Ursulines Alive Winter 2021

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Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Winter 2021

Proclaiming Jesus through Education and Christian Formation


Issue No. 56

The rural tradition of Ursuline teachers continues

Faith of Marion County, Ky., led to many Sisters

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From our Congregational Leader Dear Friends, Autumn has finally come to the Mount. The trees are turning beautiful colors and there is a chill in the air. Farmers are harvesting the crops and grain trucks are always on the road taking the bounty to be sold. God has blessed us with a good harvest this year. This issue of Ursulines Alive is about our Sisters who taught and teach in the rural areas. Many of Sister Amelia our Sisters started their teaching ministry in small rural schools. There were four Sisters who came to southeast Missouri to teach in the little school of St. Teresa in Glennonville, Mo. Our Ursuline teachers shared so much with us. It was from my teachers in that little school that my vocation to religious life was nurtured. The Ursuline Sisters left a mark on that school and parish which continues today. Many of our Sisters came from schools just like that so they had an idea of the need. Thousands of children benefited from the work done by Sisters in rural areas of Kentucky and many other states. We continue to be very careful at Mount Saint Joseph because of the virus. Covid continues to spread but at a much slower rate. We are still in a red zone but each day there are fewer cases in our area. We pray for those who have been affected by the virus. We pray for those who have lost members of their family and their friends. So many are suffering from the loss of loved ones. We look to the day when Covid is a part of our past. A major section of our magazine this month is the list of all who have supported us during the past year. We are extremely grateful for your generosity. We continue to have ministries in many areas, so your gifts help in so many ways. God bless you for your giving spirit. We ask you to continue to pray for all of our Sisters. We pray for you each day. Sincerely,

INDEX Ursulines in Rural Schools........................ 3-6 Powerhouse of Prayer................................. 7 Marion County, Ky., Faithfulness............ 8-9 Soli Deo Gloria........................................... 10 Vocations.................................................... 11 Sister Spotlight........................................... 11 Obituary...................................................... 11 Source of Support...................................... 12 Fun and Games at the Mount................... 13 Donor Spotlight......................................... 14 Thank you, Donors............................... 15-19 Three Sisters Honored .............................. 20 Christmas Blessing..................................... 20

OUR MISSION We, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, sustained by prayer and vowed life in community, proclaim Jesus through education and Christian formation in the spirit of our founder, Saint Angela Merici.


Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Congregational Leader Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph COVER: Ursuline Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner talks with one of her eighth-grade students at Mary Carrico Catholic School during history class on Oct. 21. There are 100 students in the rural school in Knottsville, Ky. Ursuline Sisters have taught in Knottsville for 109 years. BELOW: Sister Stanislaus Hagan and her students at St. Peter of Alcantara School in Stanley, Ky., between 1911-13.

Interested in becoming an Ursuline Associate? Contact Doreen Abbott: 270-229-2006 • www.ursulinesmsj.org/associates Ursulines Alive is published by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Maple Mount, Ky. Three issues are published each calendar year. EDITORS: Director of Mission Advancement/Communications...... Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design.................... Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA MISSION ADVANCEMENT STAFF: Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships............................. Doreen Abbott, OSUA Director of Development................................................ Carol Braden-Clarke Mission Advancement Assistant..................................... Sister Mary McDermott, OSU Contributing Writer......................................................... Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU Contributing Writer......................................................... Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU 2

• Prayer • Service • Empowerment • Justice • Contemplative Presence ...In the spirit of Saint Angela Merici

CONTACT US Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, Kentucky 42356 270-229-4103 Fax: 270-229-4953 info.msj@maplemount.org www.ursulinesmsj.org

• Facebook: facebook.com/ursulinesmsj • Instagram: Ursuline Sisters of MSJ • Twitter: twitter.com/ursulinesmsj • YouTube: UrsulineSistersMSJ

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Ursuline Sisters became experts teaching in rural schools By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff


nlike girls her age in larger cities, Beatrice Peterson had no chance to attend high school in her small, rural community of St. Mary, Ky. That all changed in 1912, when Ursuline Sister Gabriel Hayden led a small group of Ursulines to teach at St. Charles School in Marion County. “We were so happy to have them because there were not any public high schools in our county except one in Lebanon,” she said in a 1971 interview. “There were no buses at all. There was no such thing as a country girl getting a chance to go to a high school. The Sisters started teaching Latin and algebra and a few other things and made us very happy. We were going to get to learn something. I walked myself every day that I went to school until I was

18 years old, two miles there and two miles back. … Everybody in the county was so pleased that we had a chance to go to school.” In 1914, Beatrice joined the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, taking the name Sister Mary Joseph. She served as a Sister for 61 years and was elected the community treasurer in three different decades. None of that would have happened if the Ursuline Sisters had not come to teach in her rural Kentucky school. In their 109 years of existence, bringing quality education to the “country” schools in Kentucky and other states has been a hallmark of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. “I attended rural schools. I watched how happy the Ursulines were with so very little,” Sister Mary

These are the students at St. Charles School in Lebanon, Ky., in 1912, the year the Ursuline Sisters took over teaching there. In the third row are Sister Charles Gough, left, and Sister Gabriel Hayden. In the back row, the fifth girl from the right in the darker dress is Beatrice Peterson, who two years later became Sister Mary Joseph Peterson, OSU.

Sister Mary Matthias Ward, right, gets an embrace from Frances Darst during her farewell party from St. Paul School in Leitchfield, Ky., in 1971. At right is Susie Clark. Sister Mary Matthias was principal of the school from 1963-71.

Matthias Ward said. “Yet they gave so much to each of us. I resolved that someday I would give this to others.” The first three schools in which Sister Mary Matthias served were in small Kentucky towns – St. Peter of Alcantara in the Daviess County community of Stanley, St. Romuald School in Hardinsburg and St. Paul School in Leitchfield. Getting by with less was a staple for these schools. “At Stanley we squeezed children in classrooms when we lost a teacher. Our resources were minimal to say the least, but working together, we learned. The older students helped the younger – we were three grades in a room. “I worked at St. Paul, Leitchfield, for eight years (as principal). I’m still in touch with these folks. We worked, we played, we prayed together,” Sister Mary Matthias said. “I was able to give them experiences of seeing things they were not in touch with. Over a Continued on page 4


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period of a month, we visited places like grocery stores, banks, the cheese factory and the Coca-Cola plant. We ended with a trip to Frankfort. Each time we wrote about our experiences.” The Ursuline legacy continues in these communities, even though in several, the school closed long ago. “Our legacy lingers in individuals rather than the institution,” Sister Mary Matthias said. In 1912, in order for the Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph to form a community independent of the Ursulines of Louisville, they had to agree not to accept any schools in the city of Louisville for 20 years. To grow her young community, Mother Superior Aloysius Willett accepted requests from priests in small farming towns across Kentucky to lead their schools. Within 10 years, Ursuline Sisters were teaching in similar towns in Nebraska, New Mexico and Missouri. Sister Mary Agnes VonderHaar attended a two-room school in Vine Grove, Ky., before attending Mount Saint Joseph Academy. She joined the Ursulines upon graduation in 1952, and after serving for nine

Sister Helen Ann Stuart with firstgraders at St. Romuald School in Hardinsburg, Ky., 1985.


years, she became principal of St. Ann School in Howardstown, Ky., where she also taught the fifth through eighth grades. “It was a two-room school!” Sister Mary Agnes said. “I was delighted to use all the methods that I grew up with. One special thing about four grades in the same room is that the students learn so much as they study with the grades ahead of them to prepare for their next grade assignments.” Many Ursuline Sisters came from small towns, and they immediately embraced teaching in rural communities. Their reputation was already established by 1923, when Brother Bede Rouse, a Xavierian Brother, included in his master’s thesis the ability of the Sisters to succeed in rural schools. “These teachers have undertaken schoolwork in places where the comforts and conveniences of life are few, and where the spiritual advantages usually cherished by religious teachers are not always forthcoming,” Rouse wrote. … “The uniform success of this group of teachers in that field of parochial school activities attests a thoroughness of preparation for the work, which is highly commendable.” Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner is still serving in a rural Catholic school, Mary Carrico in the Daviess County community of Knottsville. The school has about 100 students, K-8. Her first 22 years as a Sister were served in rural schools. “The benefits I experienced in the rural schools was the great faith community, and most of the people claiming the school as theirs with a commitment to keep it going for future generations,” Sister Mary Celine said. “Since I grew up in St.

Teresa’s School in Glennonville, Mo., the rural school was more of a home for me. I believe I can do the best ministry when I am at home and included in the joys and sorrows.” All of these Sisters emphasized that the key to success in rural schools is the mutual involvement of the parents, the Sisters, and the local community. Sister Carol Shively served at St. Paul School in Leitchfield, St. Romuald in Hardinsburg and St. Teresa School in Glennonville, Mo. “The challenges were there because physical resources were

Sister Mary Cabrini Foushee, left, and Sister Theresa Margaret Hite walk the hallways in 1994 during a farewell party at St. Paul School in Leitchfield, Ky. Sister Mary Cabrini was the principal and Sister Theresa Margaret was the librarian.

limited, but the spirit of community and helping one another was out of this world,” Sister Carol said. “The challenges include not only leading a school community but being a part of the work for the community.” The benefits of the small community are praying and working together with the people, Sister Carol said. “Knowing the pain and suffering of those around us made us part of many families in the small, rural areas,” she said. “I learned how to

shoot at a shooting match for a school fundraiser.” The limited resources of rural schools often meant an ongoing struggle just to keep the school open. This was true at St. Joseph School in San Fidel, N.M., where Sister Michael Ann Monaghan served in the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s. “We had a walkathon, we did grant writing, we got some help from the diocese,” Sister Michael Ann said. “The parents were very involved, they believed in our school. The way we tried to enter into community activities was very important. We were showing that we were happy to be there.” Sister Betsy Moyer was principal in San Fidel for five years, and served three more years at St. Mary School in tiny Pierce City, Mo. She said the commitment of the parents and the eagerness of the students to learn made her years in both places enjoyable. “Everyone shared what they had and came together to make things happen,” Sister Betsy said. “If you needed volunteers, they were there. If you needed food for a meeting, program, or party, it was there. If you needed manual labor, someone was there and ready with supplies and ideas. “The Sisters helped the community strengthen their faith and their love for each other,” Sister Betsy said. “We were one with the people we served and those we taught. Rural appreciation versus city appreciation is valued in a deeper, more intense way. A rural community looks at you as one of them. If I had the choice to work in a city environment or a rural one, I would choose a rural setting, hands down. I had to work harder, but the

