Young athletes need additional nutritional support to ensure peak performance and to support their development.
The amount of energy that school children burn throughout the day is o�en overlooked. When a�ending a full day of school, followed by field and gym sessions, it is o�en difficult to meet the required nutri�onal needs by food alone.
The challenge of preparing, transpor�ng and storing all the food needed to support a developing athlete highlights the importance and convenience of supplementa�on.
Providing young athletes with high-quality nutri�on ensures op�mal development and growth. It is also essen�al to ensure the safety of these athletes by only supplying them with batch-tested, contaminant and banned substance-free supplements.
USN's supplements offer various benefits to developing athletes, including accelerated recovery, increased muscle development, enhanced muscle growth, increased strength and power, enhanced stamina levels, improved athle�c performance, and increased energy levels.
Sports hydration drink
Rapid rehydration
Glycogen restoration
Immediate energy
Reduces risk of muscle cramping & stiffness
Enhanced recovery
Winner's Energy is a great-tas�ng rehydra�on and recovery formula�on. It replenishes glycogen stores, electrolytes and phosphates that are rapidly depleted during intense physical ac�vity.
When to use:
• Before, during and a�er exercise or events.
• As an any�me rehydra�on drink.
Complete all-in-one precision lean gainer nutrition shake
Supports consistent muscle growth & recovery
Optimal muscle recovery
Real food-based carb sources
Glycogen replenishment
USN's Wholefood Gainer is 100% plant-based and will support muscle growth and recovery. This product is easy to mix, tastes great, and supports glycogen replenishment.
Each serving provides 31 g of protein and 55 g of carbohydrates. This product is high in fibre and contains zero soy and milk and zero added sucrose.
When to use:
• 30 minutes a�er training or events.
• As a high-protein snack between meals.
Full spectrum BCAAs & EAAs
Supports lean muscle growth
Enhanced stamina for training
Recover faster
Stay hydrated
ALL9™ AMINO contains the nine essen�al amino acids that your body cannot produce naturally. The benefits of amino supplementa�on are vast. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that perform various bodily func�ons.
When to use:
• Before, during and a�er training sessions.
• Any�me during the day and as a refreshing recovery drink.
Supreme protein blend
Staged-release protein matrix
Supports muscle recovery
Optimal muscle maintanence & strength
Improved results from regular exercise
Hydrotech™ Whey is aimed at providing lean muscle gains, enhanced recovery and significant strength increases. This unique blend of whey and wheat protein is aimed at enhancing the effect of training and giving you the results you are pushing for. The staged-protein release ensures that muscles are fully fueled over extended periods.
When to use:
• 30 minutes a�er training or events.
• As a high-protein snack between meals.