Is there a business that you can do online and offline simultaneously, and gradually give you real freedom?
有哪一份事业可以让您线上及线下 同步经营并能逐步获得人生自由?
You are a hardworking employee. You are a hardworking businessman. But do you earn enough to sustain your lifestyle?
辛勤工作、忙碌经商 钱是否够用呢?
Malaysians generally struggle to make ends meet due to the high cost of living. They spend more than they earn, and can’t even think about a proper retirement plan.
Wage earners or salaried employees hope to sustain their lifestyle through promotion and increment, while business owners hope their businesses can bring high profits and revenue. Surely they have dreams, but how many of their ‘dreams come true’?
Compared with other countries, Malaysians tend to have little savings because of their high expenses. Savings are definitely helpful for rainy days, but it is nearly impossible to save when you have a fixed income that’s just enough for a comfortable and carefree lifestyle. What you need to do is explore more sources of income so that you and your family can enjoy true freedom in future – a timeless career that provides time freedom and financial sustainability.
马来西亚人一般上都申诉生活水平高 而入不敷出,收入与开销不成正比, 而要拥有一个妥善的退休计划更是痴 人说梦。
打工的希望通过升职加薪来维持生 活;经商的希望生意会为他带来高额 利润,但是这一切是否真的如他们所 愿呢?
相对其它国家来说,马来西亚的储 蓄不甚高 但消费就蛮高,所以仅仅增加储蓄是远远不够 的,而是要开拓更多收入来源,以便能让自己 和家人在日后享有事业与时间上的自由; 财务的可持续性。
Economists forecast that in a fast-changing, knowledge-driven world, the new generation of workers will see their work skills become obsolete at least once within their career. Many people will find work opportunities diminishing as they age.
Globalisation can make jobs even less secure. Many jobs in Malaysia will increasingly be outsourced to lower-cost countries; and economic turmoil in a country half the way across the globe can affect your career here at home.
Earning multiple streams of income spreads your risk.
经济学家估计,在这瞬息万变、知识导向的世界,在年 轻一辈的整个工作生涯中,最少会有一次因技术转型而 遭受淘汰。随着年龄的增长,工作机会亦会舍您而去。
全球一体化将影响就业前景。马来西亚人将面临低成本 国家的竞争,而
失去工作机会;甚至,远在地球另一边 的国家出现经济动荡,亦会影响马来西亚的就业情况。
Many Malaysian families have both parents working – leaving the care of their children and older folks in the hands of maids or care centres.
As your children grow, and your parents age, how often are you there for them when they need you?
夫妇二人出外工作,而把照顾子 女和长辈的责任托付给佣人或看 护中心,这是很多马来西亚家庭的 写照。
孩子一天一天成长,父母亦一天一天 地 哀老,可是,在他们最需要您的时 候,您又是否能够相伴左右?
Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years’ Time?
五年后 的您会是如何?
Time and tide waits for no man. How many more years do you have for you to climb up the salary ladder? Building a steady flow of recurring income may be the safest option.
时间不为任何人停留。您还有多少年才向更高的收入 前进?建立一个稳健收入可能是最好的保障。
HR Executive
Accounts Executive
Office Manager
Administrative Executive 管理员
Marketing Executive
Business Consultant
Mechanical Engineer
Degree holder with 2-3 years experience
拥有大学文凭,以及 2 至 3 年的相关经验
Q: 问
Is there a better way? If time and money are not an issue, what will you be doing today?
有更好的方式吗? 如果时间和金钱不是问题, 您还会是今天的您吗?
Diploma/Degree holder with 0-1 year experience
拥有大专或大学文凭,以及 0 至 1 年的相关经验
Diploma/Degree holder with 2-3 years experience
拥有大专或大学文凭,以及 2 至 3 年的相关经验
Degree/Professional Certificate holder with 2-3 years experience
拥有大学或专业文凭,以及 2 至 3 年的相关经验
SPM/Diploma/Degree holder with 3-5 years experience
拥有SPM、大专或大学文凭,以及 3 至 5 年的相关经验
Diploma holder with 3-5 years experience
拥有大专文凭,以及 3 至 5 年的相关经验
Diploma/Degree holder with 2-3 years experience
拥有大专或大学文凭,以及 2 至 3 年的相关经验
Diploma/Degree holder with 3-5 years experience
拥有大专或大学文凭,以及 3 至 5 年的相关经验
Degree holder with 8-10 years experience
拥有大学文凭,以及 8 至 10 年的相关经验
Degree holder with 5-8 years experience
拥有大学文凭,以及 5 至 8 年的相关经验
*Source: PERSOLKELLY Malaysia 2022/2023 Salary Guide *参考资料:马来西亚 2022/2023 PERSOLKELLY Malaysia 就业观和工资指南。
– 9,000
– 15,000
- 10,000
Leverage Your Income 杠杆式收入
Professionals and employees trade their own time and effort for money. But there is a limit to how much wealth one can accumulate this way.
