Graduate Admissions at USC Annenberg

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graduate studies

curious. forward-looking. innovative.

the annenberg community

At USC Annenberg, our degree programs are geared toward the world that you will face beyond graduate school. Taught by renowned scholars, industry leaders and visiting experts in their respective fields, classes are both rigorous and provocative. You will benefit from an interdisciplinary approach that allows you to easily cross traditional academic boundaries and draw from a variety of disciplines and different problem-solving strategies.

degree programs

•Communication, PhD •Communication Management, MCM •Digital Social Media, M.S. •Global Communication, M.A./MSc •Journalism, M.S. •Public Diplomacy, MPD •Specialized Journalism, M.A. •Specialized Journalism (The Arts), M.A. •Strategic Public Relations, M.A.


learning objectives

School of Communication

PHD Demonstrate humanistic and behavioral knowledge of a wide variety of communication phenomena.

• emonstrate a high level of competence in research methodologies and other • Dscholarly tools within the field of communication. evidence of experiences in funded research projects and/or publication • Dofisplay original research. COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT Make strategic decisions around communication business issues based on knowledge of an organization’s strategies, goals and objectives and on applicable communication research.

school overview USC Annenberg School of Communication provides you with an education grounded in theory with applications across the communication and media spectrum. Rooted in both the social sciences and the liberal arts, the philosophy of academic inquiry focuses on the social, cultural, rhetorical and organizational processes that make up the human experience. Faculty conduct research and engage in professional practice within the broad discipline of communication. The Master’s degree programs will prepare you for an evolving business environment that requires the ability to respond, adapt, and think critically with the right combination of knowledge and practical hands-on expertise.

tilize written and oral advocacy skills to articulate communication theories, identify • Uthem in practice, use them in business situations, assess and measure effects, and be able to modify your practice based on experience over time.

pproach communication issues with an understanding of the appropriate data• Agathering methodologies and be able to collect, analyze and interpret the data. DIGITAL SOCIAL MEDIA Develop expertise in transitioning a business or product to digital.

• emonstrate knowledge of social media and other digital strategies to engage • Daudiences in digital products, businesses, sites and apps. D emonstrate to successfully use social media for marketing, public relations • and monetizinghowprojects and services in the digital age. D emonstrate knowledge of the tools of evaluating products and strategies through • digital analytics and research methodology.

GLOBAL COMMUNICATION Develop and critically assess existing research as it relates to global communication.

• emonstrate understanding of the value of cross-cultural communication and the • Dexchange of ideas for the purpose of shaping global communication. • Produce independent, original scholarly work of publishable or “conference quality.”

PUBLIC DIPLOMACY Understand and deploy a range of instruments to advance foreign-policy goals by engaging foreign publics, beginning with listening.

• pproach issues related to foreign public engagement across a variety of times and • Ageographical locations through multiple academic disciplines in order to advance and inform professional practice.

ommunicate persuasively and succinctly in spoken and written forms and in the • Cgenres of communication currently in use in professional public diplomacy practice.



PhD in Communication program overview As a PhD candidate, you are at the scholarly forefront of the communication revolution. We believe that social scientific and humanistic approaches to the study of human communication are essential for a complete understanding of communication. Both theory and research methods are amply demonstrated by the four required core courses in the first year of study and also reflected in the substantive concentrations that you can pursue. Our degree program prepares you for a career in academia as well as in other public and private sector endeavors that benefit from research skills and expansive knowledge of communications structures, processes, and institutions.


curriculum snapshot The program requires completion of 76 semester units and an approved dissertation; most candidates complete the degree program in four to five years. 1ST YEAR Completion of two core courses each semester and the screening process by the end of the spring semester. The core courses are: COMM 525–Humanistic and Social Scientific Approaches to Human Communication I COMM 526–Humanistic and Social Scientific Approaches to Human Communication II COMM 550–Quantitative Research Methods in Communication COMM 552–Qualitative Research Methods in Communication 2ND YEAR Selection of cognate courses. Setting parameters for working paper and formation of five-member guidance committee. By completing a minimum of three courses (12 units), you choose to specialize in a concentration.

program distinctions

3RD YEAR Completion of working paper that demonstrates original research on a communication problem by November 1.

