May 2016
VOL. XX, NO. 4
Associates and Sisters Day to “Open Doors of Mercy” Associates and The Catholic University of America. Sisters Day on She previously served as the diocesan Saturday, June 11, director for the Office of Evangelization 2016, promises to and Faith Formation for the Diocese of Providence, director of Faith Formation be a spiritual and at Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian parish engaging experience on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., and as we follow Pope director of Adult Faith Formation and Francis’ call with Evangelization in the Diocese of Fall “Opening the Doors River, Mass. of Mercy.” Gulino plans to illustrate mercy’s Pope Francis Mount Saint Joseph called for a jubilee implication on our lives, the world and as Motherhouse Chapel Ursuline Associates. There will be many Holy Year of Mercy opportunities for reflection and sharing until Nov. 20, 2016, and as a jubilee year “Christ at Heart’s Door” among the associates and sisters. it included the opening of the Holy Door painting by Warner Sallman Associates and Sisters Day will be in of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Conference Room A of the Mount Saint The other holy doors of basilicas and Joseph Conference and Retreat Center, and back by cathedrals around the world were opened as a sign of popular demand will be tables for the participants. God’s opening a new pathway to salvation. (To free up space, tables were eliminated in 2015, but Featured prominently throughout the day will be several participants expressed disappointment in the a version of the 1940s painting, “Christ at Heart’s evaluations.) Door,” by Warner Sallman, based on Revelation 3:20: A large number of new associates are expected “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone to make their commitments on June 11, and to hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter his accommodate some who cannot stay until the end of house and dine with him, and he with me.” The the day, the commitment ceremony will be held in the painting depicts Jesus outside knocking on a door Motherhouse Chapel at 1:15 p.m., separate from the that has no handle, and thus can only be opened from Sunday liturgy that will be celebrated at 4 p.m. Father within. Joe Mills, who is celebrating 30 years as an Ursuline The speaker for the morning will be Lisa M. Associate, will preside at Mass. Gulino, assistant professor of As has been the case the past several years, a theology and area coordinator four-member panel of Associates will gather in the for pastoral ministry at Brescia afternoon to talk about how their lives have been University in Owensboro, who holds the McRaith chair in pastoral ministry. blessed by acts of mercy. Several popular features will return, including Test Your Ursuline Knowledge and She is a native of Attleboro, Mass., some videos featuring sisters and associates. n Lisa M. Gulino who graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Associates and Sisters Day is Saturday, June 11! Ohio, in 1996 with a concentration in theology. (Registration form on back page) She earned a master’s degree in religious All those who have yet to make their lifetime commitment studies from Providence College in 2000, and are invited to participate in the commitment ceremony. is a candidate for a doctorate in ministry from
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Associate Update
Associates and Sisters Day Saturday, June 11, 2016
Mount Saint Joseph Conference & Retreat Center – Conference Room A (2nd floor-library) 8:00 a.m. Registration begins 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions 9:10 a.m. Call to Prayer 9:20 a.m. “Opening Doors of Mercy” Lisa M. Gulino, keynote speaker 11:50 a.m. Announcements/grace before meal Noon Lunch in Motherhouse Dining Room 12:45 p.m. Associates making commitments practice in Motherhouse Chapel 1:15 p.m. Commitment ceremony and photos in Motherhouse Chapel 2:00 p.m. Associate Panel, Conference Room A: “How Your Life has Been Blessed by Acts of Mercy” 2:30 p.m. Test Your Ursuline Knowledge 3:00 p.m. Recognitions and Announcements 3:10 p.m. In Memoriam Presentation and Happy Faces at the Mount 4:00 p.m. Closing Liturgy: Father Joe Mills, OSUA, presider ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 • Email: Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Coordinator of Mission Effectiveness: Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU Communications and Development Specialist: Kris Mango Director of Development: Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Marcella Schrant, OSU
e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.