“Leverage” has always been the secret of the world’s wealthiest individuals. They understand that the combined time and effort of many people always offer a much bigger income potential than what one can earn alone.
上班族以时间和劳力来赚取金钱。可是,这种赚 钱方法的创富能力,实在有限。
“杠杆式收入”,一直是全球最富有的人士的创富 良策。他们明白,与其孤军作战,倒不如集合众 人的时间和力量,所赚取的收入和前景必然更为 可观。
Despite prejudices and misinformation, the retail sales of the direct selling market worldwide has grown over *US$192 billion U.S. dollars in 2018.
In essence, network marketing companies take advantage of the increasing cost of advertising and distributing products through traditional channels, and create an alternative that rewards individuals for promoting their products through word-of-mouth. Distributors are compensated not only for selling products, but also for training others in their team to do the same.
Create A Recurring Income
Workers get paid each hour, each week, or each month that they provide a service.
Smart people continue to earn into the future, based on their efforts and the efforts of others in their organisations. This recurring value gives them not only the money, but the time freedom to enjoy it too.
普通人的工资是以每小时,每星期或每月来计 算。
明智的人可借着自己及他们组织所付出的努力, 而在将来可享有稳健的收入。这种创造稳健收入 的方法,不但能带给他们财富,更能给他们享受 人生的时间。
A good network-marketing company provides ordinary people a legitimate business platform that can be run online and offline that builds income with excellent leverage and recurring value.
网络营销业之所以成为总值超过 192亿美元的产业, 原因是传统销 售渠道的广告和分销成本,已变得 越来越昂贵,而网络营销公司却可 透过产品的口碑,以口耳相传的方 法去销售产品。并创建一个替代方 案,奖励个人通过文字的口碑推广 他们的产品。直销商更可因销售产 品和训练组员,而得到报酬。
一家优秀的网路营销公司,能为平 凡人提供无论线下 或线上都可经营 生意的管道,从而赚取杠杆式的稳 健收入。
*Source/参考资料: Liam O’Connell, Jul 24, 2019. Global retail sales of the direct selling market 2012-2018.
Thrive in the 21st century, you will need to make your career fireproof, to go from employee to owner, from frustration to motivation, to make changes work for you, rather than against you.
DENIS WAITLEY > Best-selling author in the field of self-actualisation
要在这21世纪迅猛发展,您需要保障您 的事业,从普通职 员到企业家、从烦躁到激励、让一切的改变能顺从您意。 韦利博士 > 自我实现理论的倡导者
The Wellness Boom
The aging of the baby boomers and the rising trend of obesity will lead to a boom in the health and wellness industry. World-renowned economist and trend forecaster Paul Zane Pilzer predicted, “I see a clear one-trillion dollar business — an opportunity for more entrepreneurs in the wellness industry.”
In starting a business, the wise go with a world-class product or service in a fast growing category.
战后婴儿潮出生的人渐渐衰老以及肥胖 疾病的不断上升会带动了健康产业的蓬 勃发展。
世界知名经济学家及趋势预言家 Paul Zane Pilzer 预测:“我看到一个清晰的 1 兆 亿美元的事业-这是给想在健康产业发展 的企业家最好的商机。”
明智的人做生意,会选择迅速发展的行业 和世 界级的优质产品或服务。
#1 DISTRIBUTOR’S CHOICE from 1997-2013 for 16 times
从1997年-2013年连续16次 获选为直销商最佳之选
In 1992, microbiologist and immunologist Myron Wentz Ph.D. started a company dedicated “to manufacturing the highest quality nutritional products without compromise.”
The company he created, USANA Health Sciences, is voted the #1 “Distributor’s Choice” by readers of Network Marketing Today: The MLM Insider Magazine from 1997-2013 for 16 times.
USANA was ranked 15th in the 2023 DSN Global 100.
USANA named the ConsumerLab.com Top Rated Direct Selling Brand for 6 times since 2013.
USANA won the 2019 Global Health and Pharma Biotechnology Award – Health Supplement Company of the Year.
Find out why people over the world choose to build true wealth with USANA.
微生物学家及免疫学家麦伦华斯博士博士于 1992年创立 一家专门以制造最优质营养产品为宗旨的公司。
USANA Health Sciences,从 1997-2013年连续 16次获 Network Marketing Today: The MLM Insider Magazine 选 为“直销商最佳之选”荣誉!
USANA在 2023年度全球直销 100强公司中排名第 15。
USANA自 2013年开始 6次成为顶尖评分直销品牌的获 奖 者。
USANA荣获由全球健康与制药杂志( Global Health and Pharma Magazine)- 2019生物技术奖中「最佳营养补充 品制造商」的殊荣.
为什么全世界越来越多人都愿意与 USANA一起创造“真 正财 富”?
An Unquestioned Devotion To Quality
质量力求完美,永不妥协 1
USANA® products are formulated and manufactured to standards that exceed many nutritional products on the market. Many doctors, health professionals and worldclass athletes trust their health to USANA.