Sister Pauletta McCarty teaching at St. Paul School in Leitchfield, Ky., 1958-59.

support and love were greater in the baffles me when I think about it.” long run.” Sister Nancy Murphy taught in Sister Karla Kaelin was raised New Haven and Calvary, Ky., early in a country setting outside of in her years as a Sister, and said with Louisville, so she felt at home in her limited resources, creativity was early missions to New Haven and essential for the Ursuline teachers. Stanley, Ky. She appreciated how She recalls taking advantage of families nearby looked out for one an outdoor classroom for science another. classes. “On Christmas Eve each year “There is still a commitment I went down to one family’s home and dedication to the Ursulines in (with eight children) and helped these rural areas,” Sister Nancy said. their mom play Santa Claus,” Sister Martha Keller’s first Sister Karla said. “We then went assignment was teaching 35 students to Midnight Mass together at the in the third and fourth grades at parish.” Immaculate Conception School She quickly had to learn how in Hawesville, Ky. Aside from to adjust to differing levels of excellent parental involvement – “I preparation teaching Continued on page 6 the first and second grades. “Some first-graders Sister Martha Keller, center, and former Sister had not gone to Kathy Gallo to her right, on the playground at kindergarten and did Immaculate Conception School in Hawesville, not know their ABCs. 1986. In other classrooms I had first- and secondgraders together, so in a sense I had double work in half the time allotted,” Sister Karla said. “Then we also had to fit in preparation for First Communion. It 5

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Sister Michael Ann Monaghan gathers with her sixth-grade class at St. Joseph School in San Fidel, N.M., in the 1990s. Sister Michael Ann served three stints in San Fidel, the last time as principal from 1989-96.


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never remember having to ask a second time for a form to be returned or to be concerned about enough drivers for field trips” – it was the spirit of community among the families that she recalls the most. “When new families came

into the school and community they were greeted very warmly and invited to become involved,” Sister Martha said. “It was a blessing to minister and pray with such a faith-filled community of Catholic families, who made family life and education a priority in their schedule.” Sister Martha said when she Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner helps a Mary Carrico student in Knottsville who was working on the causes of World War II.

encounters families from her days in Hancock County, they tell stories about their former teachers. “They frequently share wonderful stories about what great educators the Ursuline Sisters were for them personally,” Sister Martha said. “Even though there are no Ursuline Sisters ministering there today, I believe our mission of education and Christian formation continues to bear fruit in the people of God within that community of Hancock County.”n

Sister Larraine keynote for Chamber Ursuline Sister Larraine Lauter (pictured on the far left) was the keynote speaker at the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce’s Sept. 2 Rooster Booster Breakfast at the Kentucky Legend Pier. Sister Larraine is the executive director of Water With Blessings, a nonprofit based in Louisville, Ky., which distributes filters to “water women” throughout the world (now 48 countries). The group has been busy lately helping Haiti. To find out more, visit waterwithblessings.org. 6

Assistant Congregational Leader Sister Pat Lynch looks at the portrait of founder Father Paul Joseph Volk in its new home in Saint Joseph Villa. The Sisters held a prayer service and blessing on Nov. 1 when the portrait was moved from Paul Volk Hall after it closed.

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Powerhouse of Prayer

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By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff

Sister Kathleen Dueber prays with a song in her heart


hen Sister Kathleen Dueber was in the seventh grade at St. Agnes School in Roeland Park, Kan., the Ursuline Sisters asked her and her older sister Mary Ellen to lead the music for the 7 a.m. daily Mass. “The Sisters had done it up until then,” Sister Kathleen said. “Mary Ellen played the organ and I sang. I did that until I entered the convent.” Singing is one of the ways Sister Kathleen has always prayed. Another is praying the rosary, which was a common practice several nights a week in her home growing up. “My dad’s sister was a Dominican Sister from Springfield, Ill.,” she said. “Seeing her say her prayers was a great example.” Sister Kathleen was an Ursuline of Paola prior to the merger with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. Since moving to Maple Mount in 2009, she has served a term as an elected member of the Leadership Council and as director of transportation for the Sisters. These days she is focused on serving in the Powerhouse of Prayer, praying for all those in need, and especially the Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Ministry staff. She enjoys saying the rosary in her room. The rosary she is using now came from the Holy Land and is made from olive wood. “My favorite rosary is the one my mother gave me when I entered the convent,” she said. When she prays in her room, she Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

uses several items hanging on the wall or a shelf. “I use the picture of the Paola motherhouse and the picture of the Paola Sisters,” she said. “The crucifix on the wall is from my dad’s casket. I have a small Saint Francis of Assisi figurine made from curly redwood. I’ve always loved it.” She enjoys reading spiritual books and partaking in community prayer with the Sisters. “Praying with the Sisters helps me feel more supported – and supportive,” she said.

Take Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all that I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me. To Thee, O lord, I return it. All is Thine, dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and thy grace, for this is sufficient for me. She has two favorite prayers. The “Peace Prayer of Saint Francis” has long appealed to her because of the contrasts involved – “where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon. …” “I can contrast the good parts of my life and the less than desirable

Sister Kathleen Dueber holds her figurine of Saint Francis of Assisi. She purchased Saint Francis in 1979 on a trip to Carmel, Calif.

habits in my life,” she said. Another prayer she enjoys is “Suscipe,” attributed to Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It is the Latin word for “take” and is the basis for the hymn “Take Lord, Receive” (see prayer card at left). Sister Kathleen is quick to say that formal prayer is only one way to pray. “When I was driving the Sisters, that was one of the times that I prayed. There is always time for a short prayer,” Sister Kathleen said. “Prayer is not so much the formality; it’s being close to God – talking to God,” she said. “People think you can’t pray unless you know the rosary or some other formal prayer. They are only a way to help you pray.” Friends can write to Sister Kathleen at 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.n

By joining the Ursuline Sisters’ annual Quilt Club, you can be a part of our mission and maybe even win a one-of-a-kind quilt! With a $25 ticket, you will get 12 chances to win a handmade quilt starting April 1, 2022. Drawings are held the first Friday of each month. Watch for a letter in the mail or watch for details on our website: www.ursulinesmsj.org. Thank you for your support. 7

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Strong faith and role models led many to become Ursuline Sisters

LEFT: Sister Francis Xavier Miles teaching the third grade at Calvary School in, Marion County, Ky., in 1965. BELOW: Calvary School and the Ursuline Sisters’ house in 1920.

By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff



n front of the David R. Hourigan Government Office Building in Lebanon, Ky., stands a monument dedicated to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. It was placed there in April 2012, celebrating 101 years of the Ursuline Sisters’ presence serving in Marion County. The Sisters began teaching in three public schools in Marion County in 1911. No one thought it was odd – practically everyone in the county was Catholic. At least one Ursuline Sister served in Marion County every year until 2017, when the late Sister Mary Lois Speaks came home to the Mount. This Ursuline influence is a major reason why at least 90 young women from Marion County The Ursuline Sisters memorial in eventually became Marion County, Ky., with the David Ursuline Sisters. R. Hourigan Government Office Building in the background. Two of them became

superiors of the community – Mother Teresita Thompson and Mother Joseph Marian Logsdon. There are seven Sisters remaining who call Marion County home. They say the dedication of Catholic families and the life their Ursuline teachers modeled were the main factors why the central Kentucky community was always a source of vocations. Sister Susan Mary Mudd entered the community in 1954. She said there were a great number of Catholic families near where she grew up in Lebanon. “They were people of great faith and I would say they believed in and relied on God, as they lived and prayed,” she said. “It was believed that priestly and religious vocations were lofty ones. “In the public school system there was a Catholic superintendent, Mr. Hugh C. Spalding. Mr. Spalding knew of the Mount Saint Joseph Ursulines and knew of their dedication to God and education,” Sister Susan Mary said. “Every summer he would make a trip to the Mount to petition the superior of the Sisters to send more Sisters to the Marion County Public Schools.

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Marion County, Ky., women Marion County

This 1986 reunion of the 1942 graduating class of St. Charles High School shows that three members of the class became Ursuline Sisters. Seated in the front row left is Sister Dolorita Robinson, and third from the right is Sister Alfreda Malone. Standing at right is Sister Hilda Mudd.

He must have been convincing because many Sisters taught there. My parents certainly loved the Sisters and held them in the highest esteem.” Sister Marie Bosco Wathen entered the community in 1943, following in the footsteps of her older sister, Sister George Marie. She grew up in the community of St. Joseph, which to avoid confusion with Mount Saint Joseph, was nicknamed “Little St. Joe.” “We had all Sisters in all the schools,” Sister Marie Bosco said. “Everyone in Marion County was Catholic. There was only one girl in (St. Charles) high school who wasn’t Catholic – and she converted.” Sister Clarita Browning and her sibling, Sister Marie Goretti, are from Calvary. They had three aunts who were Ursuline Sisters as well – Sisters Mary Lawrence, Mary Otho and Ann Vincentia Abell. “I think it was a place that was very Catholic. They lived what they believed,” Sister Clarita said. “People saw it and followed.” While many small communities had Ursuline teachers, Marion County remained fertile ground for vocations because the Sisters were so involved in the lives of their students, said Sister Carol Shively, who grew up attending Holy Name of Mary Church in Calvary. She became an Ursuline in 1978. “We knew they loved us and they challenged us to

do more,” Sister Carol said. “They were very happy publicly with their vocation and they shared that joy with us. They were not shy in inviting us to join their vocation. They led prayers in our schools for priests and the religious life. Although our schools were public, a little prayer did get by.” Sister Mary Timothy Bland and Sister Clarence Marie Luckett were both born in Greenbrier, just outside of Lebanon. Sister Mary Timothy’s family lived in the back of the grocery that her father ran, just down the street from Calvary School. “I was probably a nuisance, but I would go up after school to help the Sisters,” Sister Mary Timothy said. “They were always so patient and kind with me.” The Sisters who influenced her the most were Sister Mary Beatrice Donahue, who taught her first and second grade, and Sister Jean Madeline Peake for the fifth and sixth grade. “As long as I can remember, I wanted to be a Sister. I gravitated toward them,” Sister Mary Timothy said. She entered in 1964. Although no Ursuline Sisters are serving in Marion County today, the native Sisters believe the Ursuline influence continues there. “The Catholic traditions of prayer and worship are still alive in my church parish there and people still pray for vocations,” Sister Carol said. “However, many of the people in Marion County don’t really personally know religious anymore.” “I think the Ursuline influence will remain there among the present generation, but the Ursuline presence is only a shadow at this time,” Sister Susan Mary said. “Hopefully the influence the Sisters imparted is very much a part of those who knew and remember the Sisters, as well as those who come after.” Sister Clarita said the monument in the center of Lebanon is a daily reminder of the Ursuline influence for the people living there. “We have friends in Lebanon who call every two weeks to check on us. There is something they continue to hold onto,” Sister Clarita said. “I think that the Ursulines are still alive in Marion County.”n


