Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Associate Update May 2022

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MAY 2022


Associates & Sisters Day promises eventful lineup By Dan Heckel, OSUA (MSJ Staff)


he finishing touches are being planned for Associates and Sisters Day on Saturday, June 25, 2022, but after the uncertainty of last year, the organizers feel confident we’ll have a day that everyone will enjoy. Last year’s participants overwhelmingly wanted KANSAS MEETING– Ursuline Sisters and Associates met to continue the shorter day. Registration will begin March 12 at Bishop Miege High School in Shawnee Mission, in the Mount Saint Joseph Auditorium at 9:30 a.m., Kan., for Associate Formation topic “Move” as part of the year-long theme of Saint Angela’s message: “Act, Strive, with the welcoming remarks and opening prayer Move, Believe and Hope.” A Lenten Prayer Service followed beginning at 10 a.m. the meeting. Left to right: Rita Wilkus, Jim Wilkus, Nanette The Rev. Larry Hostetter, president Foley, Carol O’Keefe, Janice Arth, Sister Angela Fitzpatrick, of Brescia University in Owensboro, Sister Michele Morek, Joanne Thompson and Renee Schultz. Ky., and an Ursuline Associate since Jean Vanderheiden attended but is not pictured. 2014, will be the keynote speaker. Father Larry will speak about the leading the Caritas Center, will lead the reflection university’s new Caritas Center and the time. DeMoor, an expert on ecotheology of caritas. Sacred Scriptures spirituality, led a retreat on that topic Father Larry along with classic and contemporary at Maple Mount in 2019. She had the texts of the Catholic intellectual tradition integrate opportunity to study with Thomas the vision of love expressed by Jesus Christ and Berry, the famed Passionist priest who his mandate: “This is my commandment: love one Emily spoke of the “Great Work” of enhancing DeMoor another as I love you” (John 15:12). the spirituality of the earth. The Brescia website calls the Caritas Center DeMoor was scheduled to lead a retreat at Maple “a faculty and scholarly resource that provides Mount in 2021, but it was canceled due to Covid. a collaborative space for the continuing work of She said at the time, “I think Mount Saint bringing caritas or love alive in the Brescia A registration form Joseph is a very holy place. When people University community and beyond.” have lived together and prayed together th The Caritas Center is a place for people for the June 25 for decades, it becomes permeated with of all backgrounds to share resources, gathering is on God’s spirit.” programming, professional development A box lunch will be served at noon, the back page. and networking. The work of the Caritas and time will be provided for visiting as Center is guided by the questions: “Who are we as well. We hope to have copies of the new book “Hope people called to love? What do we need to know and Firm Faith: The Story of the Ursuline Sisters of as people called to love? What do we need to do as Mount Saint Joseph” available for sale throughout the people called to love?” day. We will also have Mount Raffle tickets for sale. Following Father Larry’s talk, Dr. Emily At 1 p.m., Dan Heckel will lead the always DeMoor, a theology professor at Brescia who is Continued on page 2

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From the Associate Office...

Happy Spring! I was turning on to Cummings Road one recent morning and was in awe with the beautiful pink blossoms of the cherry trees in full bloom. I just love this time of year, with new life appearing everywhere around us because spring has sprung. That brings us closer to our yearly event of Associates and Sisters Day, which I always look forward to. It makes me so happy to see all of you and catch up on what has happened in the past year. We are very excited to have Ursuline Associate Father Larry Hostetter speaking to us on the topic of the Theology of Caritas (the Latin word for love). As we continue to move forward with the changes being made here at the Mount, we had a very successful sale of the contents from the Academy and Retreat Center. It was both a sad and joyful occasion. I was so pleased to see so many Sisters, Associates and Alumnae there. I enjoyed the conversation and listening to the many stories told by the Sisters pertaining to items in the sale. What a day! Remember to save the date of June 25 so that you can attend Associates and Sisters Day, and I look forward to seeing all of you again. Stay well and God bless you all.

