U.S. Patent S9t211 11 • .l. Daberer
u.s~ Patent 3250500 R.s. Hall
Fig.6. Published by Joe Fauat .lll ••11 to •ailing addreaa:
Rsg• J12
Jil6t~·A~:i:~~18t B~~to,
Your ideas will be con~r1buted gratis. Always send a self-addreaaed ata•pad envelop• •hen corresponding ao that tbe editor 11 forced to reply to you personally. L&.S expects no profit, but only ••ana to continue growth whi_l • aer•liig the lo• _and slow flying •o•••ent.
1.2 IJ:)W
& SL01'
March 1971
No. 1
Welcoae to the fellowship of birdaen that are open to fresh approacbe~ to the universe of aotorless flight. Drea11. Dare to fly daily. notes to this gathering place. LJ& will be a booklet dedicated to· the literary •e•t• of ••n and woaen who enjoy creatiag and sharing the joyfal ideaa aurroanding the topic• that will follow, but do not,pleaae,
let yoar•elf be liaited to the list nor to the title• aaed. We are to grow with the needs and ideas that will••••• oa our adventure. SOKI GO.U.S OF L&S
1. Your fellowahip 2. Your enjoyaent J. ~vaaceaent of the science of aechanical aotorleaa flight in tae reai.1 or 11ini11u11 total coat 4. Eacoara«eaeat or effective dre&I• i9C about aotorlea1 flight.
5. Coaplete 1laaria« of idea1 •••• the
Bring your personal We need each other~
Publishing company solely owned by Joe Faust All rights reserved by Low & Slow. No copying of any par1 without permission. All rights to contributed material are kept by the person who contributed, except that it appear freely in Low & Slow. Ha.r..g on, on ......
lowerin,; of illkibitions that ke•J ua rroa 1~iag others really en1..,................~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " joy the aiacellany of our deep aelf •••• aueb aiscellany that aay give otllera a rounation for diaco·nring really fre•h vistaa about •oaring and other aode• of aotorleaa aeana of flying. 6. Developaeat of a literature that give• ua all a eet of keys to the aany aaa1ioaa ef aotorleaa and free transcendental flights. 7. 1 reglllar developaent of the aethoda and technologies that pertain to the conatr¥ction of ayatea1 of aotorleaa flight that reaain possible for a peraoa with a very liaited budget of tiae, aoney, apace, aobility. a. Bei.11& a voice for "half-baked" idea ••••• in order to bare ideas that aight otherwiae have been lost concerning aotorless flight. Tour editor i• Joe Faust Ra 312 309 Santa Monica Llvd. Santa Monica, CA 90401
L&S i• for yoa in booklet fora of 20 pages. L&S ia a nuabered series and i• dated• but is not a periodical of definite frequency except to say \hat at leaat 12 iaauea will be published yearly and that at least one i••~e per aonth will be published. You aay receive issues faster •.
1.3 LOW AND SLOW WILL DEJ.L WITH TOPICS .A.S LISTED BEWW: Soaring Gliding Hang-gliding Slope soaring Slop• gliding Earth skia11ing Ground effect gliding J.ir·as.n skiing Manned kiting ETeryaan's glider Mini11ua sailplane Birdaen, Birdladiea Paper-fold glidera_ Fellowship letter• Mutua.l critici11a Tethered gliders Miniaua cost ayateas 111-age-near-ho•• gliding Hang-glidin&·fi•!• aaaiata High joy-return gliiing Dynaaic soaring Gtat soaring .Miniaua glider Miaiaua kit• Mini•u• aBDD.ed kite Eaay logistics for daily gliding experiences Optiaua hang-glider Rotating wing gliders RevolTing wing gliders Free-flight tethered gliders Gliding parachutes Space sails Rotary wing kiting Fun on home slopes Gust juaping with wings Fixed-anchored tathered ahips Gaaea for the Bang-birdaen New ways of aotorless flight L&S idea co~teat11 Early glider replicas Human-powered and asaiat flight Gra•ity powered flight systeas In-flight games, thoughts, joys
(&11.ci aore)
Cartoons Jokes Historical comment Technological forecasting United States gliding pate11ta United Stat•• kite patent• United States patents that aff•~ any developaent of the Low a Sl••·t.._•• Foreigh patents Interdisciplillllry approach to adY. .8:iag tli• developae11t of aini•\la flight Broad-ju.11p gliding and flight Highjuaping gliding and flight. Running gliding and flight Vaulting take-off• and flight DiTing gliding and flight. Beaa theory for ainiau. struct11.rea· Stick science Lin• science S•rfac• and fi1- acienc• IU.te-powered flight aya~••s 'fater-current-powered-aotorl••• flight Transcendental gliders; aailplaa••, kites ln.alogical gliders, kit••, sailplanes Syabolic gliders, kitea, u.ilpl&llea .A.11 aanner of noa-fuel Magnua effect flight ayateas Coaplex sky.trees of tethered gliders 1erobatic tethered gliders aD.d kites Man-anchor aanned-tethered gliiers Guided parachutes Kit• platforas for haag-gliding ia1i:e~off Glider launch of gliders Bew application• of gliding and aearing Novel us•• of tethered glid•r• and kitea Zero-poroaity large parachute searing Synthetic theraal aakers Line·gaaes on glider tether lines Train systeaa of gliders Park apace for aotorlesa flying Laws on low flight Solar powered sailplanes Sailplane vortex surfing
