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On the cover: Design by Kenneth Calhoun for the upcoming book Still, the Small Voice
New Releases
Woody Plants of Utah
A Field Guide with Identification Keys to Native and Naturalized Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, and Vines Click here for catalog page
Still, the Small Voice
Go East, Young Man
Imagining the American West as the Orient Click here for catalog page
Contemporary Perspectives Click here for catalog page
F a l l /W i n t e r 2011
A History of Utah Radicalism
Startling, Socialistic, and Decidedly Revolutionary Click here for catalog page
Living Folklore (Second Edition)
Narrative, Personal Revelation, and the Mormon Folk Tradition Click here for catalog page
The Changing of Knowledge in Composition
An Introduction to the Study of People and Their Traditions Click here for catalog page
Navajos, Hózh=, and Track Work Click here for catalog page
Through the Schoolhouse Door
Folklore, Community, Curriculum Click here for catalog page
A Teaching Subject Writing Centers and Composition Since 1966, the New Racism New Edition Click here for catalog page
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty
About the Dead Click here for catalog page
A Call for Sustainable Dialogue and Change Click here for catalog page
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
N at u r e , E n v i r o n m e n t ,
NEW ter Dec 2011 Win / l $39.95, paper, 6 x 9 l a F 978-0-87421-824-4 1 201 520 pages, color photos, maps
Woody Plants of Utah
A Field Guide with Identification Keys to Native and Naturalized Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, and Vines Renée Van Buren Janet G. Cooper Leila M. Shultz Kimball T. Harper Click here to order
A comprehensive guide that includes a vast range of species and plant communities and allows easy identification, using detailed descriptions, photographs, habitats and ranges, maps, and original keys that are based primarily on vegetative characteristics. The authors identify over 400 taxa of native or naturalized trees, shrubs, cacti, and vines. A field guide this inclusive especially suits an arid region such as Utah with a limited number of native trees but an amazing variety of shrubs. Woody Plants of Utah employs identification keys that help users recognize plants by choosing vegetative characteristics from paired alternatives, thereby following a process of elimination like a game of twenty questions. Specific plant descriptions, illustrated with photos and maps, can be used with the keys or separately to pinpoint species, and they provide additional botanical and environmental information on Utah plant communities. “The authors have done a good job writing for amateur botanists and professionals as well. The book is packed with information about Utah’s fantastic flora. The etymology of scientific names added value and the glossary read well. The taxonomy is current.” —Noel H. Holmgren, Senior Curator of Botany, Emeritus, New York Botanical Garden and Coauthor of Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West 2
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
N at u r e , E n v i r o n m e n t ,
May 2011 $22.95, paper, 8½ x11 978-0-87421-789-6 128 pages, color illustrations
“Written in an easy to follow format, this book will be beneficial to anyone wanting to install a new xeriscape landscape or renovating a traditional landscape to a more xeric one.” —James E. Klett, author of Best Perennials for the Rocky Mountains and High Plains
Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West A Professional and Do-It-Yourself Guide
Edited by Heidi A. Kratsch Click here to order
working manual provides complete information on the technical aspects of designing, building, and maintaining water-efficient landscapes in the mountain West. Written particularly for professionals, including landscape designers, architects, contractors, and maintenance and irrigation specialists, it has an attractive, well-illustrated, user-friendly format that will make it useful as well to DIY homeowners, and to educators, plant retailers, extension agents, and many others. The manual is organized according to landscape principles that are adapted to the climate of the intermountain region. Beginning with planning and design, the topical principles proceed through soil preparation, appropriate plant selection, practicalities of turfgrass, use of mulch, and irrigation planning, winding up with landscape maintenance. Designed for onsite, handy use, the book is illustrated with color images of landscapes, plants, and materials. Tables, charts, diagrams, landscape plans, plant lists, checklists, and other graphic resources are scattered throughout the manual, which is written in an accessible but information-rich style.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
W e s t e rn H i s t o r y