Doreen Abbott, OSUA

Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships CORRECTION: In the February 2022 Update, Ruth M. Metschuleit was inadvertently omitted from the list of Associates celebrating their 20th anniversary year of commitment. ASSOCIATE UPDATE is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 • Email: Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Doreen Abbott, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Director of Development: Carol Braden-Clarke Mission Advancement Assistant: Sister Mary McDermott, OSU



e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

Associates and Sisters Day Saturday, June 25, 2022 Mount Saint Joseph Auditorium (or online via Zoom)

9:30 a.m...........Check in 10:00 a.m........Welcome and Opening Prayer 10:15 a.m........Keynote by Father Larry Hostetter: ...............................“The Theology of Caritas” 11:00 a.m........Reflection time led by ...............................Dr. Emily DeMoor 12 Noon...........Lunch 1:00 p.m...........Trivia about Ursuline Jubilarians 1:30 p.m...........Recognizing Associate Anniversaries 1:40 p.m...........In Memoriam and Happy Faces 1:55 p.m...........New Associate Commitments 2:20 p.m...........Closing Prayer 2:30 p.m...........Optional Visiting and Game Playing

VISITORS: As we continue to get encouraging news about Covid, the rules in place to protect the Ursuline Sisters are relaxing. In mid-April when this issue went to press, visitors were allowed on campus if vaccinated and wearing masks indoors. We will update these rules as things change. With spring weather, there will be more chances to visit the Sisters outside. The Guest House is available for overnight lodging. Contact Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger at 270-215-6531 or to check availability.


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popular trivia based on our 10 Sisters celebrating jubilees this year. We will recognize the Associates celebrating anniversaries this year, followed by videos remembering those we’ve lost and all the smiles we’ve shared in the past year. At the end of the day, a few Associates in formation will make their commitments. The formal program will end at 2:30 p.m., followed by an optional hour of visiting and games among Sisters and Associates in the Auditorium. For those who cannot attend in person, we will share the day via Zoom. A registration form is included in this issue. You can also register online at www.ursulinesmsj. org/associates-and-sisters-day. We ask that Associates pay $10 to help offset expenses. We look forward to seeing you on June 25!n

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Dear Associates, As I come to the end of my time in leadership, I would like to thank you for your dedication to the community. Your support for the picnics, the quilt bingo, Christmas parties for the Sisters and many other activities has been special. But most importantly, your prayers for our community are the best ways you show your dedication and support. Your prayers and support mean so much to all of us. I look forward to seeing many of you in June for our Associates and Sisters Day. It will be so good to see you again. We pray that Covid will be far away from us. It has been difficult to meet with you in your groups over the past several years because of the pandemic. We do hope that in the future, your local groups will be able to continue to meet and that our new leadership will be able to come to pray with you. In the meantime, please continue to pray for us, and we will certainly pray for you.

Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU

Congregational Leader, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

How to get the new history book It remains the goal to have copies of “Hope and Firm Faith: The Story of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph” available for purchase during Associates and Sisters Day on June 25. As this issue of Update was heading to press, the indexing of the history book was being completed. That is one of the final steps before printing the books. With supply delays caused by Covid, it’s still hoped that the books will arrive by Associates and Sisters Day. We do plan to have a book launch celebration at Maple Mount once the books are in hand. The author, Associate Dan Heckel, also expects to make himself available for some book signing events at selected locations. If you think your area would be a worthwhile place to host such an event, please let Dan know. He can tailor his talk about the book to include selected areas that are mentioned in “Hope and Firm Faith.” Dan can be reached at dan.heckel@, or at 270-229-2007. If you don’t think you’ll be coming to Maple Mount soon and aren’t in an area where the book will come to you, we are taking preorders. You can order online at The cost is $37.10 (which includes sales tax), plus $10 for shipping. For two books, the shipping is $14. If you would rather pay by check, make your check out to “Ursuline Sisters” and mail to: Book Order, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. With your check, please include your name, address, phone number and email. And let us know if you want a copy signed by the author (at no extra charge).

