Fruit Tiramisu

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Cake and a Bake e Fruit Fruit T iramis su Tiramisu This is a simpler simpl p er version version o off the classi classic c IItalian talia dessert with with layers layers of of ri ch mascarpo n crea ne rich mascarpone cream, co ffee soak ed d spo nge fingers, chocol late and coffee soaked sponge chocolate fresh fruit. fruit. For For individual individual puds, cu he cutt th the spo nge finge ers in ha lf and use 6 sma all sponge fingers half small hes or or glass glass tumblers. tumblers. ramekin dishes dish

IIngredients: ngredients s: • 120ml cold stro strong ong black cof fee coffee • 3tbsp cof coffee fee liq liqueur queur such as Tia Tia Ma aria Maria • VSRQJH ÀQJ VSRQJH ÀQJHUV VSRQJH ÀQJHUV • 500g mascarpo mascarpone one cheese ar • 75g caster sug sugar • 75ml Marsala • 300ml double cream c • 75g dark choco chocolate, olate, grated

1. Mix together the black cof coffee fee and cof coffee fee liqueur in n a shallow H VSRQJH ÀQJHUV LQ WKH FRIIHH PL[ [WXUH DQG GLVK 'LS KDOI WKH GLVK 'LS KDOI WKH VSRQJH ÀQJHUV LQ WKH FRIIHH PL[WXUH DQG ba ase of a glass serving bowl. arrange in the base arpone cheese and sugar in a larg ge bowl and, 2. Place the masca mascarpone large h and creamy using a wooden spoon, beat together until smooth creamy.. n the Marsala and the double crea am. Gradually beat in cream. S d about b on ne third hi d off the h mascarpone mixtur i e over the 3. Spread one mixture VSRQJH ÀQJHUV LQ Q WKH VHUYLQJ ERZO 6FDWWHU RYHU K KDOI WKH JUDWHG VSRQJH ÀQJHUV LQ WKH VHUYLQJ ERZO 6FDWWHU RYHU KDOI WKH JUDWHG most of the strawberries and raspb berries. chocolate and most raspberries. ration. Reserve the restt of the fruit in the fridge for decor decoration. 4. 'LS WKH UHPDLQLQJ VSRQJH ÀQJHUV LQ WKH UHVW RI WKH H FRIIHH 4. 'LS WKH UHPDLQLQJ VSRQJH ÀQJHUV LQ WKH UHVW RI WKH FRIIHH nge on top of the fruit, pressing down d gently mixture and arra arrange gently.. r cream mixture and use e a spatula Spoon over the remaining e surface. Top To op with the remaining g grated to gently level the chocolate.

• 175g fresh raspberries

5. &RYHU WKH GLVK Z ZLWK FOLQJ ÀOP DQG FKLOO IRU DW OHDVW KRXUV RU 5. &RYHU WKH GLVK ZLWK FOLQJ ÀOP DQG FKLOO IRU DW OHDVW KRXUV RU To serve, se erve, remove the tiramisu from the e fridge and overnight). To s. Uncover leave to stand att room temperature for 30 minutes minutes. witth the reserved fruit. and decorate with

Serves Serves 6


• 175g strawberr strawberries, ries, hulled and halv ved halved

Ready R eady in 30 mins, m plus chilling pl us chi lling The

You Y o ou can vary the fru fruit uit depending on what is available e at the time – try pitted fresh or canned cherries, orange segments or blueberries. THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY


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