Lamb & Spinach Curry

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Lamb L amb & Spinach Spinach C Curry urry Serves 4

Ready minutes R eady in 55 min utes t This Th his mildly miildly spi spiced ced curry thi ickened wi th rred ed len tils an nd thickened with lentils and sp inach will will mak e a rrefreshing efreshiing spinach make change ch hange for for a family family meal meal aft after ter a ll the tradi tional ffood ood o ver all traditional over the e festive festive seaso n. Serv e wi t th season. Serve with a cooling c cucumber and mi nt cucumber mint y o urt and so ogh d yoghurt some warmed na aan br e for naan bread a really really fi filling mi id-wee mid-week su upper. supper.

IIngredients: ngredients: • 2 tbsp oil • 600g lean lamb st steaks, teaks, cut into chunks • 1 garlic clove, pee peeled eled and crushed

He Heat eat half the oil in a large heavy-based heavy-bassed pan pa n over a medium-high heat. Add half h the e lamb pieces and fry for 3-4 minutes, minuttes, turning tur rning occasionally until browned and an nd sealed sea aled all over. over. Remove the lamb with with spoon and set aside. Add the a slotted s th he rest res stt off the th oilil and d fry f the th restt off the th lamb lla amb b pieces pie eces in the same way. way.

• 1 large onion, pee peeled eled and chopped • 6 tbsp balti curry paste p • 75g red split lentil lentils s • 400g can chopped d tomatoes • 200g baby spinac spinach ch leaves • 2 tbsp chopped fre fresh esh coriander • Boiled basmati ric rice ce and lemon wedges g to serve

TIP )RU D VSLFLHU ÁDYRXU UHSODFH WKH EDOWL )RU D VSLFLHU ÁDYRXU UHSODFH WKH EDOWL curry paste with one e that has a little more heat such as Madras. M Adding VRPH ÀQHO\ FKRSSHG UHG FKLOOL ZKHQ VRPH ÀQHO\ FKRSSHG G UHG FKLOOL ZKHQ frying the onion will also boost the heat factor!

Add Ad dd the onion and garlic (and a splash splash more mo ore oil, if needed) and fry over a medium me edium heat, stirring occasionally for fo or 3-4 4 minutes, then stir in the curry paste passte and an d fry for a further minute until fragrant. fragrrant. Return Re eturn the meat to the pan and stir to to coat in the t curry paste. Stirr in the chopped tomatoes, 300ml Sti cold co ld water and the lentils. Reduce the th he heat he at then cover and simmer for about abou ut 30 minutes, mi nutes, or until the lentils are soft and and the e meat is tender. tender. Season to taste with w saltlt and freshly ground black pepper. pepperr. sa Stirr in the spinach and coriander. Cover Sti coriander. Co over and an d cook for a further 2-3 minutes until un ntil the e spinach has just wilted. Serve with wiith the boiled bo iled basmati rice and lemon wedges. wedge es.

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Lamb & Spinach Curry by Karol Watson Todd - Issuu