RENEWING OUR ASSOCIATE COMMITMENT On June 25, Associate candidates will make commitments, and Associates will renew commitments in the Mount Auditorium. We invite you to renew your own Associate commitment by praying: Loving God, I renew my commitment TODAY as an associate of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. I promise to proclaim the gospel of Jesus through the actions of my everyday life. While continuing to live the vocation to which You have called me, I will embrace their charism and share in their mission, ministries, goals, ideals and challenges. I will pray for the Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Mount Saint Joseph and work to link my life with theirs in meaningful ways. I promise to grow in awareness of and commitment to the core values of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. …to foster a lived communion with God through daily prayer and a spirit of selfless service, generosity and hospitality, …to seek the reality of true peace and dignity for all peoples in all circumstances, …and to recognize and reverence the presence of Christ in each person I encounter. I make this promise for Your glory in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici, our founder and inspiration. AMEN.

An Associate Prayer... Loving God, let Saint Angela never cease commending us to your kindness. By always imitating her charity and prudence, may we come to a deeper understanding of the mission of Jesus. May we always reflect his presence in our lives. AMEN.

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Tina Wolken makes every moment matter By Suzanne Gochenouer, OSUA

Upon meeting Tina Wolken, I first noticed her joy-filled smile and wry sense of humor. Then I discovered how she made her whole life a grace note of service and faith by “striving to be the gift of presence.” With 20 years Tina Wolken in the Daviess County Public Schools and six-and-a-half with the Owensboro Public Schools, she finished off her teaching career with 12-plus years in the education department at Brescia University. In addition, for four years she volunteered with CASA, the Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused or neglected children. Tina says her spiritual practice centers on Saint Angela Merici’s directive to take her faith to the streets. This daughter of John and Margaret Wolken first saw this principle in action in grade school. By her account, having Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan as her seventh grade teacher in the Archdiocese of St. Louis was a blessing. And Tina’s older sister was a postulant at Mount Saint Joseph for a while. Tina became an Associate in 2017, with Sister Sharon Sullivan as her contact Sister. While her retirement means more time to spend with her children (Angela Johnson, Nikki Janiak, John Janiak IV, and Daniel Janiak) and her four grandchildren, Tina also dedicates more time to

being of service. She volunteers at the Owensboro Opportunity Center – which serves and advocates for people with developmental disabilities – and has helped run bingo fund-raising efforts for 20 years. Over the past 30 years, she supported the annual causes of her Alpha Delta Kappa sisters and currently crochets prayer blankets for the Crafting Ministry at Blessed Mother Parish. But Tina knows how to balance her service to others with finding joy in life. She’s never too busy to miss a good game of pickleball. Tina’s search for joy – her definition of that state is a sense of inner calmness and peace –finds its roots in studying the Bible and letting the teaching core of Angela’s ministry flow through her every day and every action. That passion is easy to identify in how she advocates for her past students and those who need someone to believe in them today. Tina truly knows what she’s talking about when she says, “You can minister to people no matter where you are. Don’t let a moment go by when you have the opportunity to do something good or kind.” If she had a superpower, Tina would like the ability to show the world how to slow down, be kind, and live in the moment. At the end of her life, Tina hopes people will see that she “prayed quietly and acted, but didn’t flaunt her faith.”

ReflectiveMoments Moments Reflective How we know Jesus is Risen

By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU


or Christians, Easter is the greatest of all feasts. So great it can never be celebrated in one day. The six days following Easter are called Easter, too. Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday and so on through the week. Really, we celebrate Easter for 50 days. Yes, a great feast indeed. I sometimes am struck by those who couldn’t believe in the resurrection and wonder if I would have been among them. Those of us who are living today have more than 2,000 years to absorb the mystery and to reflect on the signs that Jesus is risen and lives among us today. What are those signs? On Holy Thursday night

Jesus told his followers to do what he did. We often interpret that to mean to celebrate the Eucharist. Over the years scripture scholars and theologians have told us it is more about washing feet – service to each other. We know Jesus is risen when we see Christians today doing what he did: loving one another, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, the lonely and the imprisoned, sheltering the homeless and speaking for those who have no voice. We know Jesus is risen when we see Christians setting aside time for prayer and contemplation. Some spiritual writers tell us that it is contemplation that Continued on next page

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From the Development Office...

