Use Locally - Issue 36 April 2016
Pork P o rk J Jambalaya ambalaya Ready minutes R eady in 55 min utes t
Serves 4
Coo Cooked oked in just one one pan and o on n the table t in less than an hour this is a gr eat midweek midweek great family fam mily su supper. Serv ve wi t Serve with garlic garl ic bread br ea ad or or am ixed mixed gr g ee en green sa lad, if salad, lik ed d. liked.
IIngredients: ngredients:: • 1 tbsp groundnut oil • 100g chorizo sau sausage, sage, sliced • 350g pork loin ste steaks, eaks, cut into chunks • 1 onion, peeled and a chopped • 3 celery stalks, tr trimmed immed and chopped • 1 garlic clove, pee peeled eled and crushed • 2 tsp smoked pap paprika, prika, plus extra for sprinkling • 2 tsp Cajun seaso seasoning oning • 225g easy-cook llong ong grain rice • 700ml vegetable stock • J ÀQH JUHHQ E J ÀQH JUHHQ EHDQV FKRSSHG EHDQV FKRSSHG • 1 large yellow pe pepper, pper, deseeded and diced
TIP You Y ou o can replace the e pork in this UHFLSH ZLWK GLFHG FK KLFNHQ EUHDVW ÀOOHW UHFLSH ZLWK GLFHG FKLFNHQ EUHDVW ÀOOHW RU ERQHOHVV WKLJK ÀO OOHWV $OWHUQDWLYHO\ RU ERQHOHVV WKLJK ÀOOHWV $OWHUQDWLYHO\ use large raw king prawns p and add them to the pan in step s 4 and cook XQWLO SLQN 10
Heat eat 1 tsp of the oil in a large deep frying He pan n and fry the chorizo over a high heat XQW WLO JROGHQ DQG WKH IDW VWDUWV WR UXQ XQWLO JROGHQ DQG WKH IDW VWDUWV WR UXQ Re emove from the pan with a slotted Remove VSR RRQ DQG GUDLQ RQ NLWFKHQ SDSHU VSRRQ DQG GUDLQ RQ NLWFKHQ SDSHU $G G WKH GLFHG SRUN WR WKH SDQ DQG IUU\ G WKH GLFHG SRUN WR WKH SDQ DQG IU $GG WKH GLFHG SRUN WR WKH SDQ DQG IU\ for 2-3 minutes, stirring all the time until u EUR RZQHG 5HPRYH DQG VHW DVLGH ZLWWK WKH EURZQHG 5HPRYH DQG VHW DVLGH ZLWK WKH FKR RUL]R $GG WKH UHVW RI WKH RLO WR WKH H SDQ FKRUL]R $GG WKH UHVW RI WKH RLO WR WKH SDQ and d fry the onion, celery and garlic for f 5 PLQ QXWHV XQWLO EHJLQQLQJ WR VRIWHQ PLQXWHV XQWLO EHJLQQLQJ WR VRIWHQ Sti Stirr in the spices and rice and cook,, rring, over a medium heat for 2 stir stirring, min nutes then pour in the stock and bring b minutes WR W WKH ERLO 6HDVRQ ZLWK VDOW DQG IUHV VKO\ WR WKH ERLO 6HDVRQ ZLWK VDOW DQG IUHVKO\ JUR RXQG EODFN SHSSHU 5HWXUQ WKH SRUN WR JURXQG EODFN SHSSHU 5HWXUQ WKH SRUN WR the e pan and cover and simmer gent tly for gently PLQXWHV VWLUULQJ RFFDVLRQDOO\ PLQXWHV VWLUULQJ RFFDVLRQDOO\ Sti d Stirr in the chorizo, green beans and low pepper into the pan and cook k, yel yellow cook, unc covered, for a further 6-7 minutes s uncovered, unt til the rice and vegetables are ten nder, until tender, DGG GLQJ D OLWWOH PRUH VWRFN LI QHFHVVD DU\ DGGLQJ D OLWWOH PRUH VWRFN LI QHFHVVDU\ Se rve sprinkled with a little more sm moked Serve smoked SULND DQG IUHVKO\ JURXQG EODFN SH HSSHU SDS SDSULND DQG IUHVKO\ JURXQG EODFN SHSSHU
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