May 2016
A Note from Marian... Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, We’re approaching the time of year to make and renew our commitments to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph and to each other who are joined in their ministries. Associates and Sisters Day is a special time to celebrate our enduring relationship. That’s the day when we reflect on our commitments to one another and energize our resolve to model our lives on the examples set by Saint Angela and our companion associates and sisters. Saturday, June 11 is the day of our global associate commitment. If you cannot be here at the Mount in person, I encourage you to stop what you’re doing at 1:15 p.m. to renew your associate commitment, as we unite ourselves in global solidarity. Look for the renewal card on page 3. Think of the many ways we can live our commitment. Some of us are fully engaged with busy lives of family, work and community activities. Some of us may be retired from so-called active life. But our commitments unite us in that most important ministry of PRAYER – prayer for each other and for the needs of the entire world. Here’s an example of a good prayer opportunity: Pray for the young women of Y-DOSA (Young Daughters of Saint Angela) and their leaders. They are preparing for their annual Summit at Mount Saint Joseph, Aug. 4-6. Remember them during this time and consider making a trip to visit with them while they’re here at the Mount. Make plans now to attend Associates and Sisters Day on June 11. The registration form is on the back and the schedule is at left. All who make new or renewed commitments will receive their permanent associate pin during the commitment ceremony. So if you have not yet received your permanent associate pin, be sure to join us. I look forward to praying with you, especially on Associates and Sisters Day. – Marian Bennett, OSUA Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships
50 Years of Ursuline Missions in Latin America
Saturday, August 13 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Led by Sister Ruth Gehres $ 20 fee includes lunch Contact Kathy: 270-229-0206
Sister Mimi, left, at Casa Ursulina in Chile
May 2016
Page 3 About 50 associates and friends attended the Day of Lenten Reflection on March 13 at St. Patrick’s Church, Kansas City, Mo. Congregational Leader Sister Sharon Sullivan and Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships Marian Bennett drove from Kentucky to attend the event. LEFT: Sister Sharon Sullivan, center, visits with Associates Irene Quigley and Lily Cloughley.
RIGHT: Father Jerry Waris anoints Linda Monaco in anticipation of her April 1 surgery. She is attended by Pam Knudson, Victor Monaco and Tammy Milbourn. Father Jerry was a friend of the late Sister Rudina (Rita) Klarer.
LEFT: Hostess Carol O’Keefe, left, Sister Sharon, center, and Lisa Reilly talk before Sister Sharon and Marian begin their journey home. ABOVE: Joanne Thompson, left, and Linda Monaco enjoy the day.
Upcoming Associate Meetings________________________________ Grayson County – Wednesday, May 25, June 22, July 27, Aug. 24 Kansas: Our Lady of Brescia – Monday, June 20, Sept. 19 Kansas: Saint Francis of Paola – Saturday, June 4, Oct. 8 Kansas City, Missouri: The Belles of Saint Rita – Sunday, May 1, July 10 Louisville – Saturday, June 18, Aug. 20, Oct. 15 Owensboro – Tuesday, June 28, Aug. 23, Oct. 23 Western Kentucky – Saturday, Oct. 15, Dec. 3 MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH UPCOMING EVENTS________________________ June 7, July 5, Aug. 2 – Evening with an Ursuline dinner/presentation June 11 – Associates and Sisters Day July 17 – New Ursuline Leadership installation at Mount Saint Joseph Aug. 4-6 – Y-DOSA Summit at Mount Saint Joseph Aug. 13 – 50 Years of Ursuline Missions in Latin America retreat day Sept. 11 – Mount Saint Joseph Annual Barbecue Picnic for retired sisters Oct. 13 – Associate Group Leader fall meeting
RENEWING OUR COMMITMENT On June 11, Ursuline Associates will be making commitments at 1:15 p.m. CT in the Motherhouse Chapel. We invite you to renew your own associate commitment by praying with them: Loving God, I renew my commitment
TODAY as an associate of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. I promise to proclaim the gospel of Jesus through the actions of my everyday life. While continuing to live the vocation to which You have called me, I will embrace their charism and share in their mission, ministries, goals, ideals and challenges. I will pray for the Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Mount Saint Joseph and work to link my life with theirs in meaningful ways. I promise to grow in awareness of and commitment to the core values of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. …to foster a lived communion with God through daily prayer and a spirit of selfless service, generosity and hospitality, … to seek the reality of true peace and dignity for all peoples in all circumstances, … and to recognize and reverence the presence of Christ in each person I encounter. I make this promise for Your glory in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici, our founder and inspiration. AMEN.