USC Annenberg School offers one of the most intellectually diverse programs in the field of communication. You will have the opportunity to participate in all-expense paid summer institutes. With 17 research centers, all doctoral students are assigned to research assistantships in their second through fifth years. All doctoral students receive full tuition, health and dental benefits, a generous annual stipend paid for five years as doctoral fellows and graduate assistants, financial support for dissertation and research projects and travel expenses to present at research conferences. Our graduates excel as university instructors and communication experts conducting original research and scholarship. Their work advances knowledge in the field, builds practical applications for society and contributes to the success of public and private sector enterprises such as media and entertainment industries as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations.

4TH YEAR Arrangement and completion of the qualifying examination. Complete dissertation prospectus, which is defended by the end of the fall semester. 5TH YEAR Research and completion of the dissertation and preparation for the job market.


Master of Communication Management program overview The Master of Communication Management (MCM) is a professional management degree that balances academic grounding, both research and theory, with the application to real-world issues of businesses, organizations and non-profits. This degree program is also taught online for mid-career professionals unable to attend on-campus classes.

program distinctions Our program has a breadth that is unmatched by our competition. Those programs tend to focus more narrowly on public relations, integrated marketing or traditional communication. Our areas of focus enable you to study the industry of interest to you, such as entertainment or non-profit advocacy; the communication function such as marketing communication, corporate communication, change communication, consulting, and strategy; and the use and impact of technologies. Our instructors primarily hold PhD degrees and have a wide range of academic and practical experiences. Our adjuncts are carefully selected for depth of experience and renown.

curriculum snapshot Our MCM is a two-year program that requires 32 units of course work. The core courses are: CMGT 540–Uses of Communication Research CMGT 501–Communication Pro-Seminar CMGT 597a–Communication Research Practicum or CMGT 597b The remaining 20 units (5 courses) may be fulfilled with other CMGT courses in the following areas of focus:

• Marketing Communication • Media & Entertainment Management • Health & Social Change Communication • International & Intercultural Communication • Organizational & Strategic Corporate Communication

Of the 20 units, up to 8 units may be taken outside the School of Communication (500-level courses in Journalism, Business, Cinematic Arts and others).

Our graduates leave the program with increased skills in critical thinking, conducting and utilizing research, using academic literature to solve business problems, improved skills in writing, strategic analysis and public speaking and the ability to succeed in a world filled with ambiguity, change and opportunity.



Master of Science Digital Social Media program overview The M.S. in Digital Social Media teaches the practice, theory, research and strategy of online communities and digital social media. We use the entrepreneurial process of digital product development as a laboratory of learning (from conceptualization to launch of apps, sites, campaigns, and projects). Then, we teach the social theory explaining how people come together and engage with each other in the physical and digital worlds; the research, methodology, analytics and other tools of inquiry; and the strategies to be leaders and managers in the digital and social media sector.

program distinctions We teach through a systematic course of study, and students create functioning apps and sites. Other programs (of which there are very few) teach an array of unconnected classes (not systematic strategy), or they only use third party platforms (e.g., Facebook marketing). We cover the entire strategic process and teach effective strategies and practices that work for leaders in entrepreneurial efforts, large businesses or in fields that use digital social media such as marketing and PR, content development, SEO, analytics, etc. Our students are cross trained for leadership across areas of expertise. In our program, you will go from conceptualization to launch of a site or app. In doing this, you learn to strategize, conduct competitive analyses, target and engage audiences, wireframe and create use cases, plan/write product requirements, hire and manage tech teams, debug products, conduct analytics, develop marketing and monetization plans, use third party platforms to direct traffic to their products, develop revenue plans and launch a product. Further, you become very adept at using social media platforms strategically for various purposes and explaining the theory and strategy used.


