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MALAYSIA DEC 2022 • VOLUME 3 KDN: PP 15622/01/2013 (032144) ALvin Yow Michelle Chong NEW 1-STAR DIAMOND DIRECTORS
USANA No.1 Dietary Supplement Brand For 4 Consecutive Years In Malaysia / 02
Contents / 03 CONTENTS New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Alvin Yow & Michelle Chong Cover USANA No.1 Dietary Supplement Brand For 4 Consecutive Years In Malaysia 02 Grand Slam 06 New Gold Directors 21 2023 Asia Pacifc Convention Korea 04 New Emerald Directors 10 New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Alvin Yow & Michelle Chong 08 Contents 03 Congratulations On Your Incredible Success 07 New Silver Directors 25 2023 USANA Malaysia Grand Celebration 27 Leadership Summit Korea 05 New Ruby Directors 14 Publisher UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Unit M2-2 & M2-5, Vertical Podium, The Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Disclaimer: This magazine is issued by UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this magazine, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors of fad or opinion expressed herein. Opinions, projections and estimates are subject to change without notice. This magazine is for information purposes only, the content of this magazine are not made with regard to the specifc health objectives, fnancial situation or the particular needs of any particular person. Content approved for Malaysia. Copyright: UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in all materials, text, articles, images and information contained herein is the property of and may only be reproduced with permission of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in materials created by third parties and copyright in these materials as a compilation vests and shall remain at all times copyright of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. or save with the express prior written consent of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. USANA magazine is published by UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for USANA Independent Distributors
2023 Asia Pacific Convention Korea / 04
Leadership Summit Korea / 05

“Grand Slam” is a unique and success navigation system for USANA Malaysia which was launched in 2016, and it is entering the 7th Year in 2022. We provide a success roadmap, strategies and methods that enable new distributors to adapt to their business quickly, develop their skills step-by-step, and gradually increase their income levels. At the same time, it ignites an uncompromising spirit to guide you in the right direction and gain hope. It emphasizes developing the success mindset, trainability, and the inheritance of spirit.

Grand Slam / 06
Congratulations On Your Incredible Success / 07 LET’S STRIVE TO REACH GREATER HEIGHTS! CONGRATULATIONS On Your Incredible Success! Period : 1st Mar 2022 – 19 Nov 2022 5 Emerald Directors 1 1-Star Diamond Director 14 Ruby Directors 50 Gold Directors

Alvin Yow & Michelle Chong

New 1-Star Diamond Directors

Usana Values Help Create The Best Life

I’m so very fortunate to have found USANA when it first came to Malaysia in 2007. Because of my personal experiences with USANA products, l quickly became a loyal consumer. Two years later in 2009, I became a distributor. Thanks to my sponsor Desmond Fah for his patience in following up on us, I eventually understood the fair and just system of the USANA business and decided to pursue it. Little did I know that this decision would change my life entirely.

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Alvin Yow & Michelle Chong / 08

Before this, I worked a regular 9-5 job for six years after graduation, followed by another six years in a business that I co-founded with some friends. Our business grew but the bigger it was, the more struggles we faced. So, when I finally understood how the USANA business worked, I took it up, hoping for a change.

In the past 13 years, I’ve gained so much from the USANA business. USANA is a health business, and as a leader, I must always walk the talk - live healthily and continually upgrade my knowledge on health. Through teamwork and the quality products, as well as the fair business plan and support from the company’s management, my income has grown and is still growing, enabling me to provide the best life for my family and kids.

USANA has not just given us a platform for career success but it also teaches us to give back to society. I used to think that I need to be wealthy in order to help the needy. Now, I understand that help comes in many forms and not just monetarily. Here, the company and team (Elite System) have also provided me with the culture and conditions that are conducive for personal growth. Now, I no longer fear speaking in public but have become a competent team speaker. From a follower, I have become a leader; from a person with poor people skills, I’m now a leader who helps teammates solve relationship problems.

If you ask what my secrets of success are, I would say:

1. Perseverance: When things were not going well, when I was at my lowest and I couldn’t see any results, I persevered till I succeed. Never stop learning and implementing, reviewing, improving and duplicating your action plans.

2. Sincerity: Be sincere, selfless and generous. Remember that giving is better than receiving. Make others feel comfortable working with you and show them you genuinely want to help them.

Lastly, let me share my life motto with you: “ 修身齐家治国平天下 ”. In short, it means that a better world begins with me.


USANA公司不止是为我们提供了一个成功创业的平台,还教会了我们给予并回馈社 会。以前我一直以为自己必须要非常富有才有能力去帮助别人。现在,我明白助人的 形式有很多种,并不只限于钱财上的资助, 真正体会到了“助人为快乐之本”这句话的 含义。在这里,公司和团队(精英系统)也 提供了一个良好的环境与文化,让我个人成 长提升了不少。我从一名不善公众演讲的人 蜕变成团队讲师;从一名跟随者成长为一名 领导者;从一名人际关系小白成长为帮助伙 伴解决人际关系问题的导师。

至于我的成功秘密?我觉得最重要的两点 是:

1. 坚持:在还没看到结果的时候,在不顺利 的时候,在人生最谷底的时候,我选择了坚 持走下去,直到成功。记得,要持续不断地 努力学习、执行、检讨改进和复制行动。

2. 真诚:诚心待人,不自私,不计较。记 得,施比受更为有福。让别人觉得跟你合作 很放心,让对方感到你的真心和诚意。

最后,送给大家我常常用来提醒自己的一句 话:修身齐家治国平天下。所有的一切都从 提升自己的修养开始。

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Alvin Yow & Michelle Chong / 09
U价值创造U质人生 我非常幸运地早在2007年就接触到当时才刚刚进军马来西亚市场的USANA。由于个人 从其产品中受益不浅,因此很快地就成为了产品的忠实拥趸。我在两年后2009年正式 成为了USANA直销商。这得感谢介绍人Desmond Fah老师的耐心跟进,让我终于看 懂USANA这份事业和其公平的事业模式,决定从事。不过,我万万没想到这个决定会
开始了创业之路。当老板这六年,公司从小规模做到大规模,却也发现生意做越大越 挣扎。所以当我看懂了USANA事业之后,我决定加入,希望能借此改变生活。
改写了我的人生。 话说回来,毕业后,我跟许多人一样开始了我的打工生涯。打工6年后,我和朋友合股
从事USANA事业13年来,我得到的实在是太多了。因为USANA是一份健康的事业,作 为团队领袖,我必须以身作则,活出健康的榜样,也需要学习更多的健康知识。通过


