Jacksonville Journal 2019 Edition

Page 25


Successful Great Minds in STEM Conference nets new hires for USACE enterprise Peggy Bebb A contingent of USACE personnel converged on Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., Sept. 25-29 to attend the Great Minds in Stem (GMiS) Conference. According to their website, greatmindsinstem.org, GMiS serves as a gateway for young Hispanics to enter fields in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) by focusing on educational awareness programs for students. It focuses on promoting STEM careers and programs through the recognition of Hispanics and other role models in various scientific fields. The organization collaborates with some of the major STEM employers in the country. For the conference, the Corps joined forces with NASA, Department of Defense entities, and numerous private-sector companies to engage with college student’s presently studying in STEM-related fields. Participants engaged in speed networking, static displays, the College Bowl, job fairs, and socializing in a fun, fast-paced, environment. Jacksonville District (SAJ) had the honor of leading the USACE team for this year’s 31st annual GMiS Conference. Spearheaded by USACE event manager Lucy Soto, SAJ’s Equal Employment Officer, team members from all over the USACE enterprise came together to provide support, assist in recruitment and take advantage of the Corps’ current Direct Hire Authority to fill positions, not only in Jacksonville, but across USACE. “USACE presence at the conference and career fair was important because it provided an opportunity to collaborate with GMiS STEM initiatives, allowing us to recruit, develop and retain the most gifted people our nation has to offer,” said Soto.


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