in this issue 02 USM Announces 2015–2016 Scholarship Recipients
01 Head of School Message 04 Academic Achievement
06 Faculty/Staff Retirements
Introducing USM’s New Chief Advancement Officer
09 USM Welcomes New Athletic Director 12 Alumni Events 14 In Memoriam
16 Class Notes
State Titles for Girls Hockey and Boys Tennis
In the Winter 2015 issue of USM Today, the back cover was inaccurately captioned. The photograph was taken on opening day of the new Milwaukee Downer Seminary in September, 1961. The USM Today editorial staff apologizes for this error.
USM TODAY USM Today is published by University School of Milwaukee three times per year. USM is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory day school for students from prekindergarten through grade 12. Our editorial staff has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of information reported, and we apologize for any inadvertent errors that may have occurred.
2014–2015 LEADERSHIP
Tim Eilbes Director of Marketing and Communications
Ryan Cardarella Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
Gregg Bach
Stuart Cushman
Julie Piwowarczyk Associate Director of Marketing and Communications
James Schnepf Visual Image Photography McDill Design
Laura Fuller
Niven Kingwill
To change your address or unsubscribe from the USM Today mailing list, please contact the USM Advancement Department at 414.540.3339 or usmadvancement@usmk12.org.
HEAD OF SCHOOL LAURA FULLER This time of year always makes me sentimental, as
continuing through to the end of this school year, I have
another class of graduates moves on from University
heard from many alumni who may not have been to USM
School of Milwaukee to the challenges and opportunities
in years or even decades. In talking with them—some of
that await them at their colleges across the country and
whom had never even set foot on our current campus, as
even the world. This year was especially memorable for
they had only attended USM at its South Campus prior to
me, as my son Zach was part of the 50th graduating
the consolidation in 1985, or had attended a predecessor
class of USM. Our celebration of “50 Years of USM” this
school—I was able to learn about their experiences as
school year has been wonderful, and has allowed all of
students, and share with them the vision of USM for the
us an opportunity to reflect on the past while we continue
years ahead that we have all created.
to focus on our School’s future.
My interactions with these and other individuals have
While it was somewhat disappointing that this year’s
continued to affirm for me that USM is an amazing and
weather forecast forced us to move one of our newest
special place. I see our mission fulfilled each spring
traditions—outdoor graduation—inside, I know from
through graduation, with the area’s brightest and
talking with the graduates and their families, and the
best-prepared students moving on to their top-choice
many alumni from USM’s first graduating class from 1965
colleges—which just happen to be some of the best
who were in attendance, that this was indeed a special
institutions of higher education around. But I also look
celebration. I hope that you will enjoy reflecting on it in
at what we are accomplishing as we continue to evolve
the enclosed Commencement 2015 insert. The smiles
as a school—the hiring, retention, and development of
on the faces of our graduates in these photos say more
the best faculty and administrators, and the evolution
than any words could!
of the global and experiential learning opportunities
The celebration of our 50th anniversary has also
for our students in all grades—and I remind myself just
allowed us the opportunity to welcome more of
how proud I am to represent USM to my peers, and
our alumni back to USM. Going back to last fall’s
how grateful I am to be able to lead such an incredible
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend celebrations and
USM Announces 2015–2016 Scholarship Recipients University School of Milwaukee is dedicated to providing an exemplary
educational experience for students of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
In accordance with our School mission and guiding principles, USM is pleased to maintain a significant scholarship program, providing various levels of financial assistance to qualifying students, and thus enhancing the student community. The School’s enrollment and financial aid staff is pleased to work in partnership with prospective families to help ensure that a USM education remains affordable. Many of the School’s scholarship opportunities originated from the generosity of donors who contributed to the establishment of named, endowed funds that will continue in perpetuity within the School’s Endowment. These 49 named, endowed scholarship funds totaled nearly $24 million as of March 31, 2015. Donors of these funds consist of individuals, families, and entire classes of alumni. The annual income from these funds provides scholarships to qualifying students. Although the scholarship opportunities provide financial assistance at various levels, in recent years, a number of generous members of the USM community have displayed their commitment to the importance of the accessibility of a USM education through the establishment of several four-year, full-tuition, named scholarships. While some of these newly designated scholarships exist within the Endowment, others are funded through the Annual Giving Program, providing current-use opportunities for the School and the student recipients. USM is exceedingly grateful for the thoughtful generosity of all of these donors and the impact these scholarships have on the recipients, their families, and the entire USM community. The following scholarships are awarded based on outstanding academic merit, character, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, and community service, and exemplify USM’s commitment to providing an excellent education for all qualified students. Additionally, there are particular requirements associated with some of these opportunities. We look forward to welcoming the following students to University School of Milwaukee’s Upper School in 2015-2016.