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition-

I began my USANA journey as a consumer and never thought of doing the business. A satisfied consumer, it was natural for me to recommend the products to those who need them. But I never bothered to strike up conversations if nobody asked. However, change can happen very fast. All you need is an idea and an inspiration.

Just as I was thinking about how I could help more people enjoy health and wealth at the same time, I remembered the words that my sister always told me: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. And so, I started the USANA business with the intention of helping people improve their lives.

You must think it is easy for me to do this business since I am a doctor and can therefore easily convince people. That hasn’t been the case. In the first place, I had a hard time convincing myself to let go of my ego and do this direct selling business. So, how did I eventually come to believe in USANA? Answer: my mission. I reminded myself that my mission was to help people gain health, to be masters of their lives, to have more time with their loved ones.

To succeed here, you need to remember your initial reason for starting the business. Don’t fixate on the result; instead, focus on your WHY. When you know your WHY and what you want to achieve, you will naturally have the will and determination to overcome the hardest challenges.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to my mentors, Anthony and Karen, and all Global Galaxy members. Thank you for your support and guidance, for showing me the beauty of this business.

刚开始加入USANA时纯粹就只是个分享者的心态,甚至只是个 吃客。我从未想过自己有一天会经营这事业,只是觉得产品不 错,有人需要就介绍,没人问津就无需多谈。但是,当想法和 灵感降临时,改变其实就在一瞬间。 在我想着如何可以帮助更多人获取健康之余还可以让身边的人 建造财富,我想到了我姐常和我说的,“授人以鱼不如授人以 渔”。就这样,秉着劫富济贫的心态,我开启了这份事业。 很多人会以为我从事这份事业应该事半功倍,因为我是一名医 生,容易让人信服。话虽然如此,我最大的问题在于自己的思 维上,那就是如何说服自己卸下面子去做直销。说实话,这个 坎我跨了很久才跨得过去。那是什么思维上的改变让我走到了 今天?答案非常简单:就是清楚自己的使命,清楚知道自己是 在做着帮助人的事业,帮助身边的人得到健康,得到更多与家 人在一起的时间,得到了自己的选择权。 在这段旅程,只要秉着一颗初心,清楚知道自己想要达到的结 果,那么这条路不管有多么难走,都一定会走下去,因为我们 知道它值得。所谓凡人畏果,圣人畏因。很多时候我们都在害 怕自己做不到的结果,却忘了担心需要种下什么因来得到自己 想要的结果。其实,当你决定好要种下什么因,你自然会有那 股决不妥协,坚持到底的力量去迎接最艰难的挑战。 最后,我要感谢我的恩师,Anthony老师与Karen老师,还有 Global Galaxy里的所有领导人与伙伴,感谢您们不断给予我 鼓励与帮助,让我看到了直销行业里的真善美。 New Emerald Directors / 10


Naomii Ng

When I started my USANA journey in 2020, I was an MLM rookie and I never dreamed I would come this far. Along the way, I’ve encountered many challenges and obstacles, and my main motivation to soldier on came from my leaders and team members.

One of my many dreams before joining USANA was to have a successful career, and be noticed and recognised. USANA has helped me realise this. Here, we are provided with a system that not only helps us to find health and wealth, but most importantly, a system that will guide us to become a successful leader.

To become an excellent leader, one must always be the role model, be at the forefront and be responsible. But there’s only so much you can do on your own, which is why at USANA, it is about teamwork. Be it sales skills or nutrition knowledge, we have one another to talk to and get help from. For this, I want to thank the person who introduced me to USANA, and to my mentors and team members. Thank you for walking this journey with me. I am who I am today because of you all.

In the coming years, I will focus on nurturing leaders and helping more people to create passive income. With more and more people becoming successful, I am becoming more successful too and am one step closer to Star Diamond Director rank.

Let us all become people of great value. Let us be the star of our own lives!

1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition
2020年加入USANA时我是个超级小白 ,也没想过可以走 到今天得到如此的成就 。一路走来,我经历过种种困难和 挑战,而让我克服困难勇往直前的动力来自我的领导和团 队伙伴。 以前的我有着很多梦想,其中包括拥有一番成功的事业, 成就被人所见和认可。是USANA让我得以实现这些梦 想。在这里,我们不但拥有一个完善的系统去协助我们拥 享健康和获得财富,更重要的是,这个系统也引导我们成 为一个成功的领袖。 身为一个出色和成功的领袖,我们一定要时刻成为最好的 榜样走在前端和有责任感。一个人的力量是渺茫的,所以 USANA事业强调的是团队合作,不管是在销售或者营养 知识 ,我都可以跟团队讨论辅助彼此。在这里,我要感谢 带我进来的人,还有一路带领我的导师和对我不离不弃的 伙伴。感恩一路上有你们,才造就了今天的我。 未来几年,我会致力栽培更多优质的领袖,帮助更多人创 造被动式收入完成梦想。我相信成就他人等于成就自己, 越多人成功,则代表星钻离我更近了。 最后,一定要让自已成为更有价值的人,做自已生命中的 主角,我们都是最棒的! New Emerald Directors / 11


Shamea Koo

When I first joined USANA, I never thought I would come this far and achieve so much. I began with a simple intention of finding a suitable supplement to support my health. But soon, fate opened up my eyes to the beauty of this business and I have witnessed the joy of those whose lives have been transformed through USANA.

