Ursuline Associate Update May 2021

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MAY 2021


Associates and Sisters Day set for June 26 (so far) By Dan Heckel, OSUA (MSJ Staff)


he author Dan Millman said, “Faith means living with uncertainty – feeling your way through life, letting your heart guide you like a lantern in the dark.” If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is to expect uncertainty. So, we tell you with full confidence that – as of now – Associates and Sisters Day is scheduled for June 26 at Mount Saint Joseph. A limited number of people may be allowed in person, and all others are available to participate via Zoom. That could all change before June 26. “Subject to change” is the official motto of events in the age of Covid, but we wanted to share with you what we know today so you can make plans to join us – even if it’s virtually. After canceling the 2020 Associates and Sisters Day and twice canceling new Associate commitments, the Associate Advisory Board decided that the “show will go on” as scheduled this year. We have four people making their commitment as Associates this year, and we owe it to them to reward their patience and welcome them as new Associates. The Maple Mount campus and the Retreat Center continues to be closed to the public for now. On April 11, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said that once 2.5 million Kentuckians are vaccinated, he would

Registration is now open for Associates and Sisters Day on June 26, 2021. Fill out and mail the registration form on the back or sign up online (see link in form).

lift most restrictions on gathering. About 1.5 million people in the state had been vaccinated when he made that statement, so there is hope that perhaps by the end of May or beginning of June, we will be able to gather in Maple Mount, at least in limited numbers. Our best chance of gathering in person will likely be in the gym, where distancing requirements would limit us to 50 people. The large Angela conference room could only handle 25 people and the smaller Brescia conference room 10. Whether we can meet in public or not, the day’s events will be captured via Zoom, so anyone who registers will have access to watch on their computer or phone. We know that following on computer can be exhausting for some people, so we are only going to schedule a half day, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CDT. We are fortunate to have a wonderful speaker for the day. Ursuline Sister Larraine Lauter, executive director of Water With Blessings in Louisville, will speak to us via Zoom about “Claiming Our Identity: Angela Merici and her original vision for the Ursuline family.” It will concern Angela’s original vision of lay contemplatives in the world, as Sister Larraine witnessed by her secretary Gabriel Lauter Cozzano. “You might think Associates would be familiar with this, but over and over individual Associates have told me that this is a new perspective for them,” Sister Larraine said. Some of our regular features of Associates and Continued on page 2

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Associate Update

From the Associate Office...

What a crazy year we’ve been through with this pandemic. It has really left a huge gap in our community, not being able to gather for Associates and Sisters Day. Truly, that is one of my most favorite times of the year as we gather to welcome our new Associates. I am happy to announce that we will have four new candidates making their commitments this June 26. We have been working hard to make it possible to meet in person here at Mount Saint Joseph while still complying with social distancing. We feel if all keeps moving in an upward path it will happen. I am really looking forward to celebrating with our new Associates and finally seeing some of you again at this well-overdue event. Just a reminder that we are having monthly Associate Group meetings via Zoom, if you would like to join us. It has been great having different Associates lead the meetings, there are so many hidden talents among each of you. I have been emailing the information and the link for you to join, so if you are having difficulties connecting, please do not hesitate to contact me at Doreen.abbott@maplemount.org or 270-229-2006. Many Blessings!

Doreen Abbott, OSUA

Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships We try to keep our Associates and Sisters Directory up to date. Please let us know if you change your address, phone or email. Thank you. ASSOCIATE UPDATE is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 www.ursulinesmsj.org • Email: associates.msj@maplemount.org Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Doreen Abbott, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Director of Development: Carol Braden-Clarke Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Mary McDermott, OSU



e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

May 2021

Associates and Sisters Day Saturday, June 26, 2021

Mount Saint Joseph Gymnasium and via Zoom 9:30 a.m...............Registration 10 a.m................... Welcome and Opening Prayer 10:15 a.m............Sister Larraine Lauter, “Claiming Our Identity: Angela Merici and her Original Vision for the Ursuline Family.” 11:30 a.m. ..........Lunch 12:30 p.m............Honoring Jubilarians of 2020 and 2021 1:10 p.m...............In Memoriam and Happy Faces 1:30 p.m...............New Associate Commitments 1:50 p.m...............Closing Prayer


