2 minute read
Southeastern Arizona
by Amanda Fink
Bri Feldhausen: west for tournaments and events. We have also been running and hos ng numerous events at Re in Tennis Center from Level 3 to Level 7 including The Cupid Classic in February.
Thank you, Dunlop, for a great deal on our Tucson Community Tennis Program rackets for the next season Summer Camp is looking l to run two months instead of one at the Pueblo HS loca on.

We hosted the Arizona Open Wheelchair tournament in March drawing players from around the country.

PS Bri ’s Tennis Academy hosted 20 orange ball players for doubles play. Great fun and thank you Renee Lopez for ta oos, slap bracelets and bag tags in goodie bag net generaon items.


La Paloma and Tucson Country Club 3.0 and 3.5 women joined forces this winter and competed in the Arizona Pickleball Players League, APPL. Congratula ons to the 3.5 women, placing second in the state!
John Perry:
John Perry and Ronnie Smith have been busy with juniors at all levels traveling around the South-
We recently held the 2023 Aussie Open entry level event in April at Re in as well, with parent and child sportsmanship educa on for all.
Bryan Dirk:
Farewell to Tucson
Gree ng Southwest Friends,
I want to take a minute to thank everyone for their support over the years. I’ve spent 9 of my 28-year career in the Southwest Sec on, all at Tucson Country Club. I’m resigning from the Racquet Sports Industry at the end of May 2023. It’s me to go home and help with my Family’s Offshore Fishing business, h ps:// dolphindocks.com/ <h p://dolphindocks.com/> . It’s been going strong for over 45 years, and now that my dad has passed, I need to step in and help my Mother. This is a very exci ng move for my family, back to my roots, Fishing and playing Tennis for fun! If you’re ever in South Texas and want to experience Island Life, stop in for a visit, I’lI steer you in the right direc on. With that said, I’m pleased to announce that Sean Miller, our long- me Head Professional at Tucson Country Club, will be stepping into the Director role.
Sean has been with TCC for 20 years. We are all excited about his new role and about the future of TCC. Over the past couple of years, we have laid the groundwork for some major improvements. By the end of 2024, the
TCC Racquet Sports facili es will be be er than ever... star ng with our New 8 court Pickleball facility, breaking ground in the next couple of months! All my best,
Bryan M. Dirk Director of Racquet Sports Tucson Country Club
Amanda Fink:
La Paloma has had a lady’s invita onal and St. Patricks Day Mixer in addi on to all its normal leagues and programs. We also hosted the Goo er Jensen founda on Goo er Grand Slam event featuring the Bryan brothers and the Jen- sen Brothers. Money was raised to fight against sudden cardiac arrest. The founda on has a goal to put an AED in every tennis facility in the country.

Amanda is also expecting an addi on to her family due in October!
Southwest Officers
Amy Badger 505-379-6728 badgertennis505@gmail.com
Regional VP
Suk Ong 602-881-0467 sukong.uspta@gmail.com
Vice President
Greg Prudhomme 602-301-1394 pruperformance@gmail.com
Ryan Johnson 480-267-0725 m.ryanjohnson@gmail.com
John Perry 520-403-8290 jptennis25@gmail.com
Past President
Dave Moyer 480-342-7240 davemoyertennis@gmail.com
Execu ve Director
Jack Michalko 602-740-0126 jack.michalko@uspta.org
Southwest Coordinators
Northern New Mexico
Dick Johnson 505-507-6795 lctenniscamps@gmail.com
Leslie Banks 419-302-7663 lesliealison16@gmail.com
Southeastern Arizona
Amanda Fink Moore 818-624-7107 afink15@gmail.com
Northern Arizona
Andrea Meyer 928-300-4352 andreameyertennis@gmail.com
Southern New Mexico & l Paso
Head Tester
Greg Prudhomme 602-301-1394 pruperformance@gmail.com
The Southwest Magazine is the official Publica on of the USPTA Southwest Division of the United States Professional Tennis Associa on.