USANA® has been awarded the No. 1 Combination Dietary Supplements Brand in Malaysia by Euromonitor International Limited for 5 consecutive years.
USANA®产品的配方及制作水平,均远胜市场上无数 营养产品。 许多医生、医护人员和国际顶尖的运动员信赖 USANA来维持身 体健康。
USANA®已连续5年荣获欧睿国际授予的马来西亚综合膳食保健 品第1品牌 。
You can have complete confidence to recommend USANA products to family and friends.
您现在有绝对的信心将 USANA 介绍给 您的亲友。
2 A Seamless World Of Opportunity
Founded since year 1992, 25 markets worldwide, and MORE to look forward to!
USANA pays on sales volume generated worldwide in a single, seamless commission plan. With 25 markets opened, and others to come on-stream, USANA offers the rare combination of a proven record of international success and vast opportunity for growth.
成立于 1992年, 全球 25个巿场, 机会不断涌现!
直销商可透过销售产品,根据一个全球无国界之分的佣金制度而赚 取收入。 USANA 目前已在 25 个市场展开业务,在未来日子中亦会不 断开阔市场。我们在国际上的成功有目共睹,发展潜力不容置疑。
You will be touched by USANA’s dedication to serving worthy causes.
您会对 USANA 全心全 意回馈社会的努力而 受感动。
You will be impressed by USANA’s future growth potential.
您将会对 USANA 未来发展潜能 感到满意。
A Global Family That Cares
Led by founder, Dr. Wentz’s passion for helping people in need, the USANA family has contributed more than US$13 million. USANA expands its on-going charitable efforts through the USANA Foundation.
USANA 大家庭在创办人华 斯博士的带领已捐 献 13 亿美 元。 USANA 也将通过 USANA 基 金会扩展并加强慈善使命。
An Enviable Record Of Financial Strength 实力雄厚,载誉而来
You can have peace of mind working with a financially stable company with excellent management track record.
选择与稳健的财务状况 和 卓越管理记录的公司合作 能让您感到安心。
Net Sales in thousand US dollars
Source: USANA Annual Reports 参考资料: USANA年度报告
Few network-marketing companies show as consistent a growth, or as stable a financial position, as USANA. The company has reported profitable sales growth for the past decade.
A Pay Plan That Builds Recurring Income
透过优秀的奖励计划, 建立稳健收入
Many network-marketing opportunities pay a lot to the fortunate few at the top of the hierarchy. They set high demands that the average person has little chance of attaining.
The USANA pay plan is unique in its transparency, fairness and workability. The next pages show how it promotes stable income by helping the average person to do well!
在不少网络营销公司,只有处于顶端的 人士才可赚取 丰厚佣金。他们的奖励计划 让普通人很难达成。
USANA 的奖励计划设计完善,透明度高,公 平而又容 易实现。下一页将为您介绍 USANA 奖励计划的赚取奖励途径。要自己成功,必须协 助下线成功。
*Income paid on your efforts and the efforts of your team.
You know that you can succeed only if the average person in your team can.
您知道只有在您团队中 最平凡的队友成功时, 您才会成功。
The USANA Compensation Plan encourages teamwork and ensures a fair share of reward among Distributors—the best way to build solid, recurring income. After completing an application and purchasing a Starter Kit, you become eligible to earn commission when you accumulate 200 points 1 of Personal Sales Volume (PSV) through orders for your customers and for yourself. We say your Business Centre is open!
You may sell products to your friends, or sponsor them as Distributors and place them on one of up to four positions (Ali, Bob, Chan, and Devi in Fig. 1). Since you focus on building two to four teams 2 only, place other friends you sponsor (like Eva and Farid in Fig. 1) below them.
1. Retail Profit
You earn a profit by selling USANA products to your friends at a retail price, which is higher than what you pay as a Distributor
2. Weekly Commission
You are paid weekly 3 an amount equal to 20% of the Sales Volume generated by the smaller of two teams under comparison, in three different ways called Business Centres (BC):
An example of the calculation is given in Fig. 2. on page 12.
Your commission, expressed in US-Dollar Commission Volume Points (CVP), is automatically converted to your home currency at a rate that depends on which country the sales volume is derived.
Sales Volume generated by ALL Distributors and Preferred Customers on your left and right side counts, irrespective of how many levels of referrals 4 , and no matter where in the world 5 the volume comes from.
Here’s another great feature of the plan: Sales Volume that is not matched and paid out in commission rolls over 6 to the following week (Fig. 3 on page 11), unlike most plans which wipe clean all volume at the end of each month.
10 Out Of 10
Easy Start > Everyone can be a part of USANA.
You Help Others > As you help yourself. Many plans reward you for placing everyone you sponsor directly with you.
Most Plans Pay Monthly > Earlier and more regular rewards keep people motivated.
We Don’t Count Levels > You benefit even if Sales Volume comes from deep down your team structure.