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Sisters Day will return, including a time to pray together, a chance to learn about and honor our Sisters celebrating Jubilees this year, and a chance to remember those Sisters and Associates who have gone to heaven since last we gathered. We will not be offering Mass at the end of the day. Box lunches will be provided to everyone present, who can either eat where they are seated or eat outside. We are not offering overnight accommodations at the Retreat Center. That is why we decided to start the day at 10, which would give people in Kentucky a chance to drive in that morning. The shorter schedule will also offer more opportunity to visit with Sisters and other Associates. For the past several years, we have asked for a $10 registration fee to offset costs, but there is no charge this year. You can register for the day by mailing in the form included in this Update, or you can register online at this address: www.ursulinesmsj.org/ associates-and-sisters-day. Please register by June 18, so we can know how many lunches to provide and whether we’ll need to provide some overflow rooms beyond the gym. We hope you will join us for this wonderful day, and we look forward to perhaps a more “normal” year in 2022.n

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Dear Associates, Spring is a wonderful time of the year. It is a time of renewal, rebirth and growth. The campus is beautiful right now with all the dogwoods, redbuds and lilacs blooming. Violets are everywhere. It is the season of resurrection. We are in the Easter season, and we continue to celebrate Jesus Christ and the gift of life that is given to all of us because of the death and resurrection. We are all hoping for a coming back to life after being quarantined, locked down and kept safe by wearing masks, social distancing and washing of hands. What we have to do now is get our vaccines and be ready to celebrate when we finally get past this very difficult time. We just have to continue to work together. God bless all of you.

Sister Amelia Stenger

Congregational Leader, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Honoring Earth

Celebrating the Sacred Outside and Within CONFERENCE & RETREAT

Saturday, June 19 Join us for a day full of inspiration and practical information as we contemplate the sacredness of our common home – the Earth.

9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • Conference keynote by Kyle Kramer, Passionist Earth & Spirit Center: Our New Sacred Story: Finding our Place in an Unfolding Universe • Workshops (choose one): Gardening and Your Health, Backyard Wildflowers, or Solar Energy • Join Dr. Emily DeMoor, Brescia University, for an afternoon Retreat: Sacred Spaces and Moments of Grace

Morning Conference only: $30 Conference, Lunch and Afternoon Retreat: $55 (Groups of 10 or more receive a 10% discount on full day.)

To register or for information: 270-229-0206 retreatcenter@maplemount.org • ursulinesmsj.org/retreat-center *Event may be subject to change due to Covid protocols

RENEWING OUR ASSOCIATE COMMITMENT On June 26, Associate candidates will make commitments, and Associates will renew commitments in the Motherhouse Chapel. We invite you to renew your own Associate commitment by praying: Loving God, I renew my commitment TODAY as an associate of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. I promise to proclaim the gospel of Jesus through the actions of my everyday life. While continuing to live the vocation to which You have called me, I will embrace their charism and share in their mission, ministries, goals, ideals and challenges. I will pray for the Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Mount Saint Joseph and work to link my life with theirs in meaningful ways. I promise to grow in awareness of and commitment to the core values of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. …to foster a lived communion with God through daily prayer and a spirit of selfless service, generosity and hospitality, …to seek the reality of true peace and dignity for all peoples in all circumstances, …and to recognize and reverence the presence of Christ in each person I encounter. I make this promise for Your glory in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici, our founder and inspiration. AMEN.

An Associate Prayer Loving God, let Saint Angela never cease commending us to your kindness. By always imitating her charity and prudence, may we come to a deeper understanding of the mission of Jesus. May we always reflect his presence in our lives. AMEN.