1.4 Collapsible 5tructures L&S parachuting requirements Pneuaatic structares How to get high near home with ~dYanced aaterials low funds and labor Mini•u• &hips fro• local stores Plans for L&S syateaa' devices Related information from all other Plana for unproven and possibly sciences, arts, technologies unsafe L&S ship& with due f&J1ily participation in L&S typeswarnings but not prohibitions Technology of the tape Half-baked plans for ships that Tetrahedral morphoiogy have unknown safety factors Tensegrity for L&S ways Fully baked plan, for good L&S Tension structures for L&S types related ship• and wings Trash techology for cutting costs of Plans for L&S fun ayatems ainimua 11otorless flight systems Futuriatic ships L&S aateriala and purchasing Elastic aailwing aerodynaaics Gliding for underdeYeloped societies Key book reviews and abstracts Kotorlesa flight for primitive •ocie~iea Handy hints Wing• for th• very iu,ung children Operational tipa Kiting for hiking; gliding for hiking Storage tips High lift aechaniams Weather for L&S ,yatems !ngel flight vs. heaYenly huaaD flight Solar-heated ballooning Rogallo Wing& in paper Tr&ll.ae,ndental winds Rogallo Wings in kites Gro1U1d winda Rogallo Wings for hang-glides Happing local flying areas Rogallo Wing aorphology Public relation& for L&S typea R:i.chard-Miller Sailwing aorphology That w, fly in the•ght, apirit, Jalbert tension wing& aind, tiae, apace, energy Notification prograa: Telling people of Joya of tho-.,;ht flight other diaciplinea of waya that we in Morphological creathity for L&S can help their causes aotorl••• flight L&S aporta Diacov,riug new viatas, goals, L&S ooapetitiona challenge,, hop,,, desires, Odditiu in aotorleu flight for aotorl,11 flying Biograpki•• of cent,aporary Draa•• of man-flight airdpeople of L&S readers Elaatic sail-wings Motorlea, aerodynaaic devicea and their Photograph• of L&S kappenings iaportance to •otorl•ss flying 1y1t••• Price per fli&at hour trends Gliders tor earthquake a,cape Soarin& parachuting Nature'• gliding and •oaring fr••~flight double kite syst,111 Natur•'• kit• ,y,teas Picnic• in the sky •otorlassly ~ir •••••• Atmo,phera, •••• Space Very priaary priaary gliders Physical joya of L&S type acts Skiting Safety and L&S type act• Tethered-aan flying systems Reprints of special papers Fluid gliders: liquid and gas Poetry for Soaring, gliding, Gliding in solids and all aanner of fuel-less Drag reduction flight Drag devices
1.5 THERE WAS ONGE A Ni:WSLETTER ••••.• NOW ! BOOKLET SERIES --~~~~~~promised me to write a •hort explanation of what happened to a newsletter called 'I.ow and Slo• and Out of Control! We will await his offering. Your all-n•• booklet aeries ia releTant to the prior newsletter but i• not a mere duplieation of that effort. The prior n••aletter laGted for six i•sues and ended ju•t aa it was getting the lift of ao•• good and hot thermals. Their aub•cription •a• 50t eaca, 6 isaue• per year. Our new Low & Slow is 50t each issue at the bidding of anyone who will aign up for 12 isauea at a tiae expecting to receiTe at lea•t one per aonth or faater, not slower. Thu•, $6 per 12 issues. Checks aaile to LolAI ~
rQ!l1!AI. :
The format and type size will permit hard-coYering 12 i••ues into a neat book. Each i•sue could be holed for placing in a binder. Half-tone photography will be included in the i•sues •• auch aa po•sible. The goal i• to .haYe a photo on eTery page where •uch would be helpful. As time passes aore interesting headlining •ill take place. Regularised •ection• will fora to beat fit the intereat area• of ua all. P!RTlCIP!TIOJ BY TOU L&S baa been created to be the voice for a people. That people holds a wealth of interest• that can eause a bloBsoaing of ideas too such forgotten by all other publicatio~s {alsost) in the world of aotorless flight. Low and Slo• will claia to be the pioneerin~ ~•dy of sodern birdaen for the realas ao intiaated by the list of topiee oa pr•Tioua pages. Eaoh of ua should contribute frequently to the pages of Lo• and Slowo Your editor will pose queationa to you peraonally a, well aa generally. Feel free to eend in scratch pad doodle• or aaeter articlee. So•• of you aight choose to write a aiscellaneou• note to youraelvea when you get a eeeaingly odd half-baked idea ••••••••• send ua a eopy- ••• aaybe we can bake the idea for you •••• at least a little further. DON'T be aelf-conscioua about strange suggestions or combination• of ideas. Our greateat adTances to come in soaring are yet to be drea,11ed of by_au~h_winged_aind~ as yours. Share. PHOTOGRAPHS: . •7 photograph requireaeata are not yet fully known.
For no••
pl•••• kept a good. watch for
any photograph tlaat 11111 beco•• part of the L&S
archi•••· A••• grow oar photo inclu~ian •111 incna... 35 - · acreesed up.t.bea for ad.a i f tbe e.d ia intereatt.c to Ollr I.AS readera. MODELS: Send aodela for evaluation, criticisa, photographing, testing, or for keeping for the view of office visitors. But if you want the aodel back, then please forward sufficient postage. INFORMATION: Clippings, news, announceaents, references, products, plan•, sketches, drawings, prints, po•••, eaaaya, excerpts, _books, paaphlets, aagazinea, newaletters, copies, letters, etc ••••• send th•• in fer all of ua fro• you with love.
