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Cake and and Bake e Snickerdoodles S nickerdoodles These classic classic American American coo cookies kies are crisp criisp at at the edges, ed cinnamon chewy in the middle middle and have have a delicious delicious o cinnam sugar coating. the ting su gar coa g. Try Try them warm from from th e oven oven with milkshake orr hot chocola chocolate and wi th a mi lksh hake o te – an nd if you excuse, celebrating y ou need an ex e cuse, America America is cel ebra ating Thanksgiving Thanksgi ving g this month! month!

IIngredients: ngredientss:

1. Preheat the oven o to 180°C / 350°F / Gas Ma Mark ark 4. Line 2 large baking sheets with baking paper paper..

• 115g 115g unsalted butter,, softene softened butter ed

2. Place the but tter and muscovado sugar in a large bowl butter h a wooden spoon until creamed d. Beat in and beat with creamed. WKH PDSOH V\UXS 6LIW RYHU WKH ÁRXU DQG EHDWW LQ ZLWK WKH WKH PDSOH V\UXS 6LIW RYHU WKH ÁRXU DQG EHDW LQ ZLWK WKH spoo on to form a rough dough. dough wooden spoon

• 100g dark muscovado sugar d su ugar • 2 tbsp maple syrup s ng • 175g self-raisi self-raising ÁRXU • ô WEVS JUDQXODWHG ô WEVS JUDQX XODWHG sugar • 1 tsp ground cinnamon

Makes Mak es 16 R eady in 35 min m utes, Ready minutes, pl us cooling plus

3. Mix together the granulated sugar and cinna amon on cinnamon D ÁDW SODWH ' 'LYLGH DQG VKDSH WKH GRXJK LQWR R DERXW D ÁDW SODWH 'LYLGH DQG VKDSH WKH GRXJK LQWR DERXW ed – not walnut-sized balls (keep them roughly shape shaped s smooth) and roll each ball in the cinnamon sugar sugar.. Place, well spaced, on the prepared baking sheets sheets.. Flatten HDFK EDOO RI P PL[WXUH VOLJKWO\ ZLWK \RXU ÀQJHUWLSV HDFK EDOO RI PL[WXUH VOLJKWO\ ZLWK \RXU ÀQJHUWLSV p oven for 13-14 minute es, or until 4. Bake in the preheated minutes, eets from the deep golden brown. Remove the baking she sheets sprrinkle any remaining cinnamon sugar s over oven and sprinkle L on the baking sheets for 10 minutes the cookies. Leave th transfer t f to t a wire i rack k and d lleave tto coo ol. l then cool.

TIP Add some chopped ch hopped pecans or toasted chop chopped ped t cookie dough for a crunchy texture, or hazelnuts to the e or dark chocolate chips just be efore baking. top with white before

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Snickerdoodles by Karol Watson Todd - Issuu