May 2021

Associate Update

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ReflectiveMoments Moments Reflective Prayer helps us to be “doers”

By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU


aint James tells us to be doers of the word, not merely hearers. Doers act. They do something and they will be blessed in their doing.

Sister Simone Campbell, sometimes known as “the Nun on the Bus,” believes this is a call to nurture fidelity for the long haul. What will help us to do that? Sister Simone says it is Contemplative Practice. I agree with her. I have been practicing Centering Prayer for many years and sometimes that has been the only thing that has gotten me through the hard times. It has also helped me to be what Sister Simone calls an “equal opportunity annoyer.” It has helped me, at times, to challenge community leadership and those I live with in community. It has also helped me to challenge politicians and lawmakers when I believe their politics are unjust. On the other hand, it has helped me affirm those who do good. Yes, those who do good need to be blessed and affirmed.

Lily Cloughley shares her prayerful insights Associate Lily Cloughley makes a point about the importance of spirituality during the Advent Day of Reflection on Dec. 10, 2016, at Curé of Ars Catholic School in Leawood, Kan. Looking on are Associate Mariita Rodriguez (at left) and Ursuline Sister Jane Falke.

By Janice Arth, OSUA

Lily Cloughley has been an Ursuline Associate since 1979. A fellow parishioner introduced her to the Ursuline Sisters by inviting her to a retreat at their convent in Paola, Kan. Lily is an inspiration to our Associate group because of her spiritual insight and prayerful way of speaking. She shared with me that during this time of the Covid pandemic we are experiencing a worldwide epidemic as we have never experienced before. “We are witnessing through our faith journey that we are not alone,” Lily said. “The Lord is with us if we do what he asks of us. If we feel it is not enough, the Lord makes it enough if we turn to him, as in the example when Jesus took the fish and five loaves to feed the multitudes. The Lord doesn’t make us stand alone. He is always with us. “As we follow Saint Angela through her journey, we learn she trusted the Lord through prayer, ‘sitting at the feet of Jesus.’ So, we need to pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit for the graces to do the Lord’s will.” Lily’s father was a devout Catholic and always said ‘a family that prays together stays together.”

He would read the bible and the family said the rosary together. Lily is the youngest of two sisters and two brothers. Her brother William is a Redemptorist Brother and resides at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, which is near where the family grew up in Kansas City, Mo. Lily now attends St. Agnes Catholic Church in Roeland Park, Kan. She is a Eucharistic Minister and volunteers for whatever she can do to help, which gives her great joy and a chance to witness her faith to others. “It is the people around us that help us to shine in our faith. We don’t do it alone,” Lily said. “None of us get to heaven alone. We need the help of family, friends and a religious community with whom we are blessed to help us reach greatness.”


"Because God ... wants nothing for you but only your good and your joy."

Saint Angela Merici

– Rule Chapter X

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From the Development Office...

Get ready for the Raffle, Quilt Auction, Trivia, and Quilt Bingo! What a year it has been, and we are still living with the uncertainty of the pandemic. There is a light at the end of tunnel. Last year we adjusted our annual events, and we are going to continue with some of the changes we made this year. The Mount Raffle ticket sales will begin in June. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Be watching your mailbox for information about how to purchase tickets. We encourage you to use the online option for buying tickets. The drawing will be held at the conclusion of our Escape to

the Mount Weekend on Sunday, September 12 at 4 p.m. For safety reasons we will not be selling in person at the parishes. Our 3rd Annual Escape to the Mount Weekend will be September 11 and 12. Trivia will be on Saturday, September 11 and Quilt Bingo will return on Sunday, September 12. Watch our Facebook page and website for details. Our online Quilt Auction will be July 26–August 6. This event was in place of the Quilt Bingo last year and was so popular we are offering it again this year. We will feature quilts on our website that people can bid on. The Kindness Campaign is in

It’s back! Online Quilt Auction

July 26–August 6 Last year’s Quilt Auction was so popular, we are bringing it back! You can preview quilts on the auction block on our website and Facebook starting in July. Different quilts will be up for bid every two days. ursulinesmsj.org • facebook.com/ursulinesmsj To bid, contact Carol at the information below. Good luck!