Globally-Seamless Plan > Our plan greatly expands your growth potential.
No Waste Here > Sales volume can stay with you indefinitely until you get paid for them.
BC 1 (T1 + T3) vs (T2 + T4)
BC 2 T1 vs T3
BC 3 T2 vs T4
When your smaller team achieves 5,000 points, you maximize that Business Centre (that’s 1,000 CVP per week!) and earn the right to open additional Business Centres. Your new Business Centres not only increase your potential commission earning, but by placing them under people who were enrolled by you earlier, you benefit them as you build! A successful Distributor in your upline can have his additional Business Centres 7 placed under you too!
3. Matching Bonus & Pacesetter Programme
You can begin receiving Matching Bonus when you and your new team members each reach a certain PaceSetter status within your first eight weeks as a Distributor.
Matching Bonus will pay you up to 15-percent match on the base commissions of your new Distributor on his or her USANA business.* And here’s the best part – you can received a bonus for each qualifying Distributor you personally sponsor, putting you on the pathway to leveraged income.
*As long as you are commission qualified and in compliance with the Distributor Agreement. Please see official rules on USANA.com.
The PaceSetter programme rewards you for making a fast start, and allows you to maximize your potential Matching Bonus earnings. Your status is determined by the number of Distributors & Preferred Customers you sponsor, the Sales Volume Points (SVP) they generate, and how soon you complete the task.
Get Any
You can still enjoy the same Matching Bonus benefits – if you miss the Premier status – by meeting the requirements in 16 weeks instead of eight. The “annual” status means that every year on your enrolment anniversary, are given eight weeks to renew the status for another year. Premier status offers lifetime benefits.
4. Incentives
You can earn luxury travel, cruises, unforgettable experiences, gifts, and even cash prizes through our generous incentive programmes and contests.
5. Leadership Bonus
Each week, 3% of the global Sales Volume is divided among qualifying Gold Directors or higher-ranked Distributors. The more Business Centres you maximise over two consecutive weeks, the bigger your share.
As the number of shares increases, you earn exceptional income.
6. Front Line Commission
You earn 5% of the Personal Sales Volume generated by all Malaysian Distributors you personally sponsored, as long as the order is 100 points or more.
To remain eligible to earn commission, and to enjoy continued rollover Sales Volume, all you do is generate:
• 100 PSV every four rolling weeks to earn on your first Business Centre
• 200 PSV every four rolling weeks to earn on all your Business Centres We do not require you to meet high Group Volume targets 9 every month.
You can choose to fast-track your success by opening three Business Centres at once. As Fig. 2 illustrates, this option can double your commission potential for the same amount of effort. To go for this large-business option, simply accumulate 400 PSV within the first six Fridays of your enrollment. Exceptional Income >
No Warehouse in the Bedroom > These reasonable requirements mean you’d never buy more than you can sell.
Large or Small > You get to personalise the business to the size of your dream!
USANA的奖励计划鼓励团队合作精神以确保直销商能获得公平的回酬, 可谓是建立稳健收入的最佳途径。填妥申请表格和购买创业套装后, 你 可通过客户以及自己的订单累积达200分个人销售额 1 以符合赚取佣 金的资格。这表示您已成功启动您的商务中心!
您可将产品转售予您的朋友,或保荐他们成为直销商, 并将他们放在多 达四个位置的其中之一(见图一的阿丽、阿宝、阿陈、和戴维)。由于您 只专注于建立 两个至四个团队 2 , 因此您可将您保荐的其他朋友(如图 一的伊娃和法立)放置在他们之下。
1. 零售利润
您能够以零售价格(高于您作为直销商所支付的价格)将USANA产品销售 给您的朋友以获取利润。
2. 每周佣金
通过商务中心 (BC) 的三个不同方式,您每周赚取 3 的佣金相等于销售 额较少的潜力边所取得销售额的20% :
您的佣金积分(CVP)将以美元计算,并自动转换为您的本国货币支付, 而 汇率将取决于产生销售额的国家。
您左右边的所有直销商和优惠客户所产生的销售额都会用来做计算, 不 限保荐层数 4 或产生销售额的国家 5 。
此奖励计划的另一个优势是:未能对等或支付的佣金将累积 6 至下一 周(参考第十四页图三), 不像大多数的奖励计划会在每个月末取消所有 销售额。
容易开始 > 每个人都可成USANA 的一份子。
您帮助其他人的当儿 也在帮助自己 > 相比之下, 许多的奖励计 划需要您将保荐的所有 人直接放置在你的之下。
大多数的奖励计划只 会每月支付佣金 > 越 早和定期的收入能激发大 家的动力。
我们不限制层数 > 即使销售额来自团队中 相隔较远的下层,您也 能获益。
无国界之分的奖励 计划 > 我们能有效提 升您的业务增长潜力。
您的积分还在 > 在还未领取您的佣金 前,您的销售额将无限 期的属于您。
当您的潜力边达到5000积分时, 该商务中心已达到最高指标(意味着每 周1000佣金积分!), 您将有资格增加额外的商务中心。您的新商务中心 不仅能提高您的潜在佣金收入, 而且当您将他们放置在您的原有团队之 下, 您在拓展的同时也能为他们带来利益!一位成功的上线直销商也可 将其额外的商务中心 7 放置在您之下!
