click on “Help the

Sisters” for information and an application form. As we look forward to the season of Lent, let’s turn our eyes and hearts to Saint Angela for her guidance and encouragement: “In these troubled times you will find no other refuge than at the feet of Jesus Christ.” May you be blessed, Marian Bennett, OSUA Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships

2018-2020 Spiritual Direction Training Program


eeling called to companion others on their journey with God? Sign up for the 2018-2020 Spiritual Direction Training Program at Mount Saint Joseph. Beginning Oct. 15, you will meet for a weekly training session eight times over two years, entering into study, reflection and prayer. The program leads to certification as a spiritual director. Contact Sister Mary Matthias Ward by Aug. 31. 270-229-0200 • mary.ward@maplemount.org

Reflective Moments Moments Reflective

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How Would Jesus Treat Immigrants?

By Sister Marietta Wethington

Soon we will be moving into the liturgical season of Lent. A prayer frequently used as our heads are marked with ashes is, “Repent and believe in the gospel.” What are the implications of that for us? What do we as individuals need to repent of? What do we as citizens of our country need to repent of? A big topic in our country right now is immigrants. What would Jesus say to us about immigrants? The Jesus whom I know and try to follow would tell us to welcome them … they are our sisters and brothers, loved by God just as we are. The Beatitudes in Saint Matthew’s gospel tell us “blessed are the poor … the sorrowing … the lowly … those who hunger and thirst…” Does anyone fit these categories more than immigrants? I believe those words perfectly describe the plight of immigrants. I believe the invitation Jesus extends to us is to welcome them, make them feel at home, help them to see themselves as worthwhile, deserving of respect.

There’s a billboard that says: “I was an immigrant and you welcomed me.” There is also the golden rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” If I were poor, hungry and lowly in a strange place, I would want to be welcomed, accepted as I am and allowed to use my innate talents to become a contributing member of society. Can I do any less for the immigrants? REFLECTION: Go with Angela to the feet of Jesus.  How would Jesus treat immigrants?  How would Angela treat immigrants?  How do I want to treat immigrants? LET US PRAY: O God, may I see all people, regardless of race, color, creed or language as your children and as my brothers and sisters. May I extend to them the welcome of hospitality that Jesus and Angela would extend with the words we often sing at Mass, “All are welcome in this place.” All are welcome in our country, a place of immigrants.

Pat Wilson lives a life of faith, service By Sister Teresa Riley, OSU

Patricia Wilson grew up in northern New York state and was raised in the Episcopal Church. She joined the choir at age 12 and continued that activity until her 50s. Her working years were spent as a preschool teacher and director for a large church in California. After caring for her father in Florida for a number of years, Pat and her husband, Robert, moved to Kentucky to live near their daughter. Pat has been very happy in Kentucky. She attended RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes and joined St. Leo Catholic Church in Murray, Ky. Later she worked as secretary/bookkeeper for St. Leo until her hearing deteriorated to the point where she could no longer use the telephone. Over the years, Pat’s hearing gradually faded away and she was all but deaf when Sisters Ann McGrew and Mary Matthias Ward told her about the Ursuline Associates and encouraged her to join them. She was welcomed into the local group in 1999. Sister Marie Brenda Vowels took notes during the meetings to keep her in touch with what was going on. Pat eventually received a cochlear implant which brought her back into the hearing population once more.

Pat served as a group coordinator for the Western Kentucky Associates for several years. She has helped with Mount picnics and attended retreats and other events. On the home front, Pat volunteers monthly on the Calloway County Foster Care Review Pat Wilson Board, which reviews cases of many children in foster care to determine if their needs are being properly met. Pat also volunteers at the Murray Soup Kitchen with the St. Leo group, and attends meetings at the Murray Senior Center, which offers help to caregivers of family members with dementia. Pat’s friend, Pat DeVeney, told me, “Pat portrays a beautiful example of caring and kindness, plus how to live a fulfilling and independent life as a senior citizen. She continues to learn new things by signing up for classes on flower arranging or art.” Pat’s experience of living the Gospel following Jesus through the guidance of Saint Angela and the Ursuline Sisters is very obvious as one reflects on her life. No doubt her relationship with the Ursuline Sisters and Associates has enriched and supported her life and helped her to weather difficult times.

