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Outcomes and Impacts


Since October 2018, there were 2,178 participants enrolled in the CRWP course with 1,938 successfully completing the course (89% pass rate). An evaluation of short- and medium-term outcomes from October 2018 - October 2022 captured changes in participants’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations toward seeking remote employment. The results are as follows:

Knowledge Attitudes Skills Aspirations

Knowledge tests were administered to participants before and after the course. Results showed statistically significant differences between pre- and post-tests for all nine modules.

On average, participants felt neutral toward their current jobs.

On average, participants had high overall scores across all skills assessed. After the course, participants felt they had better abilities to: did not have remote work experience. indicated it was important or very important to them to acquire remote work skills. believed job opportunities were available in their local region that matched their long-term goals.

Balance their professional and personal lives.

Desired higher incomes. This suggests an opportunity for improving job satisfaction through meaningful remote employment.

Test results indicated significant increases in participants’ knowledge after completing the CRWP certificate course.

Felt seeking remote work opportunities was favorable and beneficial.

Believed adequate wages were available in their local region.

After completing the course:

Felt their value as a remote worker improved.

Manage their professional and personal productivity. Communicate digitally. Manage their careers.

Solve problems. Use online technology.

Felt empowered to seek remote work.

Work as a team member.

Had intentions to seek remote work opportunities.

When asked about which ideal employment situations were most important, said flexible hours. said personal growth. said good manager relationship.

Economic Impact

A short survey was sent to all 347 graduates of the CRWP’s August 2021 to June 2022 cohorts (N = 347). With a 29% response rate, a total of 101 participants completed the survey (n = 101). Below are the long-term results for perceived costbenefit, remote work, anticipated income, and commutes and carbon emissions.

Value Added Remote Jobs Commute Income Generated


Paid to take the course.

35% of respondents from the sample found remote work, taking on average, six months to do so.

65% did not find remote work.



Thought the course was worth more than what they paid. This suggests those who paid thought the personal benefits of completing the course outweighed the registration cost.

However, 63% of those who did not find remote work said they were confident in their ability to do so.

Overall, a participant who found remote work experienced an increase in median salary of 113%

Total salaries across all participants who found remote work increased by 73%

Anticipated Income

Roughly 69% of those who found remote work believed their median salaries would likely increase by 20% over the next year. This amount equates to an increase of $512. This suggests that the state government, cities, and counties could expect an anticipated increase in tax revenue from remote workers in the next fiscal year.

113% $81

About 74% of participants drove to a physical workplace before finding remote work.

Since starting remote work, 28% drove to a physical workplace, which resulted in a 46% reduction in total miles driven per month across all participants who found remote work.

This equates to personal savings of $81 per month across all participants who found remote work due to lower fuel expenses.

This further resulted in a total reduction of 0.18 metric tons of carbon emissions per month. Reduced traffic congestion helps promote clean air quality as remote workers drive fewer miles.

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