June 7, 2016 - Washington Surveyor

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June 7, 2016

From USS George Washington Public Affairs







By MC3 Jessica Gomez

GEORGE’S C O RNER Post 9/11 G.i. Bill

Everything you need to know about college benefits

qualifications & training ATLANTIC OCEAN (May 19, 2016) Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Timothy Husted, from Albany, Georgia, signals that the flight deck is clear during flight operations aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Clemente A. Lynch


ATLANTIC OCEAN (May 17, 2016) – Aviation Machinist’s Mate Airman Andres Velez (left), from Oakland, California, and Aviation Machinist’s Mate Airman Paul Franks, from Van Vleck, Texas, scrape off paint on run-trailers in the jet shop aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). Run-trailers transport aircraft engines onto the fantail for testing. U.S. Navy photo by MCSA Krystofer N. Belknap


ATLANTIC OCEAN (May 29, 2016) - Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist 2nd Class Tyson Putnam, from Norwalk, Ohio, communicates with the pilots of an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the Grandmasters of Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46. U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Clemente A. Lynch




hroughout the ship, passageway bulkheads covered in uninspiring white paint contrast with the vibrant blue of sea and sky just outside the ship’s thick steel walls. But in some places, colorful artwork interrupts the bland walls and grabs the attention of passing Sailors. Sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS George Washington’s (CVN 73) Deck Department paint nautically themed murals to add a little personality to the otherwise dull walls. “On average it takes two to three days to complete a mural from start to finish,” said Seaman Karla Schippers, a mural artist in Deck’s 1st Division. “It can take up to a week to finish larger pieces that would fill an entire bulkhead.” “It’s not just painting a bulkhead haze grey,” said Schippers. “You’re actually doing a mural, and each one is different and gets viewed differently. Many times we come up with the ideas ourselves, but when we’re painting spaces for other departments we like to incorporate their ideas into the pieces as well. ” Schippers just recently began painting murals for GW after completing a hull-swap with USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) late last year. “On the TR we had a lot of paintings,” said Schippers. “When we got here it seemed kind of bland so we wanted to add some more life to the ship.”

Story by MC3 Devin Bowser




Schippers said a number of her shipmates have mentioned how the artwork captures their attention. “The murals provide something totally different from what we’re use to seeing on the ship,” said Seaman Justine Soto, a mural artist in Deck’s 2nd Division. “It makes me forget that I’m underway. It’s like my mind goes off to somewhere else and I’m no longer worried about where I am.” Soto is currently designing and painting her first mural aboard the aircraft carrier. “We’re all stuck on the ship away from our families,” said Soto. “I think the murals help by taking Sailors’ minds off of everything going on for a second.” Soto said that she’s been involved in art her entire life, and that her current mural is the first large piece she’s done in some time. “I think the paintings have the ability to make peoples’ day,” said Soto. “I like to think that they provide an escape for others as well. The murals provide something different to see while on the ship. When I’m painting, I tend to not think about my problems and I can just focus on painting. I find it very relaxing.” Thanks to these sea-going artists, where there was once only the empty canvas of a drab wall now rests an attentioncapturing image that displays the pride and creativity of the Sailors serving aboard George Washington.



1.4 million



The Post-9/11 GI Bill is the largest investment in veterans’ education since World Was II, covering the full cost of an undergrauate education at any public university or college in the country and many private schools for our nation’s newest generation of veterans. You’ve earned it, but do you really know it? Here’s what you need to understand.

Am I Eligible?


100,000 People

$54 million Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits paid by VA since Aug. 1, 2009

Number of veterans and dependents who have used the Post-9/11 GI Bill since Aug. 1, 2009


*Those with 90 days of aggregate service since Sept. 10, 2001.

served 30 days and was discharged due to a service related injury or illness

A veteran who received an honorable discharge

*36 cumulative months of active duty needed for maxium benefits

BY MC3 Jessica Gomez



What Are the Benefits?




Post-9/11 GI bill Tuition funds

Post-9/11 GI bill housing stipend

Post-9/11 GI Bill Book Stipend

Your Bank Account

Information from this graphic was found at the following location: www.newgibill.org


How to Apply


Complete a VONAPP(Veterans’

Online Application)

online at www. gibill.va.gov


Receive certificate of eligibility (CoE) in the mail from the VA


Identify & contact the VA certifying official(s) on your campus

Department: CRMD Favorite Sports Team: Denver Broncos Hobbies: Snowboarding, Dancing and Walking the dog

Department: Supply/S-2 Favorite Sports Team: Louisville Cardinals Hobbies: Working Out & Reading


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staff Commanding Officer CAPT Timothy Kuehhas

Executive Officer CAPT Kenneth Strong

Command Master Chief CMDCM James Tocorzic

Public Affairs Officer LCDR Reann Mommsen

Deputy Public Affairs Officer LTJG Jack Georges

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One-third of the people in the United States promote, while the other two-thirds provide. -- Will Rogers



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MC2 Stephane Belcher MC2 Jennifer Case MC2 Loni Lopez MC3 Jessica Gomez MC3 Kashif Basharat MC3 Devin Bowser MC3 Alora Blosch MC3 Jaime Marcial MC3 Wyatt Anthony MCSN Clemente Lynch MCSN Michael Wiese MCSA Krystofer Belknap

The Washington Surveyor is an authorized publication for Sailors serving aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73). Contents herein are not the visions of, or endorsed by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy or the Commanding Officer of USS George Washington. All news releases, photos or information for publication in The Washington Surveyor must be submitted to the Public Affairs Officer (7726).

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