An Associate Prayer Loving God, let Saint Angela never cease commending us to your kindness. By always imitating her charity and prudence, may we come to a deeper understanding of the mission of Jesus. May we always reflect his presence in our lives. AMEN.
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Associate Upd
To celebrate National Catholic LEFT: The Western Sisters Week Kentucky Associates met on (March March 5 at Saint Francis de 8-14), the Sales Church in Paducah. Kansas and Front row: Sid Mason, Pat Whitesville, Gregory, Sister Teresa Riley, Ky., Betty Boren, Elaine Wood, chapters of Pat Wilson. Back row: Mike the Young Sullivan, Sister Martha Daughters Keller, Risë Karr, Sister of Saint Michael Marie Friedman, Angela Sister Sharon Sullivan, John wrote notes Wood and Vicki Kloss. to the Ursuline Sisters who live at Maple Mount. Mercedes Moore of Whitesville (above), wrote: “You might remember me from our Y-DOSA trip. I remember a lot of you. I had a lot of fun getting to know you and hope to get to know you better next time. Thanks for the prayers.”
RIGHT: The Louisville, Ky., Associates met on April 9 at Central Presbyterian Church. Left to right, seated: Sister Karla Kaelin, Sister Amanda Rose Mahoney, Susan Reiss, Sister Kathleen Kaelin. Standing: Suzanne Reiss, Betty Donahue, Leon Donahue, DiAnn Jenkins, Marilyn Beam, Pauline Goebel, Sister Michele Ann Intravia, Sister Maureen O’Neill, AnneLuise Montgomery (guest), Sister Sharon Sullivan. Also present was Patsy Beauchamp.
Being an associate changed Violet’s life By John Little, OSUA, Owensboro, Ky.
For those who are mainstays at the annual Mount Saint Joseph Picnic, Violet Hamilton is a familiar face. She is an Ursuline Associate with a passion for helping others, which has been enhanced through the associate program. Violet says she is now Violet Hamilton celebrating the 59th anniversary of her 21st birthday and she enjoys life more than ever. She was raised in Peonia, Ky., in Grayson County, and credits her loving parents, three brothers, and two sisters for cultivating her faith. Her first encounter with the Ursuline Sisters was around the age of 4, when she was chosen as an “angel” to assist the children making their First Communion. “That is when I got my wings (at least I could dress like one),” she said. “I remember Sister Agnes Frances (Osborn) snap her fingers,” signaling that the next child was ready to move. “We wanted to be sure we did what she wanted.” Violet said she learned about the associate’s program around 2002. “There were ladies from the parish who were talking about it and I liked what I
heard,” she said. “I looked into the program and Sister Mary Matthias (Ward) became my contact person.” She became an Ursuline Associate in August 2004. “I think the associate’s program has helped me be a more caring and forgiving person,” Violet said. “It helps me be a better Christian.” Now living in Meredith, Ky., (about six miles from Leitchfield), Violet attends St. Augustine Church in Grayson Springs. Asked how the example of Saint Angela has inspired her life, Violet said, “The love of Christ has gotten me through some very tough times. Angela was an example of someone who followed Christ with all of her heart and knew how God’s love would get her through whatever happened.” In addition to working the Mount picnic, Violet also prepares meals for the sick, donates to the local food bank, and helps others in any way possible. She loves to spend time with the two most important people in her life, sons Robert and Brian. She also loves volleyball and baseball – “They don’t let me play anymore so I watch the games on TV.” Violet is a true example of the importance of faith, love and family and how the Ursuline Associates can enrich each aspect of a person’s life.
