Newark, Nottinghamshire finest and favourite monthly magazine, our March issue is out now!

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Use Locally - Issue 83 March 2020 Create great style with cushions and throws It’s ridiculously easy to disguise and uplift a tired sofa with a pretty throw and D VHOHFWLRQ RI QHZ FXVKLRQV choosing on-trend colours DQG SDWWHUQV FRPSOHPHQWHG E\ D IHZ LQH[SHQVLYH SODLQV 7U\ YDU\LQJ WKH WH[WXUHV DQG look for interesting trims and IDVWHQLQJV WRR ,I \RX DUH DW DOO KDQG\ PDNLQJ VLPSOH VTXDUH RU UHFWDQJXODU FXVKLRQ FRYHUV really is a piece of cake. A square metre of fabric should VWUHWFK WR IRXU FXVKLRQ IURQWV so you could push the boat out with something quite eyeFDWFKLQJ DQG H[WUDYDJDQW

Quick & Inexpensive Improvements Breathe new life into your home with a few quick and inexpensive changes. Dazzle with great lighting Why not upgrade a lampshade RU WZR RU HYHQ UHSODFH VRPH WDEOH RU ¿RRU ODPSV" ,WµV TXLFN DQG HDV\ DQG D JUHDW opportunity to introduce some RQ WUHQG VKDSHV WH[WXUHV DQG FRORXUV )LWWLQJ D GLPPHU VZLWFK DQRWKHU VLPSOH XSJUDGH DGGV ¿H[LELOLW\ WR \RXU OLJKWLQJ VFKHPH :KLOH \RXµUH DW LW FKHFN WKDW \RXU light bulbs are the right wattage – there’s nothing worse than SRRUO\ OLW URRPV RU RQHV WKDW are so dazzling they look like a ODPS VKRS /(' EXOEV DOWKRXJK H[SHQVLYH LQLWLDOO\ XVH OHVV HQHUJ\ VR DUH ERWK NLQG WR WKH SODQHW DQG ZLOO VDYH \RX PRQH\ LQ WKH ORQJ UXQ <RX PLJKW HYHQ FRQVLGHU VPDUW OLJKWLQJ ZKLFK can be controlled with a remote FRQWURO DQ DSS RU D YRLFH command. Some can use a timer WR ZDNH \RX XS QDWXUDOO\ ZKLOH 14

others will change colour in time to your music. Ring the changes with colour Nothing says new look like a FRORXU PDNHRYHU ZKHWKHU LWµV a lick of paint (and you simply can’t beat the spick and span look of a freshly painted room) or just a change of accessories ° SHUKDSV D URZ RI YDVHV RQ D VKHOI D SLOH RI ¿XII\ WRZHOV storage canisters in the kitchen RU ¾OHV LQ \RXU KRPH RI¾FH :KHQ PRYLQJ IURP ZLQWHU LQWR VSULQJ DQG VXPPHU LWµV QLFH WR JR OLJKWHU DQG EULJKWHU FRQVLGHULQJ ´IDVKLRQµ FRORXUV LI \RX ZLVK WRR 3DQWRQHµV FRORXU RI WKH \HDU IRU H[DPSOH LV ´&ODVVLF %OXHµ D YLEUDQW PLG EOXH that co-ordinates beautifully with VDIIURQ \HOORZ VRIW SLQN RU ULFK green. Add plenty of bright white IRU D FOHDQ IUHVK XSGDWH

$ IUHVK ORRN IRU ¿RRULQJ If you are feeling up to some IDLUO\ VWUHQXRXV ',< D JUHDW way to completely alter the look of a room in a weekend is to take up the carpet DQG SURYLGLQJ \RX KDYH GHFHQW WLPEHU XQGHUQHDWK of course) carefully sand EDFN \RXU ¿RRUERDUGV )LQLVK with a couple of coats of YDUQLVK DQG WKH UHVXOWV ZLOO EH WUDQVIRUPDWLYH $V DQ DOWHUQDWLYH DGGLQJ RU UHSODFLQJ a rug is another instant way to FKDQJH WKH ORRN RI \RXU ¿RRU – and consequently the entire room – as well as bringing in WH[WXUH DQG FRVLQHVV &KRRVH colours and patterns that FRPSOHPHQW WKH RYHUDOO GHFRU and make sure the size and proportions of the rug suit the VL]H DQG VKDSH RI WKH URRP ZLWK WKH IXUQLWXUH ¾WWLQJ RQWR the rug comfortably. Wonderful window treatments A new look at the windows makes a wonderful change. Opt for ready-made curtains for an almost instantaneous VZDS DQG SUHWW\ LQH[SHQVLYH

Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC

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