4 minute read

Debbie Davidoff

Age: 63 years young

Grip: Solomon

Mallet: Trimmer, 11” head, 2lb. 14 oz. Shaft length 36”

Years playing croquet: 12

Home base:

Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., with summers in Highlands, N.C.

Home club:

The Ponte Vedra Croquet Club (also The Plantation at Ponte Vedra Beach and Highlands Country Club)

Favorite croquet venue:

I am very lucky to be able to play at Highlands Country Club (HCC), especially when the sky is “Carolina Blue!”

Favorite tournament:

I love playing in the Club Teams because there is such a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

How did you get into the game:

I was a member of both Highlands Country Club and the Country Club at Sapphire Valley (CCSV) in North Carolina. HCC had a growing croquet program, but I was intimidated to start because I (wrongfully) felt I would have a hard time fitting into a group of seasoned players. CCSV constructed its first lawn and a whole crop of people began to learn together, and I started with them. It didn’t take long before I was playing at both clubs.

Croquet highlights:

Of course, I love the tournaments where I win, but some of my highlights include games where I didn’t win, but had a great battle. I was proud of going to 4-4 against Matthew Essick (he went on to beat me 7-4) where he attempted a jump shot from behind the wicket to clear me (it didn’t work, and I scored the hoop). I also have loved every battle with Brian Lozano, both doubles and singles.

Having the opportunity to travel and play in the qualifier for the Women’s World Championship was definitely a highlight for me, although it came at a personally challenging time for me, so I hope to be able to experience that again and be able to fully drink it all in.

Winning the Club Teams with my husband before he passed away was truly a highlight. In general, the biggest highlight for me was getting to the championship level and realizing all the players were treating me with respect and as a worthy opponent.

Team USA Captain Matthew Essick

Do you play other sports?

Yes. I play golf, but in the past year and a half, I have concentrated on my croquet more to the detriment of my golf handicap. I grew up playing tennis, soccer and swimming.

Favorite sports teams:

Atlanta Braves, Milwaukee Brewers, University of Miami Hurricanes, New England Patriots and the Green Bay Packers. (Clues to some of the places I have lived.)

Pop culture favorites:

My favorite book is “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand. When I taught executive MBAs, I would make an award at graduation to the team in my class that wrote and presented the best business plan. My award was “Atlas Shrugged” because to me the book illustrates the value/power of original thinking and what happens to our society when people stop thinking for themselves.

What is the best thing the USCA has done for croquet?

The USCA is a great information source for all players. As our sport continues to grow, the issues we will face will become larger and a strong USCA will be essential for the success of the sport in the U.S.

What is the USCA’s greatest weakness?

I have observed firsthand that other countries have really focused on developing their female players. I would love to see an emphasis from the USCA to help more U.S. women be more competitive internationally.

What would you like to see happen in the sport over the next 10 years?

More public lawns available for players throughout the U.S. More women playing at the championship level and playing in national and international titled events.

What have you learned from croquet?

To never give up … there’s always an option; and that people can be active and competitive their entire lives.

Quick croquet tip:

Keep your tempo the same on every single shot. Simply vary the distance with the length of the backswing, NOT by speeding up the swing.

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