There were moments of joy in the Academy/Center vintage sale Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. – Henri Nouwen

I am not a big fan of yard sales, flea markets or auctions, mainly because I don’t like crowds or shopping. So, I have to admit I was not looking forward to the big Retreat Center Sale on March 26. What happened that day was a day filled with moments of joy. People who had some connection to the Mount came Shoppers look at all that is for sale in the Mount from all over to the sale. It was wonderful hearing their Saint Joseph Auditorium stories – from attending school there, coming to the picnic on March 26. Ursuline or music camp, or having a relative who was a Sister. I Associate Mike Sullivan, far watched their eyes light up as they recalled fond memories. left, came to help. I saw people sharing with their former teachers gratitude for RIGHT: Associate Martha the difference they had made in their life. I saw a few tears Alle helps buyers check out. well up in people’s eyes as they talked about the memories they had of coming to the Mount. I watched a group of Brescia students carefully carry items out to people’s vehicles knowing it was precious cargo for the person. Their smiles, laughter, and joking about getting a tougher workout than their coach required them made the day fun. Toward the end of the day, a little girl came with a smile that lit up her face. Watching her try out every chair, pick out teddy bears and help load their purchases in their truck with such enthusiasm was a wonderful way to end a long day. It wasn’t difficult to choose joy that day – I think it chose me. 1 p.m.–4 p.m. If you missed this one, there will be other opportunities for joy Mount Saint Joseph Auditorium to support the Ursuline Sisters. Our Kindness Campaign is your 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, Ky. chance to spread joy and kindness to someone who may need it. Play bingo to win quilts! The 52nd Mount Raffle tickets go on sale June 1. We plan to bring Quilt Bingo back on Sunday, Sept. 11 and will draw the Enjoy lunch and have fun! $ Mount Raffle winners at the conclusion of Quilt Bingo. We have 25 per person. One bingo game card provided. After that, $1.00 games for small quilt prize and some other events in the works. Watch our Facebook page and $ 2.00 games for large quilt prize. website for more details. Seating is limited. Sign up online: We all can use a little joy. – Carol Braden-Clarke

Escape to the Mount

QUILT BINGO is back!

Sunday, Sept. 11


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will heal the world, destroy terrorists and hatred groups, violence and war. Isn’t that what Jesus did? In scripture we often see Jesus going to the desert or the mountain to pray before he went out to minister. We know Jesus is risen when we see Christians loving each other. In Saint John’s gospel he tells us, “This is how they will know you are my disciples if you love one another.” Do people know you are a follower of Jesus? Reflection... A question I’ve often heard asked is, “If you were accused of being a Christian is there enough evidence to convict you?” Perhaps it would be good for each of us to ponder that question.

or mail a check payable to Ursuline Sisters, Development Office, 8001 Cummings Rd. Maple Mount KY 42356

Don't forget your $5 raffle tickets! You could be our lucky $10,000 winner! Or you could win $5,000 • $2,500 • Handmade Quilt • $1,000 • $750 • $500 • $250 Ticket sales begin June 1. Order tickets online:

Drawing takes place on Sept. 11 at 4 p.m.

For more information, contact Carol Braden-Clarke 270-229-2008 License 0290

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Happy Bir thday ASSOCIAT ES!