C R 0
My dear friends ••••• the deep part of you holds ideas that we all would like to hear. Please present the• at least in aiac•llan•ou1 not• for11. Here is a saaple: 1. Pendulu. balancing systeas on kites, gliders, haug-gliders. 2. New badges for the lo• and slo• category. Why not? 3. Event: Longest ti•• to fly 50 feet, auat land by 60 feet. 4. We should be able to enlist sportsaen who are long juapers 5. Highju•pers of the track and field variety represent one of th• aost priaiti•• for•• of ••n's desire to fly like the birds. Let ua realise even our peripheral sportsaates. 6. Will•• allow energy storing systeas in our ships; especially•• aight consider energy storage after the pilot has taken off. 7. Ibo has an A or B badge? 8. What wind-slope pitch go•a b•at with what L&S activity 1 9. I would like to••• events •h•r• no h•lpers are allowed. ·10. Take-off area or circle aight be of a liaited sise. 11. In L&S type event••• aight soaetiaea express our appreciatiwn for autual help and fellowship by exchanging or giving paper glider gifta, saall kite gifts, or aaall balsa glider gifts. 12. L&S type eventa in the Olyapic Ga.e1. 13. Saall children in L&S type flight. How saall and tor what? 14. At what point does the F.A.A. begin to affect the L&S er1? 15. L&S will sell copies to certain patents. The U.S. Patent Office 1•111 patent copies for 50, ••ch. lhen ordering fro• thea it takes about J to 6 aonths to get your copy unl••• you pay their 1pecial expediting price of S 1.00 per copy. L&S will offer aoae patents for 50~ per copy without delays. Watch for the offerings. 16. Sell your L&S type thing through our Clas1ified Ada. See back cover. Price will be 1 cent per alphabetical letter. No cllarge •ill be aade for nuabers and punctuation aarka unlea1 soaeone intends to put aore than 5~ of the copy in such notation. 17. L&S can support various 1ectiona within its p&g••· Send in your ideas. Here are aoae possibles to thinlt about besides the topical areas listed in this issue: Topical index products Table of Contents Ne• aaterials Display ads(; vote no 1 leave copy Ltrs. to editor i-or topical report} BiographiH Definitions Governaent reports Bibliography Paper-fold design• L&S type wings listing• L&S acteorology Cl.ue1tion1
DYNAMIC SOARING L&S encourage& all readers and interested parties to contribute inforsation leading to the sore effective use of gusts. ••all theraals, slope winds, wawe slope gusts, etc. both for sinisal ships, all aanner of non-fueled flight ayatess, low and slow gliders, kites, and all •anner of transcendental ayateaa. The near ho••, near ground, and near water surface regions can become a Yery special world of flight for aan. Mastery of slow flight bring• ua to a deep yearning for th• aaatery of using a1111.ller wind syateas for our experiences. In this regard we ahall accept a fine reprint written by Richard Miller. We ahall talc• the reprint in stages. It will not all appear in this L&S iaaue. tt Dynaaic Soaring ' ' by Richard Miller As long ago as 1883, in what was certainly one of the •oat inspired co. .ents ever aade on the subject, Lord Rayleigh stated tha\ soaring flight required either a wind that was not horisontal, or one that waa not of unifora •elocity. Today, th• bet••r part of a century later 0 •• s••• to have no knowledge that could be used to argue against this brilliant hypothesis. WINDS NOT HORIZONTAL---slope winds, theraal upcurrenta, conYergenc• zones and evening valley circulation chief aaong theaare by far the aore eaaily exploited of the two types and hawe been extensively explored and analyzed by glider pilots since Rayleigh'• day.WINDS ioT or UNIFORM VELOCITY relate to the •ore recondite aatter of dynaaic soaring and have proven to be considerably leas accessible to aan and his aachinea than those of the non-horizontal variety. Nevdrtheleea, dynaaic soaring bas long been one of the aore roaantic concerns of gliding experiaentera. In the earlier days of the sport, when aany th~oriea had yet to b• teated, and before the ability of the albatross waa aa fully appreciated as it ia today, the technique of dynaa_ic soaring occupied aany an astute theoretician and aany noteworthy contributions to the art were aade. The Geraana, whose early contribution, to gliding were ao far in adYance of other nations, did the aajority of the pioneeriJl8 work and aade the greatest progreaa in dynaaic soaring. Wolfgang Kleaperer who we hawe •et elsewhere in this work, had a loil8-tiae concern with both the theory and practice of dynaaic flight. It waa his contention that rbythaic oscillation of the elevator, aade while flying through vertically pulsating air, could yield "an optiaua power gain a little in exceea of that natural gain •hich would be deriwed froa inertia alonen--providiug the pilot could anticipate th• incipient guata and react appropriately to theal {To be continued in L&S 2)
u~ :.:;ee Lr1e 11gnL
Yea, the low & alow •oveaent can perait full-scale aoclr.-up• every ti•• we are really bot on an idea. I subait, that all of us aight endeavor to lr.eep a L&S•region notebook in which•• track the beginnings and reaulta of our experiaent• in flight. Handy hints will not be lost. Here, for a tallr. starter, are ao•• things that iaportant to •any low and alo• people: 1. Efforts to apend very little •oney to achieve reaulta! So•• ap•ak of succea• with syst••s that are achieved with $1 per pound of systea and 1 hour of labor per pound. 2. Collapaible design- auto•atic or aanual are desirable pointa. J. Uae of •tandard •ade producta not froa a specialised industry! The thousand• of fasteners, devicea, aaterials, a.nd ••thod• that are available should be fully exploited for our purpoaea. We ahould endeavor to abar• findings auch as u••• for inexpenaive aasa produced products that are readily availabla in aoat parl• of the world. 4. Avoidance of tranaport probleas and high labor aaaeablage practices; Cara.bl• and aan-abl• ayataas desired. j. Durability for repeated use. Fragility for exhibition· crashea. 6. Si•plicity in design. Simple, aiaple, siaple. But auch trend doea not exclude the L&S intereat in optiaua deaigns that aay involve advanced thinking and concentration. le need both. 7. Uae of induatrial waate products for very l+a syate••· Plaatic fil• at conatruction 6it•• can be sails. L&S type acientific experi•entation aethoda will be of two asjor typea: A. Refined, detailed, exact, and high coat experiaents. B. Lo• coat, low ti•• inpa.t, low aaterial coat, good but rough •atiaatin,; ••thods 1 and !•••peopled experi•enta. Any ideas oa the design or experiaent• and observation aethoda will beco•e available to low and slow readers. We each can have increased pleaaure in creating the runga of the ladder to th• sky palac•••
Fro• a high point in a rooa attach a low drag string that can support a high deaity tear-drop shaped •tight. Just abo~• th• hung atr•a•lined ••ight attach a tow line attached to a l•a wing or syst••· Lift the L&S device to a high point in the rooa letting the •ain pendulu• line be taut. Release l+s device and w~ight. Oba~rve reaulta. Ti•• the swing. Coapute experienced airspeeds. Design large •cal• similar t••t and useable systeas in which the pendulu• line ia hung fro• a super-kite. Tarzan•awing out froa alopea. Ahhhh-yyyeeee-oooooooooohhh Ill
1.9 LOW? Let's have some comment on our title. Send in your ideas that will help us further form our development. Whatever•• do should not restrain the creating of really revolutionary ideas. The inertia of our ignorance must be kept aside of wanting to tell of dreams. Our aia in part should be to dig in the LOW layers of our su·bconseious to bring out ideas to aake it easier for us to fly. lie drea11 to fly LOW near home •ithcut much cost and during most any day. We are both rich and poor. We are of high learning and of littl~ learning •••••• but •e all want to fly. *~~· Lo• is a relative term *.t.!.* Low for one is high for another ·~~· Low can be for altitude or spirit We need not be low while being slow, nor need we be slow while high. We may be fast while low and slow while high •••• Nevertheless, we waat low budgeted flight hours and lo• cost flight experience. We do not want to travel far nor seas with paraffleters that take up flight time. We are birdmen ••• we bring together convenient material~, but depend much on our body and ingenuity. We modify our systems easily and try new vistas of flight. We resist placing fuels in wing area envelop••· We are high as hang-gliding people, kite hanging cats, and unorthodox flyers of yesteryear and of the future. We want to solidify laser beams ~nd fly the aoon as our kite. We sail down tow-lines. We do not hesitate to modify our ships and try the• on ground akiaaing efforts. We wish for soae among us to mount the skies in free-flyi1J8 double ended kite syateas aa described by Richard Miller in his article on dynaaic soaring (he baa given ua permission to reprint this article). Tobe Lo• is to get.high. We will cover the grounds of the ayateriou11 and sublime in search for the flight of the free. Free flight ia that !light that does not use but food power, •ill power, self-power, spirit power, and the free flow of the elements of nature. Free flight does not use expensive systeas in teras of labor, aaterials, or capital outlay. We seek joy, not burden. We seek wings at hand •••• wings of joy ••••• our wings. The handy wings providud the Wright brother• with a series of !reedoa flight:jas well as fuel-uaing powered flight•. Lilienthal eabraced handy wings for gliding and His aia was fundaaental, that ia, low. aoaring~ Slow? Velocity is relativeo We are open for il1terpretati~ns of our title. Your fun with the tera can be our fun. The sweetness of love: Ia this slow? Einstein could give us wings that would be slow and fast at the saae ti••• In the aviation world speed advances aade our world smaller ••••• it too bring• ua together to seek aaaller apeeds. Flying alo• permits us to see the color and activity of our earth close-up. In slowness we can aeander about at •peeds siailar to the song birds. Such a beautiful flight envirollllent. When will we be able to dart about the groves as does the aparrow'? ••••• when we slo• do1JJ1 and think about That is what we are about. alowneaa and ite particular probleas.