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Soli Deo Gloria


We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God. Two Ursuline Sisters 1974. She earned a master’s degree in theological were honored with studies from the University of Dayton, and her prestigious awards doctorate in historical theology-systematics, with from Brescia minors in church history and feminist theology, from University during The Catholic University of America in Washington, homecoming D.C. In 1984, she was instrumental in developing activities on Brescia’s Ministry Formation program. She served Oct. 22. Sister as a theology professor at Brescia for 11 years. After Cheryl Clemons serving as her community’s assistant congregational (pictured at left leader, she spent nine years as vice president for with Brescia Academic Affairs/Academic Dean at Brescia. Since President Father January 2021, she is serving part-time leading Larry Hostetter) programs with the Mount Saint Joseph Retreat was named one of Ministry. Brescia’s Distinguished Alumni. The award was created to honor graduates who exemplify the elements that encompass The Brescia Difference: Respect for the Sacred, Devotion to Learning, Commitment to Growth in Virtue, and Promotion of Servant Leadership. “Brescia has been such a vital part of my entire adult life,” Sister Cheryl said in accepting the award. “Welcoming me as a country girl into my freshman class in 1969, providing me with an outstanding undergraduate degree in 1974, inviting me back as a theology teacher beginning in 1983, guiding me as a Board of Trustees member in 2004, and Sister Mary Henning (pictured above) received the challenging and supporting me as the vice president Father Charles Saffer Alumni Hall of Fame Award, for Academic Affairs in 2010. In every one of these which goes to an alum who through a lifetime of experiences of Brescia, I have been blessed by the personal achievement has personified the ideals of dedication, giftedness and cooperation of Brescia’s Brescia University. Sister Mary served as an associate faculty; by the openness and perseverance of its professor of music at Brescia for 30 years – from students; and by the welcoming and friendly spirit 1981-95, and from 1997-2013. Since then, she has of everyone associated with Brescia – from coaches served as director of Worship and Liturgy at the to housekeepers and maintenance staff to board Motherhouse. She earned a bachelor’s degree in members. The spirit of Angela Merici is alive at education from Brescia in 1969, and a bachelor’s Brescia, and my life has been enriched; because of degree in music from St. Mary of the Woods College Brescia I’m a better person personally, academically, in Terre Haute, Ind. She then completed her master’s professionally and spiritually.” in 1979 from Northwestern University. Aside from Sister Cheryl is the tenth Ursuline Sister to receive her classroom work, she gave private music lessons the Distinguished Alumni honor, joining Ursuline and directed the Brescia choir and the handbell Sisters Sharon Sullivan, Mary Matthias Ward, choir. In 2002, she directed the Brescia choir in a Larraine Lauter, Vivian Bowles, Ruth Gehres and performance of Schubert’s Mass in G in New York Michele Morek, along with deceased Sisters Joseph City’s Carnegie Hall. Angela Boone, Rose Marita O’Bryan and Dianna Previous winners of the Father Charles Saffer Ortiz. Ursuline Associate Mary Danhauer also Award include Ursuline Sisters Joseph Angela received the award. Boone, Vivian Bowles, Rose Jean Powers, Sharon Sister Cheryl earned a bachelor’s degree in French with minors in history and music from Brescia in Sullivan and Cheryl Clemons.

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It’s a good reminder that God calls us by name By Sister Monica Seaton, Director of Vocations

I recently attended a virtual workshop presented by the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) and the Springtide Research Institute. The title of the workshop was “Navigating Uncertainty with Young People through Accompaniment.” It is fair to say that throughout this past year and a half, all of us have been faced with uncertainty caused by a global pandemic. One of the points that Josh Packard made in his presentation was about the belonging process – how individuals seek to be “noticed, named, and known.” This is true for all of us – as part of our humanness we want to belong. When someone calls us by our name it gives value to our sense of belonging and our human dignity. This reminded me of the scripture passage that

I often quote when I give a talk on vocations. It is from Isaiah 43:1 – “I VOCATIONS have called you by name, you are mine.” Wow! Such an amazing reminder that we do belong and are called into a loving union with God. Do you feel called and have the gifts needed to share about God’s incredible love for us with others? Maybe you belong in our Ursuline community. If you would like to talk about this, please contact me. Some future dates to keep in mind to celebrate and promote religious vocations: • World Day for Consecrated Life, Feb. 2, 2022; Celebrated in parishes Feb. 5-6, 2022 • Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, 2022 For more information, contact Sister Monica Seaton at 270-229-0601 or email monica.seaton@ maplemount.org.

Sister Spotlight: Sister Ruth Gehres Meet Sister Ruth – A Lover of Language and Consecrated Life Z The best decisions in her life: “The decision (made by my mother) for me to attend Mount Saint Joseph Academy . . . and then my own decision to answer the call to live as an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph.” Z Gift that has most enriched her life: “My love of music.” Z Favorite subjects in school: “Geography (in the 4th grade!) and later, languages.” Z Subject she most likes to teach: “English as a second language.” Z The place she most likes to visit: “I’m always ready to visit friends in Germany and Chile.” Z The living person whom she most admires: “Jimmy Carter. He emerged from a difficult time as president and constantly moved forward in a life of dedication and service. I see him as a true follower of Jesus.”

In the joy of eternal life SISTER MARCELLA SCHRANT, 95, died Sept. 25 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 76th year of religious life. She was a native of Walker, Kan. Sister Marcella was an Ursuline Sister of Paola, Kan., prior to the merger with Mount Saint Joseph. She exuded hospitality to all she met, loved to travel and shared her excellent cooking skills wherever she lived. She believed we all need to “bring our own sunshine.” All of her ministry was in Kansas until retiring to Maple Mount in 2014. She was a teacher for 43 years in the Kansas City area and in Paola. She served as superior of her community from 1990-94. She was a receptionist at St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center (1994-2004), and office assistant at St. John the Evangelist Parish (2007-14), both in Lawrence. She was pastoral associate at Holy Family Parish, Eudora (2004-07). She volunteered in the Mission Advancement office at Maple Mount from 2015-20. Survivors include the members of her religious community; her sister, Virginia Schrant, Garnett, Kan.; and her niece Linda (Greg) Schnose. The funeral was Oct. 1 at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Donations in memory of Sister Marcella may be made to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.


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Maple Mount serves as a place of comfort for those needing support By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff

When Ruth Connor was diagnosed with breast cancer 37 years ago, there were no support groups in Owensboro, Ky. “My doctor gave me the name of another patient to talk to,” she said. “As time went on, I saw other women struggling with breast cancer, but there isn’t much you can do on your own.” It was 18 years later that the Susan G. Komen organization brought funding for breast cancer support programs to the Owensboro area. One program it began was Mount Hope weekend retreats, held annually at the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center, Connor said. “We met for three or four years at the Mount,” she said. “It was wonderful, everybody enjoyed themselves. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to.” Connor was among more than 20 women who returned to the Mount Auditorium on Sept. 27 for “Fall into Fun: A Cancer Survivor Celebration.” Just two days earlier, a group of law enforcement personnel gathered at the Mount for a “Day of Peace and Renewal for Police Officers.” These two support programs are typical of what the Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Ministry can offer, said


Sister Cheryl Clemons talks to attendees at the Sept. 27 “Fall into Fun” luncheon for cancer survivors and those whose lives were affected by cancer. Sister Cheryl was explaining how the Ursuline Sisters arrived at Maple Mount.

Maryann Joyce, director of Retreat Ministry. “These programs stand on the shoulders of a ministry that has reached out to care for the needs of many segments of our community for many years,” Joyce said. “I am now more aware than ever of how programs like this build relationships of empathy and understanding for all involved. I also hope we planted a seed for others to recognize and respond to their need to take some space and time to tend to their hearts – this brings peace and grounding during life’s challenges.” Donna Riney enjoyed her time at “Fall into Fun,” and said the Mount offers a perfect setting for such support programs. Riney attended Mount Saint Joseph Academy through her junior year, until the school closed. “It’s obviously a very spiritual place, a very comforting place,” Riney said. “It always has been for my family. You don’t find time for peace. You don’t find time for yourself. While I was there for the retreat, things were lifted from me. It was so nice to just breathe.” Riney said it is beneficial to gather with people who are going through cancer as she is.

“It’s very important to socialize with people who are like-minded,” she said. “It lifts your spirits. It gives you hope.” The day for police officers brought a smaller group, but it was an important first step, said Ken Bennett, who has been an Owensboro Police officer for 34 years and a deacon for the Diocese of Owensboro for four years. “With everything going on in the country, from Covid to the protests of the last year and a half, it seemed appropriate to recalibrate and reconnect with our purpose,” Bennett said. “I think the people who came were pleased with what they heard. It helped to reconnect us with what we’re here for – to be advocates on behalf of crime victims.” One speaker was Kate Hartman, a somatic integration practitioner from Evansville, Ind., who specializes in trauma and the nervous system. “My hope is it increases awareness of how trauma works in the body,” Hartman said. “These are basic skills that our society has gotten away from.” Talking about trauma requires a cultural shift to take place, she said. “It has to begin from within. Continued on page 13

W i n t e r

Participating in the Sept 25 “Day of Peace and Renewal for Police Officers” are Officer Joshua Bennett; his father, Officer Ken Bennett, and Rev. Mike Humble, one of the speakers for the day.


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From page 12

I hope with this retreat day we planted some seeds,” Hartman said. “I hope the officers who participated will share that information with others. Word of mouth from people we trust is very important. This program is a starting point. We’re trying to destigmatize trauma symptoms.” While the turnout was small, Bennett said there is room for growth. “If you continue to have these, it tends to grow. Jesus only started with 12.” The participants in both programs believe the Mount is well suited to offer future support programming. “You should see how many people want to come back,” Connor said.n

Having fun and games and crafts at the Mount!