I believe that one of the motivations for anyone who is involved in a direct selling business is time freedom. However, chasing time and money is a tightly woven pursuit – the more you want to enjoy a good life, the more time you have to put in to earn more money. In your business in chasing money, you might lose the other two important things – health and family. I hope more people can enjoy time freedom, health and family without compromising one for the other. I’m thankful that I’ve made it at USANA, and am enjoying time freedom, health and family.

I have faith in the company’s philosophy, products and future. At USANA, you are never alone while building your business. The company is always there to support and guide everyone so that everyone can succeed and nobody is left behind. With such a great company, we must not waste any of the resources offered but fully utilize them to nurture more leaders.

I’m thankful for my fellow teammates. Because of their trust, cooperation and hard work, I can do better. I will continue to spread love and succeed in this business by helping as many people as I can. In this business, life is better when we are together!

1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition
一开始加入USANA时,我并没有想过可以走到今天的成 就。当初接触USANA的想法非常简单,就是选择一个好 的产品开始我的保健生活。但之后的机缘巧合却让我看到 了这事业的魅力。能够亲眼见证USANA所带给伙伴们的 转变,真的很令我感动开心。 我想,大多数人从事直销的其中动力就是时间自由。在生 活中,你不难发现现实是很残酷的,当你想要过得更好你 就要付出更多的时间;当你付出更多的时间你就有可能会 同时失去某些东西,比如健康或家庭关系。我希望越来越 多的人都能够时间健康家庭同时兼得。感恩在USANA这 份事业中我做到了,能够一并享有时间自由、健康和家庭。 我深信公司的理念,更深信公司的产品及未来发展。走在 USANA的创业路上,你需要独立但你永远不孤单,因为 公司一直会不断给予各方面的支持和鼓励,让大家都能在 USANA里成功。当然,有了公司的支持我们就得好好利 用公司资源去帮助提携更多的伙伴。 我非常感恩能够遇见我的团队伙伴们。因为有你们的相 信,配合以及所付出的努力,让我坚信我可以做得更好。 在未来的日子里,我会继续分享这份爱的事业,和伙伴们 一起在这份事业造就自己并成就更多人。让我们相互成 就,互为贵人,一起创造更美好的生活! New Emerald Directors / 12


Wai Wai

From the first day I joined as a USANA distributor, I have regarded the business seriously. Every goal achieved and obstacle overcome is because I tried my best to make the impossible possible. But my achievement today is not an individual effort. I am fearless and unstoppable because I always have the backing of the company and my team.

I used to tell myself that dreams were beyond my reach. Being a happy-go-lucky person, I was contented with what I have. But I slowly realise that dreams were not just wishful thinking but could be realised through effort and the right platform. USANA is the right platform. Thanks to its culture and system, I have become a high achiever and true leader, one who never stops learning and improving to keep up with the times. Through the USANA business, I’ve learned to look past my own interests to succeed together with the team.

I would like to thank the company for its brilliant marketing plan, training and support, which have helped us to achieve remarkable results with the effort we put in. I also want to thank Galaxy Team for providing me with such an amazing platform to maximise my potential, especially my direct upline Cathy Khu who has relentlessly guided me in this business since day one. She is my role model and through her, I learned how to become a good leader and lead my team.

If you feel like dreams are beyond your reach, like I once did, let me tell you – it’s because you haven’t found the way that will take you to your dream. Join me. We’ll take one step at a time and we’ll pave our way to our dreams.

1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition
从加入成为直销商的第一天,我就决定认真启动事业。每一 个目标和挑战,我都全力以赴致力把不可能做成可能。但这 一切并非单凭己之力就能成功,当中过程所遇到挑战与困 难,全赖公司的制度与团队的系统协助,让我相信自己可以 毫无畏惧地去克服一切。 我以前是个满足现状的乐天派,梦想对我来说都是遥不可 及,无需勉强。但是现在我清楚知道我的梦想不再只是幻 想, 而是可以靠自己的能力创造与对的平台实现。USANA就 是对的平台。在公司的文化与制度的带领下,让本来只看重 个人利益思维的我蜕变成一位能够带领团队,不断提升改进 自己、与时俱进的领导者。 我想要感谢公司的市场营销计划、培训与支持,让我在这份 事业上事半功倍的运营。也特别感谢 Galaxy 团队给予我一个 很好的平台去发掘和发挥潜能。特别是我的直推领导Cathy Khu,从过去到现在都不曾停止给予我有力度的引领,让我能 够复制她的能力带领我的伙伴一起前进。 最后我想说,如果你像以前的我一样,觉得自己的梦想遥不 可及,那是因为你还没找到踏上梦想之路的方向。你可以和 现在的我一样,在这里一步一脚印,你会发现梦想之路一直 就在我们掌握当中等待我们创造出来。 New Ruby Directors / 13


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition

I was a pre-university lecturer before getting into the USANA business. Due to my background in finance and accounting, I also worked as an accounting and internal audit manager. At work, I dealt with complex numbers and figures but outside of work, I’m a minimalist and enjoy beauty in simplicity. In addition, I am into photography and I love travelling. As you can see, I work hard and play harder.

Although my life wasn’t exactly free and easy with my 9-to-5 job back then, I was content with my life. With a stable job and a decent income, everything seemed just fine. Then I got married and had children, and I realised that working long hours would mean less time for my family and children. This meant I would miss out on the important milestones in their growing years. I wasn’t comfortable with this thought.

Belle Ng

It was then that I came across USANA. The business opened up my eyes to the potential of the kind of life I had always wanted – to be involved in a business and career that offer independence, value, passion and freedom.

At USANA, I finally found the most beautiful scenery in life. Once you’ve found yours, focus on it, pursue it, don’t look back and don’t stop moving forward!