Fig. l.
Fig.3 •.
ng. 4. ,, . eo
P1.r.ur 1,2so,500;-.R. s. HALL
M~y to, 1966
· ror a copy- of th• original pateDt Dra•_iql
. and SpecificaUona (about 2 ,eoo word•), on _
5 · Si•x 11" , order fros L&S· or US Gonruent • for 50,,. •ill d•!hn 3 aonth1 aooaerl 26 · · . . . patent Specification•~. aot g1Te diaeasio•• but b7 law i• to CiY•
enough description that •on• skilled in th• art. could lll&i:• the deTice.• •chanical patent• are protected by patent rigbt1 tor a period of 17 yra. L&S actiTitJ will incorporate all th• best ideaa of the pa1t and reach tor Pe• idea1. Patent• for glid•r•, kit••, ltl"llture1, 1ail1, aircraft, and other it••• cau b• a Yeritable garden for the imaginatiT« L&S de1iguer.
••••••••••••••••••••••• from the desk of ·
To hallg oath• wing
ju1t to be fr•~ and in 11aroh ot • pal GEORGE UVEGES . Ia 1oaething aan ahould purau•, :young or old:
G. UY•£••
Announcing: I
When? Sunday, May 23, 1971 •.•.•. and maybe warm-ups on SaturdfY· Where? ·capistrano Beach, California. Detai'ls are not availabe for I.&S No. 1. More in U.S No. 2. GET YOUR WINGS READY. I We hear that the weekend could include special guests, s~ows, camping, and prizes. I.&S is not the sponsor, but will cover t~e event in full. Richard Miller suggests "Saturday, the 22nd, i could be for assembly of the hardy birdmen and ladies, and ere4tion of the machines. Hopefully, out of town participants will be 4ble to camp on the flying field next to their aircraft. Saturday dould be given over to test flights, getting acquainted, and the likJ. 11 MILLER ALSO TELLS US: "There will be a film and slide show - an -about hang-gliders. 11 JACK IAMB IE thinks he will win in some event. The spirit of Otto is riding high, but not too high. 1
*****This happening promises to be a very impQrtant one for thel future of hang-gliders. u.s wants to encourage creativity in erent definition. Leave latitude in rules for all kinds of low and s~ow wings and things. Lambie suggests contest categories as follot15: 1. Best surface paintings. 5. Open class: some contrpls 2. _Finest and worst workmanship 6. Best "Hang Loose" type·; 3. · Most spectacular crashes 7. Best original designs 1 4. Standard class: no controls FOLLOW THROUGH ON THAT ft6: I think you can still get copies of Lambie's plan for the "Hang Loose". See Soaring, p.29, Feb. 19?1. ------Bruce Carmichael is designing a "very nice metal monoplane for the coming contest." per RICHARD MILLER. ------There is a Sailwing about .... will anyone tell me if it will be repaired ~or the Lilienthal special???? Will the Rogallo ofl I I Bruce's son fly? RULES will undoubtedly include that a pilot must take-off under I his own power. Will Northrop Institute of Technology enter their human I powered flying group? Must we hang? 1
1.12 WE :HAVE M.-\NY FRIENDS Aviation and sport circles around the world report of people getting excited about low and slow activity. Our fellowship could number in the tens of thousands and more. The faint hearted are not the light hearted that dare to leave the earth, but l.&S can still claim to be the voice for a good portion of mankind. l. Let us take the scene of the tired powered pilot. So many of these people are renewing their friendship with the birds by way of the fresh and thrilling challenges of the L&S world. Talk to those who fly the air polluters and noise-m~kers and money-eaters. Tell them to view how nature has given wings to man for much less cost. Soaring pilots that want once and forever to do away with the trailering of sailplanes can join us in L&S to find flight·
J. :::::::
p:;::sh:::tw.::::u:ot:: ;:e::ef;;e::a:::r:::~ lots of
action and healthful bodv me.ssage ought to look to L&S. 4. Soaring pilot; that want to participate in a host-of fresh approaches to soar~ng at low time and money cost ought to come. s.I Soaring pilots that do not want to add motors, use motors, use , ~torized tows ought often to see l.&S. Sailor, that want to make good flying and wint~r use of their I exi1ting sails ought to come and join sail• to the l&S way,. 7. Land sailors ought to come and be tethered to a fixed anchor and have sky races using means found among the L&S minds. ~- Those that want to walk down a e],ope and be lifted gently for a glide and maybe neatly packed soaring slope flight ought to i participate with great enthusiasm. 9. Transport pilots of the world, "Come and fly the I.&S way." They will find a renewed lift in life that the great birds i have stolen from them. 10. College students can have an artistic and engineering challenge when confronting the goals of the low and slow Everyman's wings. 11. water surfers and sail surfers can use their sails for L&S wings. 12. Skiters of the powered tow variety will -nt to 1ee in l.&S that i they can do similar activity without the cost a powered team. 13. Gyro-kiters that lll!nt to develop natural wind methods : l.&S. 14. Professional and amateur kite people of all ages will gain and contribute much to the progress of flight for Hr. World Citizen. 15. Park and recreation people will went to get in on the ground floor. Their domains are being used for L&S flight. I
