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Home Interiors - Quick + Inexpensive Improvements
Dazzle with great lighting Why not upgrade a lampshade RUWZRRUHYHQUHSODFHVRPH WDEOHRU¿RRUODPSV",WµV TXLFNDQGHDV\DQGDJUHDW opportunity to introduce some RQWUHQGVKDSHVWH[WXUHVDQG FRORXUV)LWWLQJDGLPPHUVZLWFK DQRWKHUVLPSOHXSJUDGHDGGV ¿H[LELOLW\WR\RXUOLJKWLQJVFKHPH :KLOH\RXµUHDWLWFKHFNWKDW\RXU light bulbs are the right wattage – there’s nothing worse than SRRUO\OLWURRPVRURQHVWKDW are so dazzling they look like a ODPSVKRS/('EXOEVDOWKRXJK H[SHQVLYHLQLWLDOO\XVHOHVV HQHUJ\VRDUHERWKNLQGWRWKH SODQHWDQGZLOOVDYH\RXPRQH\ LQWKHORQJUXQ<RXPLJKWHYHQ FRQVLGHUVPDUWOLJKWLQJZKLFK can be controlled with a remote FRQWURODQDSSRUDYRLFH command. Some can use a timer WRZDNH\RXXSQDWXUDOO\ZKLOH others will change colour in time to your music. Ring the changes with colour Nothing says new look like a FRORXUPDNHRYHUZKHWKHULWµV a lick of paint (and you simply can’t beat the spick and span look of a freshly painted room) or just a change of accessories °SHUKDSVDURZRIYDVHVRQ DVKHOIDSLOHRI¿XII\WRZHOV storage canisters in the kitchen RU¾OHVLQ\RXUKRPHRI¾FH :KHQPRYLQJIURPZLQWHU LQWRVSULQJDQGVXPPHULWµV QLFHWRJROLJKWHUDQGEULJKWHU FRQVLGHULQJ´IDVKLRQµFRORXUVLI \RXZLVKWRR3DQWRQHµVFRORXU RIWKH\HDUIRUH[DPSOHLV ´&ODVVLF%OXHµDYLEUDQWPLGEOXH that co-ordinates beautifully with VDIIURQ\HOORZVRIWSLQNRUULFK green. Add plenty of bright white IRUDFOHDQIUHVKXSGDWH Create great style with cushions and throws It’s ridiculously easy to disguise and uplift a tired sofa with a pretty throw and DVHOHFWLRQRIQHZFXVKLRQV choosing on-trend colours DQGSDWWHUQVFRPSOHPHQWHG E\DIHZLQH[SHQVLYHSODLQV 7U\YDU\LQJWKHWH[WXUHVDQG look for interesting trims and IDVWHQLQJVWRR,I\RXDUHDWDOO KDQG\PDNLQJVLPSOHVTXDUH RUUHFWDQJXODUFXVKLRQFRYHUV really is a piece of cake. A square metre of fabric should VWUHWFKWRIRXUFXVKLRQIURQWV so you could push the boat out with something quite eyeFDWFKLQJDQGH[WUDYDJDQW $IUHVKORRNIRU¿RRULQJ If you are feeling up to some IDLUO\VWUHQXRXV',<DJUHDW way to completely alter the look of a room in a weekend is to take up the carpet DQGSURYLGLQJ\RXKDYH GHFHQWWLPEHUXQGHUQHDWK of course) carefully sand EDFN\RXU¿RRUERDUGV)LQLVK with a couple of coats of YDUQLVKDQGWKHUHVXOWVZLOO EHWUDQVIRUPDWLYH$VDQ DOWHUQDWLYHDGGLQJRUUHSODFLQJ a rug is another instant way to FKDQJHWKHORRNRI\RXU¿RRU – and consequently the entire room – as well as bringing in WH[WXUHDQGFRVLQHVV&KRRVH colours and patterns that FRPSOHPHQWWKHRYHUDOOGHFRU and make sure the size and proportions of the rug suit the VL]HDQGVKDSHRIWKHURRP ZLWKWKHIXUQLWXUH¾WWLQJRQWR the rug comfortably. Wonderful window treatments A new look at the windows makes a wonderful change. Opt for ready-made curtains for an almost instantaneous VZDSDQGSUHWW\LQH[SHQVLYH Quick & Inexpensive Improvements Breathe new life into your home with a few quick and inexpensive changes. Use Locally - Issue 83 March 2020 14 Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC
Use Locally - Issue 83 March 2020 too). Floor lengthis usually the ZD\WRJRWKRXJKVRPHWLPHV furniture in the way makes sill length the better option. $OWHUQDWLYHO\VZDSFXUWDLQVIRU clean-cut blinds: they are much OHVVH[SHQVLYHDVWKH\XVH EDUHO\DQ\IDEULFDQGSURYLGH DQDWWUDFWLYHO\PRGHUQDQG minimal look. Simple slatted or roller blinds can be ordered to \RXUH[DFWPHDVXUHPHQWVDQG LQDKXJHYDULHW\RIFRORXUVDQG SDWWHUQVIURPEDUHO\WKHUHWR bright and eye-catching. And ¾QDOO\XQOHVV\RXUQHWVDUH made from beautiful antique ODFHWDNHWKHPGRZQDQG LQVWHDGSUHVHUYH\RXUSULYDF\
ZLWKVWLFNRQSODVWLF¾OP,WµV HDV\WRDSSO\ORRNVYHU\FODVV\ DQGLVPXFKOHVVH[SHQVLYH WKDQKDYLQJ\RXUZLQGRZV sandblasted. Give your pictures the professional touch It’s all too easy to put up your SLFWXUHVKHUHDQGWKHUHDVDQG ZKHQ\RXJHWWKHPIUDPHG and end up with a mismatched ORWWKDWGRQµWTXLWHJHO,QVWHDG create a fabulous display by putting them in identical or coordinating frames and hanging them in orderly rows or well-planned groups for optimal impact. By Katherine Sorrel
Image left:Go natural with a grass-green floor combined with blossom-like pinks and lilacs. True Colours UNI 528 vinyl, £22.99 per square metre: Carpetright, 0330 333 3444; carpetright.co.uk. Image above: Get organised while adding beautiful textures and a touch of fashionable style. Rush natural storage basket, £18; wooden storage basket, £22; cream macramé basket, £12; belly basket natural, £10; all Dunelm: 0845 165 6565; dunelm.com.
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