3. 对等奖金及领航员项目 当您和您的新队友在成为直销商的首八个星期内各自达到一定的领航员 级别时, 您便可以开始赚取对等奖金。
对等奖金是取决于您的新直销商在USANA的生意额的基本佣金, 将支付 高达15 %。*而且最重要的是--您能赚取您个人保荐的每位合格直销商 的对等奖金, 并使您走入赚取杠杆式收入的途径上。
对等奖金 %
您所保荐的直销商是 白金领航员
领航员项目是奖励您迅速地开始并能使您充分地发展您的潜能赚取对等 奖金。您的级别是由您所保荐的直销商&优惠客户人数, 他们所生产的销 售额积分(SVP), 及您有多迅速完成任务而决定的。
对等奖金 %
图三: 累积佣金
保荐4名生产 1600SVP的直销商
保荐2名生产 800SVP的直销商
我们是公平的 > 直销商之间可轮流 成为上下线。
您仍然可以享受同样的对等奖金好处-如果您错过了获取特级领航员的 级别, 但在16星期而不是8个星期内达到指定的要求。“年度” 级别意味 着在你每年的登记周年, 您将会给予八个星期的时间以更新您在下一年 的级别。特级领航员级别提供终身的好处。
4. 奖励
您可透过我们丰富的奖励计划和竞赛享有豪华旅游、游轮、难忘经验、 奖品、以及现金奖。
5. 领袖红利
每一周, 全球销售额的3%将被分配给合格的黄金董事或更高级别的直 销商。如果您在连续两周有越多的商务中心达到最高指标, 您所获得的 份额就越大。
6. 保荐佣金
只要订单是100分或以上, 您即可赚取您亲自保荐的所有马来西亚直销 商的5%个人销售额。
为了能够持续符合资格赚取佣金以及享有累积的销售额, 您只需:
• 在每四个星期的周期内透过您的首个商务中心产生100分个人销售额。
• 在每四个星期的周期内透过您的所有商务中心产生200分个人销售额。 您不需要在每个月达到过高的团队销售额目标 9 。
您可在同一时间启动三个商务中心以加速您的成功步伐。如图二所显示, 您虽然付出同样的努力, 但由于您选择此选项, 您能够获得 双倍的潜在 佣金 。如果您选择将业务扩大发展, 您只需在报名加入USANA后的首 六个周五累积400分个人销售额。
图二: 佣金计算
BC 1 (T1 + T3) vs (T2 + T4)
非凡收入 > 随着领袖 红利分配的增加,您的 收入也将水涨船高。
无需买过多的货 > 这些合理的要求表示 您不需购买太多的产 品以免卖不完。
大或小 > 您可按 照自己的梦想决定 业务规模。
在三个商务 中心所赚取的收入 在一个商务 中心所赚取的收入 佣金分数 佣金分数 小团队的总数 2,850 x 20% = 570 1,400 x 20% = 280
本周支票 本周支票
*本刊所载数字不应视为一项保证, 或实际利润的推算。 任何有关收入的声明或保证均可造成误导。 只有努力工作, 发挥领导才华, 才能缔造理想的销售业绩;而成功亦指日可待。
USANA’s Rank Advancement Programme is designed to help you set goals and paves the way for you to achieve your ultimate goal. You may refer to the following rank advancement:
USANA 的领袖位阶晋升计划是为了帮助您制订目标,以便您可以一步 一步地 实现终极目标。 您可参考图表 中所示的位阶晋升:
Rank 领袖位阶
Builder 创业者
Bronze Director
Silver Director
Gold Director
Ruby Director
Emerald Director
Diamond Director
1-Star Diamond Director
1 星钻石董事
2-Star Diamond Director
2 星钻石董事
3-Star Diamond Director
3 星钻石董事
4-Star Diamond Director
4 星钻石董事
5-Star Diamond Director
5 星钻石董事
6-Star Diamond Director
6 星钻石董事
7-Star Diamond Director
7 星钻石董事
8-Star Diamond Director
8 星钻石董事
9-Star Diamond Director
9 星钻石董事
10-Star Diamond Director
10 星钻石董事
11-Star Diamond Director
11 星钻石董事
Commission Volume Points (CVP) 佣金积分(CVP)
50 CVP for one week
一星期50 CVP
100 CVP for one week
一星期100 CVP
200 CVP for one week
一星期200 CVP
400 CVP for one week
一星期400 CVP
600 CVP for one week
一星期600 CVP
800 CVP for one week
一星期800 CVP
1,000 CVP for one week
一星期1,000 CVP
1,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产1,000 CVP
2,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产2,000 CVP
3,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产3,000 CVP
4,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产4,000 CVP
5,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产5,000 CVP
6,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产6,000 CVP
7,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产7,000 CVP
8,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产8,000 CVP
9,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产9,000 CVP
10,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产10,000 CVP
11,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产11,000 CVP
12,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产12,000 CVP
13,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产13,000 CVP
14,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产14,000 CVP
15,000 CVP for four consecutive weeks
连续四星期生产15,000 CVP
4 Big Incentives
Nothing is more exciting than with your better half or beloved family. When you meet the criteria and complete the goals set within the specified period, you will qualify for these 4 big incentives, exclusively brought to you by USANA:
能带着自己心爱的另一半或家人一同出发,是一件非常兴奋的事。在特定的资格 期限内完成列明的条件及达标,您就能以下参与 USANA为您准备的 4大奖励: 4 大奖励
*Quarterly Rising Star Incentive
*Leadership Summit
区域性旅游景点 times a year
*Need to meet qualification criteria for each incentive trip.
