3 minute read

Showcasing the USCA

Recently, my attention was drawn to a livestream of a croquet event being played on the other side of the world. This event was the inaugural Fletcher Sharpe Invitational 35 & Under Tournament. My interest was drawn because the field included two USCA players in our Team USA uniforms. The two players, Stephen Morgan and Tom Balding, are both distinguished performers in the U.S. and were visiting Australia to play this event and the Australian National Championships. The goodlooking U.S. team uniforms are a relatively recent item in the history of U.S. Croquet and, in a large part, because of the efforts of the Lee Olsen Fund, its committee members (Michael Albert, Hal Denton, Rich Lamm) and the generous charitable support of many of our members.

Also on show at this tournament were some of the brightest and youngest talent playing GC at the top level. The future looks bright if the standard exhibited is any indication. Matches and interviews can be seen on the Cooks River Croquet Club Sydney Aus YouTube site.

While it is enjoyable to spend some screen time watching some far away games, an opportunity is coming that features the finest 80 players that the world has to offer. This is big news and do not let it pass by without your consideration.

The 2024 WCF GC World Championship is being contested October 18-26 at the Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club in Hartsfield, Va. Seeing talent at this level firsthand is a special experience. Having the world’s best at the world’s largest croquet venue is also unique. I would encourage all members to consider this opportunity to experience the finest players in the game and plan an excursion to enjoy some of the event. If anyone has difficulty deciding which of the 24 full-size championship lawns to watch, I will completely understand.

The organizing committee, being chaired by Michael Albert and Bev Cardo, supported by Jeff Soo, Cheryl Bromley and Tom Cooper, are also looking for volunteers to help the event run smoothly and provide our overseas visitors with a great croquet experience. Our USCA, as event hosts, are on display to the entire croquet world. Please consider what you can do to help this event be successful. A good starting point is to raise your hand and reach out to our chairpersons.

Thank you for your support of the USCA through membership, which makes all this happen. Let’s keep the ball rolling!

Damon Bidencope

Proud USCA Member / USCA President President@croquetamerica.com / www.croquetamerica.com

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