The Washington Surveyor - March 4, 2019

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March 4, 2019

By DCFA Steven Young

By MC3 Adam Ferrero





By MC3 Michael Botts

By MC3 Zack Thomas





washington surveyor Commanding Officer Capt. Glenn Jamison

AOAN Alexander Herman AOAN Ashley Pumphrey AOAN Susan McAfee EMN2 Hakeem Thompson AN Marcus Alkire-Bentler AA Chloe Lee LS2 Nathanael Iversen IC3 Kelly Dionne SH3 Andrew Nall SH3 Donald Goodman

Executive Officer Capt. Daryle Cardone

Command Master Chief CMDCM Maurice Coffey

Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Stephanie Turo

Deputy Public Affairs Officer Lt. Tyler Barker

Departmental LCPO MCCS Reginald Buggs

Divisional LCPO MCC Mary Popejoy


MC3 Adam Ferrero MCSN Jack Lepien

Content MC1 Gary Johnson MC2 Kenneth Gardner MC2 Alan Lewis MC2 Mandi Washington MC3 Michael Botts MC3 Carter Denton MC3 Trey Hutcheson MC3 Kyle Loree MC3 Marlan Sawyer MC3 Zack Thomas MC3 Julie Vujevich MCSN Elizabeth Cohen MCSN Tatyana Freeman MCSN Samuel Pederson DCFA Steven Young

The Washington Surveyor is an authorized publication for Sailors serving aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73). Contents herein are not the visions of, or endorsed by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy or the Commanding Officer of USS George Washington. All news releases, photos or information for publication in The Washington Surveyor must be submitted to the Public Affairs Officer.

ESWS Coordinators HMC Knesha Wimbush CSC Joe Magri

EAWS Coordinators

EIWS Coordinators

ABHC Rodney Martinez ITC Xica Johnson ABH1 Jade Cobb IT1 Johnathan Kuehn

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” ~Benjamin Franklin


PS3 Angel Ortega Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Angel Ortega from Oxnard, California, joined the Navy Sept. 20, 2016 to further his education and expand his opportunities. He works in the administration department, handling customer service, transactions, identification creation, reenlistments, transfers and separations. He is the current separations supervisor. “The most rewarding part of my job is that we change people’s lives in such drastic ways,” said Ortega. “The better you are at your job, the more fulfilling it is because you’re more able to help people.” In his spare time, Ortega enjoys going to the gym and doing outside activities like snowboarding, hiking, and swimming. His favorite movie is “Baby Driver”, and he likes listening to lo-fi hip-hop.


By DCFA Steven Young

Sailors aboard CVN 73 dance to music at the command birthday ball. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Kyle J. Loree)


ore than 800 Sailors stationed aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), along with their friends and families, gathered at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott, Feb. 22 to celebrate the birthday of the ship’s namesake and our first President. This year’s George Washington command birthday ball offered participants the opportunity to eat, dance, sing, win prizes, and compete in a number of fashion categories. The annual event was spearheaded by Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) with representatives from various organizations and every department on the ship. “MWR, Funboss, the recreation advisory board, the Marriott, Astro [who provided décor], and a host of others all contributed in bringing this ball together,” said Lt. j.g. Shanita Williams of Auburn, Maryland, the S-6 division officer aboard George Washington. “It was excellent. Hearing feedback from the crew

it seems that everyone enjoyed themselves.” Intramural events such as the command birthday ball give Sailors an opportunity to connect with the individuals they work with every day in a more casual and relaxed setting. “There is a lot of stress and pressure that we endure at work to get things done and get through this RCOH (refueling complex overhaul) period,” said Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class Laura Taylor, from Early Branch, South Carolina, MWR’s vice president. “The timelines and deadlines that we have can make it difficult to really get to know each other, but when we gather together outside of work it gives everybody the opportunity to be themselves and show who they really are. There isn’t that stress that there is at work, so we’re able to relax and have fun and have a good time together.” Along with the opportunity to bond with their shipmates, the command birthday ball should be seen as a reward for doing great things to keep

the ship on schedule to leave RCOH. “Events like the birthday ball are to celebrate the ship and its Sailors for completing another year of hard work,” said Matthew Pennell, the Funboss aboard George Washington. “While in the shipyard, things like this can be a good break for Sailors to have some fun and fellowship.” On the heels of the overall success of this year’s command ball, the MWR coordinators and Funboss already have their sights on next year’s event and ways to build on this year’s party. “I think that everyone had a great time, and I’m looking forward to making it even better next year,” said Pennell. “Sailors’ feedback through the e-mail survey really helps us a lot to plan and make events like the command ball more tailored to what they would enjoy.” Those who would like to provide feedback that will contribute to next year’s ball can complete the survey at BDayBall19.