NEW ter Oct 2011 in W $36.95, cloth, 6x9 / l l Fa 978-0-87421-809-1 1 201 360 pages, color illustrations “Thoughtful, provocative, and important. Go East, Young Man is definitely a valuable contribution to scholarship on the American West, as well as to the fields of historical geography and popular culture. It has the potential to become a very important book.” —David M. Wrobel, author of Promised Lands: Promotion, Memory, and the Creation of the American West
Go East, Young Man
Imagining the American West as the Orient Richard V. Francaviglia Click here to order
Perceiving pyramids and promised lands in the desert, Bedouins on the plains, or Mount Fujis above the forest, Americans often shuffled Near and Far Eastern images and identities into those they imposed on their own West. In their growing acquaintance with the new world of the West, Euro-Americans turned not just to the old world but to what they perceived as its most exotic and dramatic parts—the imagined world they knew as the Orient. “Francaviglia questions our perceptions about what is West, what is East, and how folks deal with and rationalize the new and unknown. He calls into question the whole concept of what is new and what is truly unknown. His book will instigate discussion and debate among scholars, students, and the well-educated public. To be the instigator of such a discussion and debate is one of the highest compliments I can offer.” —Gary J. Hausladen, editor of Western Places, American Myths: How We Think About The West
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
W e s t e rn H i s t o r y
NEW ter Win / l l a F 1 201
Sept 2011 $37.95, cloth, 6⅛x9¼ 978-0-87421-814-5 488 pages
“A much needed history of, that will appeal to scholars of radicalism, political history, religion, and the West. The ways the authors deal with Socialist culture, radical space, and the Socialists’ relationship to religion make this a truly original book.” —John P. Enyeart, author of The Quest for “Just and Pure Law”: Rocky Mountain Workers and American Social Democracy, 1870-1924
A History of Utah Radicalism
Startling, Socialistic, and Decidedly Revolutionary John S. McCormick John R. Sillito Click here to order
Utah, now one of the most conservative states, has a long tradition of radicalism. Early Mormons set a precedent with the United Order and other experiments with a socialistic economy. The tradition continued into the recent past with New Left, anti-apartheid, and other radicals. Throughout history, Utah radicalism usually reflected national and international developments. Recounting its long history, McCormick and Sillito focus especially on the Socialist Party of America, which reached a peak of political influence in the first two decades of the twentieth century—in Utah and across the nation. At least 115 Socialists in over two dozen Utah towns and cities were elected to office in that period, and on seven occasions they controlled governments of five different municipalities. This is a little-known story worth a closer look. Histories of Socialism in the United States have tended to forsake attention to details, to specific, local cases and situations, in favor of broader overviews of the movement. By looking closely at Utah’s experience, this book helps unravel how American Socialism briefly flowered and rapidly withered in the early twentieth century. It also broadens conventional understanding of Utah history. www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
N at i v e A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y
NEW ter Win Fall/ 1 201
Oct 2011 $32.95, cloth, 5½x8½ 978-0-87421-853-4 208 pages
“Youngdahl’s book explores fascinating and virtually unexcavated historical and cultural terrain. Curious about religiosity and cultural practices, Youngdahl has woven an unusual narrative which takes us deep into both the past and the present of the Navajo.” —William Deverell, author of Railroad Crossing: Californians and the Railroad, 1850-1910
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty Navajos, Hózh=, and Track Work Jay Youngdahl Click here to order
For over one hundred years, Navajos have gone to work in significant numbers on Southwestern railroads. As they took on the arduous work of laying and anchoring tracks, they turned to traditional religion to anchor their lives. Jay Youngdahl, an attorney who has represented Navajo workers in claims with their railroad employers since 1992 and who more recently earned a master’s in divinity from Harvard, has used oral history and archival research to write a cultural history of Navajos’ work on the railroad and the roles their religious traditions play in their lives of hard labor away from home. “A valuable account of how the Navajo involvement in railroad labor and underlying cultural values interface. It is the sensitivity to that cultural identity that gives the work a special edge and at the same time a broad appeal. It is extremely well written and well organized. Jay Youngdahl tells a good story while applying high standards of scholarship along with an underlying humanism.” —Paul Zolbrod, author/translator of Diné Bahané: The Navajo Creation Story