Maia Thompson ’19 is a current University School of Milwaukee 8th-grade student who has excelled both in and out of the classroom since her arrival in 2012. She describes herself as a very handson learner who has enjoyed the Maia Thompson ’19 labs, experiments, and projects that she has worked on at USM. Thompson identifies acting as her greatest passion, and has participated in every Middle School production since enrolling at USM. She plans to continue her acting pursuits in Upper School plays and musicals in the coming years. Thompson also plays basketball and field hockey, and hopes to become a member of the USM Co-op swim team as a freshman. Ultimately, she plans to develop her leadership skills, continue with her athletic and artistic pursuits, and prepare herself for college. The donor of the John “J.S.” Stephens Scholarship came to University School of Milwaukee for his senior year of high school, and had a wonderful experience with Stephens as his informal mentor. The donor is now one of the top trial lawyers in the country, and he attributes his success to his USM experience, and specifically to Stephens, “an extraordinary man who made a difference in my life and the lives of so many others.” The scholarship annually supports four students at USM and has been awarded since 2007.
University School of Milwaukee is pleased to announce Erica Lofton and Joshua Wilborn as the 2015 recipients of the two Milwaukee College Prep Scholarships.
University School of Milwaukee is pleased to announce the selection of Chyna Bacchus as the 2015 recipient of the Joe Lubar Scholarship. Bacchus comes to USM from the Milwaukee Montessori School, where she has excelled as a student-athlete. Bacchus is a self-described girl who “has dreams out of this universe,” and is excited to join USM’s Chyna Bacchus ’19 diverse and welcoming community. She is a standout volleyball player and team captain for the Milwaukee Sting, one of the best club volleyball teams in Wisconsin, and has excelled as a piano player since she was a toddler. Academically, Bacchus hopes to one day become a pediatrician, and has designs to attend medical school at either Harvard University or Stanford University. She is excited to attend USM, and looks forward to “creating memories and striving for perfection” beginning this fall.
Erica Lofton will come to USM after graduating from the 36th St. campus in June. She is described as a “focused learner, a loyal friend, and a great kid with a wonderful sense of humor.” She attributes her commitment to community to Erica Lofton ’19 her parents, and is responsible for starting Girls in Action, Inc., a small nonprofit organization dedicated to helping young girls develop into leaders. Lofton lives by the motto “Why strive to fit in when you were born to stand out,” and looks forward to continuing her pursuit of excellence at USM this fall. Joshua Wilborn graduated from the North Avenue (formerly the Young Leaders Academy) campus in June, and is described as a “selfless young man that loves helping others, and is a joy to be around.” He has pursued a variety of interests that Joshua Wilborn ’19 include golf, martial arts, swimming, chess, and art, and has attended the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, where he studied piano. He is also a participant in the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) STEM program, and has taken several courses through the Marquette University College of Engineering Outreach Program, which includes a certified robotics course. Wilborn has interest in becoming an architectural engineer, and looks forward to pursuing his passions as a USM student.
The Joe Lubar Scholarship honors the memory of Joe Lubar ’08, whose contributions to the School as a student, citizen, and athlete exemplified the character and traditions of USM.
Dalan Henderson is an honor roll student who will join the USM community from Milwaukee College Prep in the fall. He is excited to attend a school that he knows will challenge him, and looks forward to making new friends at USM as he pursues his dream of becoming a doctor. Henderson also enjoys playing Dalan Henderson ’19 basketball and participates in track and field, and will bring “excellent sportsmanship that will lift up his teammates, win or lose.” He is eager to get started this fall in an academic environment that will help him “become the best person he can be.” The STAR Scholarship is offered to a new, incoming 9th-grade student of color who lives in the city of Milwaukee. The donors established the STAR Scholarship to honor two specific members of the USM faculty.
Based on their interest in providing meaningful educational experiences for students throughout the greater Milwaukee community while generously supporting USM’s scholarship program, several School families provide annual funding for two separate Milwaukee College Prep (MCP) Scholarships. These two scholarships celebrate the achievements of these talented MCP alumni and recognize the relationship between our two schools.
After progressing through the Upper School Science Fair, 11 USM students advanced to compete in the Badger State Science and Engineering Fair (BSSEF) at the Milwaukee School of Engineering on March 21. Congratulations to the following students who qualified for the BSSEF: Anshul Bhatnagar ’17, Saurav Desai ’17, Megan Dogra ’17, Anne Havlik ’17, Robbie Hermanoff ’16, Mary Holmes ’18, Olivia Jonas ’17, Nikita Mullick ’17, Arundthati Pillai ’17, Emma Van Why ’17, and Daniel Zaydman ’18. Hermanoff also won 2015 Best of Fair.
The USM K-12 chess team captured an impressive array of team and individual trophies and medals at the Wisconsin State Scholastic Chess Tournament, held March 21-22 at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
As a result of their exemplary performances at BSSEF, the following five USM students earned the privilege of representing the School at Intel ISEF in Pittsburgh at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
In Division 1, the team of Ritika Pandey ’20, Divya Pandey ’22, Hadi Najeeb ’20, Natey Ruzell ’22, and Hersh Singh ‘24 took home the seventh-place team trophy out of 14 teams in a strong section. For their performances, Ruzell and Singh earned board trophies, and Najeeb earned a medal.