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Welcome New Associates! By Sister Ruth Gehres

These mini-biographies reveal some special things about each of our new associates. In addition, they are all members of the Casa Ursulina Prayer Group, most serve on the Coordination Team, and several are dedicated members of the Volunteer Workshop, using donated materials to create warm comforters for elderly and bedfast neighbors. Basically, they’re all generously involved in the ministry of Casa Ursulina. Clarina Henríquez is Sister Mimi Ballard’s right-hand woman, a leader who works well with everyone. Devoted to her family – two children, three grandchildren – Clarina says: “The key is to give love, to transmit solid values and good Christian formation.” Her husband Jaime also volunteers at Casa Ursulina. From Sister Mimi: “Clarina lives in a spirit of solidarity, very aware of people’s needs, and responding to them. She has a perfect disposition for working with our diverse group.” Nini Santana is a gifted seamstress, designer and teacher. She is generous in sharing her talents with her sewing classes, levels 1 and 2, at Casa Ursulina. She shares her musical talents as a member of a community chorus and a folk music group. If help is needed, Nini is always ready to volunteer. Nini says that her daughter, who lives in California, “fills me with pride.” Luisa Espinosa is creative and skillful in sharing her ideas about designing, weaving, knitting, and clothing styles. She assists in the weaving class and helps keep the greenhouse garden in shape. She commits herself “to be honest, to project this through love of others, animals, and all things, and to be always alert to help others.” Luisa is the proud mother of two sons. Guadalupe Pantoja has taught the Home Decoration class at Casa Ursulina for many years. She’s enthusiastic and welcomes new ideas from her students. Lupe is a leader of the Volunteer Workshop and a volunteer for almost anything else happening at Casa Ursulina. She is a widow with three children and five grandchildren. Lupe battles depression, but she’s always cheerful, and she's faithful to any commitment she makes. Gabriela Mora, who lives just across the street, keeps a close eye on Casa

Ursulina and is always ready to help with anything that is needed. Gaby and Jeannette Contreras are friends who enjoy working together in managing the used clothing collection and outreach to the sick and elderly in the area. A widow with three children and two grandchildren, Gaby personifies the spirit of Casa Ursulina. Jeanette Contreras is a leader with great dedication and energy. With her friend Gaby Mora, she helps organize and distribute used clothing and visit the sick and needy. Jeanette, who has one daughter and a grandchild, has spent much of her life helping to raise several nieces and nephews, and now cares for her aging parents. She is one of the mainstays of Casa Ursulina. Erica Cabezas is a longtime faithful volunteer, generous with her time and talents. She’s gifted in crochet, and she also helps with the baking class. For Casa Ursulina events and projects, she always comes early to help with preparation and stays late for the cleanup. Erica has three children and two grandchildren. She has a bright personality and a delightful sense of humor. Mercedes O’Campo always brings hot, fresh-baked bread to share after Prayer Group meetings, and she’s a generous volunteer for many other events. A widow, she lost two children, including an adult son. In her loss she found support at Casa Ursulina. She writes: “My five children who remain are a gift of love to me, along with my 12 grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren, who give me much joy.” Rosa González is a delightful person, always happy in a calm sort of way, very talented in painting, spinning and weaving. She has retired after 40 years of teaching, mostly in rural schools. Rosa and her husband Julio are devoted to their five children and five grandchildren. Since his retirement, Julio has joined Rosa in her generous participation in the ministries of Casa Ursulina. Claudio Olea and María Erica Torres, both as a couple and individually, are dedicated members of the Casa Ursulina community. Maria Erica is a gifted cook who can always find bargains for special events. For many years, she has taught the baking/desserts class. Her artistic creations are famous

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and delicious. Her husband Claudio, retired from the military, is always ready to help with the physical needs of the house. Every winter, volunteering the family’s well-used Chevy truck, he regularly transports containers of fuel to keep the kerosene stoves at Casa Ursulina full and warm. Claudio and Maria Erica’s son, Jaime, is a professor of English who also volunteers at Casa Ursulina. Cata Candia and Pepe Pérez are a couple with many gifts. Sister Mimi calls Cata her “number one assistant in weaving, a good organizer and natural teacher who gives attention to every student – and a quiet, behind-the-scenes worker who gets an incredible amount done.” Pepe puts in a full day as a road construction laborer, then is available as a talented “Mr. Fix-It” for Casa Ursulina. He is a happy person, always in a good humor, responsible and respectful. Pepe and Cata have two daughters and five grandchildren. They are 29-year members of their evangelical church. As ecumenical Christians, they share their faith while respecting the beliefs of their Catholic friends. Gladys Aedo is faithful to Casa Ursulina, her church community and neighborhood. She volunteers for almost anything needed, and is appreciated for leading the rosary at wakes, usually held in the home. Gladys has one son and a year-old grandson, Alexander. She reflects: “I am very happy to be a grandmother, and I thank God that I still have my parents living and my large family.” Sandra Herrera, says Sister Mimi, “is a great organizer, and the best cleaner there is!” She is cheerful, creative and has a great sense of humor. A few years ago she discovered Decorative Weaving – the next year she taught the class! Sandra and her husband, Arturo (also a volunteer at Casa Ursulina), have two children, both in the university. Sandra is dependable and always willing to do more. Meche Filipi has survived a difficult life and has become an advocate for the needy through Casa Ursulina and other organizations. Gifted in needlework, Meche can look at a pattern, or a knitted or crocheted piece, and copy it perfectly – though she can neither read nor write. She is a widow and the mother of four children. Sister Ruth says: “I am blessed to know Meche.”