Please scan QR codes to find out WHO is eligible to qualify for these incentives and the QUALIFICATION CRITERIA for respective incentives.
请扫描二维码以找出谁有资格获得此奖励以及达到该奖 励资格的条件与标准。
**Every Distributor (Silver and below ranks plus Gold Directors that have not gone on this trip) is only allowed to go once.
** 每个直销商(银董事及以下阶级以及未参与过此旅游奖 励的黄金董事)只能参加一次。 ❶
*Asia Pacific Growth Incentive
*Global Elite Growth
平凡的人 创造不平凡的人生
Any person from any family status, background, age group, or with any academic qualifications can turn his or her ordinary life into an extraordinary life to enjoy real freedom on this career platform!
来自不同家境、不同年龄层、不同背景、不同学历的平凡人也可以在这创业平 台打造一个 非凡的人生,得以享有真正的自由!
She was raised by a single parent. Before joining USANA and having her life transformed, she was a piano teacher and WeChat merchant. From an introvert and shy person, she is now a Diamond leader of a young and vibrant team.
一个单亲家庭的孩子,曾当过钢琴老师及微商,后在 USANA 事业平台创业并经 历大蜕变,摆脱了自身的内向性格。现在是一支年青团队的钻石领导。
To make ends meet, she quit school and worked as a makeup artist, a purchasing agent and an online trader. Now, not only has she been able to repay her family’s love, but she has also become a Diamond leader, leading a team full of young people and maintaining a steady growth momentum.
一位为了家庭放弃升学而当化妆师、代购网卖帮补家计的女生。现在除了能回报 家人,也是一支年青团队的钻石领导,一直都保持着稳健成长的势头。
Winner of the Young Scientist Award, she has a PhD in medical science, and is a former associate professor and senior lecturer. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher specialising in the research and development of cancer drugs. Then, she stumbled upon USANA and learned about its vision and mission, which made a big impression on her. She then embarked on a journey to share the correct healthcare knowledge to as many people as she could, and has since become the first scientist in Malaysia to be promoted to Diamond Director.
医学科学博士、前大专副教授兼高级讲师,也获得了年青科学家大奖。曾经是一 名研发治疗癌症药物的博士后,之后认同 USANA 的愿景和使命,并立志将正确 的保健意识分享给每一个家庭。尔后终于成为了马来西亚第一位晋升为钻石董事 的前科学家。
She has a PhD in cancer genetics from the University of Adelaide, Australia. Upon graduation, she received the university’s Distinguished Doctor Award and All-round Doctor Award. She is a former postdoctoral fellow of Monash University, Australia, as well as Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, specialising in the research of cancers, infertility and nutrition. After returning to her home country, she devoted herself to the USANA business, focusing on promoting cell nutrition science.
澳大利亚阿德雷德大学癌症基因学博士,毕业时荣获了该大学的杰出博士奖和全 能博士奖。前澳大利亚 Monash 大学及前新加坡国家ASTAR博士后,专门研究癌 症、不孕和营养学等课题。后因归乡心切,回国后全心投入 USANA 事业,以推 广细胞营养科学为主。
A former senior management executive of the world’s largest luxury brand group, managing the business in Mainland China, he left his job to seek another peak in his career life. After running the USANA business together with his wife, their network’s annual sales achievement has been in the lead, and they have since enjoyed the time freedom and financial sustainability they never had before.
世界第一大奢华品牌集团前高级管理人员,管理大中华区。之后离开职场寻找事 业的另一个高峰。除了带领一支大团队年年在业绩排行榜中名利前茅,夫妻俩经 营了 USANA事业后也得以享受前所未有的时间自由; 财务的可持续性。
A former senior executive of a Japanese multinational company managing over 200 subordinates, she left her job due to the overwhelming work pressure that had taken a toll on her health and well-being. With the USANA business, not only has she managed to build a team comprising the three major ethnic groups, most importantly, she is happily developing her career whilst enjoying time freedom.