Debbie Webb of Grayson Springs, Ky., left, uses a spinning wheel as Anna Voohies of Leitchfield, Ky., center, and Jacque Payne of Wayne City, Ill., crochet at the Aug. 14 Yarn Spinners Day in the Mount Auditorium. ABOVE CENTER: Barb Kacer of Bowling Green, Ky., knits and smiles.

ABOVE AND BELOW: Attendees throw the dice and try to “bunco” as they enjoy each other’s company in the Mount Auditorium during the Oct. 13 “Friends, Fun and Bunco at the Mount” luncheon event. Some participants played cards while others played bunco.

LEFT: The Chix with Stix were able to return to Maple Mount for a day of socializing and working on yarn projects on Sept. 20.


Kathy Ford Young gives back to Ursuline Sisters who supported her


hen she was 6 years old and in the first grade at Calvary Elementary School, Kathy Ford Young met her first Ursuline Sister, Mauritia Edelen. “The Sisters ran everything,” she said. “It was a very Catholic community.” Her next Ursuline teachers weren’t until later grades in her Marion County elementary school, Sister Bartholene Warren and Sister Therese Martin Mattingly. By then, Kathy knew she would follow her older sisters Mary and Kathy Ford Young, center, is joined by her Virginia to Mount Saint Joseph Academy for high school. Sister daughter, Beth Craig, and her husband Mauritia “My mom and dad had such high hopes for a religious Harold Ford after winning the Maple Leaf Award at Alumnae Weekend on Aug. 29. in a family of 11,” Kathy said. “They sent all four of their girls to the Academy,” including her younger sister, Dorothy. “There wasn’t a Sister among any of them,” Kathy said with a laugh. Her father was friends with Sister Victoria Brohm, who later taught Kathy speech at the Academy. While none of the Ford girls decided to join the community, they have all remained devoted alumnae over the years. Kathy and her husband Harold Young have been significant supporters of the Ursuline Sisters for years. “The Sisters made me feel like I could do anything,” Kathy said. “I feel like I owe the Sisters. They supported me then. I feel like I should support them now.” Kathy’s career has included office work at the Lebanon Enterprise and Springfield Sun newspapers – proofreader, graphic artist and page layout – and then with attorneys in Lexington Sister Victoria and Lebanon. She still does legal transcription today. Her devotion to the Ursuline Sisters and to the Alumnae Association began with her school days at the Academy. “I had never been away from home but I never felt homesick,” she said. “My dear friends then are my dear friends still. The experiences I had I would never have had attending a public school in Marion County. We saw plays at Brescia College and I was involved in drama productions at the Academy.” “I have friends who went to public high school, and they don’t keep in touch with their friends from those days,” Kathy said. “I think because we lived with these people 24/7, they were like my family for nine months of the year. I always wanted to go back each fall.” Kathy graduated from the Academy in 1970, and served several years as the elected secretary of the Alumnae Association. During Alumnae Weekend 2021, she was honored with the Maple Leaf Award, honoring someone who personifies the values of their Academy education in their local community or at Mount Saint Joseph. “I was flattered and very humbled,” she said. “I know it’s a big deal.”n Have the Ursuline Sisters influenced your life? If you would like to learn more about ways you can support the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, contact Carol Braden-Clarke, director of Development, at 270-229-2008 or carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org.


Please go to www.smile.amazon. com and select the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph as your charity. We will receive 0.5 percent of every eligible purchase. Thank you!

Would you like to leave a legacy and support the Ursuline Sisters? There are many ways to make a planned gift to ensure your resources can help the Ursuline Sisters continue their mission of serving God’s people. Contact Carol Braden-Clarke at 270-229-2008 to discuss this today.


here is a quote from Meister Eckhart, a 13th-century theologian, that says, “If the only prayer in your whole life is ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice.” I have read that quote many times and each time I read it I find myself thinking about the power of those two simple words. Most likely, this year did not turn out the way you thought it would. My hope was we would have Covid behind us and things would return to normal. Even though things don’t always turn out as we hope, there is still a lot to be thankful for. We are thankful for you. There are so many wonderful supporters of the Ursuline Sisters. My thanks to you for your understanding as we have had to adjust our plans for events. Thank you for your generous support and kind words. Thank you for sharing your stories of the difference a Sister made in your life. Thank you to everyone who gave to honor or remember a Sister or loved one, who bought a Quilt Club chance, a raffle ticket, purchased a Kindness card or bought a quilt. Thanks to all those who give to support the mission. Thank you!

–Carol Braden-Clarke, Director of Development, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Here are the names of our generous donors who gave gifts over the past fiscal year from July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021. We apologize in advance if we left anyone out. Please send corrections to carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org or call 270-229-2008.

FOUNDERS...............$25,000+ Quentin and Patricia Fannin Jacinta C. Garinger, A’47V Chris and Laurie Malone

BENEFACTORS...$10,000-24,999 Anonymous Michael E. Horn Rev. Joseph MillsV Patrick Nash Rosalyn OlingerV Martin and Lenis Spalding Kevin and Cassie Stelmach Sister Rebecca White, OSU

PATRONS..............$5,000-9,999 Evelyn Bowles Lee Franey Bernice M. Gregorio Steven Heidenreich Joan Horan William and Ida Willhaus

INVESTORS..........$2,500-4,999 David and Maggie Bollone John and Helen Cornell Diane Fecher Thomas and Jo Anne Fiorini Rev. J. Raymond Goetz David K. Mudd Maxine Ann StaleyV Fund John and Kathy Wright

PROVIDERS..........$1,000-2,499 Donald and Janice Arth Timothy R. Aull Sister Susanne Bauer, OSU John Billingsley Richard Blond Richard and Beverly Greenwell Boeckmann, A’58 Charles and Katherine Brown Alan and Linda Brugman Thomas and Denise Buckman Thomas F. Burns Tony and Carolyn Clark Rev. John Deatrick Kevin A. Dunn Meichele Foster and Rose Hayden George and Jayne Flynn Jane FultonV Trust Robert Gehres John Genetti Joyce Lee Godfrey, A’60 Juan Gomez Jr.

Gerald and Deborah Gonsoski Harry Groth II Dr. Christopher and Mary Havelda Sherri Hoggatt Dr. Carroll and Margie Howard Kenneth and Michaelanne James Joyce Janssen Catherine Keene Gregory and Colleen Lang Carolyn Larocco David and Nancy Leffel LPL Financial Sarah Jane Lynch Sylvia Goetz McCauley, A’66 Bishop William F. Medley Suzy Meinzenbach Eugene and Mary Meyer James and Joan Meyer Rebecca Collins Morris, A’71 Carl A. Mulligan Luat and Lan Nguyen Steven and Rita Alice Patti, A’82 Benjamin and Sharon L. Peine Brad Rives and Mary Klarer Rives Joe Roop and Anne Federlein Saint Joseph Parish, Bardstown, Ky. Carolyn Salsman Mary Schueler Dr. Gregory A. Shondell Eric and Susan A. Shrader Catherine Spraley Annette K. Stoerman William Trapp Estate Bertrand and Barbara Trompeter Rev. James Walker John and Alma Wimsatt

SPONSORS................$500-999 John and Therese Allen James and Margaret Alvey Marlene G. Bachrach Catherine Imelda Beam Robert and Marilyn Beam Donald Bittel Edward and Phyllis Bresnick Bernard E. Brown Carl and Mary Buchman Thomas Cecil Donald and Roscella Connelly Joe and Annette Cruz Rebecca DonahueV William and Joyce Dougherty Jeffrey and Margaret Ebelhar David Thompson and Vicki Frey Vince and Joan Frey Martha Bickett Frost, A’67 Dolores Furtado Robert Gibbons Christopher and Jennifer Glaser Robert and Jennifer Grabill

Dan and Pat Haake Philip and Kimberly Ann Haire, A’79 Joseph and Marie Hancock Mary Jo Harmon Joseph and Pam Riney Higdon, A’77 Gerald and Mary Hubbs Henry Huckeby Eloise Hughes Janet Hyde Camille and Peter Kalmey Michele A. Kessler Frank and Jean Koehler Chris and Joyce Kormelink Sarah Jane Kranz, A’72 Harry J. Lavigne Anna Catherine Mattingly, A’66 Janet Riney May Robert and April Mitchell Lorene M. Mixon Joseph and Jeanne Passantino Glenda Poe Joseph and Felicity Polio Rev. W. Jerry Riney Brian and Rosemary Rosendale Loyd and Barbara St. John Dr. Michael and Janice Scherm Serra Club of Kansas City, MO Rev. Anthony Shonis Dr. Roberta Steinbacher Sabina Streng James P. Sullivan Ernest and Shirley Taliaferro Margaret Ann Tasaka, A’66 Ann Mary Teaff Joan Teder Mary Teder Tom Wahoski James Peak and Debra Wallace Thomas and Sharon Waris Webster Grove Council of Knights of Columbus Mark Weidenbenner Charles and Barbara Whelan Alice Wondra Harold and Kathy Ford Young, A’70

SUPPORTERS.............$250-499 Paul Adams Dan and Claudia Anderson Cathy A. Audley Michael G. Bansley Mary Kay Bell Patricia Black Michael and Gayle Bogard Robert and Mary Braun Russell and Connie Brooks John Buschermohle Mildred Ann Carrico, A’61 James Casaert Ed and Gloria Cecil

Dwayne Clemons Mary Jane Cohorst Winifred Riney Cohron, A’69 Marie Ann Collins, A’75 Michael and Nancy Collins Michael and Doretha Corbett Anne Flynn and Ava Crow Michael and Mary Dearing Joseph and Linda Donahue Mary Margaret Drury, A’66 Lawrence and Geraldine Durbin Frederic and Sally Floberg Gary and Judy Freeman Ann Elizabeth Gibbs, A’55 Paul and Wilma Goebel Tony and Nancy Goetz Rev. Joseph T. Graffis Virginia Ford Green, A’57 Wayne Gregoire Jack D. Hamilton Paul and Brenda Hargrove Donald A. Hayden Don Hazlett Dan and Sherri Heckel William Heinzig Martha House Linda Jones Donna M. Jordan Paul W. Keene Kenneth and Debbie J. Lanham David Lechner James and Katherine Likens Alfred and Judy Mattingly Honorable Romano L. Mazzoli David and Mary Kay McCall Paula Messner Jeffrey and Madeline D. Meyer Arnold and Bettye Moody Clara Nall Victor and Joyce Nettle Gerald and Betty Oakes Stephen and Kathleen Odenwald Patricia Parker Raymond and Laura Paul Linda Pennington Michael and Elizabeth L. Pontarolo, A’66 William and Joanne Powell Shirley Raymond, A’65 Greg and Lisa L. Reis Susan K. Reiss Leo and Helen Rieke Michael and Mary Sallee Stephen and Susan R. Schlicher James and Camilla Shumaker Joseph and Ann Sipes Thomas and Vicki Smith Michael J. Sullivan Stephen and Nancy Summers Albert and Cloa Thompson Michael and Andrea Townsend Rev. Gerald Waris Florence and Carrie Wieder