More than 450 players from around the state attended the two-day tournament, including 20 USM students who competed on four five-person teams.
In Division 2, the team of Aditya Pillai ’23, Aradh Kaur ’26, Keise Prewitt ’20, Rahul Mullick ’20, Thomas Kaltenbach ’26 (competed on Saturday), and Jind Kaur ’28 (competed on Sunday), took home the sixth-place trophy out of 14 teams. Aradh Kaur and Prewitt earned medals for winning three matches.
From left Davis Collison ’17, Arundhati Pillai ’17, Anshul Bhatnagar ’17, Robbie Hermanoff ’16, and Jack Collison ’16.
Anshul Bhatnagar ’17 – “Using Self-Cleaning Materials to Extend the Life of Stents and Catheters” Davis Collison ’17 and Jack Collison ’16 – “Mammographic Breast Density: Association with Gail Risk Model and Genetics Referral in a Recently Screened Clinical Sample; and Association with Sonographic Lymph Node Status at Breast Ultrasound” Robbie Hermanoff ’16 – “A Novel Study of Spanwise Modifying Incomplete Spiroid Winglets”
Additionally the team of Andrew Buchanan ’15, Yaseen Najeeb ’16, Noah Schatz ’16, and Vinay Jain ’16, finished in eighth-place, falling just a half-point shy of earning a trophy despite being short a player, which forced the team to forfeit six of a possible 40 points. Najeeb, Schatz, and Jain each earned medals for their performances. In Division 3, the team of Jordan Benard ’16, Jake Kandel ’16, Daniel Glazer ’17, Leo Simanonok ’17, and Nikita Mullick ’17 took the ninth-place team trophy out of 13 teams. It was the first time that USM fielded a team in Division 3, and the first time USM brought more than two varsity teams. Glazer and Simanonok each earned medals for their tournament performances.
Arundhati Pillai ’17 – “The Reduction Oxidation Effect on the Binding of Osteonectin (SPARC) and Platelet Derived Growth Factors (PDGF) in Atherosclerosis” As a result of their efforts, Bhatnagar earned the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Third Award, and Hermanoff earned a NASA Honorable Mention. It was a grueling week, as both students defended their work in front of eight to 20 scientists. These two students then engaged in a public viewing where they explained their projects to school groups and thousands of interested visitors. Each year, approximately six million science fair projects are completed worldwide, of which the top 1,700 from 78 countries compete at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) for more than $3 million in awards and prizes. 4
To stay up-to-date on all USM news and events, visit www.usmk12.org/news, like us on Facebook, and follow us @LifeAtUSM.
A group of 22 Middle School and Upper School musicians advanced to compete in the State Solo & Ensemble Festival on April 25 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. All competing students earned a medal at the festival, and five USM students were also nominated for the Exemplary Award, given to the best performance of the day. Congratulations to the following musicians for their fantastic performances: Middle School Choir
Trevor Smith ’19 Meg Stewart ’19 Middle School Orchestra
Zachary Chua ’19 (Exemplary Award Nominee – Violin) Rehan Dhala ’20 Blakely Martin ’20 Lisa Wong ’20 Jose Zarate ’20 Middle School Band
Mira Stephens ’20 Upper School Orchestra
Noelle Filali ’16 Nabeel Quryshi ’18 Evan Stroud ’16 (Exemplary Award Nominee – Cello) Candace Walther ’17 Upper School Choir
Mia Jaeger ’18 Stephanie Larson ’16 Max Levatich ’16 (Exemplary Award Nominee – Classical Voice) Gaby Musickant ’18 Madeline McNichols ’18 Hope Riesterer ’17 Ethan Shuler ’16 Philip Shuler ’15
Matias Dermond ’19 Ishan Kuttickat ’19 Carson Mogush ’19
Jordan Dillard ’19
On April 25, 26 USM 8th-graders took part in the State National History Day competition held at Edgewood College in Madison, Wis. Competing against the top students from the state of Wisconsin, USM’s young historians demonstrated their excellent research and presentation skills. Of the 17 projects presented, an impressive seven made it to the final round of judging. Two USM projects were ultimately selected for the National Competition, which was held June 14-18 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Congratulations to Matias Dermond, Ishan Kuttickat, and Carson Mogush, who represented USM in the Group Documentary category for their project “Better to Lead Than to Drive,” and Jordan Dillard, who competed in the Individual Website category for his project “Andy Warhol – The Mirror of the World.” Additionally, Ellie Norman was selected as an alternate in the Individual Website category for her project “Soaring for Equality,” and Kelly Schroeder earned the Local History Award for her Individual Exhibit project “A Lifetime of Leadership.” Additional state competitors included: Group Performance: Alyse Robinson and Jordyn Smith Individual Performance: Cico Soto, Vanessa Goris Group Documentary: Abby Freeman and Emma Gurney; and Kristen Chou and Sheilla Nourzad Individual Documentary: Sloane Ferraioli, Ana Karademas Group Exhibit: Ethan Rosler and Michael Swiatek; and Michaela Fritz, Holly Hayden, and Grace Hayden Individual Paper: Mariam Qudeimat and Grace Petzold Group Website: Jonah DeToro and Justin Sadoff Individual Exhibit: Ryan Kennedy
Upper School Band
Anshul Bhatnagar ’17 Anne Havlik ’17 Ethan Shuler ’16 (Exemplary Award Nominee – Bassoon) Philip Shuler ’15 (Exemplary Award Nominee – French Horn)
USM Honors 2015 Retirees at School-Wide Reception University School of Milwaukee bid farewell to four members
of the USM community at a special retirement celebration on
Carden has served as the Summer
May 28 in Mellowes Hall. The ceremony honored the careers
I.D.E.A.S Registrar since 1996,
of Summer I.D.E.A.S. Registrar Lynda Carden, 6th-Grade Math
entering the office during the early
Teacher Rebecca Neuwirth, Preprimary and Lower School
stages of the program. Over the
Learning Center Teacher Margie Voss, and Upper School
past 19 years, she has worked
Latin Teacher Edward Wucker.