Bi wingers As•• •ant •k~tches fro• each of you, I present •Y•llf no• to you briefly. Jo~nne, ay •if•t Jojo -6yr•t Joy-5yr1, welcr•• you to the world of J.o• and Slow. Jojo has had Hnral bang-glid ea, fiited anchor kite rid••, eand-•ki kite to••• Joy baa had kite and free-fall kite-lin• dropa; abe enjoy• •o•t of all the butt-•k~ towa by kitee, Joy i• aw&iting ha»g-gliding and other advanced L&S type activitiea. Joanne k•.,P• •• in toY .. ool u her tethered glider •• \,she fears ay nose dive••• I try to you birdaenl Our ho•• i• i~ I Venice, CA. We have the daily aea bree1e and aos• local eand dunr• aa a1set1 for l.&:S. Our hoae i1 just beneath the pattern for thel Santa Monica Airport;•• keep our flight activity lo• and slow, quiet and nice. Being 28 yr1 old and new at business, I welcoae any aaong ua\to counsel and criticise ay L&S handling 10 that we all can aaaure ofraelvea of a continuation of l.&:S. My work for life i i to atay iD the L&SI concern. Presently I .. atill going to U,C,L.A. ae a junior. My aajor ha• been • aatheaatics, but I will graduate fro• the School of IDgineering,h;pefully with a aajor defined by•• and accepted by thea: Lo• and Slow Gli er and Kite lngineering. Maybe you can later aign a petition to help ac ieve having such a aajor for graduation. Certainly UCLA ought to graduate :t l===t o;= p=r;o; to th; sarvic; of ou~ apecial tligbt collllUnitti My last full ti•• eaployer waa McDonnell Aerospace Corporati,n. for thrH year• I was a general fabrication nn for &1Hably partf for the DC-8,9, and 10 and other aiaaile prograa•. By aerita of an apflicatio~ and pertoraance in a 1\lg8estion prograaJI wa1 proaoted to Industrial · Engineering for a year until I engineered a progra• of great profit for the coapany. Di•covering their lack of true needa for 10 aany ••~loyeea I acc.elerated •Y peraonal prograa: I offered th•• 11yHlf •• theirj••• director of Low and Slow Glider and Kite Syateas. The7 took thre •••k• to decide. I inforaed th•• of the treads in Low and Slow. I did not w&nt to de~ th•• a crack at the aarket. They c011ld not giwe •• 1h• poeition until the buaineaa outlook waa better, and even then they did I not think that Mr. McDonnell would want ae to redirect their tranjport 1 business into the kit• and Mr. Everyaan s flight buaineaa. I So, I voluntarily quit MD1C to seek a way to serve you. For aoney I tutor younger atudents. Allay experience and training is being directed to your service in L!:S, I My low and slow flight •~periences are wide and varied, aech~ical am! tr~•••"'~t,l. Sao IAS tor iodicati~ o< th••• •••r 10,000ltlight,.
••fng• 1
Co~tributed by GEORGE UVEGES: Reprint : 1.14 N~R POWERED FLIGHT REGULATIONS AND COKDI1IORS for Tb• • 10,000 KREMER COMPETITION 1st ~,rch 19 The Royal Aeronautical Soci•ty 4 Baailton Place London W.l 01-499 3515 1 prize oft 10,000 is offered by Henry Kr•••r for a successful controlled flight of a Man Powered Aircraft under condition, laid down by I the Man Powered Aircraft Group of the Royal Aeronautical Society. The ofticial obserT•r• will be ••l•cted froa a body approYed by the Royal Aefonautical Society and the Royal Aero Club. ! The Regulations and Conditions governing the award, which is to be :!known as the L 10,000 Kreaer Coap•tit:lon, have no• been laid down by \the Royal J.eronautical Society and are aa follows. : Thia Coapetition shall be Gonducted by the Royal J.ero Club of the uni!ted Kingdo• under the Regulatio11s and Condition1 laid down by a Co~ittee called the KREMER COMPETITION COMMITTEE, which shall be coapoa~d of aeabera of the Royal Aeronautical Society and of the Royal J.er~ Club. The Kreaer Coapetition Coaaitt•• ia hereinafter referred to~. "Th• Coiaaittee". IOTS:- In th• British Coaaonwealth the J.ircraft •ill be conaidered ae Glibera and no Perait to fly or Certificate of Ainrorthiness will be reqlired and all intending entrants are strongly adviaed, during trials, to hold adequate insurance cover for all Third Party Riska, and to tat• evai-y precaution agilinat daaagea to property; but it is expected that I coapetitora in other countries •ill observe their own national flying I andlinaurance regulations. ] Regulations
1. !ElfERAL he prize will be award•d to the entrant who first fulfils conditions. 2. RIZE The priz• is L 10,000 at•rlipg ). ~LIGIBILITI Th• coapetition is international and i1 open to in~ividuala or teaas fro• any part of the world. Rights of appeal ~ill be governed by the Coapetition Rule• or the Royal !ero Club ud the Sporting Code of the Federation 1eronautique Intunationale, 4, C~JDITIOKS or EKTRY 4~ 1 J.IRCIWT , 4,1,1 The aachin• shall be a heavier-than-air aachine. 4.1.2 The use of lighter-than-air gases shall ba prohibited 4. 1. 3 Th• aachine shall be powered and controlled by the ere• of I the ••chine over the entire flight. 4.1.4 Bo d•vices for storing energy either for take-off or for use in flight shall be peraitted. 4.1.5 lo part of the aachine shall be jettisoned durine any part of the flight including take-off. (naxt page) 1
1.15 ~eprint contjnued: 4,2 CREW 4 .2.1 Tha crew shall be those person• in the aachine duri~ takeoff and flight, and there ahall be no liait set to their \ .nuaber. j 4.2.2 No aeaber of the crew shall be per11itted to leaYe th• aircraft at any ti•• during take-off or flight. I 4.2.J One handler or ground crew shall be p•r•itted to asa~st in stabilising th• aacbin• at the wing tip during take-off. 4.3 GROUHD COHDITIOIS I 4.3.1 All atteapts, •hich shall include the take-off run, ~hall be aade over approxiaately level ground and on a cou~se to be approved by the Royal Aero Club or in conjunction/with its authorised representatives. I 4.J.2 A.11 atte11pts sba.U be aade in still ab·, which shall lbe defined ae a wind not exceedins a apeed of appr1xiaately 10 knots, over the period of the flight. 4.4 COURSE , 1 The coarse shall be a figure of eight, eabracing twoituraing points, which shall be not leas than half a lapert. I 4.4.2 The aachine shall b11 flown clear of and out.aide each llturning point. 4,4,3 The starting line, which shall also be the finishingfline, shall be between the turning points and shall be app~oxpts. . i11ately at right angles to the line joining the tul:'lling I 4.4.4 The height• , both at the start and the finish, shal~ b' not less than ten ieet above th• ground; otherwise t~ere shall be no restriction in height. I . 4,4,5 The aacbine shall be in_continuoua flight over the entire course, I 4,5 OBSERVATION i E~•ry atteapt 1hall be observed by the Royal Aero Club orb~ any body or persons authorised by the Royal Club to act as obae11v11ra, I 5, APPLICATIO! FOR EIITRT I ·5.1 Entry foras shall be obtained froa th• Royal Aero Club, ICoapetitions Departaent, Artillery Jlanaions, 75 Victoria Street, I Lond. , s. w.1. \ 5,2 The entry fee shall be L 1 which shall be refunded upon the