The Young Daughters of St. Angela (YDOSA) in Whitesville, Ky., went on a shopping trip to buy Christmas gifts for their angel tree recipients. Back, left to right: Taylor Pedley, Maggie Foster, MaryKate Aguilar, McKenna Greenwell, Maddie Aguilar, Rayleigh Chaffin, Harlee Keener in braids (laughing), Meredith Harley (behind Harlee), Lexi Barnett, Paige Crabtree. Front row: Georgia Howard, Eve Turner, and Macie Aguilar. Left to right, Associates Delores Turnage, Karen Wells, Donna Favors and Cindy Bornander were among attendees at the Dec. 11, 2017, Advent Vespers service at St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro, Ky. Left to right, Raquel Sepúlveda, Patty Jamett, Sonia Pradenas and Yolanda Moraga renewed their associate commitments at the same Dec. 13, 2017, ceremony in Chile where several others became new associates. All of them received lifetime Associate pins.


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informal group of dedicated men – affectionately called “Ursulinos” – who offer special assistance to the ministry. At the close of the reception ceremony, it was time to rearrange the furniture for a party! In the Chilean version of potluck, everyone had brought elegant, homemade snacks to share, as they also shared their joy and enthusiasm for joining the ranks, worldwide, of Ursuline Associates. The spirit of solidarity and mutual respect – the founding spirit of Casa Ursulina – always comes to life during a celebration like this. The faces and stories of our wonderful new associates can be found on these pages. We invite you to make friends with them from afar. n Our Ursuline Book of Prayer, Volume II for Ordinary Time, is now available! Call the Business Office: 270-229-4103

Good things happening in Grayson County By Suzanne Reiss, OSUA

Saint Angela Merici urged her daughters to be guided by the “signs of the times,” and serve the needs of the people around them. In Grayson County, Ky., where several Ursuline Associates live, this is happening with a new type of assisted living facility called BeeHive Homes. The different facilities are privately owned franchises, with a more personal feel resembling residential homes. They are set up with individual rooms around a large “common” or “community” area. A couple from St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Clarkson is among 19 people living in the Leitchfield facility. Associate Carol Hill (pictured above, far right) is a member of St. Elizabeth and got a call asking if she could get a group together to come to the BeeHive for singing and visitation. Carol approached her church friend, Barbara, to put something together. The concept was announced at Mass and placed in the bulletin. To date, nine church members participate in this monthly endeavor. The photo shows their visit on Dec. 7, 2017. The group prays, reads the Gospel from the previous Sunday, sings, tells stories, etc. All members of the facility are welcome, regardless of denomination. This is just another example of people walking in the footsteps of Saint Angela.n

1 María Erica Lorca 2 Shearon Harris Diane Wilson Doris Wilson 4 Jennifer Kaminski DeAnne Schmidt 5 Kay Buckman Stella McClure 6 Cheryl Boardman Mike Inyart 7 George Horishny 9 Mercedes O'Campo 10 Chris Denniston 11 Margaret Birge 12 Velma Dees 14 Mary Costello Pauline Goebel 15 Diane Hayden 16 Joan McKinnon 18 Mike Sullivan 19 Carolyn Porter Florence Wieder 20 Angelina Glomb 21 Marcy Bufalini Elaine Wood 22 Laura Locke 23 Carlene Braun 25 Marcella Critchelow Jodie Fulkerson 28 Denise Heying 31 Meche Filipi Pam Knudson

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 21 24 2 5 26 28 29 30

HAPPY EASTER! Martha House Larry Minks Lily Cloughley Joyce Firenza Evelina Salas Marilyn Trechter Marian Bennett Violet Hamilton Wanda Gibson Fr. Brian Johnson Wanda Rickard John Caton Carrie Wieder Lucille Weidenbenner Claudette Ford Terry Barnes John Laker Alice Piezuch Kathi Skidd Dennis Reilly Fr. Ed Bradley Carolyn Head Rev. Patricia Dawkins Doreen Haughton Susan Scott Fr. Larry Hostetter Michael Lemm Michael Ziegler Roxanne Bollin