New Emerald Directors & New Ruby Director / 14
U K Chai & Moon Lim
在加入USANA之前,我是一名大学预科讲师。基于我在金融 和会计方面的专业背景,我还担任过会计和内部审计经理。在 工作上,我必须处理一大堆复杂的数据,不过在工作以外的时 间,我是推崇极简主义,欣赏简单美的人。此外,我也喜欢摄 影、旅游。工作以外的我,追崇着自由自在的生活。 虽然朝九晚五的打工生活称不上自由自在,但有着一份稳定的 工和一份不算低的薪资,一切仿佛很美好,所以我也挺满意这 样的生活。直到结了婚,有了自己的小孩以后,我才发现长时 间的工作,注定会让我失去更多陪伴家人的时间,错过孩子的 成长的时光和里程碑。我实在不希望如此。 后来在机缘巧合之下,我遇见了USANA。透过这份事业,我 看见了我所喜欢的生活方式,让我得以建立一份独立、有价 值、有温度和自由的事业。 在这里,我终于找到内心憧憬的美丽画面。如果你也看到了这 幅美丽的画面,请你坚持努力下去,专心致志,一刻都不要 停!

I used to be fixated on the idea of securing an ‘iron rice bowl’ that will not break. For that, I grabbed the opportunity to work as a pharmacist at the Kuantan General Hospital even though it meant leaving my hometown and living in Kuantan. I tried to visit my family as often as I could but my weekend visits and family dinners on Sunday nights were always a rush because I had to catch the bus back to Kuantan.

This changed when I met USANA, though I never imagined that I would ever be involved in direct selling.

After joining the USANA family, I realised that I can share my expertise of and knowledge in healthcare with many more people, not just with patients in the hospital. One and a half years ago, I took the plunge to pursue the USANA business fulltime as I wanted a change. I’m glad I did as not only have I changed to become better and stronger, I am enjoying more precious time with my family now.

Through the USANA business, I’ve learned that having an ‘iron rice bowl’ doesn’t mean staying put at the same place forever. Having an ‘iron rice bowl’ for me now means that no matter where I go, my family and I have peace of mind that life is well taken care!

I’m 26 and married with 3 children. I believe that motherhood is priceless, whether you’re a full-time or working mom. With the USANA career, I’m able to become the best version of me in all aspects – wife, mother, daughter, and person. At USANA, I have the time freedom to enjoy activities with my kids while learning new skills to improve myself.

Before USANA, I was a WeChat merchant for five years. My husband is a businessman. I joined USANA with a simple reason – to maintain my health as being healthy is the best gift for my loved ones. Since health maintenance is a long-term thing, I might as well choose the top brand around, which is USANA. There’s a saying at USANA – when you eat it, you’ll get health; when you use it, you’ll get beauty; and when you do it, you’ll get a recurring income!

I’m very fortunate to have met such good leaders like Jasmine & Jun Wei, who have encouraged, nurtured and guided me along my USANA journey, helping me to build my team in East Malaysia and becoming the youngest Grand Slam achiever from East Malaysia.

I have accomplished my 2022 mission and my next mission is to help more of my team members to achieve their dreams of a happier life, a successful career and a better, brighter future. Lastly, a word of advice – what you do today, will decide who you’ll become in five years. So, be willing to get your hands dirty!

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition Evon & Charles Joey Chua Boon Yi New Ruby Directors / 15 我今年26岁,是三个孩子的妈妈。我认为无论是全职或职场妈妈都 好,都是无可替代的。而USANA让我可以在生活中扮演好妻子、 妈妈、女儿甚至是自己个人的角色。在这里,让我有充裕的时间去 享受和孩子们的各种互动,也有更多时间去摸索和提升自己。 在加入USANA前,我 曾是一名微商长达五年,丈夫则是一名商 人。其实,当初加入USANA的原因非常简单——纯粹是因为想 要调理好自己的健康,因为照顾好自己是对我爱的人和爱我的 人最大的幸福。保健是长远的事情,既然如此,就一定要选用 世界第一的品牌,那就是USANA。 在USANA,有句话是这么说的:USANA吃进去是健康,用起来 是美丽,做起来是建立循环式收入! 我非常庆幸能够遇见了不断鼓励、栽培和教育我的好领导 Jasmine和Jun Wei,让我能够在短时间内建立东马团队,成为 东马首位最年轻的一箭六雕成就者。 我已经完成了2022年设下的目标,而我接下来的使命就是带着 团队伙伴一起幸福生活、事业有成,迈向更好,内心更富足的 未来。最后,你今天的努力会成就五年后的自己。做别人不愿 做的事,你就能过上别人过不到的生活! 曾经的我,捧着药剂师铁饭碗,离乡背井到关丹中央医院工作。 我尽可能趁着周末回家探望家人,但每一次回家总是来去匆匆, 很多个星期日晚上一家人用过晚餐后,我都必须赶着走,深怕错 过回关丹的巴士。 但这一切都因为USANA而改变了,尽管我在这之前压根儿没想 过会加入直销。 在加入这个温暖的大家庭后,我发现原来我还能把自己的专业保 健知识分享给更多人,不仅是医院里的病人而已。在一年半前, 我做出了一个改变人生的重要决定:全职经营USANA业务。我 感谢自己当时的勇气,让我得以成就今天的自己,变得更有能 力、更坚强,也收获了陪伴家人的宝贵时间。 从事USANA事业让我领悟到:铁饭碗不是一辈子呆在同一个地 方吃着同一碗饭,而是不论我走到哪里都有饭吃,而且,还能陪 家人一起吃!


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition

I’ve always loved two things – travelling and coffee. I love sitting in a coffee shop, enjoying my cuppa and smelling the coffee aroma while planning my day’s schedule. Because of my passion for travel, I worked as a daigou (overseas shopper) as well as a WeChat merchant.

When I was younger, I was never conscious of nor anxious about my health. Then in November 2020, my health condition deteriorated. The doctor advised me to care for my health by nourishing my body with adequate nutrients.

