I. nz i.i:oh~
-151' -
Emil lia&al
· Vol., t:;.s«£ I I 1'116·E
the persua:;i vc porer,:; o.r ilie!:J..'.:.rd :·.iil ".er a.re v ut. ~11 or thic ne'C131G'tter ir: to E,D:ther inf.:>I.TJe.tion c;n eliden that a.re •iaple, inexpene:ive, and. hope!ul,ly, birdlike.
J. Britisher, iiil;:<? Bird. (or all, na~!3} put it thia ffltY; •'J!h.o:t t:'Un I t quite tho li:!.::;t :ier,s of £'.=ed. Lal!lt yee.t" on =,£ the lkylsrl: 3 pilots i."l the Cal.ec!.onit?.l'l Co~::etiUons v(;.::; ni~bling cautiously at the edge o.r a va~t ou-nitib uhcn n. lez.n le.:!t:1ery f4,"Ure .flashed con.peaptuosly pa.st. .& nle:-uler ueb o!" .feather£, :;t~e:tc~ed betucen hio outupwad E!.1'!lS
an::l feet, ferried his entire ceans of flight..
He flecr otraight to
the dn:d:: c2:i'.ltre of the u:;,~ur..:-ent, :·rh2elcd 8 x.,rp~ &nd soared up i."lto t!ie en....""elo:?i.nc'.; DUrlc, ;..tterins an eerie cJ..-y or ti-iuu:,h. 1'he tri:.nG!'orma.ti.:in ~s c.lr.:iost co;.1plete."
I.t r.ruct be !;~!.le of that and envy of the pioneerc that urges us to relive their experie!lces and ir..:.prove on the.i.:: i)er!'or.--;ances. Earl Ser>.::i,?.rs hns •.rritten an ~rticle uu. ..:r.JBiiz.in,; R::>Gallo's effo:rt9 · and descri'uing ~i~lle:::-s t~ct.inc.
Rorten l:.:..d ;:,_ flyin.:; uin,; eoin,::; i:1 ilr;en-tin:•. in 1:,53 or 7.5 LJ. S:99,Ilj 37 kg. (:.·cpty \7ith 1.:,,1 L/D r.u.1C:. lt.".ndin.:; sp.:G-d. -:,f 35 l~:.i/hr. DI. Li!:zm:u1 h8.s o ?f'.;>er out on "i;.t!.ie::;it_"":l. p!'":'.:l~')::i::..•.l for ~ uinit:ru.1:1 ·rrci.;ht (,;'.lider" It is of coav~mtio,u!l co:1.fif;U::-.=.tion .111~ ;·;,:;dc1T1 ;::,;.tcri::tlo
of 34 ft. op:,_~, esti,.ctes 1201b er.ipty, 1:;.2 L/D re>d =tc·ll 30ft/cec.
i.1:' ;.
At t!1e 'hot tor .. end .or the i-.cr!"o'.!":.-.::m;!:.: l'i cturc iE: the Irvi11 p.?.:r:auinb ty~;e of p~:.r::.cl;utc. 'i':-:i~ ha:..:: il. 2.5/1 I./D, f.:~,~\ of 24ft. '!te quote a •:glider :!.i!:c ;dd~" u::d ti1e con-:.rol~ 01: t~,c nc:.c ~-.t ·:dri.:,.tipc :::-~ cufficient to fl-lrl~ ~u! :;t;:-11; tll.:!.":l .::..~::i S"."lin. So::~ t:)c::'L"l..-:.ls !"l~ve 1::u-n cncountcI'€d er,d it "t";oulc! :.-;..:.e,:. tt~~-t ::oari,1~ fl.!.~;;1t ~houlG b-~ poe=ible. ?ai:: "!lrin,,...:::. up ~o;;:.ll::>t.3 ·•-:irk z•.1:.:..::.:..rizE::U :;,, thci;c t\:o. i;.A::;Ji. TP. D-2922 11 i:ffccts cf !'..~i~ct r.::.tic· r.r.i:! c:.i"lor,y ;;;!';.;!.;::-e =:~1 lo·. sp..:ed r.crodyr~.Hic ch:i.r.:i.cte:1.•i:::tic:..: cf 50 .::eo-r1..:,~ :;-.:q,t _t:tl"~ui:.s:~· .!" J;iiSA Tl'! D-972 "~;x:p!;!ri:'lcntr.l ~-!l..:i. t!~e;orctic-c.l :-i.tt•.6iE~ ,;,f the efiects or cc:.;·.~l:er c:.icl t~:ist o:) t:1c ;!Ero:!y~1,:.:.1ic ct.~r.::.ct~ri,a;1;ic:i of p!!ril:~:int;s he.vi:1z na=i:-:.:..:.1 as:i-ect :·:-.tics of 3 r.1:~ 6. If .:in:_ibc-,:"\y h"°~: o:--..,y ;::c•r.r; ~:"II"? :i:i. th::::, :::···~'='- :::':? .:::. ~=t~. Tl•ese p..-:.ru'.:in.::;s o.r.s cor..icz.l (straia;.':.it leac!i.11:> c:!ce) a.,d c:,liJldrico.l shap2-d (l,elicr.l le~dir..~ edg-e;). ,dnd. t.w-J1cl tc~tc. on a c.:rlinti.rico.l parawins or aspcc.: :t.·.:.tio 6 ;.;ho\:S 16.5 L/D. 'i"he co:iic.:-..1 .:ing has only j1a.lf th€. L/D but is c~rc st::.~le. Thie ·1e the kind of c:,-adc.~t ~Uchard iiille::: :.us i:i::-~n ju.opine off the s1:1d dilnes t:ith. The st.:.bility, c~;-,·~r:>l strenzth, r.-ei,Sht e..'1d ,e~for.:1a.nce L::-"<e tha v;,.riou.:, coc~rmdsGs i:i.te:?.-eDti.1~.. 6tiffn,:.sz see1.ie to be critical e:::.pec:!.:::.lly c~rte:r 40. ,/here c=i.n -rre zet 1;ec!mie.?l stuf.f on .fibregl2-.ss, st:,r:>fo~:. '"'--id r..:incyc.:>~.1b? It look::i .o.=i if .:;.,.., ecc6ptc.ble ~chino or oodc,:nt pe,rforc.::.m::c could be n.:..de but 'lli thout ::i. ztrictly uir.rorth;r ~c.'-:.il1c you oit;."i.t wi.."lc1 up .:-.~ de-oc:.~ o.s Lilientht.Ll e.nc! Filchcr. Loo!c.inc ut it fror.i 'e practical point o.f vie1·:, this M1eszi?Jg arou.'ld clo::::c to t:lc ground is bound to lo~·:e"r you;: t'i.i::::pos~blc i.nc::,i:..;e. ~;t"':.ter offeri,. .sm:.e :,......_fety .o.clvant~ges.. I t,'Onder ho':1" the:.: 1:e.tor ::::kiers on kites [.like out?
Bob liourt.:.eouin of !:iant.a :tk"'-rb.'.lro. has built an,J. flm::n :c.. replica. of a Chenute biplt~e ~nd f,(illor is taking u_;. n coll.!Ction o! 25 l!ol::.::.r ~3.I"CS to get another built.
Kiesel 21154 Sulli·w.:.n ~1:,.y, S:lr.itoza., Cc"!lif.
L&S 4.1 SPECIAL EDITION,$1 non-members.