Mary Wimpsett Gene and Pauline Wink Ben Wright Mary E. Ziegler David and Sue Zimmerman

CONTRIBUTORS........$100-249 Anthony and Leah Abang Betty B. Allard, A’44 Barbara Jean Allen Evelyn K. Ambrose Richard Anderson Jr. George and Leora Andriakos Anonymous Cecilia Arbuckle Donald Kapa and Monica Armstrong Patricia Arnett, A’72 Patricia Ash Paul Bachi Marlene G. Bachrach Robert Todd and Janet Baker Charlene Bakker Robert and Anna Ballard Ursula Barber Thomas Barrett Marcella Bartley Mary G. Basden Sandra Berland Stephen and Jean Berry William and Judy Beaven Marian Bennett Mary Rita Bland, A’67 Betty Booker Eileen M. Bowling William Collins and Sarah Bowling Robert and Mary Braun Rev. Ed Bradley James and Mary Brey George and Faye Briel Ronald and Mary Briney Joseph and Marilyn Brookman James Brooks Angela H. Brown Robert and Rebecca Brown Linda A. Browning Phil and Sarah Bryan Brad and Jenny Buell Bill and Sally Ann Buford, A’64 Juanita Ann Burke, A’50 Michael and Paula Burke Carole M. Cada Michael and Virginia Camp Benson W. Campbell III Bernadette Carney Greg and Tiffany Carper, A’84 Mary Ann Clements Carr, A’72 Christopher and Carol Cecil Dale and Lisa Cecil Elizabeth Ann Cecil Thomas Cecil Mario and Emily Chavez Linda Cirillo R. and Cindy Clark Carol and Aubrey Clarke Marynancy Clary Rev. Delma ClemonsV Lillian A. Cloughley Matteo and Kathy Coco Ellen Mary Condry Geoffrey Connor Donald and Debbie Cook Carol A. Coyle Edward and Mary Ann Craycroft Janet Cress Rev. Joseph Kenneth Criqui Matthew and Jane Crisp Frances Marcella Critchelow Deborah Crone Betty C. CulverV Mary T. Danhauer, A’71 Charles and Kathleen Daugherty Mary Dause Anita M. Davis Marilyn Day Melanie and James Deaderick Brenda Greenwell Deibel, A’59 Christine Delaney Larry and Jane Denton Frank and Molly Devocelle


Donald and Ruth Dickens Joe and Christine Digregorio Timothy and Cathy Dirnbeck Diane DiTucci Siebrand and Wanda Dooper Dennis and Stephanie Dossett Stephen and Deena Douglas Catherine Duvall Richard and Isabelle Ebelhar Michael and Patricia Egan Craig and Kathryn Elson Dr. Rosemary Emmick Eddie and Judy Espy Catherine J. Evans Janet Sue Evans Clara Evrard Environmental Compliance Source Mary Evers Sylvester and Barbara Fischer Elizabeth and Sally Fitzgerald John and Linda Fitzpatrick Melvin Fleischmann, A’47 William Fleming Terri Floyd Billy and Patty Folk William and Jocelyn Foushee Gary and Judy Freeman Theodore V. Freese Esperanza Freund Robert and Maria Galles Clara A. George Robert George Shirley A. Gibbons Shirley Hayden Gililland, A’55 Kathleen Gillen Robert and Mildred Gilles Thomas and May Gipe Suzanne Gochenouer Joyce Lee Godfrey, A’60 William and Marcia Goetz Elaine A. Gokey Serge Goldentul Susanna Gough David and Nora Grant Mary Elaine Grant Dale and Susie Gray Jeff and Karen Greenstreet Roger and Mary Jane Greenwell Carol Greenwood Janet L. Griffin, A’56 Elizabeth Griner Margaret A. Guilford Josephine A. Guerrant Raymond Hagan Julie Hager William and Mary Hamilton David W. Hancock Brigid Haragan Louis Harbsmeier William and Kay Hardin Ann Kirk Hardman, A’52 Allan and Anice Harl Robert and Debra Harris Karen Hayden PJ and Sarah Hayden William Hayden Robert Hayes Charlotte Hedges Mary E. Heininger Dennis Higdon Cynthia M. Higgins Leona Himmelspach Joan Sherron Hofman, A’51 Thomas Hosty Rev. George Hoy Lisa Huber Anthony and Christa Hundley James Hundley Philip and Mary Hurley Jerry L. Jackson Joan Jacobs Raymond and Virginia Jarsulic Laurie A. Jennewein William and June Johnson Charlotte Jones Patrick Jones Paul and Marie Joseph Neal and Margaret Kallman Catherine Keene Brenda Robinson Keller, A’59

Thomas and Donna Kellerman Mark and Diane Kemper Victor and Virginia Kerperien Paul and Beverly Keyser Fred and Frances Kirchhoff Joe and Beth Kirsch Larry and Faye Klee John C. Klein Robert and Jeanne Kobler Carol Krampe Judith Ann Kranz-Donley, A’65 Celeste Krausz Linda Kreher Clifford and Jean Kreifels Dr. Susan Effertz and Charles J. Kuether Frank Kuo Tony Kuppe Paul and Lisa Lacy Wanda Lanham Joseph and Bernadine Lawler Ollie M. Lee Glenn and Margaret Leintz Mary Wempe Ligon Raymond and Shirley Lindle Mark and Tonya Logsdon George and Rosaline Long Lynn Macdougall Anne and Ted Malone David Marnell Charlie and Sue Martin Jack and Deborah Mason Nancy Ellen Massicci Joseph Trapani and Paula Matrullo Allen and Sylvia Mattingly Fred and Pat Mattingly Joseph Hamilton Mattingly Jr. Mack and Dolores Mattingly Julian Thompson and Mary Mattingly Timothy and Suzanne Mattingly Patricia Maupin John and Carolyn Drury McCarty, A’71 Lynn Meeker Larry and Sue Menke John and Cynthia Mesnier Charles and Mary Jane Metzmeier Beverly Middleton Mary Joan Miller Willard and Patty Miller Rosemary Milton-Miano Michael and Mary Monaghan Bernadette Ebelhar Monday, A’77 Fannie Sue Montoya Ervin and Mildred Coreen Moore Iris Moreno-Brown Martha Morris Philip and Carol Morris Mount Saint Francis, Dubuque, Iowa Jeannette Muldowney Msgr. Mike Mullen Jeffery and Edna Murphey Donna Jean Murphy, A’79 Francie Murphy Clara Nall Thomas and Lucy Neal Salvatore S. Nigro Jr. James T. Nixon Ray and Jane Nugent Daly J. O’Brien Kathleen O’Bryan Larry O’Bryan Paul and Marianne O’Connell Joe and Larraine O’Donoghue Carol A. O’Keefe Ernie and Laurine O’Neal Donna Oberhausen Rev. Clive Otieno Owensboro Amateur Radio Club Mary Palmer, A’64 Joan Zink and Jim Parker Stephen and Beverly Payne William and Charlotte Payne Sam and Christa Pennington John and Linda Perri Janet Petrites Thuy V. Pham William and Beverly B. Phelan Kenneth and Maria Pierson Margaret Posey Theresa Ann Powers, A’79

Timothy and Kathy Quigley Maria Ransdell, A’71 Jeff and Carol Ratley Rev. Robert E. Ray Robert and Isabel L. Rebori Greg and Lisa L. Reis John and Debbie Reiss Joseph and Colleen Ressler Craig and Sandra Reynolds Michael and Dorothy Marie Riggs, A’72 Kevin Riley Riley Livestock Jeffrey and Shelly Riney William B. Riney Beverly C. Roberts Mary Ann Rockers Keith O. Rodolph Brent Rowe and Libby Simon Robert and Rosemary Runnebaum Joe and Celeste Russell Saint Albert the Great Church, Louisville, Ky. Saint Ambrose Church, Morganfield, Ky. William and Carole Caummisar Sanders, A’68 James and Elaine Sanders H. and Patricia Satterwhite Don and Elizabeth Scharfenberger Mary Scheler Edward and Connie Schickel Joseph and Sandra Schmitt Stephen and Paula Schuhmann Joseph and Judy Schwenker Robert L. Scully Bonnie R. Segers Bryan and Katy Sei James and Sheila Sills Victor and Mary Simi Chester and Nora Simms Joseph and Ann Sipes Philip and Annette Skees Mary Paula Skrivan Robert Slack John and Linda Slattery Daniel and Debbie Smith Thomas Bradley Smith John and Marie Spies William and Margaret Stadtlander Edith Steele Robert and Lyda Steiert John Steinmetz Bernard Stenger Susan Wiseman Stevenson, A’52 Robert and Mary Lou Storm, A’77 Michael J. Sullivan Richard and Elizabeth Szucs Rev. Thomas G. Tank Jeanne Marie Tapke PhD Paul and Carolyn Tapp Larry and Carolyn Taylor Larry and Jorene Thoeming Karen Thomas Gary and Joanne Thompson Jane Thompson Randy and Jean Thompson Teresa B. Thompson Francis H. Thomson John and Ellen Tighe Peter and Jennifer Tighe Tom and Debbie Tinker Rita Tobianski Dorothy Turek John and Pamela Tyndall Richard and Susan Ubert John and Evelyn VanGoethem Sean and Amy Vaughn Jon and Angela Verlinde James and Karen Verney Tammy Vernon Judith Virtue Debbie Vogel Donald and Laura Vohs Mary Ford Vuncannon, A’55 Gary and Linda Wahl Dr. W. Dean and Nina Walton George and Nancy Clark Walz, A’55 Sheila Ward, A’71 James and Dixie Weafer John and Lois Weaver Barbara Weidenbenner