Coincidentally at that time, I came across USANA’s detox package and started consuming the supplements. As my health got better, I naturally told the people around me about USANA products. However, many people dismissed me as they perceived USANA as a “direct selling” company and they had bad impressions about direct selling. Despite their negativity and rejections, I continued to patiently share with them, providing the right information and facts. Eventually, they were convinced by my sincerity and the true facts about USANA and direct selling.

My biggest dream in this business is for every team member to be successful at USANA, to achieve self-growth and financial sustainability. There’s no free lunch in this world – no matter what industry you are in. You reap what you sow. Work hard, persevere, and you shall receive!

I graduated from University College London with a degree in architecture. I worked in an architectural firm and was studying for my master’s degree before I was presented with the USANA opportunity.

I enjoy hanging out with family and friends, drawing , photography and especially travelling. Unfortunately, I did not have extra time for those activities due to my hectic schedule and countless deadlines.

I was busy all the time but whether I was productive or not was a question mark. As I reflected on my life, I then decided to make changes and start my USANA journey. People around me thought my decision was a big joke but I believed sooner or later they would know that I had made the right choice.

Along the way, I’ve received a lot of surprises. I’ve come across people from different fields, I’ve earned valuable things like time with family, time for hobbies and of course a healthier me.

Currently, my dream is to achieve more in this business with my team members, help them to grow their business while at the same time, achieve their dreams or what we call ‘life goals’.

Last but not least, don’t ever settle in the comfort zone. Have courage to start something, make changes and design the life you truly want.

Kuek Jie Yi
New Ruby Directors / 16
Fion Koh
我热爱旅游,也是一名咖啡爱好者。我享受一个人在咖啡座,一 边享受咖啡一边规划日程的悠然时光。因为喜欢到处旅行,我曾 经从事代购和微商。 以前,我总觉得自己还年轻,不用太关注健康。直到2020年11 月,我的健康每况愈下。医生劝告我要多照顾身体和补充营养。 就在同一时间里,我刚好接触到USANA的排毒配套并开始服用 USANA的保健产品来维持健康。因为效果理想,我自然地就向 身边的人分享USANA产品。然而,很多人因为对直销存有误 解,一听到USANA是直销公司就拒绝了产品。尽管如此,我还 是一一地耐心解释并给予对方正确的信息和数据。最后,凭着真 诚的态度和各种有关USANA及直销的实据,成功赢得了对方的 信任和信心。 我在这事业最大的梦想,就是希望每一位团队伙伴都可以一起 在USANA找到自我价值成长和经济独立。其实,任何行业都一 样,没有不劳而获之事,更没有天上掉馅饼的事情!一分耕耘一 份收获,所有的努力和坚持,到最后一定会开花结果! 我毕业于伦敦大学学院建筑学。获得学位证书后,我加入一家建 筑公司,一边工作一边攻读硕士学位。在这段半工读期间,我接 触到USANA这个事业机会。 我喜欢和家人朋友一起出去玩,也喜欢画画、摄影,最喜欢旅 行。可惜,繁忙的工作再加上数不尽和必须要完成的项目期限, 让我根本没有多余的时间去享受这些活动。 每天忙得焦头烂额是一回事,有没有成效却是另一回事。经过一 番反思,我决定要对改变生活并开始我的USANA之旅。身边的 人认为我的决定是一个天大的笑话,但我相信时间会证明我的选 择是正确的。 这一路走来可谓惊喜连连。我遇到了来自各行各业的人,也收获 了很多珍贵的东西,例如更多的家庭时光,更多时间去享受我的 爱好,当然还有更健康的自己。 目前,我的梦想是和团队伙伴一起在这业务中取得更多成就,协 助我的伙伴发展业务的同时,也实现他们的梦想或我们所说的“ 人生目标”。 最后,不要安于现状。鼓起勇气踏出一小步做出改变,亲手设计 你真正想要的生活。

From 12 to 18 years, I suffered serious menstrual cramps. When I was 19, I developed sensitive skin that would easily turn red and itch. I consulted a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) specialist and the treatment helped resolve my skin issues. Because of this, I decided to study TCM.

After completing my TCM course in Shanghai, I returned to Malaysia with a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics. I am a certified and registered TCM practitioner in Malaysia while pursuing the USANA business fulltime.

My biggest reason for doing the USANA business is to achieve time flexibility and financial sustainability so that I can realise my dream of having a one-stop centre to provide free TCM consultation and medicine.

Before I joined USANA, I was an introvert and had a hard time communicating with people. I had no connections, hence my small social circle. I felt my life lacked meaning and purpose. Joining USANA has opened up my horizon and changed my life. Here, I am learning about my shortcomings and I am given ample room for self-improvement.

Step by step, I believe I will become better and by becoming better, I will be one step closer to my dream.

I used to be a stay-at-home mum and took care of my three kids. I love photography and was active in volunteer work, while working as an insurance agent on the side. I even won the MDRT honour during my time in the insurance business. That was the most glorious moment of the first half of my life, before I found USANA.

It was health that led me to USANA and it is here that I learned about the true meaning and significance of life. At USANA, I began the next chapter of my life. The USANA business has shown me the mega trend of health and wellness, and while building my business, I learned to work in a team, how to become the bridge between downlines and uplines, and how to become an understanding leader. There are sweats and tears along the way, but at the same time, I have achieved milestones one after another.

Becoming Ruby Director marks the second most glorious moment of my life. However, dreams are not achieved by doing just your best; you have to go beyond your limits, be better than your best to be able to achieve it.

I owe my success to the support from the company, my family, Amy Ma, Alvin Siew and my team. Thank you for walking this incredible journey with me.

