Update May 2018

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MAY 2018


Lay ministry expert will help us explore “Spirit of Angela” By Dan Heckel, OSUA (MSJ Staff)


n expert on lay ministry will be the keynote speaker for Associates and Sisters Day 2018, helping us in “Exploring Personal Growth in the Spirit of Saint Angela Merici.” Father Joe Merkt is a priest in the Archdiocese of Louisville who has spent more than 30 years working with the formation of the laity in Catholic education and parish ministry. He served as Director of Ministry Study Programs Father Joe 2018 Left to right, Owensboro Associates Debbie at both Brescia University Lanham, Cindy Bornander, Gloria Cecil and Ron Associates and in Owensboro and Spalding University Bornander catch up on Associates and Sisters in Louisville. Sisters Day is Day on June 17, 2017. Associates and Sisters Day will Saturday, June 23. Father Joe has lived a fascinating start at 9 a.m. on June 23, 2018, with Please join us! life as a priest, beginning when he was the call to prayer in the Motherhouse See registration a seminary student in Rome. During the Gymnasium. Father Joe will then lead on back. Second Vatican Council, he volunteered discussion in the morning session. to sort, staple and distribute the daily He created a retreat day inspired summaries for each of the bishops in by “The Four Pillars of Formation,” attendance. The pathway to lay ministry which were established by Pope John Paul II and are stemmed from Vatican II, and its development has now used for the formation of all ordained and lay been a hallmark of Father Joe’s life in the priesthood. ministers. Associates and Sisters Day will focus on He was instrumental in the development of the just one of the four values included in that retreat, first common competency standards for the national “Ursuline Spirituality.” certification of lay ministers. These standards are The morning session will focus on these topics: now accepted and recognized by the U.S. Conference • Reflecting on our lives as Ursuline Associates and of Catholic Bishops. He is the author of “Why Lay our partnership with the Ursuline Sisters in mission Ministry Formation? A Resource for the Inquiring.” and ministry. He has served as a board member for the National • Celebrating what has already been accomplished in Association for Lay Ministry and has helped dozens our lives. of people in search of their vocations and on the path to lay ecclesial ministry. • Examining successes in witnessing to God’s ever- Following lunch, the commitment ceremony will loving care and mercy in the spirit of Angela. welcome new associates in the Motherhouse Chapel, • Using self-assessment and guided exploration with then everyone will return to the gym for the always time for group sharing. popular panel discussion. This year’s topic for our • Seeking ways to honor the call to life as Ursuline four panelists is, “How have I grown since being Associates rooted in baptism. Continued on page 2

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Associate Update

Associates and Sisters Day Saturday, June 23, 2018

Mount Saint Joseph Gymnasium: 8:00 a.m. Registration begins 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions 9:10 a.m. Call to Prayer 9:20 a.m. “Exploring Personal Growth in the Spirit of Saint Angela Merici” – by Father Joseph Merkt, Keynote Speaker 11:50 a.m. Announcements/grace before meal Motherhouse Dining Room: Noon Lunch Motherhouse Chapel: 1:15 p.m. Commitment ceremony and photos Mount Saint Joseph Gymnasium: 2:00 p.m. Associate Panel: “How I Have Grown Since Being Introduced to Saint Angela” 2:30 p.m. Spiritual Direction for Associates – by Sister Martha Keller 2:45 p.m. Casa Ursulina 20th Anniversary – by Sister Ruth Gehres 2:55 p.m. Sister Stories 3:10 p.m. Recognitions and Announcements 3:15 p.m. In Memoriam Presentation & Happy Faces at the Mount 3:25 p.m. Closing Prayer Motherhouse Chapel: 4:00 p.m. Closing Liturgy – Father Merkt, Presider ASSOCIATE UPDATE is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 www.ursulinesmsj.org • Email: associates.msj@maplemount.org Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Communications and Development Specialist: Maggie Matsko Director of Development: Betsy Mullins Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Mary McDermott, OSU Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Marcella Schrant, OSU