alongside Director of Summer Programs Judy Bloch, problem-
Current and former USM faculty and staff members, alumni,
solving through the days of hand-
School parents, family members, and other guests were in
labeling thousands of program booklets and refining many
attendance at the event. Each guest had the opportunity to
systems that are now in place.
sign framed photos and share a special message with each of the retirees. USM wishes each of the following the very best
She is recognized as an excellent teacher, conducting
in retirement, and hopes that they will remain an active part of
courses in knitting, crocheting, and other needlecrafts,
the School community.
flower-arranging, and assisting in stained glass and cooking workshops. In retirement, Carden looks forward to traveling and spending more time with her grandchildren.
From left Margie Voss, Rebecca Neuwirth, Lynda Carden, and Edward Wucker at a retirement celebration in May.
Neuwirth has devoted 28 years of service as a teacher in the Lower School and Middle School, most recently as the 6th-Grade Math Teacher. As a long-tenured faculty member, she is known for helping to move the School forward through her great insight and intelligence, and has approached every facet of her life at USM with the utmost professionalism. In addition to her teaching experience, Neuwirth has also served as a grade-level coordinator, Middle School Math Department Chair, Middle School Academic Dean, and as a member of countless committees.
Family members and USM faculty and staff celebrated with retirees on May 28.
Voss has worked in the Learning
Wucker served as USM’s Upper
Center at USM for 15 years, helping
School Latin Teacher for nine years,
young students, primarily those in
capping an impressive academic
Kindergarten through 2nd grade,
career that has included previous
reach their full potential. She is
roles as a tennis coach, Upper
described as a master at making
School Head, and Head of School
students who struggle truly believe
at other career stops.
in their abilities, and has devoted herself to encouraging children who need an extra boost.
Wucker’s distinguished credentials included a B.A. in Latin from Marquette University, an M.A. in Classical Languages
Voss is known as a valuable resource to both her students as
from Northwestern University, and an M.A. in Education from
well as Lower School faculty members. She collaborated with
the University of Missouri. He is known for his gentle and
Lower School grade-level teachers to help develop plans for
attentive insistence upon excellence and will be sincerely
the students that she worked with, and pitched in for a variety
missed in the Upper School.
of events and activities around the School.
From left Quinn ’18, Rory ’20, Chief Advancement Officer Patrick Tevlin, Assistant Director of Enrollment Management Brooke Tevlin, and Darby ’19.
USM Welcomes New Chief Advancement Officer Patrick Tevlin University School of Milwaukee is pleased to welcome Patrick Tevlin as the Schools’s new chief advancement officer. In this new role, Tevlin will oversee the philanthropic and advancement efforts of the School, including stewardship and development, alumni relations, major and planned giving, and the Annual Giving Program. Tevlin comes to USM following five highly successful years serving as the director of development at The Winchendon School, a private boarding school located just outside of Boston, and more than 20 years of experience in advancement roles at independent schools. His current head of school at Winchendon, John Kerney, described him as an energetic individual who thoroughly enjoys building and maintaining relationships, and who very quickly became involved and connected with the Winchendon community. USM Head of School Laura Fuller is excited to have a leader of Tevlin’s caliber join its established advancement team. “Patrick brings to USM outstanding professional experience in fundraising in the independent school environment,” Fuller said. “As our chief advancement officer, his talents will be the catalyst for our advancement efforts as we ensure a donor-centered approach to supporting the School’s strategic priorities.” Prior to Winchendon, Tevlin was vice president for advancement at Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh
and director of development at Bridgton Academy in Bridgton, Maine. He began his career as a teacher and coach at Rutgers Prep, and then as a teacher, coach, and administrator at Seton Hall Prep. Tevlin has also spent time working in higher education, serving as an associate director of the “Scarlet R Club” at the Rutgers University Foundation, and then as the executive director of the Piedmont Educational Foundation of Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, N.C. Joining Tevlin at USM are his wife Brooke, who was also recently hired by the School as an assistant director
It is clear to me, even from my relatively short time on campus to date, that USM is a great community. of enrollment management and trip coordinator and international student advisor, and three of their children who will attend USM—son Quinn ’18, and daughters Darby ’19 and Rory ’20. The Tevlins have another daughter, Kiley, who is currently enrolled at Purdue University. Tevlin is pleased to be a part of the USM community, and is excited to begin to meet the many passionate and dedicated individuals that comprise the School. “It is clear to me, even from my relatively short time on campus to date, that USM is a great community,” Tevlin said. “Brooke and I are excited about contributing to the great success that USM has enjoyed over its long history and, along with our family, we look forward to becoming active and engaged members of the USM and Milwaukee communities.”