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
U ta h H i s t o r y ; M o r m o n H i s t o r y
April 2011 $34.95, cloth, 6x9 978-0-87421-784-1 344 pages
1 Vol.
“A delight to read. A naturally gifted writer, Pansy offered an unusually detailed portrayal of material life at the turn of the twentieth-century and a vivid picture of the many places where she lived. Her memoir enlarges the meaning of family and kinship among early Mormons and expands the geography of Mormon history.” —Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Life Writings of Frontier Women, vol 12
Pansy’s History
The Autobiography of Margaret E. P. Gordon, 1866–1966 Transcribed and Edited by Claudia L. Bushman Click here to order
Margaret "Pansy" Gordon's life covered a remarkable span of years and terri-
tory. She lived one century, and the years took her from England to residences in British Columbia, Salt Lake City, and an Ojibway village on Georgian Bay; back to Utah and then Canada to homes at the shore of Bear Lake, on an Alberta farm, and in a prairie town; and to Los Angeles for the last decades of her life. She had gone to British Columbia as the daughter of an Anglican missionary to the Tsimshian Indians. She lived in Los Angeles as a Mormon missionary assigned to work as a genealogist. Her personal journey through repeated frontier adventures, religious service, and economic challenges is as worth noting as where she went, but it would be far less engaging if she did not write about it so well. Her memory for detail and her felicity in putting it to paper will reward those who delve into her “Family History,” as she titled her memoir. Claudia L. Bushman, descendant of Pansy Gordon and author of numerous books, taught American studies at Columbia University for many years and taught Mormon studies at Claremont Graduate University from 2008 to 2011. She has included letters and other documents that complement this memoir.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
NEW nter /Wi Fall 11 20
Oct 2011 $26.95, hardcover, 6x9 978-0-87421-844-2 344 pages
“A student-oriented entry to the study of folklore . . . Rich with examples from the field and the classroom . . . Helps students to see that folklore is really about understanding people.” —Jacqueline S. Thursby, Journal of American Folklore
Living Folklore (Second Edition) An Introduction to the Study of People and Their Traditions Martha C. Sims Martine Stephens Click here to order
This revised edition incorporates new examples, research, and theory along with added discussion of digital and online folklore. Living Folklore is a comprehensive, straightforward introduction to folklore as it is lived, shared, and practiced in contemporary settings. Drawing on examples from diverse American groups and experiences, this text gives the student a strong foundation—from the field’s history and major terms to theories and interpretive approaches. Living Folklore moves beyond genres and classifications and encourages students who are new to the field to see the study of folklore as a unique approach to understanding people, communities, and day-to-day artistic communication. “Students are going to love this book: the examples will stimulate their interest in other cultures, and the approaches to the study of folklore will open up new meanings in their own lives. “The authors draw upon their extensive teaching experience and in-depth scholarly research to produce a textbook that sets a new standard for introductory folklore courses.” —Patrick B. Mullen
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
NEW nter /Wi l l a F 1 201
Oct 2011 $24.95, paper, 6x9 978-0-87421-859-6 264 pages
“A fresh, innovative, and necessary contribution. Teachers need to contemplate the reasoned advice threaded throughout the chapters of this compendium of essays, that ‘out-of-school experience is the great unspoken curriculum.’” —Patricia Shehan Campbell, coauthor of Multicultural Perspectives in Music Education
Through the Schoolhouse Door
Folklore, Community, Curriculum Paddy Bowman Lynne Hamer Click here to order
The creative traditions and expressive culture of students’ families, neighborhoods, towns, religious communities, and peer groups provide opportunities to extend classrooms, sustain learning beyond school buildings, and better connect students and schools with their communities. Folklorists and educators have long worked together to expand curricula through engagement with local knowledge and informal cultural arts—folk arts in education is a familiar rubric for these programs—but the unrealized potential here, for both the folklore scholar and the teacher, is large. The value folklorists “place on the local, the vernacular, and the aesthetics of daily life does not reverberate” throughout public education, even though, in the words of Paddy Bowman and Lynne Hamer, “connecting young people to family and community members and helping them to develop self-identity are vital to civic well-being and to school success.” Through the Schoolhouse Door offers a collection of experiences from exemplary school programs and the analysis of an expert group of folklorists and educators who are dedicated not only to getting students out the door and into their communities to learn about the folk culture all around them but also to honoring the culture teachers and students bring to the classroom. www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