Joanne Mason’s “driveway ministry” still going strong

Ursuline Associate Joanne Mason and her husband Frank were walking in their 2 Gary Mesnier Karen Wells neighborhood in the spring of 2021 when they 4 Lina Trujillo stopped to talk to a new neighbor. Joanne 5 Paula Graves 20 Sr. Ann Middlebrooks, SEC “He mentioned some difficulties he was 6 Jeff Goldsmith Fr. Joe Nangle having and we tried to encourage him,” Joanne said. “We told Martha Little 21 Debbie Lanham him to keep praying and to put his trust in God.” 8 Doreen Abbott 23 Maryann Joyce The neighbor suggested that the three begin meeting for 9 Keith Hudson 24 Larry Denton bible study. This was a year into the Covid-19 pandemic, and 10 Bobby Joe Christian 25 Suzanne Gochenouer Joanne was a bit leery. But she saw it as a great opportunity to Ramona McConnell Kay Howa share her faith. “Angela put this on my heart,” she said. “Do 16 Mary Alice Wethington Claudio Olea something that you are uncomfortable with.” 20 Rebecca Leonard 27 Sarah Bowling To remain safe during Covid, the three began meeting in the 22 Donna Favors 31 Gloria Adams neighbor’s driveway for bible study on Monday evenings. Then Jim Wilkus Theresa Caffey an amazing thing happened. 24 Jo Morelli Nanette Foley “More people learned about it and started to come,” Joanne Fr. John Vaughan Debby Ludwig said. “Once the weather got cold, we started meeting in his 26 Perla Pike Gustavo Paez home and wore masks. We’re up to nine people now. We meet Karen Siciliano Marilyn Paul every Monday for an hour or sometimes an hour and a half.” 27 Phil Dees The group is a mixture of Catholics, Methodists and Suzanne Reiss Baptists. Two ministers who joined have helped explain AUGUST 28 Tony Butel some of the more difficult scripture. People from the Masons’ Gabriela (Gaby) Mora 1 Marilyn Mischlich neighborhood in Lewisport, Ky., saw the “driveway ministry” Raynell Prado 3 Bob Beam and wanted to join, but the group has also added people from 20 Susie Westerfield Patricia (Pat) Gregory miles away in Cloverport, Ky., 14 miles away in Tell City, Ind., Jim Wilson and 18 miles away in Owensboro. JULY 5 Betty Medley Wallace “It didn’t make any difference that we were different 2 Ione Deken 6 Lisa Day religions,” Joanne said. “We’re also a mix of ages. We have a Sara Scully 8 Stephanie George man in his early 20s from Owensboro. He said he’s been able to 4 Donna Karcher 9 Bob Lawrence learn so much from the group.” 5 Janice Lawless Arth 11 Ruth Bittel-Nunez The group reads an entire book of the bible before Lela Buettmann Bonnie Marks moving onto the next book, Joanne said. “It’s been a good 5 Joan Teder 12 Wilma Howard thing,” Joanne said. “It shows that when you’re worshipping 6 Philomena Bollinger 15 Erica Cabezas in fellowship, anything is possible. We’re just a group of David Henderson Don Hobbs Christians who meet together. When the weather gets warmer, Christopher Walls 16 Shirlene Quinn we’ve discussed moving back outside because we enjoyed it so 7 Barbara Boatner Marcia Stoller much.” 8 Fr. Tony Shonis 17 Michael Bufalini The driveway ministry was a boost to overcoming the 9 Shirley Eckert 18 Carol Hill isolation caused by Covid, Joanne said. “It meant we were able Mary Jo Johnson Meghan Payne to get out and be with like-minded people,” she said. “It doesn’t 10 Harriet Jack 19 Pam Brickler matter who you are or where you are. We could still meet and 11 Fr. Carl McCarthy 21 Bruce Blandford talk about scripture.”n 12 Fr. Ray Goetz 13 Loraine Hardy Don Speaks 16 Mary Danhauer Dan Heckel Chico Irizarry Mary Sandlin 17 Jean Dowdy 19 Trudy Peak Jean Simpson

23 24 25 27 28

Lawrence Guenther Sid Mason Joyce York Brenda Busick Kris Mango Juanita Burke Pat Riordan Joanne Thompson 30 Jean Murphy 31 Risë Karr

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To:

• Associate Jean Murphy, whose son Bill Murphy died Jan. 24. • Sister Claudia Hayden, whose cousin Elaine Ballard died Feb. 7. • Sister Marietta Wethington and Associate Pauline Goebel, whose sister Linda Pennington died Feb. 25. • Sister Joan Riedley, whose niece Lisa Anne Thompson Tapp died March 1.

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In Loving Memory...