New Athletic Director Luke Houdek Accepts Challenge to Grow Program, Build Community A proven program builder at each of his previous stops as an athletic administrator, new University School of Milwaukee Athletic Director Luke Houdek is looking forward to a different kind of challenge in his new role— continuing a tradition of excellence. Houdek, who was promoted from his position as USM’s associate athletic director on July 1, is eager to helm an athletic program that was honored as a 2013 Program of Excellence, and has won several recent WIAA state championships. “(Former Athletic Director) Rick Johns has done a phenomenal job getting our program to where it is,” Houdek said. “Now it’s about continuing to move the program forward in order to maximize USM’s athletic potential, and to continue to make this a place that student-athletes want to be. I want us to strive to be excellent in as many areas as possible.” Prior to his role with USM, Houdek served as athletic director at Wayland Academy, and will bring 14 years of coaching and administrative experience that included stops at Central Wisconsin Christian Schools, Trinity Christian
I want us to strive to be excellent in as many areas as possible. College (Ill.), and Heritage Christian, where both the varsity basketball and football programs experienced significant improvement under Houdek’s leadership. Houdek has also taught geography and social studies, and believes that his experience as a former collegiate athlete, teacher, coach, and administrator will allow him to relate well to others in his new role as athletic director. After several years of competing against USM in the Midwest Classic Conference, Houdek was drawn to the School’s
Luke Houdek
commitment to athletics, in addition to its perennially strong academic programs. “The School obviously has a very strong academic reputation, but USM also truly cares about athletics,” Houdek said. “If you look at the facilities and just talk to people around the School, there’s definitely a passion here. I mean, why wouldn’t I want to work here?” After spending a year in USM’s Athletic Department, Houdek does not intend “to try and fix something that isn’t broken.” Rather, he intends to build upon the successes of the past several years and grow the program’s presence in the community, especially in Lower School and Middle School. “Athletics are an area that can really drive School spirit and get people fired up about USM,” Houdek said. “Building community and getting people behind us is a big part of what I want to do here.” Ultimately, Houdek, his wife Julia, and son Will, are excited to set down roots at USM and came with the intention of being part of the School’s family for years to come. “To be able to work at a school with the academic reputation that USM has, that is also intentional about its commitment to athletics—this is where I want to be.” Houdek said. “This is home for my family and me.”
Girls Hockey Wins First State Title The University School of Milwaukee girls’ hockey Co-op capped a dominant 2014-2015 campaign with a 2-1 victory over the Hayward Co-op to claim the School’s first WIAA state championship on March 7 in Madison, Wis. USM defeated the Onalaska Co-op 6-2 in the state semifinals before slipping by a powerful Hayward squad that had conceded only 17 goals in 20 games against Wisconsin competition entering the championship game. Senior Sloan Sullivan ’15 got the Wildcats on the board early with a first period goal that put the Wildcats up 1-0, and leading scorer Nicole Unsworth added another in the second period to give USM a commanding 2-0 lead. Hayward pulled to within a goal with 2:16 remaining in the game, but after pulling their goalie, could not add the equalizer. “From Day 1, it was the only goal,” said USM Head Coach Jason Woods, in a postgame interview. “We kidded ourselves about winning conference and doing all that, but at the end of the day, this was it: Win state or bust. It wasn’t going to be good enough not to finish.” The Wildcats (27-2) finished their season on a 15-game winning streak, including a 3-0 victory over rival Green Bay East Co-op in the regional final. USM fell to Green Bay East 5-3 in the 2014 WIAA Playoffs.
Girls Lacrosse Samantha Adey Named Wisconsin Girls Lacrosse Coach of the Year USM Head Girls’ Lacrosse Coach Samantha Adey was named the 2015 Girls Lacrosse Coach of the Year by the Wisconsin Lacrosse Federation. Adey, who has led the USM program since its inception in 2009, guided the Wildcats to the 2015 state championship game, where they fell to Arrowhead 12-7. She has compiled a record of 53-25 during her tenure, and has helped produce 34 All-Conference selections, 13 All-State competitors, 16 U.S. All-Academic selections and five U.S. All-American selections.