e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

May 2018

A Note from Marian... Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, BUSY seems to be the byword these days. Every day I hear complaints about being TOO busy. The universal reason for sending late birthday cards, or none at all? Too busy. Missed a grandchild’s baseball game? Too busy. Haven’t met the new family living down the street? Too busy. Scorched the mac and cheese? Busy elsewhere and didn’t hear the timer ring. Multi-tasking has been shown to reduce efficiency rather than increase it, yet we continue to pursue it. Post-It notes dot my desk and calendar reminding me of obligations for the next busy day. I myself cannot watch a television program without a knitting project or some paperwork in my lap. Those of us who are attached at the wrist to our electronic devices paint a similar picture. How about a day away from all that? Associates and Sisters Day is June 23. Join us for the essence of Ursuline Hospitality – a day of prayer and friendship. Enjoy a refreshing ride through the greening countryside as you drive to beautiful Mount Saint Joseph. During the lunch break, walk among the trees to appreciate the crops growing in orderly rows and the black cattle leisurely grazing in the field. I suggest you set aside some time right now, before you’re too busy. Complete the registration form on the last page of this newsletter and mail it to me. Or go online to register electronically with a click of your mouse. You’ll be glad you did!

– Marian Bennett, OSUA

Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships


from page 1

introduced to Saint Angela?” The full afternoon will include a short presentation from Sister Ruth Gehres on the Ursuline Associates who made commitments following the celebration of Casa Ursulina’s 20th anniversary. Sister Martha Keller will also discuss spiritual direction opportunities for Associates, and everyone will get a chance to play Ursuline trivia. As a way of celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Ursuline Associate relationship, those who’ve played a role in leading the Associates will be honored. The day will end with Father Joe presiding at 4 p.m. Mass in the Motherhouse Chapel. n

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RENEWING OUR ASSOCIATE COMMITMENT On June 23, Ursuline Associates will make commitments at 1:15 p.m. Central Time in the Motherhouse Chapel. We invite you to renew your own associate commitment by praying with them:

Several Ursuline Associates attended the March 16-18 women’s retreat at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Left to right, Front row: Becky Pedley (Associate candidate), Debbie Lanham, Donna Favors, Martha Little, Marian Bennett. Middle row: Lois Bell, Kim Haire, Lisa Day. Back row: Doreen Abbott, Violet Hamilton. Three associates were also in attendance but are not pictured: Martha House, Joan Perry and Melissa Tuley.“Essential Questions: What Martha and Mary Can Teach Us,” was the theme of this year’s women’s retreat led by Ursuline Sister Cheryl Clemons.

Calendar of Upcoming Events June 3-9.......................Individual Private Retreatants at ......................................Conference and Retreat Center Saturday, June 9..........Longing for Hope Day of Prayer ......................................(9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.) at Center Friday, June 22.............Associate Advisory Board Saturday, June 23........Associates and Sisters Day June 28-July 1..............YDOSA Summit in Sedalia, Mo. Saturday, July 7............Owensboro Associate Jail Ministry July 26-28....................YDOSA Scrutiny Retreat at Mount Saturday, Aug. 4...........St. Angela Retreat (9 a.m.-3 p.m.) Saturday, Aug. 18........Fundraiser at Marion Barn in ......................................Lebanon, Ky., to celebrate the life ......................................of Sister Mary Lois Speaks (5:30) Saturday, Aug. 25........Heart of a Caregiver Retreat ......................................(9 a.m.-3 p.m.) at Center Sept. 8-9.......................Eastbridge Arts Festival @ ......................................The Mount (10-6 Sat., 10-5 Sun.) Wednesday, Oct. 24.....Fall Associate Commitment Sunday, Nov. 4.............MSJ Alumnae Memorial Mass

There is still time to sign up for the 2018-2020 Spiritual Direction Training Program at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Contact Sister Mary Matthias Ward by Aug. 31. 270-229-0200 • mary.ward@maplemount.org

Loving God, I renew my commitment TODAY as an associate of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. I promise to proclaim the gospel of Jesus through the actions of my everyday life. While continuing to live the vocation to which You have called me, I will embrace their charism and share in their mission, ministries, goals, ideals and challenges. I will pray for the Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Mount Saint Joseph and work to link my life with theirs in meaningful ways. I promise to grow in awareness of and commitment to the core values of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. …to foster a lived communion with God through daily prayer and a spirit of selfless service, generosity and hospitality, … to seek the reality of true peace and dignity for all peoples in all circumstances, … and to recognize and reverence the presence of Christ in each person I encounter. I make this promise for Your glory in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici, our founder and inspiration. AMEN.