Don't forget your Mount Saint Joseph raffle tickets! Drawing is Sept. 12 at 4 p.m. Bigger cash prizes this year!

Get your $5 tickets for a chance to win $10,000! Or $5,000 • $2,500 • Quilt • $1,000 • $750 • $500 • $250 Order tickets online: https://ursulinesmsj.org/mountraffle

its third year. For $50 we will send a monthly card to the person of your choice with a personalized message. Just tell us a little bit about why you want them to receive a little kindness and we will take care of the rest. Help the Ursuline Sisters spread kindness and make the world a better place. Go to our website www. ursulinesmsj.org and watch our Facebook page for more details. Call 270-229-2008 or email carol.braden-clarke@maplemount. org for more information.

Carol Braden-Clarke

Director of Development, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Escape to the Mount

Saturday, Sept. 11

4-7 p.m. in Mount Saint Joseph Gym Enjoy snacks, drinks, beer, wine. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place teams. $25 per person.

Sunday, Sept. 12

1 – 4 p.m. in Mount Saint Joseph Gym

Play bingo to win quilts! Enjoy lunch and drinks.

For more information, contact Carol Braden-Clarke 270-229-2008 • carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org

$25 per person. One bingo card provided. $1 games for small quilt prize. $2 games for large quilt prize. License 0290

We will follow safety guidelines. Escape events subject to change due to Covid protocols.

The Kindness Campaign provides 12 inspirational cards to be sent monthly to the person of the donor’s choice, perhaps a friend, a relative, or a neighbor. This service will be provided for a contribution of $50. You are both spreading kindness and helping the Ursuline Sisters continue their ministries! New cards will start in June, but we can accept signups later. Contact Carol Braden-Clarke: 270-229-2008 • carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org or sign up online: ursulinesmsj.org/kindness-campaign

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In Loving Memory... 2 Gary Mesnier Karen Wells 4 Lina Trujillo 5 Paula Graves 6 Jeff Goldsmith Martha Little 8 Doreen Abbott 9 Keith Hudson 10 Bobby Joe Christian Ramona McConnell 20 Rebecca Leonard 22 Donna Favors Jim Wilkus 24 Jo Morelli Fr. John Vaughan 26 Perla Pike Karen Siciliano 27 Phil Dees Suzanne Reiss 28 Tony Butel Gabriela (Gaby) Mora Raynell Prado Susie Westerfield

2 Ione Deken Sara Scully 4 Donna Karcher 5 Janice Lawless Arth Lela Buettmann 5 Joan Teder 6 Philomena Bollinger David Henderson Christopher Walls 7 Barbara Boatner Karen De Sosa 8 Fr. Tony Shonis 9 Shirley Eckert Mary Jo Johnson 10 Harriet Jack 11 Fr. Carl McCarthy 12 Fr. Ray Goetz 13 Loraine Hardy Don Speaks 16 Mary Danhauer Dan Heckel Chico Irizarry Mary Sandlin 17 Jean Dowdy 19 Trudy Peak Jean Simpson

20 21 24 25 27 31

Sr. Ann Middlebrooks, SEC Fr. Joe Nangle Debbie Lanham Larry Denton Suzanne Gochenouer Kay Howa Claudio Olea Sarah Bowling Gloria Adams Theresa Caffey Nanette Foley Debby Ludwig

1 Marilyn Mischlich 3 Bob Beam Patricia (Pat) Gregory Jim Wilson 5 Betty Medley Wallace 6 Lisa Day 8 Stephanie George 9 Bob Lawrence Florence Lyon 11 Ruth Bittel-Nunez Bonnie Marks 12 Wilma Howard 15 Erica Cabezas Don Hobbs 16 Shirlene Quinn Marcia Stoller 17 Michael Bufalini 18 Carol Hill Meghan Payne 19 Pam Brickler 21 Bruce Blandford 23 Lawrence Guenther 24 Sid Mason 25 Joyce York 27 Brenda Busick Kris Mango 28 Juanita Burke Pat Riordan Joanne Thompson 30 Jean Murphy 31 Risë Karr