Samantha Adey
In addition to her coaching duties, Adey also serves as the Girls’ High School Director of the Wisconsin Lacrosse Federation, and is a member of the U.S. Lacrosse Game Coaches Council.
Other Honors Katherine Engman ’15 was named to the U.S. Lacrosse All-American team as an Honorable Mention. In addition to her third consecutive nod as an All-American choice, Engman was also selected as a midfielder on the Wisconsin Lacrosse Federation All-State First Team, and was named the Classic 8 Conference Player of the Year. Daryl Perry ’16 was also selected to First Team All-State as a defenseman.
Katherine Engman 10
Boys Tennis Three Earn Individual State Titles Three University School of Milwaukee boys tennis players took home WIAA Division 2 Individual State Championships in Madison, Wis. on June 6. Top overall tournament seed Kai Sane ’17 won the Division 2 State Individual Title, defeating second-seeded Juan Perez of The Prairie School in the final, who had to retire due to injury. Andrew Buchanan ’15 and Zach Schneck ’16 took home the Division 2 State Doubles Title, prevailing over the team of Tommy Matoska and Christian Erickson of Catholic Memorial in three sets, 6-3, 6-7 (1), 6-4. Congratulations to Tommy Calvy ’16, Jack Collison ’16, and Jake Coran ’16, who also qualified for the state tournament as individual participants. Calvy and Coran fell in the second round, and Collison bowed out to his teammate Sane in the quarterfinals.
Wildcats Claim Division 2 State Title University School of Milwaukee won its third consecutive WIAA Division 2 state team boys tennis title on June 13 in Madison, Wis., defeating Madison Edgewood 4-3 in a tense, competitive final. Edgewood got off to a quick start, but the Division 2 championship duo of Andrew Buchanan ’15 and Zach Schneck ’16 rallied over Charlie Kirsh and Billy O’Brien 2-6, 6-2, 6-1 for a critical victory. USM then righted the ship in singles action, taking two of three matchups before Kai Sane ’17, the WIAA Division 2 State Individual Champion, knocked off Edgewood’s Cecil Lingard 6-2, 6-1 to clinch the championship for the Wildcats.
Russ Trimble Named Boys Tennis Coach of the Year
Russ Trimble
Congratulations to USM’s Russ Trimble, who was named the 2015 Division 2 Boys Tennis Coach of the Year by the Wisconsin High School Tennis Coaches Association. Trimble led the Wildcats to their third consecutive WIAA Division 2 state team championship—and 10th overall—this spring, as they prevailed over Madison Edgewood 4-3 in the state finals.
USM visits… MILWAUKEE USM hosted a local community gathering at Milwaukee’s award-winning craft brewery Milwaukee Brewing Co., co-owned by Sarah Weigell McCabe ’86 and husband James, on April 16. The event included a personal tour and tasting, as attendees enjoyed great drinks, food, and fellowship.
From left Mar th a Heitman ’06, M Sprague Heitman ’06, Tim othy adeline Ecker 8th- Grade Hist ’13, Giulia Ricc or y Teacher Ch uck Taft, Rex Hu a ’14, py and Nick Swid ’09, er ’06.
12-13 • MAR • 2015
, Sarah r., ink ’04 n Vruw hn Graham, S to g in y Harr , Jr. ’02, Jo 4, Emil cker ’0 John Graham ’Reilly ’78. u m S n , 2 tha im O nnelly ’0 ft Jona ident J From le ’05, Liam Co n Board Pres k o c ti n socia S che mni A s and Alu
ARIZONA Head of School Laura Fuller joined USM community members for gatherings in Tucson and Scottsdale on March 12–13. Bruce ’81 and Jennifer Lee hosted a cocktail reception at their residence in Scottsdale on March 12, and our friends in Tucson joined us for a casual reception at the Westin Paloma Resort and Spa the following evening. It was great catching up with so many familiar members of the USM community!
ring, at the Scottsdale gathe
home of Bruce ’81
and Jennifer Lee.
22 • APR • 2015
R• 16 • AP
WASHINGTON, D.C. USM community members joined retired faculty member John “J.S.” Stephens at Circa at Foggy Bottom in Washington, D.C., for a social event on April 22. Following the social, several attendees joined 8th-Grade History Teacher Chuck Taft (left) and other USM Middle School faculty members, who were in town with students for the 8th-grade class trip, for a tour of several of the memorials.
Joe Lubar Memorial Baseball Event Members of the USM community joined together in celebration of the life of Joe Lubar ’08 at the Joe Lubar Memorial Baseball Event on June 6. Highlighted by an alumni baseball exhibition game, attendees enjoyed food, reminisced with old friends, and shared Lubar’s love of baseball on a beautiful afternoon at Alfred James Field.
From lef t Retired facult y member Jo Stephens, Chris Bo hn “J.S.” wen ’98, Trevor Ha ubert ’09, and Ann Etim ’92 .
ing, at
the We stin Resor t Paloma and S p a.