An Associate Prayer Loving God, let Saint Angela never cease commending us to your kindness. By always imitating her charity and prudence, may we come to a deeper understanding of the mission of Jesus. May we always reflect his presence in our lives. AMEN.

Page 4 Nine Owensboro Associates met to plan outreach activities on March 10 at St. Stephen Cathedral. Karen Wells, right, takes notes as Susie Westerfield, left, and Donna Favors, center, discuss the possibility of visiting the sisters in Saint Joseph Villa. Other ideas included cards and help with transportation.

The Young Daughters of Saint Angela in Whitesville, Ky., helped at a Lenten Fish Fry at Our Lady of Lourdes, Owensboro. Front row, left to right: Georgia Howard, McKenna Greenwell, Bailey Millay, Taylor Pedley, Macie Aguilar, Evie Turner, Julie Foster, Paige Crabtree. Back row: Associate Doreen Abbott, Brianna Park, Corli Mills, Rayleigh Chaffin, McKenzie Roberts, Katherine Hibbitt, Maggie Foster.

Joanne Mason loves living and serving By Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU


pend an hour with Joanne Mason, and you’re sure to come away refreshed and energized. Joanne brings a positive attitude into every part of her life: her family, her faith, her career, and her service to others. Growing up in Montgomery, Ala., Joanne attended St. Jude Educational Institute, a noted school for African-American children. In the seventh grade, she converted to Catholicism – a decision that her parents supported and nurtured. Her two older sisters also joined the Church. Though her parents couldn’t afford college tuition, her guidance counselor discovered that she could attend Brescia College on a Pell Grant. It was her first time away from home. “My Dad brought me to Owensboro on the Greyhound bus,” she remembers, with her engaging smile. Joanne liked Brescia. She also enjoyed socializing with her classmates and their friends, including Frank Mason, a young man from Hawesville who was soon attracted to Joanne. She “had a lot of the values I think people should have,” Frank says. Within a few months, Frank and Joanne were engaged. They married in September 1971 in Montgomery, then returned to live in Lewisport, Ky. Here their son, Christopher Michael, was born. Family responsibilities changed Joanne’s educational goals. While Frank was employed at Commonwealth Aluminum (now Aleris), she worked at the Lewisport Public Library, then in a credit union – a job she really enjoyed. With Frank’s encouragement, she completed a two-year management program with CUNA – the Credit Union National Association – which led her into a productive career as manager of Friends First Credit Union in Owensboro.

Joanne speaks about the credit union with affection. “It was a place where people were greeted by name and could always count on a listening ear, for financial counseling or for friendly conversation, and sometimes even praying together,” she reflects. Joanne After more than 30 years, she retired in March 2018. Joanne and Frank are active members of Saints Joseph and Paul Parish in Owensboro, where she has served as a Eucharistic Minister, lector, and minister of hospitality. She has just completed a term as a member of the Parish Council. Frank and Joanne have always enjoyed doing things together. Both love sports, especially tennis and bowling, and “we like to cook together!” Then she adds, “We laugh a lot, in good times and bad. Laughter is a window to the soul.” Joanne’s acquaintance with Ursuline Associates began through her friendship with associates Gloria Adams and Mary Ann Schilling of the Hawesville Associate group. She became an associate in 1989. Since then she has served on the Finance Committee of the Ursuline Community, and she is now in her second term on the Finance Committee of the Retreat Center Advisory Board. “I love to come to the Mount,” Joanne says. “There’s a spirit within these walls, and I feel at home.” She remembers that while carrying her, her mother had been very ill. “She prayed to God that she wouldn’t lose her baby, and she dedicated me to God,” Joanne remembers with her warm smile. “Being part of the Ursuline Associates is a part of that. When I’m associated with the Ursulines, I feel that I’m using the talents God gave me for something good.”

