My Least Traumatic R*pe ALEX
I couldn’t really turn my head to see her. I kept having this feeling that there was something I just needed to
TRIGGER WARNING: graphic desicription of rape The weirdest thing: we were in full view of about forty
remember, something that I should do to attract attention, to get help. “Is there a phrase you are supposed to say in these situations?”
Bay Area social justice warriors. People who took care to use the correct pronouns. They had posted plaques
I felt nausea rising. I sat as an observer to my internal
on the wall about enthusiastic consent. They reblogged
dialogues. “Okay, you don’t want to die being raped in
Everyday Feminist articles and discussed risk-aware
Harley Quinn lingerie and pigtails.” “That’s right! I
didn’t come all this way to drown in my own vomit at a play party.” “There’s something you need to do if you
The costumes were also bizarre. I have been raped
are drugged and about to throw up. You have to move a
plenty of times--that’s just my life as a female, a drug
certain way.” “What way is that?” “You have to like, lay
user, a sex worker--but never have I had anything so
on your side, girl. Move your body!”
surreal happen to me. Wonder Woman moaned next to me, thoroughly spanked by the Incredible Hulk.
But then I remembered the ongoing rape. “I don’t think this dude will be cool if I try to change positions. Maybe
I slowly reached for my date’s hand as my head rolled
turn my head.” “No, not towards the unicorn. She’s
on the filthy cushion on the floor of the “Play Area.”
being raped too. Well, I guess not at the moment.”
Emmy had dressed as a unicorn, refusing to go along
“Maybe I can wait to throw up until he goes for her
with the super hero theme of the night, opting instead
again! That will get me time to roll over!” “No, there’s
for a polyamory joke--the “unicorn” is the hot bisexual
no time. You better turn your head.” “I hope Wonder
woman willing to become a plaything for a
Woman isn’t mad at me.”
heterosexual relationship. And she had been. In fact, maybe if this dude had just asked her instead of cutting
In retrospect, had Wonder Woman noticed, I’m sure she
our molly with some unknown substance, she would
would have put an end to it. Or maybe she did and just
have been giving him head by now.
ignored me because it was gross. I don’t know.