In Memoriam USM wishes to acknowledge and celebrate the lives of our dearly departed alumni and friends. We thank them for enriching our lives throughout their friendship.
Former University School of Milwaukee Headmaster Robert D. Johnston passed away on January 26, 2015 at the age of 83. Johnston served as USM’s fourth Headmaster from 1977-1986, arriving from Durham Academy, where he had served since 1969. A veteran of the United States Army, Johnston attended Allegheny College where he played baseball, earned a Bachelor of Arts in History, and met his future wife of 46 years, Ruth. In 1959, Johnston returned to Kiski School in Saltsburg, Pa., his secondary school alma mater, where he taught history, coached baseball, and served as assistant headmaster. In 1969, Johnston was named headmaster of Durham Academy, where he remained until being hired as headmaster of USM in 1977. Johnston served as headmaster at USM for nine years, and was known as a proven leader, a sound educator, an experienced administrator with high professional standards, and a man that was strongly committed to independent school education. He led the School through several key initiatives, including a successful Capital Fund Drive, and the campus consolidation that included the move of the Upper School to the North Fairy Chasm Road campus in 1985. A major goal for the School since
the merger in 1964, USM generated nearly $11 million to finance the consolidation under Johnston’s leadership, the largest amount ever raised in an independent day school building campaign at that time. Enrollment also peaked during Johnston’s tenure, reaching its highest level since 1971. Many USM families will also fondly recall the annual trips that Johnston led to several Civil War monuments and battlefields, where he reconstructed strategies and historic conflicts right where they happened. Following his USM tenure, Johnston also served as headmaster at Charlotte Country Day School, and as headmaster and president of the Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School in Georgia, where the baseball field is now named in his honor. Johnston retired in 1996, having served as a founding president of the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools, president of the Independent Schools Association of Central States, and as a member of both the Headmasters Association and the Country Day Heads Association. At every school that he worked, Johnston touched the lives of countless students, teachers, and parents, many of whom became lifelong friends of this extraordinary man. Johnston was preceded in death by his wife, Ruth Fox Johnston. Following her passing in 2006, the Ruth and Robert Johnston Scholarship Fund, an endowed fund at USM, was developed in her honor. He is survived by his sons Tim ’79 and Dan ’84; daughter Jennifer Johnston Shea ’80; and seven grandchildren.
2015 Alumni Service Award Tom Parker ’79 was posthumously honored by the USM Alumni Association as the 2015 Alumni Service Award recipient at the Upper School Honors Assembly in May. Parker was recognized for his service to USM as Alumni Association Board President from 2012-2014 and as a member of the Executive Committee, leading up
to his death in November 2014. He was recognized as a distinguished ambassador for USM who helped make the Alumni Association more relevant and purposeful to its members. Since 1984, the Alumni Service Award is given to an alumnus or alumna in grateful recognition towards his or her work in the betterment of University School of Milwaukee and the community in which it serves.
Harold Mueller
Alon Winnie
Michael Batten
Nancy McGrath Anthony
MUS’45 March 31, 2015 Mequon, Wis.
MCD’50 January 18, 2015 Downers Grove, Ill.
MCD’58 May 6, 2015 Racine, Wis.
MDS’34 March 22, 2015 Asheville, N.C.
Nancy Spiegel Mitchell
Oliver Grannis
John Hayford
MDS’46 January 23, 2015 Belen, N.M.
MUS’52 December 26, 2014 Chatham, N.Y.
MUS’58 April 24, 2015 Indianapolis
Jean Reinhardt
Jean Mitchell Hampe
MDS’46 April 17, 2015 Laguna Woods, Calif.
MDS’52 November 8, 2014 Westport, Conn.
Elizabeth O’Boyle Waldheim
Judith Puchner Breen
MDS’46 February 21, 2015 Sarasota, Fla.
MDS’53 January 17, 2015 Chicago
David Grant
Laura Campbell Rhind
Harry Drake
MDS’47 March 27, 2015 Glenview, Ill.
MCD’53 February 27, 2015 Glendale, Wis.
Stephen Thiermann MCD’35 March 19, 2015 State College, Pa.
Jane Magin Thomas MDS’37 February 25, 2015 Milwaukee
MUS’41 February 11, 2015 Oxford, Pa.
Judith Lindsay MDS’41 December 31, 2014 Milwaukee
Emily Latta Pritzlaff
Jane Teweles Shlimovitz
MDS’49 February 9, 2015 Whitefish Bay, Wis.
MUS’54 January 30, 2015 Mequon, Wis.
MCD’55 May 14, 2015 West Bend, Wis.
Irwin Purtell
Frederick Hansen MCD’43 May 14, 2015 Milwaukee
Louise Forrer Kennedy MDS’43 January 29, 2015 Sarasota, Fla.
Helen Baur Allis MDS’45 April 9, 2015 Saint Simons Island, Ga.
David Long MUS’50 January 30, 2015 Mequon, Wis.
Donald “Duke” Slichter MUS’50 April 8, 2015 Moss Landing, Calif.