Reflective Moments Moments Reflective
date/May 2016
How we know Jesus is Risen By Sister Marietta Wethington
or Christians, Easter is the greatest of all feasts. So great it can never be celebrated in one day. The six days following Easter are called Easter, too. Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday and so on through the week. Really, we celebrate Easter for 50 days. Yes, a great feast indeed. I sometimes am struck by those who couldn’t believe in the resurrection and wonder if I would have been among them. Those of us who are living today have more than 2,000 years to absorb the mystery and to reflect on the signs that Jesus is risen and lives among us today. What are those signs? On Holy Thursday night Jesus told his followers to do what he did. We often interpret that to mean to celebrate the Eucharist. Over the years scripture scholars and theologians have told us it is more about washing feet – service to each other. We know Jesus is risen when we see Christians today doing what he did: loving one another, feeding
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the hungry, visiting the sick, the lonely and the imprisoned, sheltering the homeless and speaking for those who have no voice. We know Jesus is risen when we see Christians setting aside time for prayer and contemplation. Some spiritual writers tell us that it is contemplation that will heal the world, destroy terrorists and hatred groups, violence and war. Isn’t that what Jesus did? In scripture we often see Jesus going to the desert or the mountain to pray before he went out to ministry. We know Jesus is risen when we see Christians loving each other. In Saint John’s gospel he tells us, “This is how they will know you are my disciples if you love one another.” Do people know you are a follower of Jesus?
Reflection: A question I’ve often heard asked is, “If you were accused of being a Christian is there enough evidence to convict you?” Perhaps it would be good for each of us to ponder that question.
You can become an agent of mercy
Partnerships gets a new home
Dear Associates, We look forward to seeing many of you in June when we come together to pray, learn and share our call to serve God’s people. All of us are called in different ways to minister to those who need compassion and mercy. Pope Francis says: “God’s mercy can make even the driest land become a garden, can restore life to dry bones … Let us be renewed by God’s mercy, let us be loved by Jesus, let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives too; and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.” As Ursuline Associates, you are called to walk with us on this journey of service to God’s people. Each time one of you prays with us and for us, or does something for another person, you are sharing in our mission of education and Christian formation. You are helping someone come closer to God. Each one of us has a special purpose for being on this Earth. We are called to do the best we can to live good lives, share the message of Jesus, practice the works of mercy and pray for each other. Let us make a special effort during this Year of Mercy to do just that. The rewards will be great for you and for all God’s people. God bless you and those you love. Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Director of Development
Ursuline Partnerships will be moving to a new office this spring. Like all the offices in Mission Advancement, Ursuline Partnerships – which oversees Ursuline Associates and alumnae of Mount Saint Joseph Academy – is moving from its longtime home in St. Angela Hall to the third floor of Lourdes Hall. Phone and fax numbers and email will not change. Mission Advancement has been in St. Angela Hall since the office was created in 2001. The offices of Development and Communications are also moving to Lourdes, which is now home to the leadership Council, the Finance office and Archives. Renovation of Lourdes, which opened in 1960, has been ongoing all winter. The Empowerment Academy, a program to assist at-risk high school students, is raising money to renovate St. Angela Hall and turn it into a residence for their students. There is no timetable for when that may happen.
Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph
2 Gary Mesnier Lois Nunnally 4 Lina Trujillo 5 Nettie Castle Paula Graves 6 Jeff Goldsmith Martha Little 9 Keith Hudson 10 Bobby Joe Christian Ramona McConnell 16 Martha Ann Matthews 17 Juanita Haskins 20 Rebecca Leonard 21 Helen Pfeiffer 22 Jim Wilkus 24 Jo Morelli Fr. John Vaughan 26 Perla Pike Karen Siciliano 27 Phil Dees Suzanne Reiss 28 Tony Butel Raynell Prado 29 Nannette Krasovic
Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse Chapel Every Friday and the second Sunday of the month: May 8, June 12, July 10, Aug. 14, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 11 (No Adoration Sept. 11–Picnic Day)
Adoration has been extended to two hours for the Year of Mercy.
