Use Locally - Issue 45 January 2017
Cake and an nd e Bake Mulled M ulled P Pears e ears This is a lovely lovely win winter ter pudding tha thatt taste tastes es just as delicious served orr cold. Choose fi firm butt ri ripe deli cious serv e warm o ed rm bu pe sma ll pears, p an nd use a vegetable vegetabl g ep peel er to o scoo p ou small and peeler scoop outt the co re fr om the base o ne. core from off each o one.
1. Pour the wine into a large pan
IIngredients: ngredientss:
sugar,, lemon rind, and add the sugar cinnamon cloves. Heat cinnamo n stick and cloves gently sttirring occasionall gently,, stirring occasionally until sugar the suga ar has dissolved.
• 450ml red win wine e Tip) (see T ip) • 150g caster su sugar ugar
2. Meanwh Meanwhile, ile, peel the pears, leaving the stalks s on.
• 1 pared strip of o lemon rind
Gently lo ower the pears into the hot liquid d. Cover and lower liquid. simmer i f 35 for 35-40 40 minutes i untilil the h pears s are tender d . tender.
• 1 cinnamon st stick ick
3. Remove the pears with a slotted spoon and end the set aside e in a heatproof serving dish. Bl Blend arrowroo ot to a paste with 1tbsp cold wat ter and stir arrowroot water into the poaching p liquid. Simmer gently for a further 5 minute s, stirring, until syrupy e the lemon minutes, syrupy.. Remove rind and cloves from the syrup.
• 2 whole cloves s • 8 small Confer Conference rence pears • 2tsp arrowroott • Softly whipped d double crème cream or crèm me fraiche, to serve
4. Pour the hot syrup over the pears and le leave eave for 30 minutes. Serve the pears and syrup, wa arm or cold, warm with a do ollop p of whipped pp double cream or o crème dollop fraiche.
Serves Serv es 4
Ready R eady in 1 hour, ho our, plus plus cooling time
Choose a full-bodied red wine such as Merlot M or Burgundy y. If you prefer he red wine Burgundy. prefer,, replace half of tthe with clea ar apple juice or cranberry juice. clear
Use Locally – Partners with Newark & Sherwood District Council