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President’s Message
Amy Badger - USPTA Southwest President
Gree ngs fellow USPTA Southwest Pros,
I hope you are having a great start to your summer teaching and coaching. Our division conference was a great success and those that a ended enjoyed not only the beau ful Arrowhead Country Club venue but the tremendous slate of speakers and variety of topics. Seeing old friends and mee ng new were irreplaceable memories in the building and cherishing of these rela onships within our community of pros.
It’s a labor of love for our membership that we give tremendous thanks to Greg Prudhomme and Suk Ong, our conference chairs, as well as the Southwest Board and the Southwest USTA for all their me, talents, and support towards pu ng on an all-star conference. Jack Michalko, our Execu ve Director, does the lion’s share and we could not ask for a more passionate professional and leader towards everything he does.
There were 9 sessions and 13.5 hours of credit available towards our educa on credits. We were treated to hearing Na onal Vice President Jenny Gray, a southwest na ve, report on the core pillars of our current strategic ini a ves, educa on, membership, financials, alliances with industry partners, DEI. As in all worthwhile organiza ons, we have areas of strength, challenges and opportuni es and we are embracing them all head on.
It was a tremendous honor to witness the induc on of this year’s Hall of Fame selec ons. Bri Feldhausen and Larry Lineberry. Two dis nguished and hard-working teaching professionals in our division. We could not be more fortunate to have their experience and dedicaon here in the southwest. Thank you to Dave Moyer and his commi ee for their work on these outstanding selec ons. It was wonderful to see all our division award winners. Ryan Johnson and the award committee presented excellent selec ons from the division nomina ons. You can check on all our award winners on our social media and website.
If you were unable to a end our conference, you will not want to miss the World Conference in Orlando FL, September 24-28. Please go to uspta.com for registra on informa on. We hope those that s ll need to shore up their educa onal requirements will do so before the year ends. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact anyone on the board for assistance. I look forward to seeing you in Orlando and wish you a terrific summer on the courts!
Mark Frampton - Southwest Nomina ng Commi ee Chair
The SWPTA Nomina ng Commi ee is now taking requests from any USPTA Southwest Elite or Master Professional wishing to be considered for the 2024-25 slate for the Southwest Board of Officers. This also includes any current board member who would like to be considered for the future. The nomina ng commi ee will interview all interested candidates in good standing with the USPTA. If you are interested contact nomina ng commi ee chairman, Mark Frampton, no later than Friday, July 15, 2023 to apply. Mark can be reached at mframpton22@gmail.com or by calling him at 602-790-0040. The commi ee will be interviewing prospec ve SWPTA Members throughout the summer.
Once the process is complete the nomina ng commi ee will submit a proposed slate of officers to the execu ve director by October 2023.