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition Melody Tai & Jacky Liew Lim Shu Ling New Ruby Directors / 17 我曾经是全职宝妈,照顾三个孩子的生活起居。此外,我嗜好 攝影,活跃参与义工活动的同时也经营着保险副业,更曾荣 获MDRT 百万圆桌的荣誉,这可说是我前半段人生最荣耀的时 刻。我的下半段人生,因为USANA而变得截然不同。 因为健康需要,让我找到了USANA,也因此而领悟到生命的真 正意义。在这里,我开创了人生的新篇章。在破茧成蝶的过程 中,我看懂了大健康的趋势。在创业的路上,我学习到承上启 下,融入团队,包容伙伴,成为更优秀的领导者。一路走来有 汗有泪,但当中的收获就是一个又一个的里程碑。 晋升红宝石董事让我迎来了生命中第二次的荣耀时刻。然而, 梦想不只是踮踮脚尖那么间单,所有的目标都必需跳起来才能 够实现。 最后,感恩公司的加持,家人的支持,Amy Ma老师、 Alvin Siew老师的一路引领,还有团队伙伴的不离不弃并全力拼搏! 感恩创业路上有你们! 我从12岁到18岁曾经有痛经的情况。当我19岁时,则饱受皮肤 容易过敏,红肿和发痒的问题折磨。经过中医的调理,皮肤问题 和痛经才得以缓解。正因为此,我决定攻读中医科。 在上海完成课程并考得中医儿科硕士之后,我返马成为马来西亚 注册中医师,同时也全职从事USANA。 我从事USANA业务的最大原因是为了实现时间自由和财务的可 持续性,以便我可以实现更大的梦想,那就是打造一个免费的中 医义诊平台,为有需要的人赠医施药。 在加入USANA前,我的性格内向且不擅于与人沟通。因为没有 人脉,社交圈子自然也非常小,生活欠缺充实,缺乏意义。是 USANA扩大了我的视野,丰富和改变了我的生活。在这里,我 发现自己有很多不足的同时,也被给予很多自我成长和进步的空 间。 我相信在这里,我将会一步一脚印地变得更好,更接近我的梦 想!


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition

I am a very quiet person and live a simple, minimalist lifestyle. However, I have a big passion for diving and skiing. I must admit these hobbies aren’t cheap, which is why I have to work hard to support these luxurious hobbies.

I used to run a beauty business with my friend and we even created our own skincare brand. Unfortunately, we had some difference in opinions and decided that it was best to go separate ways. By then, I was already using USANA products. In search of a new business opportunity, I contacted my best friend Anne to learn more about the USANA business, after which I decided to run the business fulltime.

Initially, I was worried about whether I could cope with a new business. Everything was new to me. Luckily, Anne was very patient and guided me step by step. She was always there for me and helped me build self-confidence.

I’ve always dreamed of inviting my parents to live with us. Before USANA, I had to rely on my husband to realise this dream. Now, I know I can realise my dream on my own!

I believe that every time we overcome an obstacle, it brings us a step closer to our goal. So, do not fear challenges and obstacles – they are the springboard to success!

Before we found USANA, like many, Pingkei and I had to wear different hats to make a living. I was a car promoter and an insurance agent while running my own restaurant. Meanwhile, Pingkei was a WeChat merchant working from home while taking care of our kids.

As a WeChat merchant, Pingkei had to constantly face the risk of overstocking after investing a big amount, no thanks to WeChat’s everchanging sales model. As for me, my hectic schedule finally took a toll not just on my health but my life, even though my business was doing rather well. I had very little time for my family and neglected the emotional support my wife needed.

Often, we would discuss whether chasing monetary gain at the price of health and family time was really worth it. “Is that what we really want?”, we would always ask. The answer was a resolute NO. We eventually came to a point where we gave up our existing jobs and went fulltime in building our USANA business. To us, the USANA business is not just any business but a fulfilment of our heart and soul as it gives us the time freedom to care and spend time with our loved ones.

Everything has changed for the better because we chose to change. So, don’t be afraid of making new decisions and change. Take courage, take the first step and you’ll see how your dreams will materialize step by step.

Pingkei & Issac
New Ruby Directors / 18
Peggy Yong
我是一个很安静,在日常生活贯彻“断舍离”的人。不过, 我也是个潜水和滑雪爱好者。说实话这两项爱好皆属于昂贵 的消遣,所以我得更努力工作才可以好好地享受这些活动。 在从事USANA之前,我曾经跟朋友联创护肤品品牌。可惜, 之后因为合作上出现意见分歧,大家决定拆伙。期间,我已 经是USANA产品的使用者。在找寻新商机的过程中,我联络 好朋友Anne 了解USANA事业,并在之后决定全职经营。 草创USANA事业的初期,我也是有所顾虑。当时我觉得自己 有点脱节,怕自己应付不来。幸好Anne总是在我身旁耐心 地引导我,陪我一步步地找回自信。 我的梦想就是把父母接来一起生活。在接触USANA之前,我 以为只能靠另一半来实现这个梦想。现在,我才知道原来自 己也有能力圆梦! 我相信每解决一个瓶颈,就是推动我们迈向成果的一步!所 以,我们更要无畏挑战,无惧障碍,因为这些都是成功的踏 脚石! 在遇到USANA之前,我和Pingkei与大部分的打工族一样,周而复 始地做着同样的工作。我身兼几份工作,包括汽车销售员、保险行 业和餐饮店老板,而Pingkei则从事微商,在家边经营微商业务边 照顾孩子。 作为微商,经常更换的销售模式往往让Pingkei在注入大笔资金囤 货之后陷入滞销的危机。至于我,由于身兼多职,所以几乎每天都 是从白天忙到晚上,健康也亮起了红灯。尽管生意有点起色,但鱼 与熊掌难以兼得,当中的代价就是少了好多陪伴家人的时间,更忽 略了太太所需的精神支持。 我们夫妻俩总会探讨:“如果赚钱的同时要牺牲掉健康与陪伴家人 的时间,这真的是我们想要的吗?”答案正因为不是,所以我们才 会决定放弃正业,全职专注经营USANA业务。对我们来说,它不仅 仅是一份事业,它更为我们和身边的人带来了心灵上的满足,让我 们拥有时间自由去关心陪伴我们所爱的人。 这一切的改变始于要我们要改变的决心。所以说,不要害怕做出新 的抉择和改变。勇敢跨出第一步,心中向往的画面才会慢慢地浮 现,一步步实现全方位成功人生!