Lucille Weidenbenner Frank and Sandra Wethington Freddy Whelan Kay Whitt-Fecher Mandy H. Willis John and Jackie Wilson Randy and Andrea Wilson Sylvia Greenwell Wilson Maurice and Shirley Wink Lt. Col. Lyle and Rita Wobker John and Elaine Wood Sharon Wynn Dr. Mary Rose J. Zink

FRIENDS.........................$1-99 Joseph E. Abel Ronnie and Karen Adkisson Thomas Allsopp Leon F. Alvey Charles and Mary Amback Anthony Anello Anonymous (8) Rose McDaniel Aquino, A‘59 Patricia Arnett, A‘72 Robert and Jennifer Atwell Kenneth and Joan Aylor David and Diane Backhaus Charlene Bakker John and Margaret Balasa Rachel Ballard Robert and Ann Ballard Ed Barbier Jim and Bettye Bates Harry and Charlene Baumgarten Craig and Carol Bauer Douglas and Tamara Beasley Frances A. Beaudry Valerie S. Belew Regina Kay Bennett Barbara Bickerstaff Cythia Bliley Alice Ann Biscopink, A‘68 Patricia Black Robert and Diane Black Patricia Bland David and Ann Blanford Mary Ann Blanford Michael and Cynthia Bohaty Patricia Boone Claudette E. Borchers Christel G. Bouldin Diane Bowers, A‘79 William Collins and Sarah Bowling Bruce Bradley James M. Brennan John and Yvonne Bright Ronald And Mary Briney Howard and Louise Brown Margaret Brown Becky Browning Gerald and Elizabeth Browning Lawrence and Joan Buccero Jerome L. Buckley Rene Buckman, A’71 William and Sharon Buckman Tom and Martha Bullock Deborah Bunnell Joan Burke Diane Steffon and Pam Burris Pete and Kaye Buser Jesse and Brenda Busick Leonard and Rosemary Byrne John and Patricia Byron Mary Cahoe Keith Cain Jeannie Calhoun, A’56 John and Patricia Carrico Mary Carter Gregory and Vicki Cash Ernest Cerino Jr. David and Eloise Chandler Jennifer Chaudoin Robert and Sue Christian Troy and Ruth Christian Margaret Cimeley Amy Clark Charles Easley and Louise Clarke Catherine T. Clements Steve Clements

Mary Clohecy Edna Mae Cogswell Dave and Debbie Cole Daniel Coleman Lowell and Karen Collard George and Pamela Collignon Michael and Barbara Conder Anthony Coomes, C‘50 Deborah Coomes Gerald and Carolyn Coomes Judy and Michael Coomes Ray and Theresa Coomes Sharon Cooper Catherine A. Cox Marilyn Cullen Caroline Cummings George Cummings Elaine Currier Joe and Kathleen Davis Deacon Larry and Linda Day Delores E. Day Jim Sullivan and Emily DeMoor Paul and Mary Dentiste John and Lyndia Dew Donald and Ruth Dickens Gerald and Mary Dickerson Bruce and Nancy Dickhaut Joseph and Mary Dieterle Brother Craig A. Digmann Roseanne Dillon David and Charlene Diver James and Elizabeth Donahue Carolyn Downs Eddie J. Dugas Jr. Robert L. Eberenz Pamela Eglinski Betty Ellis Helen Enright Jerry and Norma Erwin Gary and Beverly Estes Stephen and Beth Fackler Mary Pat Falk Jeannie Fanchi-Case Leslie M. Fansler Frank Feast John and Agnes Filburn Gracie Fisher Sister Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Robert and Mary Flanagan Rev. Robert B. Flannery Ronald and Karen Flynn Bill and Norma Folz John and Mary Fortino Joann Fortman Ronald Franzen William and Elise French Margaret Frerman Gertrude M. Frey David and Anita Frickey Anna E. Gabriel Cheryl Gammon Richard and Eleanor Garcia Norman and Lillian Weafer Gentry Judith K. Gerling Shirley A. Gibbons Ann Elizabeth Gibbs, A’55 Joseph and Mary Ann Gibson Clara Gilles Gene and Elaine McCarty Glenn, A’66 Donna Marie Goetz Rev. Leo Gomez Sue Ann Goode Scott and Leisa Gordon Patrick and Barbara Gorman Roger and Anita Gossett Kevin and Diane Gray Marijane Green Virginia Ford Green, A’57 Carl and Maureen Greenwell Connie and Frank P. Greenwell George and Barbara Greenwell Carol Greenwood Lillie Grief Andrew and Kathleen Grosmaire Ronald and Marybeth Grundman Carl Haas George and Andrea Hagan Mike Hagan Thomas and Barbara Hagan Dorothy Ann Hall

Vincent Hamon Kingston and Doreen Harney Frederick and Jean Harrison Jim Hartz Donna Hasch B. Jay and Maggie Hatfield Bob and Fran Hawley Mary E. Hazzard Diane Head Susan Heichelbech Louise H. Heil Mark and Rita Heinz Nancy D. Hendricks George and Mary Kay Hengen Francis and Sue Henning Thomas and Valerie Hewlett Laurie A. Hicks James and Mary Ann Higdon William Higdon Charles and Elaine Hinkebein Andrew and Brenda Hinton Robert and Patricia Hinton Charles and Jeanette Hite Richard Hite Diana Holden Veronica Holley William W. Holtz Joseph and Dorothy Hood Marilyn Horlander Barbara House, A’53 Ita Belle Howard Janie Howard Jeannie Howard Michael and Vicki Howard Sister Rose Ann Howard SCN, A’54 Mary Jo Hruska Phyllis C. Huggins Norbert and Jane Hummel Craig and Marjorie Humphrey German Irizarry Robert and Peggy Jackson Ann Jacobs Marcia James Mr. Jameson Daniel and Cecelia Jarboe Judy Drury Johnson, A’73 Mark and Joanne Johnson Beverly Johnston Jeff Jones Mary Jones Rose Joyce Barbara Kacer Leonard and Mary Kaiser Carol E. Kane Carole Karigan Kim Keenan William Leslie Keene Jr. Matthew and Kathleen Keiser Mary Carmelita Kelly, A’54 Edward and Nancy Kennedy Doris Kerr Mary Jo Kirby, A’63 Julie Welden and Cecilia Klaffer Edward and Virginia Klein Brother Michael Koechner BFCC Ingrid E. Kokinda Imogene Knott, A’46 Nicholas S. Kramerich Larry and Becky Krampe Rosemary McShane Kranz, A’50 Celeste Krausz Earl and Linda Kropp John and Rita Kuebrich Alberta Kueser James Kuipers Mary Ann Kurz Hilda Lankard John and Mary Lattus Robert and Linda Laucella Barbara Lechner Ms. Linda Lehr Kenneth and Marilyn Levadney Patricia Lewis Ellen Livers Joseph and Patsy Logsdon Francis Lucchese Sarah Jane Lynch Kathleen Mace Michael J. Maher Jr. Stephen and Mary Mahoney

Be the L ight

Will you “Be the Light” for the Ursuline Sisters? If you did not receive a 2021 annual appeal letter, contact Carol Braden-Clarke: 270-229-2008 • carol.braden-clarke @maplemount.org. Thank you! John and Mary Malecki Salvatore and Annunciata Mantia Pedro and Martha Marin Nancy L. Marsh Jacqueline Marshall Joseph and Geraldine Masterson Eugene and Shirley Matney Kenneth and Janet Matyk Patricia Maupin Wayne and Susan McAllister Peggy McCarthy, A’56 Karen Jean McCarty, A’74 James and Diane McCauley Cecilia Robinette McEldowney, A’66 Robert and Shirley McGeary Charles and Marcia McGrew Matthew McGuire Ken and Edie McKay Timothy and Kathleen McNeary, A’67 Kathryn McSorley John and Mary Medley Lorretta K. Meisenbacher Hita Merchant Lori Meredith Beverly Merz Beverly Middleton James and Alma Middleton Mary Joann Millay Mary Joan Miller Randy and Susan Miller Rosemary Miller Scott and Jennifer Miller William and Majella Mills Jamie Minnich Beth and Mark Minotti William and Kathleen Moehring Thomas and Susan Moloney Anne Monell James and Patricia Monks John and Anita Moore Margaret Moorman Jane Moose Patrick and Nancy Moran Reba Morris Agnes Moseley Patricia Mountain Allen Muehlher Robert and Rita Mulleedy Dianne and Roger Mueller John and Barbara Muncy Debbie Murphy Lloyd and Mary Nash Mary Jo Nay John and Helen Necaise Rose Mary and John Neff Shelby Newton James and Frances Nichols Mary Nolan Mary Lou O’Brien, A’68 Joe and Maggie O’Bryan Edward and Pat O’Connor James and Linda O’Daniel Raymond and Ann O’Daniel Bob Ogle Roger and Kathryn Ordal Diane Orlowski Rev. Robert E. Osborne Carl J. Pace Sue Palermo Louis and Shirley Palmer Caroline C. Parys Michael and Denise Paul Arloa Pearcy


Pam Peterson Mary Pikell Eugene G. Podrebarac Rosemary Podrebarac Mark and Karen Polczynski Dorothy Powers Jeff A. Purdy Scott and Terry Purnell Shirlene Quinn Rose Radzelovage Jan C. Rasmussen Virginia Ray John and Patty Keith Redman Irene I. Reece Andrea Reed Mike Reynolds Tom and Patty Reynolds Joseph P. Rhinerson Byron and Lucy Rhoades George and Carolyn Rhodes Irene Rich David and Mary Lou Richardson Fred and Mary Ridgley Mary Lynn Hoffman Ridgeway, A’68 Patrick and Diane Riggs Eddie and Mary Rose Murphy Riney, A’66 Nancy and Rudy Ritter Robert and Michelle Rivers Roberta Sue Robert Judy Roby Lawrence A. Rockers Mike and Elizabeth M. Rogers, A’70 Barbara Rose Thomas and Terrence Rosner Rachel Roth, A’66 Jerry and Sally Rowley Roy and Carolyn Rowley Rebecca and Donna Rudolph Catherine Runge William and Betsy Rushton Betsy Russell Janice Russell Christopher and Barbara Ryan Steve and Susan Ryan Karen Santa Cruz Mary Jane Sattazahn Brenda Sauer Charles and Gail Saunders Ralph and Kathleen Schaefer Catherine Ann Schaukowitch Mary Hagman Schelling, A’52 Paul and Mari Schieber Richard Schilling Mary Schinault Elaine P. Schmidtberger Ralph A. Schneider Elizabeth A. Schoeberle Robert and Diane Schuler Renee Schultz Margaret Schum Robert L. Scully Ruth Setter Larry and Martha Severs Clark Shackelford Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN Phyllis Lord Shelley, A’69 Joanne Sheridan Mark E. Shircliff Teva Shirley Linda Shute Phyllis Simmons Anthony and Lora Simning Diana Simpao Rev. Martin J. Siebenaler Louis and Margaret Slapshak Colie Smith James and Louanne Smith Mary F. Smith Otis and Rita Smith Dorothy Sneve Loretta Sobba Annette Sopcak Sissy Spine Steve and Sandy Stahl Brett and Julie Stallings Kathy Steckler Joseph and Joan Stith Thomas and Esta Storc Robert and Mary Lou Storm, A’77 Patty Stoutamyer