attempt taking place. 5,3 Each entry for• shall contain an application for Officia Observation of the coapetitor's atteapt. 5.4 The fe~ for Official Observations ahall be L 15 15 •· 0 which shall be forwaNl.ed with the application. 5,5 The entrant shall 1U1d11rtake to abide by the conditions f~r Official Obaervation aa set out on the entry fora and sh,11 undertake to defray all expenses incurred in Con!lection •1th th• Official Observation of the atte•pt. In a country no - . . .. . . I
reprint continued: affiliated to the F.A.I. it could be ad•antageous to fly the course in a neighboring country which ia so affiliated. 5.6 Entry forms and application for Official ObserTation of an atteapt aust be receiYed by the Royal Aero Club at least thirty days before the proposed date of the atteapt. Applications will be considered in order of receipt at the Royal Aero Club, A•iation Centre. 6. GENERAL CONDITIOIS '6.1 IBSURAJCE The entrant auat undertake to insure on behalf or hiaaelr, bis pilot (a), er••, repreaent.ati••a or eaployeee, against third party risks in connection with the ~tteapt to a ainiaua aaount of L 20,000 within the British Coaaonwealth and ita equiYalent in other countries. E•idence that such ii,surance has been effected aust be produced to th• Official ObserYers before the atteapt. 6.2 ELIGIBILITY In any question regarding the acceptance of entries, eligibility of entrant, pilot, crew or aircraft under these Regulations, the decision or the Coaait.tH shall be final. 6.3 SUPPLEMEITART REGULATIOIS The Coaaittee reael'Tes the right to add to, aaead or oait any or theee regulation• and to isaue suppleaentary regulations. 6.4 IllTERPRlTATIOI OF RtGULlTIOIS The Interpretation of theae Regulation• or any of the Regulations hereafter iseued shall rest entirely with the Coaaitt••• The entrant ehall be solely responsible to the Official ObserYers for due observance or these Regulations and shall be the peraon with whoa the Official ObserTera will deal in reapect thereof, or any other question ariaing out of thia Coapetition. , 6.5 REVISIOI OF R!GULATIOIS lheae Reglllationa shall remain in force witil 31st Deceaber 1973. After thia ti••, the Royal Aeronautical Society reaerYes the right to rewiew and aaend th••• Regulations if the prize baa not been won. "height" 1• aeaat ground clearance, •••l'J•here in th••• rulea. LP 7622
~----------------~---------------------------------------------The abowe regulation• in facaaile of the original ( 3, pages or Bilby 11 inches) can be had fro• the Society in London. L&S will ffOYide copies if you send 251 and a aelf-addreased ataaped en••lope. ::-~Tha~ yoa, George Uvegea. -~~L&S encourages any input on any group atteapting to seriously, We want coYerage on non-serious win the Kreaer Coapetition. ,atteapta alaol i
are the aoaents when yvu have done things in a spirit of loTe. --Henry Druaaond contributed by G. Uvrg•i
Reverently: "On Earth, Aa it ia in Heaven." We are told that the beat of ainda cannot i-gine the glories of Heaven. I aubait, that if do our best to i•agine the aode of flight for b~inga of Heaven, we &Ell •ill ~ot realize the true aode. But by our effort to iaagine sueb mods of flight we can assure ouraelTes so•• aeaaure of progress toward th ulti•ate 1
:~:sa:fe!~~~tw:h::v:i::e::d::~:i:::df:~0 :::~~ j:u~::::8.::n~brh~i~:ta I
ia St. Joaeph of Cupertino. He flew regularly about, not too auc~ ualike th• YlyiD£ Bun in the TY aeries. Maybe our L&S aeabar who lives the city of Cupertino can develop aoae copy around the flier of yest•· day. Levitation is one of the aany transcendental L&S topics. Th flight of Tiaion, iaage, thought, love, and creativity are others. Thea~ aotorless flights are quiet, non-fueled, winged, and expansive. Poet,~ ayatics, lovers, and soaring and gliding people have auch in coaaon. We h~p• to investigate the descriptions of how a.an will tly in haa.,an, ho-.r a ~;il: fly, ho• the ~i;:iged-foot~d Moreury fle~. Traneendental flight conmide~ationa will c11rtainly not keep ua away froa returning to aechanic~l flight. Each area can induce progress in the oth•r.
L&S neophte: IT IS MORE FUJ THil SCIENTIFIC. Ed.: Yea, but •e shall endeavor always to produce practical sy:ste,as founded on sound thinki~ 1nd testing.
lDW AJID SLOW FLIGHT EIPERIMIIITiTIOK .b a starter for further diacuuion, let ae aubait that any !lights done ought to be within the capabilitiu of the pilot. There are', aoae very dangerous things that ought always to be avoided. Fatalit.ie:a are • I on record for such aa Icarus •ith his aelted wings. w., need not any aerioua accidents aaong our readera. Please do _1'9port any 1Jjuriea ao that •• aigbt all learn froa the experience. Near-to•.aeriou11 Ilaccidenta · ought to be kitpt in a central file. Please send report• in. Su~h reports will be categoriz.,d,· sifted, &11d reported. Pl ..ase, though, do not neglect to report all of your good experiences. I 1. Pulled ausclea; Go through a progreaaive build-up pro~n.a.