Lt. Jeremy Hobbs, the Maintenance Support Center supply officer aboard CVN 73, receives a watch as a prize for best dressed from Matthew Pennell, CVN 73’s afloat recreational specialist. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Kyle J. Loree)

(From left to right) Capt. Daryle Cardone, the executive officer, Capt. Glenn Jamison, the commanding officer, an actor portraying George Washington, and CMDCM Maurice Coffey, the command master chief aboard CVN 73, pose to cut the cake at the Command Birthday Ball. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Kyle J. Loree)

TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS: By MC3 Michael Botts OI Division plans ahead


raining and qualifications are two of the most essential things a Sailor needs to get while in the Navy. However, both of these things can pose a challenge for Sailors aboard the Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) to achieve while the ship is undergoing refueling complex overhaul (RCOH). The OI division in the ship’s operations department has taken steps to ensure their Sailors are getting the training they need. They sent 18 Sailors on temporary assigned duty to Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC) Wallops Island, Virginia, from Nov. 26 to Nov. 30, to attend comprehensive classroom and simulator training to develop and maintain warfighting skills for the George Washington combat direction center (CDC) training team. “Right now, in the shipyard, we have no organic means of training people,” said Lt. Joal Fischer, the OI division officer, assigned to George Washington, from Newark, New Jersey.”By going to Wallops Island, we are getting our Sailors classroom time, and we are also able to get them training on the latest tactics and procedures used on operational ships.” This training provided the Sailors hands-on training with the systems that they will be using when the ship becomes operational. Having a qualified CDC watch team is crucial for George Washington’s mission of completing RCOH and getting back out into the fleet. “We need to be able to man a condition-three CDC watch team, or we can’t leave the shipyard,” said Fisher. “By doing this training now,

Sailors assigned to operations department’s OI division aboard CVN 73 pose for a picture in front of Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC) Wallops Island, Virginia. (Photograph courtesy of Lt. Joal Fisher)

we are being proactive, so that when the time comes and our systems are brought back onboard the ship, we already have Sailors who are capable and proficient in the operations of the systems .” Although this training is vital for George Washington’s overall mission, it is also crucial for the OI division and its Sailors. “We are sending ourselves there as a team so that we can be a cohesive unit,” said Fisher. “If we only send one or two people, that wouldn’t really help us in the overall goal of getting a fully qualified watch team. This is the first time since getting into the shipyard that we are working as a team and trying to accomplish something that pertains to our actual rate.” This training is also helping the Sailors who attend by getting them in-rate training, which is difficult to do for some departments while in the RCOH environment. “I feel like this training helped us a lot, and we have to do more of it,” said Operations Specialist 3rd Class Justis Reyes, from Mililani, Hawaii.

“With advancement exams coming up, training helps a lot. It’s easier to understand what they are asking on the test if you have actually seen and used the equipment before.” Along with in-rate training being helpful with advancement exams, it is also beneficial for the training of new Sailors to the command. “It is an excellent first step for Sailors who’s first command is here, on the George Washington, who have not been able to get any in-rate training because of the environment we are in,” said Reyes. “Now we have Sailors in our department who have the knowledge necessary to train the new Sailors who are just checking-in to the command on the different systems we will have onboard, which I feel is extremely important for the overall mission.” Even with the challenges the RCOH environment brings to the Sailors assigned to the George Washington, these operations Sailors are planning for the future. When the ship returns to the fleet, these Sailors will be fully trained and qualified, ready to answer the nation’s call.



Healthy Eating Just as the right kind of fuel is important for Navy jets, so is the right kind of fuel for the human body to support optimal performance. The Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Health Promotion and Wellness Department understands the barriers to eating healthy. We have the educational resources and materials you need to help you select nutrient-dense, healthy food for optimal performance, disease prevention, and recovery. Just as the right kind of fuel is important for Navy jets, so is the right kind of fuel for the human body to support optimal performance. The Navy Marine Corps Public Health Wellness Department To learn howand our resources and tools can help keep Center you fit forHealth service Promotion and improve and your overall health, visit us at understands the barriers to eating healthy. We have the educational resources and materials you need to help you select nutrient-dense, healthy food for optimal WWW.MED.NAVY.MIL/SITES/NMCPHC/HEALTH-PROMOTION performance, disease prevention, and recovery.