Sister Cheryl Clemons, OSU, A’69 Sister Joseph Ursula Barker, OSUV James Peak and Debra Wallace Betty Culver Frances and Lawrence BickettV Sister Kathleen Dueber, OSU Martha Bickett Frost, A’67 Robert and Rita Mulleedy Alice BillingsleyV Sister Marie Julie Fecher, OSU John Billingsley Dr. Mary Rose J. Zink Sister Marie Bernadette Blanford, Rev. Clive Otieno Sister Helena Fischer, OSU OSUV Michael and Doretha Joyce Lee Godfrey A‘60 Janie Howard Sister Marie William Blyth, OSUV Sister Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Brother Michael Koechner Rev. Gerald Waris Sister Aloise, Sister Regina, and Thomas and Donna Kellerman Sister Joseph Angela Boone, OSUV Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU, A’51 Catherine Keene Joseph and Geraldine Masterson Miles BooneV Louis and Shirley Palmer Betty C. Culver Sister George Mary Hagan, OSU Sister Charlesine Bowling, OSU, Earl and Linda Kropp and Sister Mary Martin BowlingV Beverly C. Roberts Brian and Rosemary Rosendale Sister Julia Head, OSU Sister Adelaide Bowman, OSUV Joyce Lee Godfrey, A‘60 Edwin J. Wittman Philip and Carol Morris Sister Marie Theresa BremleauV Sister Michele Intravia, OSU Rev. John D. Deatrick John and Cynthia Mesnier Sister Victoria Brohm, OSUV Sister Kathleen Kaelin, OSU Robert and Mary Braun Joyce Lee Godfrey, A‘60 Christine Heady BrooksV Sister Martha Keller, OSU Russell and Connie Brooks William and Angela Higdon Beverly “Suzi” BrownV John and Rita Kuebrich Deborah Crone Charles and Elaine Hinkebein Sister Mary Denise Brown, OSUV Sister Larraine Lauter, OSU Robert and Rebecca Brown Michael and Patricia Egan Theresa BrowningV Sisters at Bishop Miege (Shawnee Becky Browning Mission, KS) and Saint Agnes Charlotte Ann BruceV (Roeland Park, KS) Cynthia M. Higgins Paul and Marianne O’Connell Penny Cooper BurnsV Sister Michael Ann Monaghan, OSU Thomas F. Burns Frederic and Sally Floberg Sister Elaine Byrne, OSUV Sister Betsy Moyer, OSU Kim Keenan Leonard and Mary Kaiser Sister Mary Jude Cecil, OSU, A’50V Sister Susan Mary Mudd, OSU Margaret Cimeley Janet Riney May Sylvia Viglietti Sister Pam Mueller, OSU, A’68 Ann Hancock CollinsV Siebrand and Wanda Dooper Rebecca Collins Sister Marilyn Mueth, OSU Sister Kathleen Condry, OSUV Larry and Jorene Thoeming Robert and Rosemary Runnebaum Lynn Meeker Joseph and Susan Vogliardo Sister Emma Anne Munsterman, OSU Sister Mary Gregory Cooper, OSUV Philip and Annette Skees Patti Ann Wink, A’54 Sister Nancy Murphy, OSU, A’59 Sister Mary Jean Cotter, OSU, and Lawrence and Geraldine Durbin Sister Gonzaga Cotter, OSUV Sister C.J. Olinger, OSU, A’58 Andrew and Brenda Hinton Virginia R. McKeel Sister Philomena Cox, OSUV Sisters at Paola, Kansas Mary Nolan Gary and Judy Freeman Deceased members of the Coyle Helen Jean Rhinerson and Reischman FamiliesV Joseph P. Rhinerson Carol Coyle Sister Pat Rhoten, OSU Sister Rose Marie Craycroft, OSUV George and Mary Kay Hengen John Wagner Leslie M. Fansler Catherine Keene Sister Judith Nell Riney, OSU, A’65 Curdsville RelativesV Philip and Carol Morris Thomas Bradley Smith Doreen Abbott Sister Marcella Schrant, OSUV DaveV Michael and Andrea Townsend Marian Bennett David and Nora Grant Esperanza Freund Sister Margaret Ann Aull, OSU Sister Darlene Denton, OSUV Betty A. Booker Daniel and Debbie Smith Robert and Debra Harris Caroline Cummings Sister Mary Ellen Backes, OSU Frederick and Karen Yeager Sister Grace Simpson, A‘56 Larry and Jorene Thoeming Sister Raymond Dieckman, OSUV Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN Deacon Larry and Linda Day Stephen and Susan R. Schlicher Christy Stahl Carol Greenwood Rebecca DonahueV Steve and Sandy Stahl Sister Mimi Ballard, OSU, A’66 Joseph and Linda Donahue Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, A‘67 William Leslie Keene Jr. Sister Mary Durr, OSUV Loyd and Barbara St. John Sister Catherine Barber, OSU Leonard and Mary Kaiser John and Anita Moore Lloyd and Mary Nash Sister Mary Evelyn Duvall, OSUV Karen Hayden Sister Vivian Marie Bowles, OSU, A’57 Catherine Duvall Sister Mary Agnes VonderHaar, Evelyn V. Bowles Leslie M. Fansler OSU, A’52 Joe F. Roop and Anne Federlein James and Frances Nichols Environmental Compliance Source Sister Clarita Browning, OSU, A’47 Sister Helen Leo Ebelhar, OSUV Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU, A’55 Michael and Mary Sallee Richard and Isabelle Ebelhar Linda W. Pennington Thomas and Karen Wheatley Anthony and Christa Hundley Paul and Wilma Goebel Sister Marie Goretti Browning, OSU William and June Johnson Anna Marie Walker James and Linda O’Daniel Amy Clark Karen Hayden Michael and Mary Sallee George and Carolyn Rhodes Thomas and Karen Wheatley Dorothy Powers Sister Elaine Burke, OSU, A’49 Mary Ruth and Don ElderV Michael and Paula Burke Sean and Amy Vaughn Sister Mary Damien AbellV Linda Cirillo Steve EvansV Mary Jo Nay Catherine Imelda Beam Sister Martha Ament, OSU, of Paola Dan and Sherri Heckel Sister Joyce Cecil, OSU PJ and Sarah Hayden KansasV Earl and Linda Kropp Greg and Lisa L. Reis Marian Bennett Anthony and Jennifer H. Strada Rose Sherron Strickland, A’45 Maria Stuckenborg Allen Summers Dan and Jane Thomas J.B. and Bernadine Thomas Joanne Marie Thomas, A’69 Myles and Ruth Thomas Timothy and Rose Thomas Alex and Sharon Thompson Rick and Lizann Thompson Dorothy E. Tipmore Michael and Joann Toler Stephen J. Troutman Mary Truitt, A’48 John E. Underwood Rebecca Venn, A’65 George and Cathy Verschelden Sylvia Viglietti Joseph and Susan Vogliardo William Vogrin George and Janice Voss Mai P. Vu-Ha Terry and Jeanie Wahl Pat and Doris Waldeck Angela Waldrop Suellen Walls Mary R. Warren John and Margie Wathen Patricia Wathen Betty Webster Norbert and Lorena Weidenbenner Vince and Janet Weiss John and Zena Weist George And Louise Weldon Rufina Jo Wellinghurst Helen Werner Mary Alice Wethington Joseph Drew Wheeler Donald and Lois Whelan Mary Jean Whitledge Jay and Laura Wilkerson James and Rita Wilkus Loyceann Williams Peggy Williams Angela Goetz Wink, A’60 Patti Ann Wink, A’54 Edwin J. Wittman Christine Wolken Jean Wolken Samantha Friend Wood W. Michael Word Michael and Susan Wright Sarah A. Ye Frederick and Karen Yeager Deborah Zaborac Mary E. Ziegler Stephen and Mary Ziller Magdalene M. Zybko



Sharon Wynn Sister Frances MarieV Mary Jo Nay Albert FulkersonV Steve and Sandy Stahl Clyde and Marguerite FulkersonV Steve and Sandy Stahl Louise Fowler Gaddie, A’45V Rebecca Collins Sister Vivian Bowles, OSU, A’57 Rose Sherron Strickland, A’45 Jacinta Garinger, A’47V Marian Bennett Rex GatesV Gary and Joanne Thompson Rachel Ann GreenV Virginia Ford Green A’57 Mary Ford Vuncannon, A’55 James and Mary Ann Higdon Steve Clements Donna HagerV Julie Hager Sister Jane Miriam Hancock, OSUV Rebecca Collins Marie Ann Collins, A’75 Harry Groth II Eugene and Shirley Matney Sister Jane Irvin Hancock, OSUV Rebecca Collins Marie Ann Collins, A ‘75 Barbara HarbsmeierV Louis Harbsmeier Sister Joseph Mark Hayden, OSUV Mildred Ann Carrico, A’61 Father Lucian HaydenV Mike and Mickeye Murphy Sister Francesca Hazel, OSUV Rosemary McShane Kranz A’50 Sister Dorothy Helbling, OSUV Kathy Steckler Chris and Joyce Kormelink John and Yvonne Bright Marlene G. Bachrach Anna E. Gabriel Caroline C. Parys Craig and Carol Bauer Joseph and Colleen Ressler Brad and Jenny Buell Jon and Angela Verlinde Larry and Becky Krampe Larry And Sue Menke Thomas Barrett Ms. Linda Lehr Luat and Lan Nguyen– 529 Investment Partners Donald and Roscella Connelly Patrick Jones Celeste Krausz Wayne Gregoire Kenneth and Marilyn Levadney Gracie Fisher Helen Werner Ed Barbier Ralph and Kathleen Schaefer Sister Mary Sheila Higdon, OSUV Mary Jean Whitledge Sister Theresa Margaret Hite, OSU, and Sister Mary Louise Riney, OSUV Leonard and Rosemary Byrne Sister Mary Bertrand Hochstatter, OSUV Charles and Gail Saunders Sister Mary Eileen Howard, OSUV Ita Belle Howard Mary Scully IngramV Robert L. Scully Glenn and Rita JacksonV Glenda Poe Sister Clara Joseph JohnsonV Mandy H. Willis Janice Mulligan and Rick KamufV Carl Mulligan Sister Genevieve, Sister Imelda, and Sister Mildred Katzer, OSUV Glenda Poe Mark KellyV Shirley A. Gibbons Sister Rosemary Keough, OSUV Richard and Elizabeth Szucs Deborah Zaborac

