Use Locally - Issue 66 October 2018
Swee Sweet et Recipe R ecipe p Makes 6 Ready in 1 hour, plus cooling and chilling time
Salted Cara Salted Caramel, mel, Chocolate Chocolate and Chilli Chi lli Tartlets Tartllets
It ma It may y sound like like an unusual unusual combination combination bu butt a hin hintt o off fi fiery ery chi chilli illi complements rich chocolate perfectly. co mplementss a ri ch chocola te dessert perf ectly. Serve Serve with with a spoonful spo oonful of of thick orr Greek yogurt really thi ck k cream o G ky ogurtt ffor or a rea ally ind iindulgent dulgent dessert. d t
IIngredients: ngredientss: • Flour, Flour, for dusti dusting ing • 250g ready-ma ready-made ade sweet shortcrust pas stry pastry • 260g jar salted d caramel sauce • 25g unsalted butter b • 100g dark cho chocolate, ocolate, broken into pieces • 1 small red ch chilli, illi, deseeded and chopped (see ( T Tip) ip) • Shredded fres fresh sh basil leaves, to decorate (o ptional) (optional) • Icing sugar sugar,, fo forr dusting
TIP Blanch the chop chopped ped chilli pepper in boiling g water for 1 minute, then refr refresh resh under cold ld water and d pat p dry d with ih kitchen paper paper.. This Th his will remove D OLWWOH RI WKH ÀHU\ KHDW IURP D OLWWOH RI WKH ÀHU\ \ KHDW IURP the chilli. If you prefer p prefer,, replace the fresh choppe chopped ed chilli with a VSULQNOH RI GULHG FKLOOL ÁDNHV VSULQNOH RI GULHG FKLOOL ÁDNHV 36
1. /LJKWO\ GXVW D ZRUN VXUIDFH ZLWK ÁRXU DQG UROO RXW /LJKWO\ \ GXVW D ZRUN VXUIDFH ZLWK ÁRXU DQG UROO RXW the pa astry to about 3mm thickness. Use U to line six pastry 10cm tartlet t tins. Prick the bases with h a fork and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Preh heat the oven Preheat 200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6. to 200°C/fan
2. Line e each ach tartlet tin with a circle of ba baking aking paper DQG ÀOO O ZLWK EDNLQJ EHDQV %DNH EOLQG LQ WKH DQG ÀOO ZLWK EDNLQJ EHDQV %DNH EOLQG LQ WKH prehea ated oven for 7-8 minutes. Rem move the preheated Remove beans and paper and bake the tarts fo or a further for 4 5 mi 4-5 nutes until the pastry is crisp an nd pale minutes and golden n. Leave to cool completely en remove golden. completely,, the then the pa astry cases from the tins and pla ace on a pastry place board.
3. Divide the salted caramel sauce betw between ween the cold tartlet pastry cases, smoothing the su urfaces level surfaces he back of a teaspoon. Chill in th he fridge for th with the the 30 min nutes. minutes.
4. Place the t butter and chocolate in a he heatproof eatproof bowl ove er a pan of simmering water an d leave until set over and melted d. Remove the bowl from the he eat and stir melted. heat xture until smooth. smooth Cool for 20 minutes then the mix mixture VSUHDG G RYHU WKH VDOWHG FDUDPHO ÀOOLQJ &KLOO IRU VSUHDG RYHU WKH VDOWHG FDUDPHO ÀOOLQJ &KLOO IRU o until set. hour or
5. T To o serv serve, ve, sprinkle the chopped chilli pepper p over the sett chocolate topping and scatter over the shredd ded basil (if using). Dust with ici ing sugar shredded icing sugar..
Use Locally - Partners with Invest Newark & Sherwood, the business arm of NSDC