ANNUAL FUND INSPIRATION Meet some of the donors who support the USPC Annual Fund, and find out why they give.
Photo Credit: Tara Garry / Courtesy MMFPCRC
By Marian Wahlgren, Development Director We often talk about giving back in Pony Club, and that comes in many forms – through volunteerism, teaching younger members and service projects. It also includes financial support of the USPC Annual Fund.
clubs, centers, regions and sponsors to support the ongoing opportunities and educational resources that are available to everyone.
Pony Club is appreciative of all who donate to the Annual Fund. In 2020, 59% of our regions, 31% of The USPC Annual Fund is one important part of the our clubs and 14% of our riding centers donated to entire funding picture for the Pony Club organization the Annual Fund. Meet a few of them here, and find as a whole. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Pony Club relies out why they support the USPC Annual Fund. on contributions from friends, graduates, members,
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Spring 2021