2. Too tired: Sail back up tbe hill with a kite aaaist 1ai1· J. Head hit by wing fraae: Redesign, go back to fundamental, or wear a hard hat and scarf. lvoid.
Fro• i 1io\u Fr911 Updergr:9upd by Fyodor Dos\oevaky: I •• conYinc:ed that uaddrground folk ought to be kept ia tow. Though•• aay be able to sit underground forty year• without speaking. •h•• •• do come out iJto the light of day and break out•• talk and talk and talk.
r• I
""" •• ......... •• • Paper GUDERS : ilJJfiNTS Of THE IDW AND SIDI : : : : : : Why haye so •any of ua forgott.~11 about the paper glider? or we? Many do not tab the paper-fold glider• aeri~Hly enough. SgbpUtic I Aapri9aa with their international coat•at took thea only partially ••rioJaly. Their concluaioa •a• that the paper glider did not r•••al anyth~ng reYolutionary tor deaig11 nor aerodynaaica • at least, ill the conteJt ent.riH that they recei'l'ed. Their effort ••• on• to be praised. But •~t ar. 11• going to do with the paper glider? I 1 • •• fOuld UH the p.g. ia aedeliag for lo• ud alo• altip•. 2. •• could ayat.••atically record i11tereat.ing p.ga. J. •• bould ia choice deaiga to Low I Slow for eYaluatioa, teat, •P, aAd uy'be ••nHt.hg. 4~ •• ~ould •oat.11111.• a tradition.of recular p.g. happening• so that di•••..,•ri•• ooul• be re•o:rd.. aad ahared. 5. We ~ould •••k out desiga• that are t.l'llly the beat guat aoarera.
~ ...... l••••••••••••• VCJ.A ! nd Aanual Paper Jirpla.ue COAteat.•·~··••• .loa. ~,b. 22, your .«lit.or participated in th• la&i•••r'• Week eoat.eat 0 Th• laJu.ch pad waa off th• roof of the 8 atory Boelter Hall. One aan I alao•t1••nt OYer th• aide with hia glid•ro••• inch apaa hang-glider! Diatanee •inn•r at 277' : food Lo•ne•. Ti.. •inaer: 46.S ••c by a Gtly Ho.or•' • last year'• effort• were 2SJ ft. and Js.o aec:. Full cfnteat. result.a for both year• are aYailable fro• i..w i..e, Boelter Hall J809, UCLA, School of Engineering and 1ppli•d Science, L.1. 'lc1 90024 Trophies awarded. Abou\ 800 apectatora. HeaYy turbul~nce g&Y• a doWB which sla..•d aost entries back into the builditlg. l.lll RULE:" 111 paper airplane• auat. be aade of paper only--4o cardboard. Glue ia to be uaed only for tacking (no laainating or structural reinforc•••nt will be allowdd}. Lik•wise, cellop~• tape •ay b• uaed--but only for tacking purpc>aea. Thr•• paper clipa (no longer than one inch) and thrH at.plea (atandard office :type) 11ay be uHd. Ro weighting or the paper airplan• other than wi:th th• abo•• aentioned •ateriala will be peraitted. n I T~• duration winner thrust hia glider 'l'ery high to get out of the both•r•o•• down. He callght a thdraal, circled, and •••ntually hit a Y~ry heny down. DO lfOT GLIDE BIHIRD UIHYERSITT BUILDINGS! 11 I Barnabyl haa written to th• group and pr•••nted thea with a free bk.
~~ {;!J
FROM P!TRICK PAGE OF S1RT! CLARA, C!LIJ: 1. "Ju1t received your high L/D letter ••• about a 50:1n 2. "There is no quest.ion that a hill aoarer rill be clneloped." 3 "lour letter to Soaring ••kes too auch aen•• to for1et it." .c. "The probl•• is that•• wnat to aoar, fly, juat be in the air,, with or without lega in the breese, ao far aa it fits a budget." 5. "Paaily grow•, but not th• flying budget, so a haDg glider ia ~ real and practical aolution to re•ain flying, 10 keep up the go04 wort.• j 6. "Please put•• in contact with San Franciaco area han,;era." 7. •1t Carqutnea Strait, a plaoe of eternal winda, tb• wind• are ~ext.book." a. "We need fro• your group so•• practical data on deairabl• 1peed1 for th• wind and alopa configuration. ! ,. "la to joining the Lo:S group, you betcha'. Find check encloHdJ• I 10. •control i• indeed th• •oat tricky part or tae sport •••• " I 0
Readers, feel free to abar• your feeling• and _ideaa on any contribution• I by other readera. le have ••ny i•portant controversial topic1 that ,will I be dealt with in the future. Low I.Rd alo• activity develepa •any p,caliar poaaibilities and consequent probl••• and vibration•. The fun IUld exciteI new of opening up new flight regions will be the delight of old ! bird•en.