SISTER TERESA RILEY, 84, died Nov. 24, 2020, at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 65th year of religious life. A native of Mayfield, Ky., she was a gentle and affirming woman with a keen sense of the needs of others, especially those sick or alone. She taught in Kentucky and Missouri for 24 years. She served at Brescia College/University in Owensboro as office manager for admissions and director of Student Support Services, and also served at Bellarmine College, Louisville. She was pastoral associate at St. Mary Parish, LaCenter, Ky., (2001-10), and served in outreach ministry in Benton, Ky. (2011-18). Survivors include the members of her religious community; sisters, Margie Brittain, of Stanford, Ky., and Ruth Dickens, of Tucson, Ariz.; brothers Joseph Riley and James Riley, both of Mayfield; nieces and nephews. SISTER ALFREDA MALONE, 96, died Feb. 13 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 71st year of religious life. A native of Raywick, Ky., she was a prayerful woman with an unceasing energy to serve wherever she was needed. She was a teacher and principal in Kentucky (1952-65). She was registrar at Brescia College, Owensboro (1965-68 and 1978-90). She was secretary to the Leadership Council at Maple Mount (1968-76) and ministered in health care at the Mount. She was a religious education secretary in New Mexico. She was administrative assistant to J.C. Malone Associates in Louisville (19902004), then ministered to family and others in the Hodgenville, Ky., area (2004-09). From 2010-18, she was assistant to the archivist at the Motherhouse. Survivors include the members of her religious community; sisters Wanda D’Angelo, of Boston, Ky., and Aretha Reckley, Tarzana, Calif.; a brother, John R. Malone of Louisville; and nieces and nephews. SISTER DIANNA ORTIZ, 62, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph for 43 years, died Feb. 19 in Washington, D.C. after a brave battle with cancer. She was raised in Grants, N.M. Sister Dianna called on God to help her survive a traumatic event in her life to become an advocate for torture victims worldwide. She taught in Kentucky for four years, then began doing mission work with Mayan children in Guatemala. While there in 1989 she was abducted by government forces and tortured. After much prayer and counseling, she became a grassroots organizer for the Guatemalan Human Rights Commission in Washington, D.C. (1994-2000). In 1998, she founded the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC) International in Washington, Continued on page 7

May 2021

Associate Update

In Loving Memory... to advocate for the abolition of torture and to support its victims. She testified before Congress concerning human rights and torture and received numerous honors for her work from peace and victims advocate organizations. She served in Washington with the Center of Concern on its Education for Justice Project, and as deputy director of Pax Christi USA. Survivors include the members of her religious community; her mother Amby Ortiz of Grants; sisters Barbara Murrietta of Grants and Michelle Salazar of San Mateo, N.M,; brothers Ronald Ortiz, Pilar Ortiz Jr., John Ortiz and Joshua Ortiz, all of Grants; nieces and nephews. She was buried in the convent cemetery. Donations in memory of an Ursuline Sister may be made to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. MARY LOUISE “WEEZ” KELLY, 77, of Bucyrus, Kan., died Jan. 25. She made her commitment as an Ursuline Associate in 2008. Mary married William Kelly in 1960 and they raised their children on the family farm. She had a fun sense of humor and you could count on her for telling it like she saw it. Mary was a very creative person with a flair for design, landscaping and painting. She had a wide array of work endeavors including owning a dress shop, operating Windmill Gardens greenhouse, working at Holy Rosary School and at Dengel & Son. She is survived by her five children: Sheryl (Rick) Souders, Lori (Nelson) Shirley, Kim Finestead, Trish Viscek, and Greg (Jennifer) Kelly; 15 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren, and a brother, Kenny (Janelle) Kinnison. HELEN MILES, 101, of Owensboro, Ky., died Jan. 23. She was one of the first Ursuline Associates, making her commitment in 1984 with Sister Margaret Ann Aull as her contact Sister. Helen was a member of St. Stephen Cathedral, where she was very active as a Eucharistic minister, lector, and as a spiritual care minister to the homebound and hospitalized. She was a member of the choir, altar society, parish outreach and St. Vincent DePaul Society. She helped start the St. Stephen Soup Kitchen. She received the Sophia Award from the Diocese of Owensboro in 2000 for St. Stephen. She certainly loved her Church family and attended daily Mass. She is survived by several nieces and nephews and Margie Hill, a friend who was like a sister. JACINTA C. GARINGER, 91, of Owensboro, died Jan. 29. She was a former Ursuline Sister and became an Ursuline