I had a carefree childhood, but when my father passed away three years ago, I had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the family as I am the eldest child. I had to work four jobs to support the family. Honestly, like any other young girl, I would love to go shopping and hang out at nice cafes. But I couldn’t afford to do so because I had to work to make ends meet, and had to be very careful with my spending.

Due to stress and my hectic work schedule, my skin became acne-prone and sensitive. It was then that I came across USANA and Celavive products, which eventually helped to relieve my skin condition.

Encouraged by the change, I began to learn about the business and before I knew it, my USANA income exceeded the combined income of the other four jobs. I was thrilled that I could earn that much with just one career. How blessed I am to have found the USANA business.

With the USANA business, I finally have more time and the means to enjoy life the way I want, and the best part is that I get to spend more time with my mother.

Now, I don’t just dream about my own success. I want to lead my team and help them fulfil their dreams too. Let’s not worry about the unknown future but focus on the present. Work hard, and you’ll be amazed at what happens.

I was an automobile spare parts salesperson and had a wide clientele all over Malaysia. My sales performance was tops and I was earning a decent 5-figure monthly income. However, I was overloaded with work and had to travel frequently. With such a hectic schedule, I had little time for my family. Due to my busy work schedule and frequent travels, my meals were irregular and my diet was unhealthy. In no time, my body ballooned. I loved playing badminton but my heavy weight strained my knees. Then I discovered USANA’s MagneCal D Plus, Amazed by and confident with the product’s efficacy, I started telling the people around me about USANA.

I’m really grateful and fortunate to have met Cheong Wai and Sue Szean. Through them, I discovered a better way to care for my health, and a better career too! Now, I dream of helping more team members to live life to the fullest. I truly believe with sheer diligence and perseverance, success is inevitable; it’s just a matter of time.

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition Vincent Tan
New Ruby Directors / 19 在加入USANA之前,我是一名汽车零配件销售员,顾客群 遍布全马。我的销售业绩非常好,月入过万。不过,当中的 代价就是工作繁重,时常需要出差外地,导致一个月也没多 少时间陪伴家人。 由于工作繁忙,出差频繁,再加上三餐不定时,饮食也不健 康,很快的身材也跟着暴涨。我非常热爱打羽毛球,但因为 体重过重的关系导致膝盖不胜负荷。在机缘巧合下,我接触 了USANA的活力钙镁D片,并开始服用它维持个人膝盖健 康。产品效果令我惊讶,信心大增的情况下,我开始身边的 人分享USANA。 我非常感恩命运让我认识 Cheong Wai 和 Sue Szean。通 过他们,让我找到一个更好的保健方案,也让我找到一份更 好的事业!我的梦想就是要帮助更多伙伴活出他们的精彩人 生。我始终相信,成功可能会迟到,但是一定会来。凭着不 懈的努力和坚持,时机一到,你想不成功都难! 长大以来,我的生活可说是无忧无虑的。直到三年前爸爸倒下 不治之后,作为家里的老大,家庭责任自然落在我肩上。我必 须兼职四份工作才能够维持家里的开销。其实,我也跟一般女 孩一样,喜欢去逛街,去咖啡厅打卡拍照。但是,为了维持家 计,我不得不小心花费。 因为压力和不健康的生活作息,导致我的脸部肌肤变得敏感和 易长痘。就在那时,我接触到USANA和Celavive产品,成功 缓解了我的肌肤状况。 由于对产品信心大增,我开始深入了解这份事业,不知不觉 中,我的USANA收入已经超越了其他四分工作收入的总和。 一份事业即可让我收获如此良多,感到开心不已的同时,我更 是感恩能够遇见USANA这份事业。 现在的我终于有更多时间和能力去过自己想要的生活方式,更 棒的是,我也拥有更多时间陪伴妈妈。 如今,我的梦想不止是自己成功而已,而是要带领着团队伙伴 一并完成他们的梦想。让我们一起不为模糊不清的未来担忧, 只为清清楚楚的现在努力。努力,加油,你将会迎来意想不到 的收获!
Shirlyn Chuah Hui Fen

I’ve always known the importance of having a passive income since the day I started working. Thus, I was always looking for alternative channels and opportunities to earn passive income. I thought of investments, especially in real estate, but that required a lot of money and a certain degree of risk. When I found the USANA business, I learned that the business allows me to earn a passive income but more than that, it helps with health maintenance.

Initially, the main challenge I faced was distance, with Galaxy Team based in Kuala Lumpur while I am in Penang. This made it hard for me to leverage team activities and leadership. Back then, online meetings and activities were not as common as they are now. Fortunately, Galaxy Team members are based in different locations, and that allowed me to team up with sidelines and help one another. Our Kuala Lumpur-based would also make frequent trips to Penang to guide and support us.

Achieving Ruby Director status is not an individual effort. For this, I want to thank my mentors and leaders – Anthony, Dr Kheng, Ariestt & Joyee, and Vincent & Syntiea. Thank you for your support and guidance. Also, to my dearest teammates, thank you for your unwavering support. My biggest dream now is to help more teammates achieve their goals.

If trees grow in the direction of the wind, our future is in the direction of our will. Take charge, move on, and see you at the top!

