Use Locally - Issue 64 August 2018
Swee Sweet et Recipe R ecipe p Berry B erry & Chocolate Chocolate P Pavlovas avlovas These divine divine individual individual pavlovas pavlovas are id ideal dea al ffor or a summer dessert dessert.. Y You o ou can make mak e the meringues merringues in ad advance vance then layer layer with with frui fruitt and cream m a couple couple off hours bef o before ore serving. serving
IIngredients: ngredientss: • 4 large egg wh whites hites • 225g caster su sugar ugar • WVS FRUQà RXUU • 1tsp white win wine e vinegar • 1 tsp vanilla ex extract xtract • 500g fresh stra strawberries awberries • 200g fresh ras raspberries spberries • 25g icing suga sugar, ar, sifted, plus extra to sserve erve • 2 tsp lemon ju juice ice • 300ml double cream, softly whipped d • 200g Greek yo yoghurt oghurt ls, to • Chocolate cur curls, decorate
Makes Mak es 4 Ready hours R eady in 2 hou urs
TIP 7KH XQĂ€OOHG PHULQJXHV 7KH XQĂ€OOHG PHU LQJXHV will keep in a an airtight container for 3-4 4 days. 14
1. Preheat th the he oven to 150°C, fan 130C, Ga Gas as Mark 1. large paper. Line 2 larg ge baking sheets with baking pa aper. Draw paper.. T Turn urn six 9 cm ccircles ircles on each sheet of baking paper p over.. the paper over
2. Using an electric e food mixer whisk the eg egg g whites in grease-free stiff. Gradually a clean gre ease-free bowl until stif f. Gradu ually whisk sugar, whisking in the suga ar, one tablespoon at a time, wh hisking ZHOO DIWHU HDFK DGGLWLRQ WR PDNH D ÀUP DQG JORVV\ ZHOO DIWHU H HDFK DGGLWLRQ WR PDNH D ÀUP DQ QG JORVV\ meringue.
3 %OHQG WKH 3. %OHQG WKH FRUQĂ RXU YLQHJDU DQG YDQLOOD H[WUDFW %OHQG WKH FRUQĂ RXU YLQHJDU DQG YDQLOOD H[ YLQHJDU DQG YDQLOOD H[ [WUDFW together in n a small bowl and fold into the meringue. Divide the meringue between the marked d circles.
4. Bake for 45 4 minutes - 1 hour until the me meringues ringues are Turn urn the ove oven offf and crisp and dry d on the outside. T en of leave them m to cool completely in the oven n with the slightly door slight tly open.
5. Hull and cchop (reserving eserving hop most of the strawberries (re forr decoration). Place in a food p processor about 8 fo rocessor or with pulse blender wi ith half the raspberries and puls se to make puree. Transfer a thick pur ree. T ransfer to a bowl and stir in the icing into sugar g and lemon jjuice. Fold the yyogurt g int to the cream.
6. Carefully remove r the meringues from the baking paper.. Sandwich paper San ndwich the meringues together in stacks with Top of three wi ith cream and the fruit puree. T o with the op raspberries reserved strawberries s and remaining rasp pberries and icing decorate with w chocolate curls. Dust with ic cing sugar just before e serving.
Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC