Use Locally - Issue 37 May 2016
Thai T hai Beef Beef Salad S al a d Ready minutes, plus time R eady in 50 min nutes, pl us marinating marinating tim me
Serves 4
Th This his colourful colourful and fragran fragrantt main-meal salad great ma ain-meal sa lad is gr eat ffor or easy entertaining. eas sy en tertaining. Choose thick pieces off steak and tak take thi ick pi eces o e care car re not to overcook overcook them or or they the e will become tough and tou u chewy. che e
IIngredients: ngredients: • • • • • • • • • • •
2 x 175g sirloin n steaks 1 tbsp lime juice e 2 tbsp light soy sauce 1 garlic clove, peeled p and crushed WVS GULHG FKLOOL à DNHV WVS GULHG FKLOOL à DNHV 6 spring onions, onions, trimmed and thinly sliced 8 radishes, trim trimmed med and thinly sliced 100g fresh bean n sprouts 1/4 cucumber, cucumber, thinly thinly sliced ÀUP SOXP WRPDWRHV ÀUP SOXP WRP DWRHV quartered 200g mixed salad sala ad leaves
juice of 2 limes WEVS WEVS 7KDL ÀVK VDXFH 7KDL ÀVK VDXFH 2 tsp brown sug sugar gar 1 tbsp fresh chopped cho opped coriander WVS ÀQHO\ FKRSSHG OHPRQ WVS ÀQHO\ FKRS SSHG OHPRQ grass
Place Plac e the steak in a shallow dish. Mix toget together ther the lime juice, soy sauce, garlic garlic DQG FKLOOL Ă DNHV 6HDVRQ ZLWK IUHVKO\ JURXQG FKLOOL Ă DNHV 6HDVRQ ZLWK IUHVKO\ JURXQG DQG black k pepper and cover and leave to marinate mari nate for 1 hour. hour. Heatt a cast iron skillet or griddle until very v hot Add hot. A the steak and cook for 4-6 4 6 minutes minutes on each each side. Remove from the pan, cover c with foil and leave to rest for 15 minutes. minute es. Toss T oss o s together the spring onions, radishes, radish hes, bean n sprouts, cucumber, cucumber, tomatoes and d salad d leaves. Mix together all the dressing dress sing ingredients, ingre edients, stirring until the sugar has s GLVVROYHG 6HDVRQ ZLWK VDOW DQG IUHVKO\ GLVVR ROYHG 6HDVRQ ZLWK VDOW DQG IUHVKO\ \ ground grou nd black pepper. pepper. 6OLFH WKH ZDUP VWHDN WKLQO\ DFURVV WKH JUDLQ 6OLFH H WKH ZDUP VWHDN WKLQO\ DFURVV WKH JUDLQ Toss T oss o s gently into the salad with the dressing. dres ssing. Pile into a large shallow serving dish and a serve e immediately, immediately, or leave to cool and d serve e chilled. Lemon on grass stalks are sold in small packs p TIP Lem
by the th he fresh herbs in the supermarket. You Y o ou only need a small amount to give an extra a zesty fragrance to the dressing but b will keep for 1-2 weeks in the the stalks s e fridge. Try fridg e. T ry adding chopped to curries, fruit f salads salad ds or infuse in hot water for a refreshing refre eshing alternative alter native to tea.
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