Edward Nicholson
1960s William Darling MCD’61 March 28, 2015 Milwaukee
John Filachek MCD’63 March 29, 2015 Milwaukee
David Hughes MCD’63 November 24, 2014 Brookfield, Wis.
1990s Luke Manger-Lynch ’93 May 17, 2015 Jackson, Wyo.
MCD’56 February 16, 2015 Colorado Springs, Colo.
Philip Vietmeyer MCD’57 April 25, 2015 Southport, N.C.
Updated as of June 1, 2015.
class notes THE FOLLOWING PAGE INCLUDES NEWS AND NOTES SUBMITTED PRIOR TO JUNE 1, 2015 To submit a class note: Email your news to alumni@usmk12.org
A gathering of Milwaukee University School and University School of Milwaukee friends took place on March 25, 2015 over lunch in Brooksville, Fla. The reunion was coordinated by Jane Scott, widow of Davis Parker, former Headmaster at Milwaukee University School, who also served as a Head of School at USM’s South Campus for the first year of the merger. She, along with her two daughters, Lynn Parker Manning ’69 and Cathy Parker Lynch, were vacationing in Sanibel, Fla. They were joined by Jim Norris, former teacher and swim coach (1953-1991), now retired in Ocala, Fla. along with his daughter Dianne Norris Thomas ’68, and her husband Alan, while in Florida on holiday. Also shown, former MUS/ USM faculty member Jim Kolster MUS’54 and his wife Connie Evans Kolster MDS’57, retired Floridians in Atlantic Beach, Fla.
participated in the first meeting of the 2015 Fire Service Executive Development Institute. Twenty chief officers from around the country were selected for this elite training. He is currently the Fire Marshal for the Des Moines Fire Department and a Captain for the Norwalk (Iowa) Fire Department.
and her husband Dylan Manger had their second child, Eddie, in December. He joins older sister Georgia, who is two and adores her little brother.
Front from left Connie Evans Kolster MDS’57, Jane Scott, Jim Norris, and Alan Thomas. Back from left Kathy Lynch, Jim Kolster MUS’54, Lynn Parker Manning ’69, and Dianne Norris Thomas ’68.
and his Austin, Texas band, Sam Pace and the Gilded Grit, did very well in the 2014 Austin Music Awards, with the #8 Song of the Year “Ice Cream Samurai” and #10 Best Performing Band Blues/Rock/Soul. Reicher’s wife Angelique took #2 Best Album Art for her new release Rapture. Catch them live in Austin or in a city near you this summer as they are touring nationally.
was recently awarded the Charles Ives Scholarship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The scholarship is reserved for young composers. Cooley, a graduate of the University of Southern California School of Music and Yale University, is currently serving under the Milton L. Rock Composition Fellowship at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.
Class of 2015 Each year, graduates are chosen as college class agents. These five representatives of the Class of 2015 will help organize their fiveyear reunions and serve as liaisons between USM and their classmates. Congratulations to the following Class of 2015 agents. From left Philip Shuler, Margaret Bodalski, Sarah Aik, Merrill Read, and Adam Malkin.
Make Plans to Celebrate This September! University School of Milwaukee invites you to join us at Homecoming and Reunion Weekend, September 25-26, 2015. Be sure to mark your calendars for a weekend full of activities open to the entire USM community. Don’t miss the fun! Last year’s barbecue and football game enjoyed record attendance. Friday, September 25 • 9 a.m. — Welcome Breakfast, Mellowes Hall • 10:30 a.m. — Campus Tours, depart from Mellowes Hall • 12:30 p.m. — Lunch and “State of the Union” in political cartoons with former Upper School History Teacher Steve Bruemmer, Mellowes Hall • 2 p.m. — All School Pep Rally, Ken Laird Field • 5 p.m. — All-School BBQ, tent near Ken Laird Field • 7 p.m. — Homecoming Football Game, Ken Laird Field
Saturday, September 26 • 9 a.m.-noon — Willie’s Fun Fest, Upper School Athletic Circle • 9:30 a.m. — Wildcat Fun Run/Walk, tent near Ken Laird Field • 10 a.m. — Tessa Nowakowski ’10 Memorial Field Hockey Game, Liz Krieg Field • 11:30 a.m. — Picnic lunch (you may purchase at Willie’s Corner, or bring your own), tent near Ken Laird Field • Noon — Varsity Boys Soccer Game, Ken Laird Field • 4:30-7 p.m. — Alumni and Parent of Alumni open house reception at the Milwaukee Country Club. Enjoy appetizers provided by USM and a cash bar. • Evening — Milestone reunion class parties, various locations
For additional event information and updates, visit www.usmk12.org/homecomingandreunion. Questions? Contact Vanessa Nerbun , Director of Alumni Relations, at 414.540.3337 or alumni@usmk12.org.
See you in September! 17
2100 West Fairy Chasm Road Milwaukee, WI 53217 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
Members of the Class of 2015 depart the Upper School Gymnasium following the Commencement ceremony in May.