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We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Associate Mary Danhauer, whose mother Anna Jean Danhauer died Feb. 2 and whose father William E. Danhauer Jr. died March 6. • Sister Susan Mary Mudd, whose brother Leonard Mudd died Feb. 5. • Sister Cheryl Clemons and Associate Kim Haire, whose uncle Father Delma Clemons died Feb. 16. • Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger, whose cousin Max Olinger died Feb. 25. • Associate Dan Heckel, whose brother-in-law Steve Evans died March 2. • Sister Francis Louise Johnson, whose sister Dorothy Elder died March 5. • Sister Mary Henning, whose mother Mary Pauline Henning died March 31. • Sister Amelia Stenger and Associate Mary Teder, whose sister Teresa Reale, died April 11. Mary’s daughter, Ellen Marquart, sister of Associate Joan Teder and Sister Amelia’s niece, died April 15. Associate in 2006, with Sister Clarita Browning as her contact Sister. Jacinta taught at various Catholic schools in the Diocese of Owensboro until 1970, then served in the Cincinnati Catholic Schools until retirement. She enjoyed bowling, golfing and casinos and was an avid Cincinnati Reds fan. Two husbands preceded her in death. She is survived by her nephews Gates, Todd, Charles, Carey, Jim, Steve, David, John, and Neil Tichenor; a niece who is her namesake, Jacinta Peters; and great nephews and nieces. DORIS JEAN ROMMELFANGER, 83, of Greeley, Kan., died Feb. 20. She became an Ursuline Associate in 1992, with the late Sister Marie William Blyth as her contact Sister. She married Richard Rommelfanger in 1956. She worked at her parents’ Greeley Café, the Greeley Co-op, and Greeley Elementary as the school secretary. She and Richie purchased the Greeley Lumber Co. in 1965 and Greeley Hardware in 1978. They made this the family business until retirement. Doris Jean was a lector at St. John’s Church and a member of the St. John’s Altar Society, V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary, Greeley Town and Country, the Zig-Zag Quilter’s Club, and Lambda Beta Sorority. She enjoyed bowling, gardening, sewing, quilting, traveling and genealogy. She is survived by her husband of 64 years, Richie, five children, Larry Rommelfanger, Mike (Dana) Rommelfanger, Don (Susan) Rommelfanger, Sherry (Robert) Carpenter, and Margie (J.C.) Bowman; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren; a brother, Frank (Suzann) Blackmore; and a sister, Kay (Larry) Hermann.


Saturday, June 26, 2021 – Mount Saint Joseph Gymnasium Registration 9:30 a.m. CDT in Gym. Event begins at 10 a.m. (Tentative) Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (________)_______________________Email _________________________________________________________ Special needs (dietary, handicap accessibility):___________________________________________________________ q Box Lunch needed for in-person attendance on Saturday, June 26 (no charge) Sorry, no overnight accommodations are available this year. Registration is required for Associates and Sisters Day.

Please return this form by June 18 to:

Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356 Or you may register online: https://ursulinesmsj.org/associates-and-sisters-day/ Questions? Call 270-229-2006 or email associates.msj@maplemount.org We hope you can join us in person or virtually!

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