lext haue 'llill be received just at the end of March. The book.let! are not to be conaidered aa newapaper•, bat aa booklet• of non-tiaed inforaatioa. 11 •• fly on,our reader contributiona •ill incr•a•• greatly. We haf• fin• r,aragt"&pha, short•, articl••, plane, and aorot pro•i••d already fro•:•ucb aa Richard Xiller, Patrick Page, Bl"ltce Caraicha•l, John Holder, Mickey Davia, Joe Fauat, and others. •• hope to hear aoon fn>• th• apacial doing• iD Ri "Hraide, Calif; th• hills of the lew York auburba; encour/il,geaesit s: fro• auch aa ;rancia Rogallo, Doaina Jalbert, Rober\ I11graha•. •• .want progrea• report• fro• the aeveral hundred people that apparently are going t• build I Jack Laabie'• H~ LooH bird. We hope to hear of the May 23rd contest group. We expect aor• fro• 1uch quarters a1 th• r:1.1., SS!, and a~aring &Jad s~y-aurfing group• throughout the world. Photo probleaa are/not yet resolved. Bear your •1118••
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O.UESTIOIS FOR YOU
then a ha11g-glidn i• gliding,trailing a hang-line that tov.chea th•igl'Ollnd, 11 that hang~glider to be considered a tethered glider kiteT Will it I co•• under the f.ll ruli11ga on ltitea? What if the line ia attached to an anchor that 1• tar upfield of the ship but lacka all but th~ ao1t I trivial aaount of teneio&? In •iailar aaaner, what if•• teth~r Richard Miller on a glider,,.kit1 at 8,000 feet and permit the tether tof r••ain attached whiiot he.f\'a OYer the top and starta a glide free of rl•oat all of the tension of th• line? 1111 he ae•~ a glider pilot'• licenae? Will be need a Certificate of Airwortbines• on bia kite? Willi he •••d an I nuaber for hia kite? DO IOT TRI TIISI THIIGS UITIL YOU .&RI FULLY QUALIFIED. Do you bave any quaationa to aalt otheraf
CLASSIFIED AID DISPLAY ADS Tbere wa1 \WO 71ar1 ago a 11,.._ Send in JOur want ad1. Nayb1 Co•pani11 that could profit Tb••• ,hall generally be l•tt•r tba\ stopped abruptl)o. you want •o•eone •l•e to build by placing• a LIS ad: ll•lted to the back cower. It• aaa, wa, not tbe .... a• 7ou a Ro1allo ba11g-glid1r with 1 • Sailaakeri. co,t on ads 1• 1 # per thi• LlS aor of tbe 1aae or1- or witbout tull·•P•• ,lot, or character used, Photo ani1&U.~, ~t~S n1 O~J>i!!_ l----1J-i-tb-hl-l--lai.eral--oontrol,'-~ _ 2. Plan publhh1J"l--fol'-thi1111 __ _ --·graph11-will be uHd-tor~-->------o~u 011ly liz iln11 \hat Maybe you nnt to hau 10.; 0 n, in the low and llow ar1&, tbe charge of 12 per ,q. in, it bad. Sia 1111111 produced bllild you a giant kite for not ). Rang-glider •alc1r1 plu1 the co1t of preparing · '30 ~·• ot Bi" z 11" of iood wery •ttch aoney. Maybe you tb• photo for print which_ ~ang-glldlng article, a11d talk want a job with •o•• growing 4. U.S. Parachute &11ociatio11 I haw, not d1t1ra1n1d yet. Th••• ar, a. ooll1ctor•1 it•• baJll•ilider Port or kite port 5 0 soaring Soeiety or J.a1rlca The type den•ltJ wlll be a, well a• being intoraati••· or ,tJ-1y1tea1 play park. Or 6, SSA club and chapter new,th1 11,e here u11d, Marta It, n1.111 wa1 Low Slow and aaybt you need a lift out Ea1t of y1111ctuaUon ,hall not • 1 , 'Th • pao.ag, ,. l1thr11 and aagalinu Out ot con-ro and are willing to pay for "fCl(fi. :::i'!u:~.~.c~:r::;·~~d:~~ ot •fiz i1~~18 1 it• aT&tiliabl: to way by doing halt tb1 rowing 7. L&S type pri1ary glider 1!1 aG1 •bould be inte~e,ting you roa ... a any •• .or when the wind di11 and cannot aaker1. \o the r1ader1 or LIS. They S). It 1• ••11 •or\b hawing, blow bard enough to k11p your a. Skit, aanufactur1r1 1hould adwance flight in the lhen you want a p.traonal reply double-kit, dynaaio ,oaring 9. Kit• aanufacturer, low and slow region,. Only to contribution, to Low & Slo, •1•te• aloft. Perhap, you 10. Rope and towline d1allr1 1uob ad, will b, printed, ·b,n pl•••• ,n~io,~ a ,•up,d want to 1,11 the rights to a i d Th• .a apace i • 2" wid •, w v 11, L&S type• nd in1trua1nt1 11lt-addru11d ,nvelop,. Thia newly iuued patent tor aoH Inw11tigat.e thn1 1pac11 to torcll 81 to reply to you. I low and slow type idea, Or __ 12, L&S type book dealers 11we y01araelf 1011 idea of the would r,,1 ••ry wrong.in not perbap1 you wish ~o 1111 L&s.- 13. Parachute 1anufacturer1 po•aibiliti,a of thia 1pac1. using your generous 1ta1p and You might want to publi1b youi 14, Hang-glider 1n,tructor1 Olar r1a41r11 will ,,arch th1a1 1nTelope and ti••· Thank you coapl1t1 naae and addr1a1 and ao1u&DI tor ittH, plan1,pboj, for helping the aonaent. a abort Hsaage, 15, Rang-glider ports, ,. 1rapb1, 1bip1, wing11, lin11, Many of our read•r• take ad16, Contest organi1ation1 ~ 1y,t•••, book•, copie1, hard- Wantage of thi1 practical 1y1- Tour name and 111aage1 that 17 0 l.&S hardware dealer• ware, auppliea,eto, tea. I do want to aeet •ll. appear a1 article1 or paraWrite Lo• & Slow, Joe rauat, graph, in l.&S will not have 18. L&S happening, ta\•at copiea: "11111•• copy. 309 Saata Monica Blvd;, addr11111 printed. Thi1 i1 to 19. Spar 1uppli1r1 Saa• prio1 a, U.S. Gow 1 t, bat Santa Nonloa, CA 90401 be L&S policy until reader, 20. Plaatlc product, dealer, -:i-" b f • d 11 Toh on the aatter of a direc ~ •ont 1 ••~•r I very, Bigb pe•toraance, b1aTy, and • tory, 11 want all to ae,t al 21, Glider field caap ground, Order now tor 3250500, 3 pace trailered 1hipe will not be T b t t 22. Golf cour 111 with good adve...a. 111d in then colu•n•, be iggut reaaon or. no of Drawings and Sptcitication1 IlJ. •••illl •or, L&S activity i• 1lop11 and pr1vaili111 wiad1 2800 worda. See thia LlS i11ue But low11on~trailored er high p,rtoraanc,, the lack ot tradition,.•• •~swill ... ~it •o light, 1hipa .... • ' ' " ' tbe LAS: S&, 12 i11u11, aonthly will be adTertiaed here, auat ieet each other •ore and PARTICUI.R IIITERESTS OF t&S Stat, i11u1 # you want ftr,t, Send in your copy, 1har1 ·th, joye of our winga,
.. ·. ___ ., ......
-- ·---.-:z,.~~·,....~