前日资跨国企业担任高管并管理超过 200 位下属。高压的环境导致健康及心境出 现了问题而离职。经营了 USANA 事业后不但团队成员涵盖三大民族,并且越做 越起劲越开心,完全尝到了时间自由的滋味。
A former vice president of a banking financial institution, he gradually realised that working in the finance industry did not offer lifelong security. Together with his wife, who was also a senior executive, they made a resolute decision to join USANA for a better future that offers the freedom to become extraordinary.
前银行金融机构业务副总裁,看透了金融业的工作将永远不会成为一个安全的金 饭碗。与同为高管的妻子毅然加入 USANA 事业,为未来的非凡人生及自由生活 而奋斗。
A former senior financial advisor based in the UK, she was helping local companies to turn losses into profits. When she discovered the potential of the USANA business, she quickly gave up her established career and joined USANA full-time. Thus began her journey to an extraordinary life with freedom.
前高级财务顾问,之前一直在英国帮助当地的公司扭转局面并转亏为盈,直到她 发掘 USANA 这个事业的潜力,她很快地就放弃了原职并开启了在 USANA 的全职 生涯,这让她逐步迈向了自由的非凡人生。
She was a successful business woman in the beauty industry. When USANA products helped her to regain and enjoy true health, she saw the potential and pursued the business wholeheartedly. Her passion and ability to duplicate has led to the birth of a high-performance team and many young leaders, helping many ordinary people living extraordinary lives.
前美容业界女强人,USANA的产品让她得到了真正的健康,也让她看懂了事业 的魅力,全心投入于建立事业。她充满激情及复制的能力促成了一支高效能团队 及许多年轻领导者的诞生,帮助了无数的平凡人走向了不平凡的人生。
She was a young mother who helped to run her family business while being active on social media. She began her USANA business hoping to become financially independent. Her dream compelled her to break out of her comfort zone. Now, not only is she living an exciting and fulfilling life, but she is also helping many young mothers to rediscover the meaning in their lives, to become the role model for their children and to progress together.
一名打理家族生意并活跃于社交媒体的年轻妈妈,本着追求经济独立自主权的精 神而经营USANA事业。这让一个从小活在舒适圈的她突破了自己,除了让人生 更精彩,也通过这个平台帮助更多的年轻妈妈找回人生的价值,成为孩子的楷 模,同步成长。
Upon graduating, he worked in the marketing department of a mega telecommunication company. After some time though, he grew tired of his regular mundane work life and decided to make a change by starting his new career in USANA. His decision has brought him success beyond boundaries. Now, together with his wife, their USANA business has expanded abroad.
毕业后的第一份工作是在一间规模庞大的电讯公司市场部上班。之后决定改变自 己,离开了典型打工族的生活,在USANA建立属于自己的事业。这让他不止立 足国内,与妻子的事业版图更扩展到国外。
She was a top sales achiever in the banking industry for 5 consecutive years, earning an enviable high income. When she foresaw the future financial crisis, she made the decision to make a career change. This change has yielded brilliant results through the power of multiplication. In her pursuit of time freedom and financial sustainability, she firmly believes that USANA can help people to realise their dreams in the fastest time possible.
连续5年在银行业界成为销售冠军的高薪一族,看到未来的危机后毅然转换事业 平台随即刷下亮眼的成绩。在追求自由人生的当儿,更加深刻感受到倍增的威 力,坚信USANA可以带领她及身边的人以最快的速度达成梦想。
When her husband became bedridden, she single-handedly ran the garment factory to support the family that included their three children. She worked hard and struggled harder to keep the factory going. When USANA came into her life, she was offered the help that she desperately needed to improve her health and finances. Not only did the USANA business support her kids’ college education, she is now a Diamond leader leading a team of people of different age groups who long for change.
一名在丈夫卧病在床后独力打理制衣厂、通过辛勤工作和牺牲来维持生计及供 养3个孩子的坚强女性。USANA的出现不仅为她及家人提供了健康及财务上的支 援,也让孩子顺利深造并且完成大专学位。现以钻石的身份领导着一支渴望改变 的老中青团队。
She never thought she could escape from the comfort zone that she had created from working in an accounting company for 29 years. But she did, and made a huge transformation. With determination, she resigned from her office job and began running her USANA business fulltime. Her confidence gradually grew and now, she is spreading her infectious positive vibes, enthusiastically sharing USANA’s vision with the people around her.
在一家会计公司工作了29年,从没想过毫无自信的自己能逃离舒适区并产生巨 大的蜕变。之后毅然结束了职场生涯开始在USANA全职经营。从一开始的自信 不足到后来的逐渐成长,她总是怀着积极正面不妥协的态度把USANA的愿景都 分享出去。
From traditional businessmen in the F&B industry to network marketing leaders who lead and cultivate leaders, USANA has brought this couple more than just time freedom and wealth, but also happiness and the avenue to inspire and change people’s lives.