curriculum snapshot The M.S. in Digital Social Media requires 32 units of graduate coursework. It is a full-time program that is completed in one year, January to December, including summer. CORE REQUIREMENTS DSM 510–Introduction to Digital Social Media DSM 520–Managing Technologies for Digital Media DSM 596–Final Project Capstone RESEARCH AND PRACTICUM REQUIREMENTS DSM 550–Analytics and Research Methodology DSM 560–Digital Media Policy, Law, Practices, and Regulation SPECIALIZATION CLASSES You will choose one to three classes (4-8 units) that help you to specialize in an area of expertise within the realm of digital social media. Approval from the director is required for these classes. ELECTIVES With the permission of the program director, you may take up to 8 elective units within the Annenberg School or from other USC programs. You are also strongly encouraged to acquire relevant experience through an internship for which you may earn degree credit.


Master of Arts/Master of Science Global Communication program overview The M.A./MSc in Global Communication — jointly taught with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) — focuses on the role of communication and technology in globalization, the changing global media, news and culture industries and issues of global concern. This program requires you to spend a year each in two global media capitals — London and Los Angeles — and earn Master’s degrees from both universities — LSE and USC.

program distinctions The program was the first international dual degree program both at USC and the LSE and was the first M.A. program anywhere that focused on global communication. External reviewers at the LSE described this program as the “gold standard” of global communication Master’s degrees. The program is designed to accomplish different education and training for each year. During the first year at the LSE, you focus on the theoretical foundations of communication, media and globalization with a particular emphasis on critical thinking and empirical examination of social and cultural products and means of production. Also, you hone your ability to conduct original research. The second year at USC Annenberg gives you the latest research and best practices in your particular areas of interest. In addition, you will meet important figures in those industries/ organizations as well as intern and network with alumni of the program. The capstone course allows you to produce a publishable portfolio.


curriculum snapshot This is a two-year program during which you spend your first year at the LSE and your second year at USC Annenberg. For work completed during the year at the LSE, you receive the equivalent of 18 USC units. To earn the MSc and M.A. degrees, you must complete 24 units of coursework during the second year at USC Annenberg. YEAR AT LSE The year has three terms. You are required to take the four core courses, plus two optional courses and to write a dissertation. It is possible to take courses offered in other LSE departments, provided you receive previous agreement from the supervisor. During the summer, you complete a dissertation for which grades are awarded by LSE faculty. YEAR AT USC ANNENBERG You will complete a research practicum as well as 20 elective units (four courses) from the School of Communication graduate curriculum. You may choose one of your elective courses from a department outside Annenberg with the approval of your advisors.You will produce a final research project on global communication that will be the product of work done at both the LSE and Annenberg.


Master of Public Diplomacy program overview The Master of Public Diplomacy (MPD) is an innovative multidisciplinary program drawing on faculty from both Communication and International Relations. It is designed primarily to prepare you to work for an international actor advancing the ends of their foreign policy by engaging foreign publics.

program distinctions The USC MPD is unique in the world as the only degree of that name. Other schools teach advanced classes in public diplomacy or a joint program in IR and PR. The USC degree is special because of the range of specialist classes and options available and the range of faculty, many of whom are considered leaders in the field. The degree also enjoys a symbiotic relationship with the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, which is an internationally known center of research.

curriculum snapshot The Master of Public Diplomacy degree requires completion of 49 units and is completed in two years. In addition, you will complete a substantive paper or alternative project. The degree requirements are as follows: PUBLIC DIPLOMACY REQUIREMENTS PUBD 502– Historical and Comparative Approaches to Public Diplomacy PUBD 504–Global Issues and Public Diplomacy PUBD 596–Practicum in Public Diplomacy Research PUBLIC DIPLOMACY TOOLBOX COURSES Any three approved Public Diplomacy courses

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COMMUNICATION AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS REQUIREMENTS Any two approved International Relations courses Any two approved Communication or Communication Management courses

The MPD degree is oriented towards skills. Many classes include skills development components. Assessment in many classes includes public diplomacy work place ‘genres’ like reports, planning documents, op-eds and case studies. You work in new and old media, explore team working skills, take a lead in publishing your own journal and participate in an international field trip. The degree includes a field study requirement and a research practicum.