May 2018

Associate Update

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Reflective Moments Moments Reflective

Rituals add depth, stability to daily living By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU

Rituals sustain us. Father Ron Rolheiser tells us rituals serve us well and keep us doing things that aren’t always easy to do. Daily prayer is an example. Many of us are committed to daily morning and evening prayer, and prayer before and after meals. Sometimes it would just be so much easier to forget about the prayer. We have Liturgy of the Hours daily beginning at 6:55 a.m. followed by Mass at 7:15 in our chapel. Sometimes I just want to stay in bed; however, I value praying with my sisters and those who come to pray with us in our chapel. It is a ritual that keeps me going. Saint John of the Cross said something very similar. He said that one of the greatest problems that we face daily in our prayer is boredom. It is then that ritual will sustain us. Many families are committed to coming together for meals. I think that would be a very enriching time when parents and children share about their day. A ritual that sustains them. We Ursuline Sisters come together in our dining room for meals. Sometimes it would be easier to just stay away or to get my food early and take it to my room and eat by myself. However, I like the ritual of eating together so I keep going to the dining room.

I thought about some of the rituals in my daily life. I will share a few. Sister Grace Simpson prays in the Motherhouse  When I wash my hands, I chapel. Daily prayer can pray the words the priest be a powerful ritual. prays at Mass: “Wash away my iniquities and cleanse me of my sins.”  I make the sign of the cross on my forehead, my lips and my heart each morning when I get up and again each night as I retire.  Each morning I pray that I will be a blessing to someone today.  As I dress each morning I pray the scripture passage from Colossians 3: 12-15, asking God to clothe me with all those wonderful qualities St. Paul talks about. Yes, I believe that rituals sustain us. Reflection: What are the rituals that sustain your life?n Participants in a men’s retreat at St. Meinrad, Ind., filled bags with water filter parts to support Water With Blessings, the clean water ministry led by Ursuline Sister Larraine Lauter, on Feb. 24. The bags were to be sent to Haiti. Left to right: Associate Jerry Birge; St. Meinrad Deacon Daniel Gilbert, and St. Meinrad Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Marc Bentley.

Again, it is Father Rolheiser who tells us that rituals help us to be polite when we feel grumpy and out of sorts. The only thing that keeps us doing it is that we know it is right. And later we will regret being so rude. We can’t let feelings rule our rituals. When Dietrich Bonhoeffer prepared couples for marriage he told them that love wouldn’t sustain their marriage, but ritual would. Couples would do well to develop some meaningful rituals that will carry them through the rough times. Jesuit Father Daniel Berrigan told us not to travel with someone who expects us to be interesting all the time. On a long journey there are bound to be boring stretches. That is, it seems to me, a good symbol for life. There are times when our life will hit a boring stretch. Develop a ritual that will help sustain you.

Luau Fundraiser in Memory of Sister Mary Lois Speaks Aug. 18 • Marion Barn in Lebanon, Ky. $20 benefits Marion County Good Samaritans Contact Associate Phyllis Troutman: 270-699-6360

Sister Mary Lois

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Associate Update

May 2018

Happy Summer Birthday to our Ursuline Associates! Associate Joan Perry comments during the April 10 Evening with an Ursuline at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Sister Marietta Wethington presented “The Spirituality of Aging.” At right is Sister George Mary Hagan. Future Evening dinners and presentations will take place June 5, Aug. 7, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6 and Dec. 4 at 5 p.m.

June 3-9

Private Retreat Week for Individuals Time Away With God $

275 fee includes meals & accommodations

Saturday, June 9 Hope in God Day of Prayer

9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Presented by Sister Ann McGrew $ 25 fee includes lunch

Saturday, Aug. 4 Associate Retreat Saint Angela’s Spirit

2 Gary Mesnier Lois Nunnally Karen Wells 4 Lina Trujillo 5 Nettie Castle Paula Graves 6 Jeff Goldsmith Martha Little 8 Doreen Abbott 9 Keith Hudson 10 Bobby Joe Christian Ramona McConnell 17 Juanita Haskins 20 Rebecca Leonard 21 Helen Pfeiffer 22 Donna Favors Jim Wilkus 24 Jo Morelli Fr. John Vaughan 26 Perla Pike Karen Siciliano 27 Phil Dees Suzanne Reiss 28 Tony Butel Gabriela (Gaby) Mora Raynell Prado 29 Nannette Krasovic