1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition
& Kee Thing
New Ruby Directors / 20 在我一开始工作时,就已经意识到被动收入的重要性。所以,我一 直在寻找其它管道和机会去赚取被动收入。我对投资很有兴趣,特 别是房地产,可投资房地产需要很大笔的资金,也有一定程度的风 险。直到我遇见了USANA,一个让我赚取被动收入的同时还能赚取 健康的平台。 刚开始经营这事业时的确遇到了不少挑战,因为我身在槟城,而 Galaxy团队母体却在吉隆坡,可以借力领导和团队的方式非常有 限。当时也还不流行线上会议和活动,所以一步步走来很多都得靠 自己。很庆幸的Galaxy团队在很多区域都有伙伴,所以当时可以跟 一些旁线领导一起互相借力,互相扶持。身在吉隆坡的领导们也很 给力,不时会北上来给我们鼓励和协助我们一起办活动。 这次可以上红宝石真的很感恩我的领导们,Anthony老师、Dr Kheng、Ariestt & Joyee老师 和 Vincent & Syntiea老师,感谢你 们所给予的鼓励与扶持。当然少不了我非常给力的伙伴们,感谢你 们对我坚定不移的支持。现在,我最大的梦想就是和你们一起继续 并肩作战,一起完成大家的梦想。 树的方向,是风决定,人的方向,自己决定。让我们一起韧性到 底,携手共进!高峰见!
Lim Siew Choon


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition
New Gold Directors / 21
Erica Ker Goey Tai & Chester Tang Emily Wong Crystal Lee Ean Ni Chow Mun Hon & Zhang Jin Mei Cherlynn Lim Caryn Teo Dr Ee Ling & Eu Jinn Andrea Leong Chong Lee Er Angela Looi Grace Choo


New Gold Directors / 22
1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition
Lau Chee Yen Kariss Huei Fang Jessica Lee Jimmy Kong Jimmy Chong Koh Xli Zhen June Chong Joyce Tan Jinnie Kuan Judson Hwang & Yee Ven Lim Jocelyn Tan & Louis Peh Lai Kim Tow
New Gold Directors / 23
Mar – 19 Nov 2022
Ng Chiao Jie Mishelle Wu
May Tan Ti Her
Lee Mei Tan Rex Tan Kaw Ting Loh Chyi Ying
Siow Chun Kit Sky Sin
Lim Woon Chin Low Hwey Li
Lee Sze Yin & Ong Chong Fu Regina Fong Chin Sean
New Gold Directors / 24
Zulkife Ismail Winny Loh Vicky Lee Wei Qi & Victor Lee Wei Liang Wong Seik Fean Vivian Beh Sze Ting Wendy Chang Wee Li Tan Kai Xuan Tan Chin Chin Tiu Chia Wei Yong Maggi Yumiko You Yap Pei Yee Tai Kang Shyong

Aaron Wee Shiu Hoe

Ah Geok Sia

Alice Tay

Ang Lee Ying

Anson Tham

Ayumi Goh Shirley

Baby & Nam Fatt

Boon Keong Koh

Brita Tam

Bruce Tan

Cassandra Siak

Chee Chun Chan

Chen Wei Chia

Cheryl Koo

Chia Ann Lim

Chia Yi Lee

Chiao Jie Ng

Chin Yuan Toh

Ching Wei Ng

Choon Chang Lee

Choon Yee Dang

Chua Qian Ying


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition

Chui See Then

Chun Leong Chang

Clarine Chai & Jamison Chee

Cloey Lee

Cyrus Chan Dana Teoh

Dr Dylan Tan

Easter Siew

Erinn Yapp Tze Hsing


Eunice Lee

Eva Heng

Felicia Lee

Fui Xing Koo

Grace Choo

Grace Wang Su Tin

Goh Swee Yin

Gooi Won Hing

Hong Cheng Yap

Huey Peng Toh

Hui Maei Mok

Hui Wern Khaw

Hyvy Lau Ivess Kang

Janice Wong

Jasmine Tian Ai Lyn

Jennifer Oon

Jenny Wong Jia Fong

Jeou Feng Pow

Jia Hui Lau

Jie Wen Koh

Jocelyn Tan & Louis Peh

Joey Goh

Joey Wai & Jack Wong

Jonni Marie Yong

Joyce Tan

Jun Siew

Kah Hang Leong

Kah Kin Woo

Kah Yeep Mah

Kam Yuk Lai

Kar Mun Chan

Kar Wei Choong

Keat Yaw Low

New Silver Directors / 25


1 Mar – 19 Nov 2022 Recognition

Khar Ming Low

Khoo Boon Seang & Chng Siew Phing

Khoo Saw Tin

Koay Cher Khai

Lan Yap

Lee Mei Tan

Lee Zi Qi

Leng Tai Liong

Li Jun Tie

Lien Huay Koo

Liew Yee Ing

Lucas & Crystal

Marvin Cheng & Michelle Cho

May See Heng

Mee Jia Chuah

Ngo Hui Hui

Nichole Lim Woon Chin

Nira Goh

Parisz Phine & Kevin Ng

Pei Nee Chiam

Pei Yee Ya

Pei Sze Siaw

Poh Hwa Lai

Poh Sherly Qisha Chong

Rachel Tiew

Regina Fong Chin Sean

Ruey Jiuan Lim

Sam Wei Liang

San Fei Tiu

Sasaa Le

Sauh Yueon Yiow

Seek Shi Ming

Seok Kuan Cheong Sharaine Chong

Shi Yi Foo

Shir Ye Lee

Siew Gaik Ong

Siow Chun Kit

Soo Mooi Cheong

Sook Lim Yap

Tai Kang Seng

Tai Qian Li & Kent Leong

Tammy Ser

Tang Pooi Yi

Teck Yi & Vivii Tan

Tee Choon Xing

Ting Ting Lim

Tiffany Shin

Tiu Chiawei

Tze Mei Chew

Vaan Mathi Shanmugam

Vanness Choong

Vui Kuan Chin

Wai Lim Liew

Wan Ling Wong

Wei Juin Lim

Wernix Teo

Winston & Cale

Wong Shu Yee

Yap Chi Kwan

Yap Kai Shin

Yiliko Tan Hooi Ting

Yong Yi Tan

Yuhan & Boon

New Silvers Directors / 26
2023 USANA Malaysia Grand Celebration / 27

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