Chocolate and Orange Puddings

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Use Locally - Issue 54 October 2017

Cake and an nd Bake e Chocolate and Chocolate a Pudd dings Orange Puddings

Chocolate and Chocolate an nd orange orange are perfect perfect avour  vour a individual partners and d these lovely lovely indi vidua al warm puddings taste tasste delicious delicious served served wa rm with with cream. custard or or cr ream.

IIngredients: ngredientss: • 3 small clemen clementines ntines or thinly satsumas, thin nly sliced • 175g unsalted butter butter,, softened, plus extra for greasing g • 175g caster su sugar ugar • 3 large eggs, beaten b • J VHOI UDLVL J VHOI UDLVLQJ à RXU QJ à RXU • 50g cocoa pow powder, wder, sifted • 1 tbsp fresh or orange range juice • 2 tsp orange zest z • Custard or cre cream, eam, to serve

Makes 6 Makes R eady in 1 hou urs 30 mins Ready hours

TIP You Y ou can cook the o e puddings a few serving hours before ser rving then simply microwave. Turn urn re-heat in the mi crowave. T microwave out onto a microw wave plate and reheat three at a time on High for 30-45 seconds. 46

1. Preheat Pre eheat the oven to 180°C, fan 16 160°C, 60°C, gas mark ma rk 4. Butter and line the bases of o 6 x 175ml metal me tal pudding basins with circles of o baking parchment. clementine par rchment. Place a slice of clemen ntine or satsuma sats suma in the base of each basin n and press 2-3 3 slices around the sides. 2. Put the butter and sugar in a bowl and, using DQ HOHFWULF PL[HU EHDW XQWLO SDOH DQG Ă XII\ DQ HOHFWULF PL[HU EHDW XQWLO SDOH DQ QG Ă XII\ Gradually sift Gra adually beat in the eggs then sif ft over the Ă RXU DQG FRFRD SRZGHU DQG IROG LQWR WKH Ă RX XU DQG FRFRD SRZGHU DQG IROG LQ QWR WKH creamed uice and creamed mixture with the orange jjuice zest. zes st. 3. Divide Div vide the mixture between the pu pudding udding basins pleated, and d cover each with a square of p leated, buttered tered foil, scrunching it tightly around but a the sides Transfer side es of each basin. T ransfer to a roasting tin and d pour in enough boiling water from f a kettle the to reach r halfway up the sides of th he basins. basins 4. Bake Bak ke for 1 hour hour,, until the puddings s have ULVHQ DQG DUH Ă€UP WR WKH WRXFK DQG D VNHZHU ULVH HQ DQG DUH Ă€UP WR WKH WRXFK DQG G D VNHZHU inserted inse erted through the foil of one of the t puddings comes Turn serve com mes out clean. T urn out and ser rve with custard cus stard or cream.

Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC

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