9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Presented by Sister Rosella McCormick, OSUL, and Sister Colette Kraemer, OSUL $ 25 fee includes lunch To register for these events at Mount Saint Joseph, call Kathy:



2 Ione Deken Sara Scully 4 Donna Karcher Helen Miles 5 Janice Lawless Arth Lela Buettmann

5 Joan Teder

6 Philomena Bollinger David Henderson Christopher Walls 7 Barbara Boatner Karen De Sosa 8 Fr. Tony Shonis 9 Shirley Eckert Mary Jo Johnson 10 Harriet Jack Mary Lowry 11 Fr. Carl McCarthy 12 Fr. Ray Goetz 13 Loraine Hardy Don Speaks 16 Mary Danhauer Dan Heckel Chico Irizarry Mary Sandlin 17 Jean Dowdy 19 Trudy Peak Jean Simpson 20 Sr. Ann Middlebrooks, SEC Fr. Joe Nangle 21 Debbie Lanham 24 Larry Denton 25 Suzanne Gochenouer Kay Howa Claudio Olea 27 Sarah Bowling 30 Marjorie Cook 31 Gloria Adams Theresa Caffey Nanette Foley Debby Ludwig Gustavo Paez Marilyn Paul

Save the Dates! Free Admission!

Saturday, Sept. 8– 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9– 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Arts and Crafts Booths! Food Vendors!

The Ursuline Sisters will be selling quilts, jams and jellies. They will also be having their annual grand raffle!

For a $5 ticket, you could win $10,000 $3,500 • $1,000 • Quilt • $500 • $250 • $100 270-973-1810 • Email eastbridge-at-themount@maplemount.org www.eastbridge-at-themount.com • Like Eastbridge on Facebook

August 1 Sandy Luz Marilyn Mischlich 3 Bob Beam Jim Wilson 5 Betty Medley Wallace 6 Lisa Day 8 Dottie Clark Stephanie George 9 Bob Lawrence Florence Lyon 11 Ruth Bittel-Nunez Bonnie Marks 12 Wilma Howard 15 Erica Cabezas Isabel Crenshaw Jacinta Garinger Don Hobbs 16 Shirlene Quinn Marcia Stoller 17 Michael Bufalini 18 Carol Hill Meghan Payne 19 Pam Brickler 21 Bruce Blandford 23 Lawrence Guenther 24 Sid Mason Doris Rommelfanger 25 Joyce York 27 Brenda Busick Kris Mango Mary Leda Rice 28 Juanita Burke Pat Riordan Joanne Thompson 30 Jean Murphy 31 Risë Karr

’ My honorable sisters and mothers most loving in the Blood of Jesus Christ, God Saint Angela Merici willing in his eternal wisdom to call forth from the vanity of the world many women (for) this our Company. –Testament of our Mother Angela

May 2018

Associate Update

In Loving Memory... SISTER MARY SHEILA HIGDON, OSU, 88, died Saturday, Feb. 17 in Owensboro, Ky., in her 70th year of religious life. She was a native of Owensboro. She was a teacher and parish minister for 61 years beginning in 1950, and served in Kentucky, Missouri and Nebraska. She served at the Motherhouse as coordinator of formation for Ursuline Partnerships (2011-12) and since 2012, had offered transportation for the sisters and hospitality in the chapel. She made artful creations and had a love for cooking and flowers. She was devoted to decorating a Chrismon tree during Advent. Sister Mary Sheila was contact companion for Terry Barnes, Patricia Dawkins and Jodie Fulkerson in Bowling Green, Ky.; Margaret Gallegos in Bakersfield Calif.; and Jeanne Lamastus and Randall Lamastus of Rockfield, Ky. Survivors include a brother, Eugene Higdon of Owensboro, nieces and nephews, and her religious community. SISTER PAULETTA MCCARTY, OSU, 96, died April 7 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 77th year of religious life. She was a native of Curdsville, Ky. Sister Pauletta always had a smile on her face, and retained friendships with former students all their lives. Among the Ursuline Sisters, she was the oldest living graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, graduating in 1939. She was the contact sister for Associates Margie Hill of Owensboro, Ky., and Gail Davenport of Central City, Ky. An educator for 36 years, she taught in Kentucky, Nebraska and Missouri. She also served as minister to nursing homes in Owensboro and as parish minister in Greenville, Ky. At the Motherhouse she was assistant local superior and director of transportation (1976-81), sacristan (1992-98) and daily annalist (2005-10). Survivors include a sister, Rose Mary Pease, Evansville, Ind., and two brothers, Celestine Joseph McCarty of Owensboro, and Francis Xavier McCarty of Calhoun; nieces and nephews, and her religious community. Memorials for a sister may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