Associate Update
2 Ione Deken Sara Scully 4 Donna Karcher Helen Miles 5 Lela Buettmann Janice Lawless Arth Joan Teder 6 Philomena Bollinger David Henderson Christopher Walls 7 Barbara Boatner Karen De Sosa 8 Sherry Duer Fr. Tony Shonis 9 Shirley Eckert Mary Jo Johnson 10 Harriet Jack Mary Lowry 11 Fr. Carl McCarthy 12 Fr. Ray Goetz 13 Loraine Hardy Don Speaks 16 Mary Danhauer Dan Heckel Chico Irizarry Daughn O’Neill Mary Sandlin 17 Jean Dowdy 19 Julie Holt Trudy Peak Jean Simpson 20 Sr. Ann Middlebrooks SEC Fr. Joe Nangle 21 Debbie Lanham 23 Raymond Morelli 24 Larry Denton 25 Suzanne Gochenouer 27 Sarah Bowling 30 Marjorie Cook 31 Gloria Adams Theresa Caffey Debby Ludwig Lorraine Luken Gustavo Paez Marilyn Paul
Get your 2016 Mount Saint Joseph Picnic raffle tickets - $5 each
You can win $10,000 • $3,500 • $1,000 • $500 • $250 • $100 • Handmade Queen-size Quilt (valued at $1,000) Get your tickets from any Ursuline Sister or call Kris Mango 270-229-2009 •
Next Spinners Weekend is June 3-5 at the Retreat Center Call Kathy McCarty to register • 270-229-0206
May 2016
The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph
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1 Sandy Luz Marilyn Mischlich 2 Dale Holt 3 Bob Beam Jim Wilson 5 Betty Medley 6 Lisa Day 7 Dotty Liles 8 Dottie Clark Stephanie George 9 Bob Lawrence Florence Lyon 11 Ruth Bittel-Nunez Bonnie Marks 12 Wilma Howard 15 Isabel Crenshaw Jacinta Garinger Don Hobbs 16 Shirlene Quinn Marcia Stoller 17 Michael Bufalini 18 Carol Hill Meghan Payne 19 Pam Brickler 21 Bruce Blandford 23 Lawrence Guenther 24 Sid Mason Doris Rommelfanger 25 Joyce York 27 Brenda Busick Mary Leda Rice 28 Juanita Burke Pat Riordan Joanne Thompson 30 Jean Murphy 31 Risë Karr
invite you to our 46th annual
PICNIC Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 For the benefit of the retired Ursuline Sisters
Serving barbecue pork, mutton, chicken 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Booths! Games! Yard Sale! Silent Auction! Burgoo! Ice Cream! Holiday Decor! More!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Call 270-229-4103 ext. 260
License #0290
Therefore I am compelled, day and night, moving, staying still, acting, thinking, to call out and to cry to heaven, and to beg for Saint Angela Merici mercy and time for penance. – Rule: Chapter V
May 2016
Keep teaching and learning
Associate Update
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Dear Friends, When I was working and learning at Purdue University in the early 1990s, I encountered Paulo Freire (1921-1997), an international educator who believed that teaching was both revolutionary and transformative – for the student and for the teacher. As I was considering my last letter to you Ursuline Associates, my thoughts turned to Paulo Freire, to Saint Angela’s commitment to learning, to our vow of instruction, and to the old phrase “each one teach one (E1T1).” Some Congregational Leader Sister Sharon Sullivan, bottom left, attended the say that the notion of E1T1 began among slaves Muhlenberg County Associates meeting at St. Joseph Church in Central City, Ky., on March 9. Also in front row: Judy Sims, Sister Rose in America, others that it emerged in literacy Karen Johnson, Marlene Monaghan, Valentino Simpao. Back row: Gail efforts in the Philippines, or that it formed the Davenport, Eddie Prunty, Father Josh McCarty, Melinda Prunty, Paul basis for the revolutionary teaching ideas of Parker, Jean Simpson, Marian Bennett, Betty Girten, Genon Putnam, Freire in Brazil. Keith Putnam, Jackie Sommers (photographer was Sharon Parker). I believe it began with Jesus and with His followers; for was not His instruction to Mary We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: when He told her to go and tell