Nancy Ellen Massicci Owensboro Amateur Radio Club Sister Mary Rudina (Rita) Klarer, OSUV Wayne and Susan McAllister John E. Underwood Mother Cecilia Koehler, OSUV Frank and Jean Koehler Sister Mary Elizabeth Krampe, OSUV Charlotte Hedges Clyde KrauszV Celeste Krausz Sister Annalita Lancaster, OSUV Stephen and Paula Schulmann Sister Rita Lavigne, OSUV Harry J. Lavigne Sister Joanna Lechner, OSU, and Sister Joan Marie Lechner, OSUV David Lechner Sister Walter Louise Lush, OSUV Leon F. Alvey Joseph Clellan MaloneV Bruce Bradley Anne and Ted Malone Paul Adams Margaret Frerman Lisa Huber Scott and Terry Purnell Stephen and Deena Douglas Jeff Jones Edward and Nancy Kennedy Francis Lucchese Serge Goldentul Sister Alfreda Malone, OSUV Bruce Bradley Anne and Ted Malone Marian Bennett Mary Evers Paul Adams Lillie Grief Melanie and James Deaderick Sister Mary ConstanceV Louis and Margaret Slapshak Sister Carmelita Mattingly, OSUV Catherine Imelda Beam Sister Nazaria Mattingly, OSUV Catherine Imelda Beam Sister Mary Celeste McCue, OSUV Linda Jones Sister Mary Patrick McDonagh, OSUV Craig and Carol Bauer Mary C. Yaeger Patricia Ash Bruce and Nancy Dickhaut Mark and Karen Polczynski Loyceann Williams William Fleming Timothy and Rose Thomas Kathy Steckler Larry and Jorene Thoeming John and Ellen Tighe Jeanne Marie Tapke PhD George and Janice Voss Sue Palermo Marcia James William and Kathleen Moehring Dianne And Roger Mueller Sister Juliana Mick, OSU, and Sister Philomena Mick, OSUV John C. Klein Sister Wendelin Milton, OSUV Rosemary Milton-Miano Sister Anne Michelle Mudd, OSUV Carol Krampe Janice Russell David K. Mudd Jerry MulloyV Catherine Spraley Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU, A’60V Joe and Maggie O’Bryan Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU, A’77V Judy and Michael Coomes Dennis and Stephanie Dossett Frank Kuo Bernadette Carney Andrea Reed Deborah Bunnell Vincent Hamon Geoffrey Connor

Ernest Cerino Jr. Cheryl Gammon Dr. Christopher and Mary Havelda Siebrand and Wanda Dooper Brent Rowe and Elizabeth Simon Ronald and Mary Briney Charles and Mary Amback Shirlene Quinn Clark Shackelford Rev. George Hoy Teresa B. Thompson Joan Zink and Jim Parker Cecilia Arbuckle Robert and Mary Lou Storm, A’77 James Brooks Rosemary Miller David and Nancy Leffel Rev. James Walker Mount Saint Francis Thomas Allsopp Ray and Theresa Coomes Nancy and Rudy Ritter Mary Schinault Regina Kay Bennett Julie Welden and Cecilia Klaffer Gerald and Carolyn Coomes Saint Ambrose Church Brigid Haragan Jeff and Carol Ratley Robert and Linda Laucella Anthony Anello Christine Delaney Matthew McGuire Linda Shute Marynancy Clary Sister Diane Marie Payne, OSUV Elizabeth Griner Mark Weidenbenner Chris and Joyce Kormelink Sister Jean Madeline Peake, OSUV Barbara Rose Sister Helen Marie Pfohl, OSUV Paul and Carolyn Tapp The Three Purdy SistersV Deborah Coomes Sherri Hoggatt Sister Mary Regis Ramold, OSU and Sister DeChantal Whelan, OSUV Ed and Gloria Cecil Sister Rita Redmond, OSUV Robert and Jennifer Grabill Sister Clara Reid, OSUV Marcella Bartley Judith Virtue Sister Teresa Riley, OSUV Kevin Riley Riley Livestock Paula Messner Donald and Ruth Dickens Sister Mary Leon Riney, OSUV Patti Ann Wink, A’54 Danny Roby, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roby, Mr. and Mrs. EvansV Judy Roby Sister Martina Rockers, OSUV Thomas and Donna Kellerman Doris Jean RommelfangerV Gary and Joanne Thompson Jamie Minnich Sister Joseph Adrian Russell, OSUV Betsy Russell Daniel and Debbie Smith Sister Mary Henry Russell, OSUV Daniel and Debbie Smith Joe and Joy Schmitt Jr.V Joseph and Sandra Schmitt Sister Mary Carl Sherron, Sister Cordelia Spalding, Sister Agnes Mary and Sister Barbara Ann Simpson, OSUV Eugene and Shirley Matney Sisters at Paola, KansasV John C. Klein Marjorie Weaver Slack, A’53V Robert Slack Sister Agnes Marie Smith, OSUV Mary Jo Kirby, A’63 Sister Helen Smith, OSUV Kathleen O’Bryan Donald and Laura Vohs

Joseph and Susan Vogliardo Sister Praxedes Spalding, OSUV Joseph Hamilton Mattingly Leta Pike SpeaksV Larry and Martha Severs Stanislaus and Genevieve StelmachV Kevin and Cassie Stelmach Teresa StengerV Bernard Stenger Karen Hayden Mary Rose Habenstein StephensonV Paul and Wilma Goebel John Buschermohle Francie Murphy Sister Jean Richard Stukenholtz, OSUV Jeffrey and Madeline D. Meyer Sister Mary Diane Taylor, OSUV Robert and Diane Black Ellen TederV Bernard Stenger Raymond ThomasV Jim and Bettye Bates Sister Louis Bertrand Thompson, Sister Thomas Ann Thompson, and Sister Dominica Thompson, OSUV Jane Thompson Sister Marie Brenda Vowels, OSUV Robert Todd and Janet Baker Christopher and Carol Cecil Charles and Barbara Whelan Sister Mary Caroline Wathen, Sister Mary Aloysius Wathen, Sister Jean Marie Wathen and Sister Mary Antonia Wathen, OSUV Matthew and Jane Crisp Weidenbenner RelativesV Joanne Sheridan Sister Emerentia Wiesner, OSUV Alberta Kueser Sister Fran Wilhelm, OSUV Chris and Joyce Kormelink Deborah Zaborac Mr. David Marnell George and Leora Andriakos Diana Holden Brett and Julie Stallings Margaret Ann Tasaka A’66 Suzanne Gochenouer Rose Ann Radzelovage Mary R. Warren Iris Moreno-Brown Michael J. Sullivan The Williams SistersV Craig and Sandra Reynolds Sister Helen WuckowitschV Eileen M. Bowling Sister Mary Ester Yates, OSUV Fred and Mary Ridgley Max YoungV Agnes M. Yates

IN KIND GIFTS Joe and Kathleen Davis Bobbie Dirrim Domtar Paper Company LLC Thomas and Jo Anne Fiorini Elizabeth and Sally Fitzgerald Mary E. GarciaV Karen Hayes Ann Jacobs Faye Kirtley John and Mari Lynn Korte Merline Long Sarah Jane Lynch William and Cecilia McCarty Carin Oliver Jean Person Bill and Kathy Reid Irene Reising Carolyn Salsman Genevieve Siebert Edith Stewart Joan Teder Mary Teder Burl Troutman Cindy Wilson

May God Bless All of You! 19

8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356-9998 270-229-4103 www.ursulinesmsj.org info.msj@maplemount.org

Three Ursulines receive posthumous honors Three Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph who have gone to heaven in the past year were honored for their service locally, regionally and nationally in fall 2021. Brescia University in Owensboro, Ky., hosted an opening reception for the Sept. 3-Oct. 26 commemorative art exhibit showcasing the art and teaching of the late Sister Mary Diane Taylor. Sister Mary Diane died June 28 in her 69th year as an Ursuline Sister. She began serving Sister Mary Sister Fran Sister Dianna as an art professor at Brescia in 1967 and retired 51 years Diane Taylor Wilhelm Ortiz later in 2018. In 2016, the administration building was renamed Bartholomy-Taylor Hall, partly in her honor. This was the first art exhibit in the C.E. Field Center for Professional Studies at Brescia, which opened in 2020. Father Larry Hostetter, Brescia president, said it was fitting that the exhibit honor Sister Mary Diane for her years at Brescia, for the many students she taught, and for the Ursuline Sisters’ long influence on the college. Some of her former students attended the reception. Sister Fran Wilhelm’s legacy as a liturgical musician serving the Hispanic community in the Diocese of Owensboro was recognized by the completion of an “Our Father” that Sister Fran began composing in Spanish. When Sister Fran died on Nov. 5, 2020, at age 91, her composition was incomplete. The Diocesan Office of Music was able to fill in the missing parts of the manuscript by transcribing the recording. Matt Gray, director of music at Immaculate Church in Owensboro, and Jacob Hein, director of music at St. Mary Magdalene in Sorgho, Ky., then recorded Sr. Fran’s Spanish language setting of the “Padre Nuestro” just a few weeks after her death. In commemoration of the one-year anniversary of her death, the diocese posted a sound file and the sheet music for the hymn on its website. Those interested can listen to the recording here: www.owensborodiocese.org/sr-fran-wilhelm. Sister Dianna Ortiz’ efforts to give a voice to the victims of torture was honored on Oct. 13. The Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., presented its 45th annual Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Domestic Award to the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition. Sister Dianna founded TASSC in 1998 to bring together survivors of torture, their family members and other supporters to work toward the end of inhumane treatment of people. The award recognized TASSC International for its ongoing work but also for the leadership of Sister Dianna, who died Feb. 19 after a second bout with cancer. She was 62.

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