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2023 USPTA Southwest Conference


by Greg Prudhomme, PhD
The 2023 USPTA Southwest Division Conference was held on May 19th and 20th at the Arrowhead Country Club in Glendale Arizona. The two conference co-chairpeople were Southwest Board representa ves, Suk Ong (Execu ve Vice President) and Greg Prudhomme (Vice President). The facility host/tennis director was USPTA Elite Professional, Tatum Hing. A unique and posi ve aspect of the conference is that the USPTA Southwest Division partners with the USTA Southwest Sec on in the produc on of the conference. The USTA Southwest sec on provides financial support as well as contributes to the roster of speakers. Addional collabora on included the USTA Southwest Sec on invi ng area high school coaches to the second day of the conference for oncourt seminars and lunch. Another highlight of the USTA/USPTA Southwest partnership is the annual breakfast that the two organiza ons have on the second day of the conference. One of the topics of discussion was the possibility of the two organiza ons co-hos ng a pro-am tennis event to raise money for the USPTA Southwest Division
The conference included two days of on-court and off-court con nuing educa on seminars that discussed topics such as club programming, player development, working with large groups on court, and planning for the future in the tennis industry. Notable speakers included Ken DeHart, Johnny Parkes, Ray Wendeln, and Lane Evans. There were 83 people in a endance that included cer fied a endees, USPTA Southwest board members, USTA Southwest staff, high school coaches, and speakers. Jennifer Gray, the USPTA Vice President, was also in a endance to provide the USPTA na onal update. Another highlight of the conference was the awards lunch and the second annual Hall of Fame ceremony. Long- me USPTA cerfied pros, Bri Feldhausen and Larry Lineberry, were the 2023 inductees.