Chocolate Mousse

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Use Locally - Issue 48 April 2017

Perfect fo Perfect forr a specia speciall Easter E Sunday Sunda ay mea meall this this iindulgent ndulgent dessert dessert hass a chocolate chocolate sponge sponge base, crea my white white chocolate chocollate mousse filling filling a nd a ri c ch creamy and rich a nd dark dark k chocolate chocolate glaze. gla e It g It can can be prepared prepared ed the e and da ay before before or or made made a couple couple of of weeks iin n ad vanc ce day advance a nd frozen. and


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Rea 1¼ h dy in our 3 - 4 s plus ho chill urs ing

Easter Chocolate Mousse Cake BASE • 3 eggs eggs • 70g 70g caster caster sugar s ug a r •5 0g plain plain flour flour • 2 ttbsp bsp c ocoa p ow d e r 50g cocoa powder

MOUSSE M OUSS SE • 2 x 150g 150g bars bars good good quality q u al it y w white h it e c chocolate, h o c o l at e , b roken iinto nt o p ie c e s broken pieces • 3 ttbsp bsp m ilk • 1 ttsp sp v a n il l a e xtract milk vanilla extract cream egg whites • 300ml 300ml double do ub le c ream • 3 llarge arge e gg w h it e s gelatine • 2 tsp tsp powdered p ow d e r e d g e l at i n e

GLAZE • 85g 85g plain plain chocolate chocolate • 20g 20g unsalted unsalted butter b ut t e r • 4 tbsp tbsp double do ub le c ream cream • Melted Melted w h it e c h o c o l at e a nd ssmall m a ll c a n dy c o at e d white chocolate and candy coated chocolate c hocolate eggs, eggs, to to decorate d e c o r at e

Preheat the oven Preheat oven to 180C/Gas 1 4. Grease and line the ba base ase of of a 20 cm rround ound spring-f spring-form orm tin. t To make the eggs and sugar bowl over T o mak e the base, whisk whisk h sugar together in n a large heatproof heatproof bo wl set o ver a pan off simmering wa water until very thick pale whisk should traill in the mixtu mixture o ter un u til v ery thi ck and pa le – the w hiisk shou ld lleave eave a trai ure when w hen lifted. Sift over flour gently. Pour into bake 12-15 S ift o ver the fl our and d cocoa and ffold old in gen tly. P our in nto the prepared tin and bak e ffor or 11215 minutes until springy Clean min utes un til just spr ringy to the touch. touch. Turn out out and lleave e ve to cool completely. ea completely. Cl ean the e tin and and lightly lightly grease an d re-line the base. Place the cold sponge s nge in the base of spo of the tin. To make T o mak e the mousse,, place the white white chocolate, chocolate, milk milk and and vanilla vanilla extract in a heatproof heatproof bowl b bowl of simmering until melted. Remove from heatt and stirr un until set over over a pan p of simm mering g water water and leave leave un til mel ted. R emove fr om the hea til smooth then stir in 4 tbsp of of the cream. Dissolve gelatine water. minutes into chocolate Dissol ve the gela tine in 2 tbsp hot wa ter. Cool ffor or a ffew ew w min utes then stir in to the chocol late whip off the cream and ffold into chocolate mixture. Softly Softly w hip the rest o old in to o the chocola te mixture. Whisk the e egg whites the sponge chill hours w hites until until stiff and fold fold in. Spoon Spoon the mousse over over th he spo nge base and chi ll ffor or 3-4 ho ours until un til set. For off F or the chocolate chocolate glaze, glaze, melt melt the chocolate chocolate and butter butter in i a heatproof heatproof bowl bowl set over over a pan o from heat, until smooth Leave until simmering water. water. Remove Remove fr om the hea t, stir un til smo ooth then stir in the cream. Lea ve u un til occasionally. cool and thick thick enough enough to spread, stirring occasi onally. Remove cake top. R emove the mousse cak c e from from the tin and gently gently spread sprea ad the chocolate chocolate glaze glaze over over the to p p. Drizzle with melted white chocolate decorate with chocolate Drizzl e wi th mel ted w hite chocola te and deco rate wi th h the chocola te eggs.


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