Healthy Eating




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For more information on your local resources, contact: To learn how our resources and tools can help keep you fit for service and improve your overall health, visit us at WWW.MED.NAVY.MIL/SITES/NMCPHC/HEALTH-PROMOTION

Husband, Farmer, Soldier, Statesman

Celebrating George Washington’s 287th birthday U.S. Navy photos by MC3 Trey Hutcheson


Sailors perform a show hosted by CVN 73’s heritage committee. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Adam Ferrero)


lack History Month is observed annually every February in the United States. From Harriet Tubman to Barack Obama, history is brimming with individuals who have contributed great things that helped build the nation we live in today. The heritage committee of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) commemorated Black History Month by hosting a CVN 73 Heritage Show on the floating accommodation facility (FAF), Feb. 27. The show involved members of the heritage committee as well as volunteers from the crew, who took on the roles of African-American figures from history. They answered interview questions in a talk showstyle format, beginning with Mary Mahoney. Portrayed by Yeoman 3rd Class Kenyatta Gadson from Miami, a member of the heritage committee, Mahoney was the first AfricanAmerican licensed nurse. “At the age of 15, I decided that

I wanted to become a nurse,” said Gadson. “I worked at the New England Hospital [for Women and Children] for 15 years. I was a cook, a janitor, and a washer woman. I co-founded the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, who founded the Mary Mahoney award. It’s for nurses or groups of nurses who go for integration in the nursing community.” Another figure represented in the show was Master Chief Boatswain’s Mate Carl Brashear. Portrayed by Chief Boatswain’s Mate Myren Fripp from Charlotte, North Carolina, the leading chief petty officer of George Washington’s deck department, Brashear was the first African American master diver in U.S. Navy history. “I joined the Navy in 1948 at the age of 17,” said Fripp. “One day, I was watching a dive exercise, and I thought to myself, ‘Wow, that’s the job I want to have. That’s what I want to do.’ At that time, there were not many minorities involved in the diving

program. I applied over 100 times. I kept trying, I never gave up, and I got accepted.” In 1966, an accident almost spelled the end of Brashear’s career. “I was involved in an accident that resulted in my right knee getting amputated,” said Fripp. “The Navy wanted to discharge me at that time, but thanks to sweat, tears, hard work, and a little bit of honor, courage, and commitment, I became the first black master diver.” Other historical figures included in the show were Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States, and Henrietta Lacks, who made a profound contribution to modern medicine. According to the Johns Hopkins Medicine website, in 1951 at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer. A sample of her cancer cells retrieved during her treatments revealed that, while cells from other patients would die overnight, hers doubled every 20-

24 hours. To this day, “Black History Month these cells are used is the month that we to study the effects of use to acknowledge toxins, drugs, hormones the history of what and viruses on the African-Americans have growth of cancer cells provided to the United without requiring human States, but really and experimentation. truly, that’s every day,” Following the said Coffey. “We chose interviews, the show the month of February concluded with a video to emphasize it, as we listing a number of do with women’s history Cookies with inspiring words sit on a table on the mess deck of African-Americans or Asian-American the FAF. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Adam Ferrero) who have made great heritage. Each month is accordingly.” contributions throughout valuable and encourages Many Sailors from the crew were our nation’s history. us to learn something different about in attendance, including Command “These are outstanding examples all the different cultures that make up Master Chief Maurice Coffey, George of the pain, beauty, and strength of the Navy. The military itself is very Washington’s CMC. African American culture, ranging diverse. Some folks may live in a small “Our Sailors were able to portray from before most of us were born to town where they never experienced that within the last decade,” said Operations historical figures and send a message level of diversity in their neighborhood. out,” said Coffey. “It’s better than just Specialist 1st class Rita Shell from The military has to be able to looking at a video. They’re out there Kernersville, North Carolina, a make sure everybody understands giving out information in a way that member of the heritage committee everybody’s different culture.” everyone can easily understand. To and the moderator for the interview Differences are an inherent part of see our Sailors, officers, chiefs and session. “Our prayer in the heritage the very concept of diversity. African enlisted come up here and recite their committee is that all of us are able to Americans are one part of a large parts was outstanding. It was also very walk around and look at each other tapestry of culture that makes up this powerful. I like doing education in this country, and it certainly wouldn’t through unbiased eyes, that we the form because it’s so much better than people walk away from this event just be the same without all they have PowerPoint.” a little bit closer to understanding each contributed. We may have differing Many, including Coffey, other. We chose to put on the uniform, opinions on many things as Sailors and acknowledge that Black History Month American citizens, but one thing we not the color of our skin, and we’re all is about so much more than the month brothers and sisters that believe in red, can agree on is this: black history is itself. white and blue, so we must behave American history.

Capt. Glenn Jamison (fifth from left), commanding officer aboard CVN 73, poses for a photo with CVN 73’s heritage committee. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Adam Ferrero)



U.S. Navy photo illustration by MC3 Zack Thomas.

he was born and raised in

To become a citizen while in the

Washington’s command security

Iloilo, Philippines, located in

Navy is not a short process, but for

manager. “It allows us to look

the center of the Philippine

Saint, it was worth the time it took.

at problems from different

archipelago. The province

“I’ve been in the Navy for seven

comprises the southeastern part of

years. I got my naturalization when

Panay Island with island-province

I was in boot camp in 2012,” said

of Guimaras just across its coast.

