Marinated Pepper Platter

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Use Locally - Issue 39 July 2016

Marinated M arinated P Pepper epper P Platter latter Serves 6 as starter or part of buffet

Ready R ead dy in 1 hour, pl plus us marinating marinating t

A really rea e lly summery platter platter of of grilled with gri lled l peppers wi th sun-dried sun-dried tomatoes mozzarella pearls. arls. to m toes and mozzar ma ella pe Make Mak ke a day day in advance advance and chill fridge until chi ll in the frid ge un til rrequired. equired. Serve bread Serv ve with with crusty br ead ffor or a simple sim mple starter star ter orr as o a partt of of a summer sum mmer buffet. buff ffet.

IIngredients: ngredien nts: • 6 mixed red, yellow and peppers orange peppe ers • 1 x 280g jar sun sun-dried s dried tomatoes in oil o • 2 x 125g tubs s pearls, earls, mozzarella p drained • 2 tbsp capers capers, s, drained and rinsed • Salt and fres freshly hly ground black pepperr • 3 tbsp balsam balsamic mic oil • Handful fresh h basil shredded leaves, shred dded

TIP Instead of moz mozzarella zarella try cheese, another cheese e, such as crumbled feta or o slices of Camembert. Brie or Camem mbert.

Halve a Halve allll tthe he p peppers, eppers, lleaving eaving tthe he sstalks talks o n. Remove Remove and and discard discard the the pith pith and and on. sseeds. eeds. Place Place all all the the p eppers, skinskinpeppers, sside ide u p, on on a grill grill pan pan a nd grill grill under under a up, and m oderate h eat ffor or 7 -8 m inutes, u ntil tthe he moderate heat 7-8 minutes, until sskins kins are are blistered blistered and and charred charred in in p laces. places. L eave u ntil ccool ool e nough tto oh andle, tthen hen Leave until enough handle, p eel o ff as as much much of of tthe he skin skin ffrom rom e ach peel off each p epper a ou ccan. an. pepper ass yyou P lace all all the the g rilled peppers, peppers, cut-side cut-side u p, Place grilled up, o n a llarge arge platter. platter. Drain Drain and and roughly roughly chop chop on tthe he sun-dried sun-dried tomatoes tomatoes (reserving (reserving the the o il). Fill Fill each each p epper h alf w ith some some of of oil). pepper half with tthe he tomatoes, tomatoes, along along with with the the mozzarella mozzarella p earls a nd capers. capers. S eason w ith ssalt alt and and pearls and Season with ffreshly reshly g round b lack p epper. ground black pepper. M ix tthe he rreserved eserved ssun un d ried ttomato omato o ith Mix dried oilil w with tthe he balsamic balsamic vinegar vinegar a nd pour pour over over a nd and and a round the the peppers. peppers. Cover Cover a nd leave leave around and tto om arinate iin n tthe he ffridge ridge ffor or a ffew ew h ours marinate hours o overnight. S erve garnished garnished with with tthe he orr overnight. Serve sshredded hredded basil basil leaves. leaves.

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