his apostles the Good • Alice Blazina, whose daughter, Debbie Blazina Hagan, News the same as E1T1? And I believe Saint Angela died Jan. 30. said the same to us here at Mount Saint Joseph who • Sister Marie Carol Cecil, whose brother Robert “Buddy” are called to “proclaim Jesus through education and Cecil, died April 3. Christian formation.” As Jesus has taught us, so must • Catherine Gawarecki, whose brother-in-law, Jack Kipper, we teach. died March 18. As our Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Associates • Sister Marie Michael Hayden, whose brother, Dr. share this mission and as you have committed Raymond Hayden, died April 5. yourselves to ongoing formation and growth, I offer • Sister Alfreda Malone, whose great nephew, Payson you for your reflection, some thoughts from Freire Grimm, died Feb. 15. that echo this notion of mission through teaching as • Sister Mary McDermott, whose cousin, Ryan Shane witness. He has written in Pedagogy of Freedom: McDermott, died Feb. 23. • Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and • Ruth Metschuleit, whose husband, Don, died March 20. whoever learns teaches in the act of learning. • Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, whose mother, Elizabeth • “Unfinishedness” is essential to our human Oberst O’Bryan, died Feb. 29. condition. [It] is integral to the phenomenon of life • Kriste Pickert, whose husband, Gary Pickert, died Feb. 14. itself, which besides women and men includes the • Sister Rosalin Thieneman, whose nephew, Steve cherry trees in my garden and the birds that sing Thieneman, died Feb. 11. in their branches [and the maple trees at Maple • Sister Marietta Wethington, whose cousin, Mount]. Owen McMasters, died Feb. 15. • Education does not make us educable, it is our • Sister Rebecca White, whose sister, awareness of being unfinished that makes us educable. Dolores White Welman, died Feb. 28. • What is really essential in this process is that both the teacher and the students know that open, curious grounded mutually in sharing Angela’s mission through the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. questioning [and praying], whether in speaking or Please enjoy this issue of Update, continue your listening, is what grounds them mutually. preparations for Associates and Sisters Day in June, and And so, whether we are teaching or learning, remember to come often to Mount Saint Joseph to delight whether we are carrying the message or hearing the in sharing our mutual mission. In Angela, Good News, whether we are speaking or listening, we remain the unfinished children of our loving God, Sister Sharon Sullivan, Congregational Leader
If you have a smartphone, this QR code will take you to our website
Saturday, June 11, 2016 Mount Saint Joseph Conference & Retreat Center, Conference Room A Registration 8 a.m.-9 a.m. Central Time in Retreat Center Library-2nd floor Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (________)__________________________Email ______________________________________________________ Lodging: Meals:
q I need overnight accommodations on Friday, June 10 q Supper - Friday, June 10 q Breakfast - Saturday, June 11 q Lunch - Saturday, June 11
Special dietary needs:___________________________________________________
LODGING INFORMATION: Contact Kathy McCarty 270-229-0206
Note: There is no charge for overnight accommodations on Friday, June 10. Registration is required. Please include a $10 registration fee to help defray costs. Make your check payable to Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph.
Return this form by May 25 with your registration fee to: Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356 FAX: 270-229-4953 • You may register ONLINE at Questions? Call 270-229-2006 • Email