Saint. “Getting all of the paperwork

It is nicknamed “the Heart of the

done so I could join the Navy

Philippines” (

took a long time because everyone

She is Machinist Mate 2nd Class

in my family had to be checked,

Michie Saint, a Sailor stationed

and I had to pass a background

aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft

check. When I passed and was told

carrier USS George Washington

that I was naturalized, I felt very

(CVN 73). She joined the United

privileged and honored to be called

States Navy and in the process

an American. When I was little, I

became a United States citizen.

never thought I’d be an American.

“When I decided to join the Navy, I knew that I wanted to be a citizen, I had the mindset that I would be a

It was more than a dream for me, a dream beyond a dream.”

perspectives as well be more

“It is a privilege for me to serve the United States and be naturalized and become a citizen.” -MM2 Michie Saint-

Our Navy reflects the nation we

citizen,” said Saint. “I still consider

serve and is strengthened by the

inclusive and understanding to

the Philippines my home country;

diversity of our people.

issues a Sailor might be having,

I love the Philippines. I grew up

“The Navy is a melting pot of

there, I was born and raised there,

people, ideas, and experiences,”

and I love it, but America is my

said Lt. Paul Guidry, from

home now.”

Marksville, Louisiana, George

which makes us a more effective Navy.” Having lived in different countries, Saint has different

MM2 Michie Saint inspects a watertight door. (U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Kristen Cheyenne Yarber)

perspectives she can leverage

constant: her love of

aboard George Washington.

service to country.

Even though Saint considers the

“It is a privilege for me

Philippines her home country still,

to serve the United States

she is also home in the United

and be naturalized and


become a citizen,” said

“This is my home now. I have a family here in the states, my

Saint. It is because of Sailors

husband and son, but I still have

like Saint that the Navy

all of my other family in the

continues to maintain

Philippines like my sister and my

its maritime superiority

mom,” said Saint. “The Philippines

by attracting, retaining,

is my home too, but it’s like my

developing and training

distant home. I want to retire in the

an agile and educated

Philippines though. Everyone has a

workforce and creating

dream retirement home, and for me,

an inclusive environment

it is back in the Philippines.”

where innovation is

Whether she’s in the U.S. or in the Philippines, one thing remains

harnessed and diversity is embraced.

NAVY NEWS Sully, late President George H.W. Bush’s service dog, embarked on a new job as a hospital corpsman in the U.S. Navy as the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) welcomed him. At the welcome aboard ceremony Feb. 27 at the United Service Organization (USO) Warrior and Family Center at Naval Support Activity Bethesda, Sully had a personalized oath of enlistment. “Sully H.W. Bush, do you affirm, or pant, as a hospital corpsman in the United States Navy that you will support, comfort and cheer our warriors and their families, active duty and retired?” He was asked to provide “unconditional love and solace, especially on busy days,” and acknowledge that the responsibility came “without any promise of treats or tummy rubs.” U.S. Navy Capt. Dr. Mark Kobelja, director of WRNMMC shook Sully’s paw following the oath. The yellow Labrador retriever, a service dog from America’s VetDogs, joined the Walter Reed Bethesda (WRB) Facility Dog Program, which provides interactive care for patients and staff using innovative Animal Assisted Interventions. Its mission is to help reduce stress and increase overall feelings of well-being among patients and staff. WRB facility dogs average 2,500 contacts and over 200 working hours per month, collectively, according to the medical center. Sully, will be one of seven dogs working at the facility in Bethesda, Maryland. “Through program tracking and monitoring, we determined that for every hour that a facility dog and their trained handler works, they have the opportunity to create positive patient experience for an average of 12 patients and their families,” the center’s news release said. Sully had made headlines with a photo of him resting near the late president’s casket inside the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Capitol Hill in

Sully H.W. Bush Has a New Job at Walter Reed Medical Center From the Office of the Navy Chief of Information

BETHESDA, Md. (Feb. 27, 2019) Capt. Mary Seymour, center, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity Bethesda, poses for a photo with Elaine Rogers, president and chief executive officer of USO-Metro, left, Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Samantha Murdock and new Walter Reed Bethesda facility dog Sully H.W. Bush after his welcome aboard ceremony at the USO Warrior and Family Center, Feb. 27, 2019. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Julio Martinez Martinez/Released)

December last year. He was named after Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, a retired airline captain, who landed a U.S. Airways passenger jet in the Hudson River after both engines lost thrust when the aircraft hit a flock of geese shortly after taking off from LaGuardia Airport in New BETHESDA, Md. (Feb. 27, 2019) Sully H.W. Bush rests during York City.

his welcome aboard celebration at the USO Warrior and Family Center, Feb. 27, 2019. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Julio Martinez Martinez/ Released)



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