School of Journalism school overview

USC Annenberg School of Journalism is internationally recognized as a leader in journalism and strategic public relations education. Being in the heart of a leading media market and the USC campus, the location makes for a vibrant student experience and provides unparalleled opportunities to hone your journalistic skills and sensibilities in today’s multi-media world. In Annenberg’s Julie Chen and Leslie Moonves CBS Media Center, you will learn how to write, report, produce, code, publish and promote (through social media) cross-platform stories on a daily deadline. You will tell stories for all our Media Center outlets (broadcast TV, radio, online, etc.) using audio, video, web text and emerging digital tools and elements.

learning objectives

and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press • Ufornderstand the country. emonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and • Dinstitutions in shaping communications and demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass communications.

emonstrate an understanding of the diversity of people and cultures and of the • Dsignificance and impact of mass communications in a global society. concepts and apply theories of the use and presentation of images • Uandnderstand information. an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically • Dinemonstrate pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity. hink critically, creatively and independently and demonstrate competency in • Tleadership. onduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the • Ccommunications professions in which you work. rite correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications • Wprofessions, audiences and purposes you serve. ritically evaluate your own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, • Cclarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness. pply basic numerical and statistical concepts and apply tools and technologies • Aappropriate for the communications professions in which you work.



Master of Science Journalism program overview The main idea behind the nine-month M.S. in Journalism is simple: successful modern-day journalists need to have a wide variety of skills, more than one area of specialty, and the ability to report and produce content for any outlet in order to thrive in todays’ turbulent media environment. Our intense, deadline-driven program is designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed for modern journalists to tell stories across any current or developing news platforms in a converged news environment. Building on the program’s foundation of strong reporting and writing, in the course of your work you are taught how to embrace the role of diverse communities in storytelling and how to understand the importance of context and analysis. To that end, you focus on special areas of interest and also produce long-term and long-form work for all the news outlets in the Julie Chen and Leslie Moonves CBS Media Center.

curriculum snapshot SUMMER JOUR 528 Summer Digital News Immersion FALL 15-week courses JOUR 531L–Digital News Immersion with Eight Hour Shift in Media Center JOUR 599–Special Assignment Reporting 7-week courses JOUR 505–The Practice: Journalism’s Evolution as a Profession JOUR 560–Seminar in Mass Communication Law *Students will select additional coursework from list of available courses SPRING 15-week courses JOUR 575–Optional Media Center Shift JOUR 598–Journalism Capstone Project 7-week courses JOUR 546–News, Numbers and Introduction to Data Journalism JOUR 547–The Business of News *Students will select additional coursework from list of available courses COMMENCEMENT Optional summer practicums offer paid media internships in Los Angeles and opportunities for international work and study.

program distinctions In a unique, team-taught environment, you have a multifaceted experience and emerge as a versatile, self-sufficient reporter/producer/ writer. You also learn critical thinking, decision-making, ethical responsibility, teamwork, coding and communication skills. The goal is for you to acquire a full set of storytelling tools that can be applied to any topic on any media platform. You will graduate with a mastery of multimedia storytelling skills, fluency with emerging technologies and a deep understanding of the rapidly changing media environment. You will have an area of specialty that makes you unique, but you will also be able to walk into almost any journalism job interview with the basic skills and knowledge needed to get that job and move forward with your career. You will emerge from the M.S. program as an ethical and intellectually engaged storyteller who is well prepared to succeed in today’s competitive media landscape and ready to create the journalism of tomorrow.