1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 18 19 21 22 23 24 25

Karen Howard Marie Ritz Murilla Giittinger John Allen Jerry Birge Susan Reiss Ruth Wright-Welzen Dee Bechtoldt Clarence Kaiser Sonia Pradenas Loni Daniels Tina Wolken Michael Synk Carol Hardy Paul Parker Gladys Aedo Cecilia McEldowney Gail Davenport Loretta Oliver Maxine Hobbs Ola Higdon Rose Mary Egli Kevin Karl Amy Payne Judy Sims 26 Sr. Agnes Ijoko 28 Marilyn Katzer Marianna Robinson 30 Rev. Tom Barrett 31 Norma Jean Witten

2018 Associate Commitment Anniversaries 30 YEARS (1988)

Gloria Adams Ada Bader Terry Barnes Alice Blazina Bobby Joe Christian Catherine Bockhold Cecilia Curtis Jane Denton Larry Denton Claudette Ford Margaret Gallegos Shearon Harris Gloria Henderson David Henderson

Odelean Hill Maxine Hobbs Don Hobbs Rebecca Leonard Fr. Joe Nangle Loretta Oliver Brenda Sauer Mary Ann Schilling Mike Sullivan Diane Wilson

20 YEARS (1998) Mary E. Lyne

Karen Siciliano Betty Stone

15 YEARS (2003)

5 YEARS (2013)

25 YEARS (1993)

10 YEARS (2008)

Mary Costello Mary Margis Sid Mason Stella McClure Jo Ann Morelli Phyllis Troutman

Carlene Braun Catherine Gawarecki Jean Gutierrez Ola Higdon Coreen Moore Jody Ziegler

Fr. Ray Goetz Keith Hudson Bishop William Medley Carol Morris Genon Putnam Keith Putnam Kelly Rose Jackie Sommers Joan Teder Florence Wieder

Jerry Birge Margaret Birge Laurie Hicks Helen Kanter Jean Murphy Paul Parker Congratulations!

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In Loving Memory... SISTER ROSE MARIAN POWERS, 84, died Nov. 27, 2017, in her 65th year of religious life. A native of Cloverport, Ky., she always wanted to bring people closer to God. She had a ready smile, was devoted to her family and put others' needs ahead of her own. She was a teacher and principal across Kentucky and was pastoral minister at four churches in her native Breckinridge County. She served as local coordinator at the Motherhouse in Maple Mount (1994-99) and parttime postmaster (2005-2016). Survivors include her sister, Sister Rose Jean Powers, OSU, Maple Mount, and sistersin-law Nora Jean Powers, Hardinsburg, and Oneida Powers, Louisville. Gifts in memory of Sister Rose Marian may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. LORRAINE LUKEN died Nov. 10, 2017, in LaGrange, Ky. She was preceded in death by Bob, her husband of 61 years, in 2014. Their children, Robin, Patrick, Josephine, Laura and Mary Anne survive them. Lorraine was an active member of the associate groups in Western Kentucky and in Louisville after their move to LaGrange. She could be counted on to bring delicious baked treats to meetings and called members with meeting reminders. Lorraine joined the ranks of nontraditional students to earn a degree in communications from Murray State University. In her End of Life Statement, she said her involvement with the Ursuline Sisters had helped her to be closer to God and a more loving, giving person. She made her associate commitment in August 1993, with her contact companion, the late Sister Frances Miriam Spalding. JANICE QUARTERONI MILLER, of Kingston, Pa., died Jan. 29, at her home with her daughter, Maria, at her side. Janice learned about the associates through her high school classmate, Associate Father Tony Shonis. Although she lived a considerable distance from the Mount, she maintained her connection with frequent letters and visits. During the 1990s, she collected hemlock pine cones for decorative wreaths that were sold in the associate craft booth at the MSJ picnic. An honors graduate of the former West Side Central Catholic High School, she earned her bachelor of science in medical technology from College Misericordia in Dallas. She retired in 2007 as a registered medical technologist at Geisinger Medical Center, St. Mary’s Hospital, Langhorne and Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. She participated in her parish’s prayer shawl ministry and spent much of her time as a Hospice volunteer. She was very cultured and had diverse interests. She loved