Original Paola Associate Mariita Rodriguez dies at 93

When the Ursuline Sisters of Paola, Kan., began their Associate program in 1981, one of the first people to sign up was Mariita Rodriguez. In 1960, Mariita, her husband Mariita Rolando and their four children fled Cuba following the communist takeover led by Fidel Castro. They initially settled in Topeka, Kan. Rolando was a psychiatrist and eventually got a job at Osawatomie (Kan.) State Hospital. The family enrolled their children in St. Philip Neri School, a two-room school where the teachers were Ursuline Sisters Susanne Bauer and Kathleen Dueber, in her first assignment. It began a relationship with the Sisters that lasted more than 50 years. “That’s where I taught their oldest son Agustin,” Sister Kathleen said. “I left and went to school and when I came back, I taught fifth and sixth grade at Holy Trinity in Paola. St. Philip Neri had closed and now the Rodriguez children attended Holy Trinity, where I taught Patty and Roland.” By the time Sister Kathleen began teaching at St. Agnes School in Roeland Park near Kansas City, the Rodriguez family had moved there and added two more children. Sister Kathleen taught Betty and Jerry Rodriguez. “The only child of theirs I didn’t teach was the youngest, Sophie,” Sister Kathleen said. “Mariita became one of our first Associates. She was a super sweet lady,” Sister Kathleen said. “By the time she became an Associate, her husband had died and she had also lost Agustin. But she stayed positive through it all. She stayed active with the Associates through the years. She was a much-loved person. She would do anything for anyone.” Mariita died on March 9, 2022, at age 93. For many years, she lived next door to Ursuline Sisters Jane Falke and Dee Long, near Bishop Miege High School in Roeland Park. “Mariita was a person full of life and spirit,” Sister Jane said. “You could never get her down. She lost her son and then her husband, but she just kept going. She was very full of life and faith.” Mariita always loved the Ursuline Sisters, Sister Jane said.

“She and Sister Martina (Rockers) went to breakfast together every Sunday. She was very generous. She was a very remarkable woman.” Sister Martina went to heaven in 2018. Paola Associate Joanne Thompson said when she participated in Associate retreats in the 1990s, Mariita was always present. “She was one of the first Associates I came to know because she was so friendly and warm,” Joanne said. “She was also memorable because of her wit and her special Latina accent. She was one I could count on seeing every time we got together.” Mariita was born in Havana and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Havana. In Kansas, she was an international sales representative for 43 years at Koch Supplies and then Bunzl International. She enjoyed fostering relationships with her customers and reluctantly retired at age 90. Even in times of great trial she believed God held her and carried her every day and every hour. Her obituary asked for donations to the Ursuline Sisters, “Because, after all, they essentially raised the Rodriguez kids and were a source of friendship and support to Mariita throughout her life.” Several donated in her memory. She is survived by her sister Sylvitica (Armando) Basarrate; her children Roland Rodriguez, Patricia (Damon) Rodriguez, Beatriz (David) Rodriguez, Jerry (Bridget) Rodriguez and Sophia (Blair) Rodriguez; six grandchildren and four great grandchildren.n AUDREY PIERCE DURBIN, 100, of Radcliff, Ky., died Feb. 22. Audrey graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1939 and Mount Saint Joseph Junior College in 1941. She became an Ursuline Associate in 1999, with Sister George Mary Hagan as her contact Sister. She was selected for the Maple Leaf Award in 2007, the highest honor bestowed by the Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Association. Audrey was a member of St. Brigid Parish in Vine Grove since 1945. She was a retired school teacher who taught at Vine Grove, Radcliff and Fort Knox. She was an avid University of Kentucky fan who enjoyed being an election poll worker and volunteering for the American Red Cross. Some of her memberships included the Vine Grove Ladies Bunco, Red Hat Society, Radcliff Homemakers and being a Kentucky Colonel. She loved to travel and volunteer at St. Brigid. Her survivors include two sons, Johny (Diana) Durbin and Larry (Ellie) Durbin; three grandchildren and four great grandchildren.


Saturday, June 25, 2022 – Mount Saint Joseph Auditorium Registration 9:30 a.m. CDT. Event begins at 10 a.m. Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (________)_______________________Email _________________________________________________________ Special needs (dietary, handicap accessibility)___________________________________________________________ Registration is required for Associates and Sisters Day. q Box lunch needed for in-person attendance on Saturday, June 25. Please provide a $10 donation to help defray costs. Accommodations: There is a limited amount of space in the Guest House on a first come, first served basis. q I can’t attend in person but please send me the Zoom link so that I may watch online (no charge).

Please return this form by June 17, 2022, to this address:

Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356 Or you may register online: Questions? Call 270-229-2006 or email

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