从经营餐饮业的传统生意人,到带领团队和栽培领导的网络营销领袖,USANA 带给他俩的不只是时间及财富、一个幸福美满的家庭,还有更启发及影响了不少 的生命。
He dabbled in many different industries and ran a retail luxury car business for 19 years. Realising that his retail business did not provide the benefits of multiplication and inheritance, he decided to venture into a new industry that was totally new to him – MLM. Since then, he and his wife have built a sustainable career with USANA, and the best thing is that they can pass on their business as a legacy to their three children.
曾经涉足多个领域创业,并在豪华汽车零售业经营了19年。深信所经营的行 业不具备倍增及传承的条件,所以就决定踏入了一个他从未经营过的事业领 域。USANA除了让他夫妻俩永续经营,最开心和盼望的是能够把这份健康事业 传承给三个小孩。
He was a talented engineer with Petronas Malaysia before founding 4 machinery companies with an annual turnover of tens of millions. However, he later chose to pursue the USANA business fulltime after seeing the mega potential in the business. Today, he is helping people to realise their dreams, and has created many outstanding leaders through the USANA career platform while enjoying a blissful life with his wife and children.
前大马国油专才,后开创了4家机械工业公司,年业绩更是过千万,后全力发展 USANA事业。今天的他以替他人圆梦为己任,至今在USANA事业平台打造了许 多的卓越领袖,并与妻子孩子享受着幸福圆满的生活。
FRESH GRADUATES 社会新鲜人/新科大专毕业生
She comes from a broken family. Upon graduating from college, she made the bold decision to pursue direct selling fulltime, hoping to transform herself from an introverted, shy person to one who is in charge of her life and living the life she wants. Today, she is an optimistic and fulfilled person, as well as an effective communicator. She is on her way to realising her dreams.
来自破碎家庭的她,从一名没自信、害怕面对人群的小女生,到大专毕业后就大 胆地踏入直销业全职经营,渴望改变自己个性的当儿,也能主宰自己要过的生 活。现在乐天的她学会沟通,日子过得必以往更充实,逐步迈向圆梦的目的地。 He grew up in a single-parent family. From young, he saw how his father toiled away at work to make ends meet and he was determined to shoulder his father’s burden when he’s grown up. Upon graduating from college, he helped his father run the machinery company but 7 months later, he resigned to pursue the USANA business full-time. After a year of hard work, he was able to take his father for an overseas holiday. This achievement has boosted his confidence to dream big.
来自单亲家庭的他,从小目睹爸爸的辛勤养家,期待有一天能为这个家付出一份 力。大学毕业后帮爸爸打理机械公司,仅仅7个月后就决定辞职然后在USANA全 职经营。一年的拼搏,让他能够带着爸爸到国外旅游,这让他更有信心地持续勇 敢追梦。
USANA is recognised industrywide for its dedication to ethics. USANA 坚守商德原则,获得业界一致肯定。 “
“I started USANA Health Sciences with a strong vision – True Health and True Wealth.”
With a family of tens of thousands depending upon USANA for their health, science will always be the focus of USANA. By following pharmaceutical-grade Good Manufacturing Practices and offering a potency guarantee, every customer can be assured that our products are of the highest possible quality.
The quality and value of our products also provide a stable foundation for Distributors to create a solid home-based business. With technically advanced online services, a unique and lucrative compensation plan, and expanding international business prospects, USANA is a great opportunity for part-time or full-time income.
We hope that you have found what you are seeking in USANA, and will join us in our mission of True Health and True Wealth for all.
Live life and cherish it!
Thousands of people across the world have transformed their lives by helping others do the same through USANA. We would be honoured to have you as a member of this global family.
我创办 USANA Health Sciences
时,有一个强烈的信念,就是为世人 带来真正的健康与财富。 ”
USANA永远以最新的科学发现为依据,因为有数以万 计家庭把健康托付给USANA。我们严格遵守优良药物 生产标准的准则,亦对产品做出功效保证,确保产品达 到最高质量,令每位客户都称心满意。
我们的产品的质量和价值亦是直销商建立稳固家居事业 的基础。我们以先进科技开设网上服务,并提供可为您 带来丰厚回报的独特奖励计划,以及不断扩展的国际商 机。USANA是您获取可观兼职或全职收入的机会。
诚愿您能在USANA找到您追寻的理想,也诚邀您加入 我们的行列,与世人分享真正健康和财富的信念。
DR. MYRON WENTZ. 华斯博士 USANA Founder & Chairman Emeritus USANA 创办人兼名誉主席
I am pleased to provide more information.
来自世界各地成千上万的朋友 通过USANA帮助自己和周围朋 友提升他们的生活素质。有您 加入成为USANA大家庭之一是 我们的荣幸。
UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Registration No.: 200401028896 (667404-V) Licence No.: AJL931657
Unit M2-2 & M2-5, Vertical Podium, The Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South, 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2246 0900 Fax: 03-2246 0901 Email: customerservicemy@usanainc.com
True Wealth Malaysia Brochure