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Sam Abbott, whose uncle, Bill Rock, died Jan. 10. • Sister Luisa Bickett, whose brother, Edmund Bickett, died Nov. 27, 2017. • Sister Francis Louise Johnson, whose cousin, Bob Wheatley, died Jan. 26. • Jennifer Kaminski, whose aunt, Mary Carolyn Edelen, died Dec. 23, 2017. • Sister Dee Long, whose sister, Ermal Reilly, died Nov. 28, 2017. • Sister Cecilia Joseph (C.J.) Olinger, whose cousin, Anita Russ, died Nov. 26, 2017, and whose brother, Francis Olinger, died Jan. 12. • Mary Helen Riney, whose sister, Elizabeth Jane Smith, died Dec. 26, 2017. • Sister Mary Diane Taylor, whose sister, Martha Violet Smith, died Jan. 5. to travel and visited Italy, Germany, Austria, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Mexico, Canada and the Bahamas. She was an avid sports fan, especially for the Syracuse University Orange. She made her associate commitment in October 1986; her contact companion was Sister Suzanne Sims. RAYMOND J. MORELLI, of North Brunswick, N.J., died April 24, 2017 at age 84. He was a supervisor at General Motors, Linden, N.J., and retired in 1985 after 33 years of service. He is survived by his wife, Associate Jo Ann Morelli. They were married almost 60 years. Other survivors include their son Raymond, daughter Terri, and three grandchildren. Their nephew, Associate Father Tony Shonis, presided at his funeral Mass. Ray and Jo Ann became associates in 1997 with Sister Pam Mueller as their contact sister. FATHER JEREMIAH SPENCER, chaplain for the Paola Associates since the group’s beginning in 1983, died Nov. 30, 2017. He was chaplain at the University of Kansas Medical Center for 45 years, on call night and day. In addition to his pastoral duties, Father Jerry was chaplain to the Navy League of Greater Kansas City and a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. His friend, Sister Marcella Schrant, remembers him as a prayerful and compassionate person with a great sense of humor. His final assignment was senior priest in residence at Curé of Ars Parish in Leawood, Kan. His contact companion was Sister Mildred Katzer. WILMA W. UZIEL, an "original Paola Associate," died Oct. 26, 2017, in Kansas City, Kan. She and her husband, Frank, were friends of the late Sister Mildred Berdelle Urynowicz. They were active associates when Sister Millie was director of the Paola Associates. Sister Jane Falke told us Wilma was a kind person and very devoted to Sister Millie.

Wouldn’t you like to Calendar of Upcoming Events win a quilt for only $20? • This year, you get even Saturday, March 3......MSJ Furniture Sale in Gym 7:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. MORE chances to win a Tuesday, March 6.......Dinner/Presentation on "New Evangelization" handmade quilt with our Quilt Club . by Sister Suzanne Sims 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. annual memberships, available for only $ Thursday, March 8……………..………..…Focus on Faith Book Study: 20 each. We have extended our current Quilt Club year to March 2019. Sign Unlocking the Book of Revelation 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. up by March 1, 2018 to get 13 chances Sunday, March 11 ����������������������� Eucharistic Adoration 4-5 p.m. to win! (If you already have your Quilt Friday-Sunday, March 16-18……………..………..…Women's Retreat: Club tickets, you will automatically "Martha and Mary" with Sister Cheryl Clemons be entered into our extra drawings.) Saturday, March 17.....Confirmation Retreat Day for all parishes Drawings are the first Friday of each Friday-Sunday, March 23-25..............………Yarn Spinners Retreat month. Call Maggie at 270-229-2009.

Please join us! Saturday, April 28

“Rooted in Faith” Arbor Day tree planting 9 a.m. Yellow Creek Park Owensboro, Ky. Includes trees donated in honor of the Ursuline Sisters.

September 7-8-9

MapleFest Art & Music Festival

Formerly East Bridge Art Festival & MSJ Picnic ...More details coming soon!

Tuesday, April 3..... .Dinner/Presentation on "Spirituality of Aging" by Sister Marietta Wethington 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 7.........………Retreat for Gardeners 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 14 ………....Associate Advisory Board meeting Friday-Sunday, April 20-22............. Come and See (for Vocations) Wednesday, April 25.......Administrative Professionals Retreat Day . 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, April 28……………………………. Arbor Day Tree Planting 9 a.m. at Yellow Creek Park, 5710 Ky. Hwy. 144, Owensboro Tuesday, May 1.............. Dinner/Presentation on "Angela Merici" by Sister Amelia Stenger 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. May 19-20…....... MSJ Academy/Jr. College Alumnae Weekend Saturday, June 23……………….……… Associates and Sisters Day

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