Master of Arts Specialized Journalism program overview The nine-month M.A. in Specialized Journalism is an intensive program that allows you to develop a deep level of expertise in a specific field of reporting and master cutting-edge digital reporting and production skills. Your advanced journalism courses will focus on research methods, entrepreneurship and decision making. Reporting areas of focus include sports, entertainment, science writing, religion and demography. In addition, from USC’s world-renowned schools and college, you may choose graduate-level courses in such disciplines as law, cinematic arts, medicine, gaming, multimedia literacy, public policy, gerontology, sociology, and social work to name a few. This combination of state-of-the-art digital skills with deep subject area expertise creates a powerful experience that prepares you to thrive in the rapidly changing and competitive world of media.

curriculum snapshot

program distinctions

If Specialized Reporting Class was not taken in the fall, choose one course from: JOUR 572–Reporting on Entertainment & Pop Culture JOUR 578–Reporting on Globalization JOUR 585–Specialized Reporting: Religion JOUR 596–Follow the Money: Business & Economics Reporting Nine units of approved elective courses

Your fellow students create a tight cohort of passionate and talented writers, reporters and producers with all levels of experience. You will work together in a unique interdisciplinary environment focusing equally on skills and content. You will create radio and film documentaries; long-form literary and investigative journalism, interactive multi-media experiences and deadline coverage of breaking news in our world-class Julie Chen and Leslie Moonves CBS Media Center. Your faculty will include Pulitzer Prize, DuPont and Emmy winners, outstanding faculty award winners and leaders across every sector of the media industry. Also, you will partner with news organizations in Los Angeles and around the world to publish and broadcast your work. Upon graduation, you will have the opportunity to put your skills to use at any number of leading newsrooms, organizations and start-ups.


The program begins with an intensive summer immersion boot camp. SUMMER JOUR 528 Summer Digital News Immersion FALL JOUR 582–Specialized Journalism: Reporting Decision JOUR 594a–Master’s Thesis JOUR 571–Advanced Sports Reporting Nine units of approved elective courses SPRING JOUR 595–Critical Thinking: The Art & Science of Not Getting Fooled JOUR 594b–Master’s Thesis

Note: One elective course must be taken from an Annenberg School program in Journalism, Communication, Communication Management or Public Diplomacy.


Master of Arts Specialized Journalism (The Arts)

program overview

The Arts Journalism program at USC Annenberg is America’s leading master’s program for the next generation of culture and arts storytellers. This nine-month degree program will give you the multimedia and leadership skills to move your career forward. The program is deeply embedded in Los Angeles’ rich cultural life, working inside a diverse arts community with some of the world’s leading artists. You will have the freedom to pursue what you are passionate about and the ability to study with award-winning faculty from USC’s six arts schools and the USC Annenberg School.

program distinctions Our program is about storytelling. You learn about data, metrics, innovation and entrepreneurship in the service of good storytelling and the well-written word. We aim to point you toward a synthesis of old and new journalistic cultures. We provide substantial training in video, audio, digital and entrepreneurial journalism. These skills have been part of our DNA since 2008. We also are philosophically grounded in understanding the world in terms of personal forces and structures. We recognize and cultivate the full human being in front of us — one by one. We champion the centrality of humankind to the universe. Our program is small — only 10-12 students — so it is not cookiecutter. It strives not to be corporate. It aspires to add to the character of our society. This program prepares you to be a leader in the arts and culture ecosystem, wherever you might live and work. You will have the critical and practical journalism skills and multimedia expertise across platforms to be able to magnify the stories of artists and creative people whose works make for a significant life.


curriculum snapshot The program begins with an intensive summer boot camp. For the remainder of the program, you will split your coursework between the School of Journalism and other schools at USC. Within the School of Journalism, you will take 18 units of advanced coursework including: SUMMER JOUR 528–Summer Digital News Immersion FALL JOUR 591–Arts Writing Practicum JOUR 592–Specialized Journalism: Reporting the Arts JOUR 594a–Master’s Thesis Nine units of elective ourses SPRING JOUR 593–Arts Criticism and Commentary JOUR 594b–Master’s Thesis Nine units of approved elective courses You will take 18 units of elective coursework that you choose from USC’s highly regarded academic schools including: USC School of Architecture USC School of Cinematic Arts USC School of Dramatic Arts USC Roski School of Art and Design USC Thornton School of Music USC Kaufman School of Dance