EVELYN LAURA JARVIS KEHDER, an Associate of the Belleville Ursulines, died Feb. 9 at Carlyle (Ill.) Healthcare Center with family by her side. A creative and dedicated woman, Evelyn was a great friend of Sisters Mary Patrick and Frances McDonagh (dec.), and served St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish in Belleville

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We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Sister Teresa Riley, whose brother, Cecil Howard Riley, died Feb. 7 and whose brother, John M. Riley, died March 28. • Sister Rose Karen Johnson, whose brother, Frank William Johnson, died Feb. 8. • Therese Allen, whose brother, William D. Osborne, died Feb. 6. • Bishop William F. Medley, whose brother, Charles David Ferriell Sr., died Feb. 2. • Sister Sheila Anne Smith, whose brother, Richard (Rick) Smith, died Jan. 30. • Sister Mary Irene Cecil, whose brother, Marion, died Feb. 2. • Sister Michael Ann Monaghan, whose sister, Mary McGee Monaghan, died Jan. 29. • Rita Wilkus, whose brother, Jim Kincaid, died March 14. • Eileen Locke, whose grandson, Isaac Michael Scroggie, died March 26. • Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner, whose sister, Susan Ann Struna, died March 30. • Carol O’Keefe, whose sister, Iris Morton, died March 15. • Paul Parker, whose nephew, Kristopher Reed, died March 9. • Sister Sara Marie Gomez, whose sister, Melesia Gomez Atchley, died March 9. • Mary Helen Riney, whose sister, Elizabeth Jane Smith, died Dec. 26, 2017. for many years. She taught CCD classes for 25 years and baked for lunches and card parties at the church. She was a home-based cake decorator and served as a home technician for Addus Home Health Care in Belleville. She enjoyed sewing, crocheting and bingo. Evelyn and her husband Albert were married for 46 years until his death in 2001. She is survived by daughters Vickie Laquet and Lisa Smith, and a son, Ronald Kehder. She became an associate on May 20, 1989, with Sister Dorothy Helbling as her contact sister. COLLEEN ROCKERS GREGORY, former Paola Associate, died Feb. 19 in Garnett, Kan. She was a certified physical therapy assistant and worked at the Miami County Clinic in Paola. She also helped care for Ursulines at the former Paola Motherhouse. She enjoyed her rose garden, birdwatching and taking walks. Her husband, Bob, died June 6, 2017. She and Bob became Associates on Jan. 23, 2000, with the late Sister Virginia Sturlich as their contact sister. She is survived by her children, Sandra Jentzsch, Carol Brocker, Robert Gregory II, Dorothy Powell and William Gregory; her brother, Merle Rockers, and her sisters, Lavon Mariz and Joella Rockers.



Saturday, June 23, 2018 in Mount Saint Joseph Gymnasium Registration 8 a.m.–9 a.m. (Central Time) in Gymnasium. Event begins at 9 a.m. Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (________)__________________________Email ______________________________________________________ Lodging: Meals:

q I need overnight accommodations on Friday, June 22 q Supper - Friday, June 22 q Breakfast - Saturday, June 23 q Lunch - Saturday, June 23

Special needs (dietary, handicap accessibility):_______________________________




There is no charge for overnight accommodations on Friday, June 22. Registration is required for Associates and Sisters Day on Saturday, June 23. Please include a $10 registration fee to help defray costs. Make your check payable to Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph.

Return this form and registration fee by June 10 to: Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356 Or you may register online at ursulinesmsj.org/associates Questions? Call 270-229-2006 or email associates.msj@maplemount.org

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