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Master of Arts Strategic Public Relations program overview The M.A. in Strategic Public Relations degree program is ranked among the best in the world for preparing graduates for rewarding careers in a variety of industries. It is a 16-to-18-month program designed to educate the next generation of innovators and leaders in public relations and strategic communication. The program views the PR practitioners as advocates for brands or causes, and our coursework better prepares you to elevate the image of a client or organization ethically, strategically and with research-driven insights.

program distinctions The program takes a highly applied approach that emphasizes strategic thinking, problem solving and specific skills to qualify graduates for a successful career in the exciting, rewarding and fast-growing field of public relations and other communication professions. You will be equipped with the conceptual and practical tools needed to be a leader in the dynamic field of PR.

curriculum snapshot The M.A. in Strategic Public Relations degree requires the completion of 40 units. In addition, you must complete either a thesis or a comprehensive examination. First year courses are: FALL JOUR 508–Introduction to Strategic Public Relations JOUR 510–Legal, Ethical and Social Foundation of Public Relations JOUR 535–Writing for Strategic Public Relations SPRING JOUR 504–Public Relations Research, Evaluation and Insights JOUR 527–Multimedia Content Creation for Strategic Public Relations JOUR 520–Business Fundamentals for Non-Business Professionals SUMMER You select an optional summer internship in London, Shanghai, Hong Kong or Capetown or specialized courses focusing on specific areas of practice. FALL/SPRING You select from specialized courses focusing on specific areas of practice.

You will build a solid foundation in strategic thinking, writing, ethics, content development and highly applied research and analysis. On this foundation, you will customize the program by selecting specialized courses focusing on particular areas of practice such as entertainment, crisis management, politics, sports, content creation, social media, etc. In this way, the program helps you identify — and then pursue — the specific industry or specialization about which you are most passionate. Graduates are sought by Fortune 500 companies, fast moving start-ups, public relations and digital agencies, communication consultancies as well as government organizations and the non-profit sector.



By the Numbers enrollment

TOTAL GRADUATE ENROLLMENT (SPRING 2015): 892 PhD Communication: 109 Communication Management: 294 Communication Management (online program): 154 Global Communication: 47 Journalism: 82 Specialized Journalism: 15 Specialized Journalism (The Arts): 15 Strategic Public Relations: 105 Public Diplomacy: 51 Digital Social Media: 20

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FACULTY (AS OF FALL 2014): 105 ADJUNCT PROFESSORS: 118 USC Annenberg faculty have earned Emmy Awards, National Communication Association research awards, Pulitzer Prizes, Guggenheim Fellowships, Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University awards and PRSA Silver Anvils. Over the past four years, they have edited or authored dozens of books and hundreds of articles and have been awarded more than $35 million in research funding.


ANNENBERG IS TWO BUILDINGS STRONG The flagship building, the original Annenberg School, houses student services, several centers, classroom and event space and faculty and administrative offices. The Wallis Annenberg Hall, a state-of-the-art building features: Two-story professional converged media center with 360-degree assignment desk Broadcast-quality video and radio studios Four-story atrium with skylight and multi-floor media display tower Digital lab equipped with more than 50 nonlinear video editing systems Thirty classrooms featuring multimedia display capabilities Eleven drop-in student collaboration areas

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3502 Watt Way Los Angeles, California 90089

GRADUATE APPLICATION PROCESS Apply using the online USC Graduate Admission Application after reviewing the graduate application guidelines for the degree program(s) of your choice. Application deadlines vary by degree program. All complete applications are considered for admission and any available departmental scholarships, fellowships and assistantships opportunities.

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