Folklore, Mormon Studies
NEW ter Win Fall/ 1 201
Oct 2011 $39.95, cloth, 6⅛x9¼ 978-0-87421-817-6 460 pages
Still, the Small Voice
Narrative, Personal Revelation, and the Mormon Folk Tradition Tom Mould Click here to order
Still, the Small Voice is a folklorist’s examination of the everyday narratives Mormons share with each other concerning their personal encounters with the divine. Through close consideration of these narratives as shared with fellow church members and non-members alike, Tom Mould gets to the heart of Mormonism and provides a significant new ethnographic interpretation of Mormon religious culture and belief. “Tom Mould is a remarkable scholar. He knows his Mormon sources better than many Mormon researchers, and he is fully conversant with trends in folklore scholarship. A number of us have published Mormon folklore studies, but no one has worked seriously with personal revelations and no one has taken the theoretical and methodological approach Tom takes. This is an excellent book—wonderfully researched, engagingly written. His work will make a substantial contribution to Mormon folklore studies, and to Mormon studies as well.” —William A. Wilson, author of The Marrow of Human Experience
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
June 2011 $26.95, cloth, 6x9 978-0-87421-829-9 approx. 232 pages; color photos
“A first rate ethnographic study . . . Whereas other folklorists have scrutinized festival in relation to cultural and social systems, Lisa Gabbert offers the first fully developed study of festival in relation to work and place.” —James P. Leary, coeditor of the Journal of American Folklore
Winter Carnival in a Western Town
Identity, Change, and the Good of the Community Lisa Gabbert foreword by Jack Santino
Click here to order
Held annually, the McCall, Idaho, Winter Carnival has become a modern
tradition. A festival and celebration, it is also a source of community income and an opportunity for shared community effort; a chance to display the town attractively to outsiders and to define and assert McCall's identity; and consequently, a source of disagreement among citizens over what their community is, how it should be presented, and what the carnival means. Though rooted in the broad traditions of community festival, annual civic events, often sponsored by chambers of commerce, such as that in McCall, are as much expressions of popular culture and local commerce as of older traditions. Yet they become dynamic, newer community traditions, with artistic, informal, and social meanings and practices that make them forms of folklore as well as commoditized culture. Winter Carnival is the first volume in a new Ritual, Festival, and Celebration series edited by folklorist Jack Santino.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
Mormon History; Folklore
May 2011 $21.95, paper 5½x8½ 978-0-87421-838-1 248 pages
“It is significant that historians have chosen to better understand the history of Mormons by looking at their folklore . . . Some historians might have viewed these legends as peripheral to the main story of the church and its members, but here we see that they help fill out and give form to the story.” —Elaine Thatcher
Between Pulpit and Pew
The Supernatural World in Mormon History and Folklore Edited by W. Paul Reeve and Michael Scott Van Wagenen foreword by Elaine Thatcher
Click here to order
Cain wanders the frontier as a Bigfoot-like hairy beast and confronts an
early Mormon apostle. An evil band of murderers from Mormon scripture, known as the Gadianton robbers, provide an excuse for the failure of a desert town. Stories of children raised from the dead with decayed bodies and damaged minds help draw boundaries between the proper spheres of human versus divine action. Mormons who observe UFOs in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries find ways to explain them in relation to the church's cosmology. The millenarian dimension of that belief system induces church members to invest in the Dream Mine, a hidden treasure that a would-be heir to Joseph Smith wraps in prophecy of the end times. A Utah version of Nessie haunts a large mountain lake. Non-Mormons attempt to discredit Joseph Smith with tales that he had tried and failed to walk on water. Mormons gave distinctive meanings to supernatural legends and events, but their narratives incorporated motifs found in many cultures. Many such historical legends and beliefs found adherents down to the present. This collection employs folklore to illuminate the cultural and religious history of a people.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
NEW ter Win / l l a F 1 201
Oct 2011 $29.95, paper, 6x9 978-0-87421-820-6 320 pages
This book uses the 25th anniversary of North’s controversial study as an occasion to think about the current state of our field and where we are now headed. These essays are lively and well informed, written by scholars unafraid to take stands and push against received wisdom. —Joseph M. Harris, author of Rewriting and A Teaching Subject
The Changing of Knowledge in Composition Contemporary Perspectives Lance Massey Richard C. Gebhardt Click here to order
The Changing of Knowledge in Composition suggests that we may be moving toward another fundamental shift in how composition understands itself as a field. In this collection, Massey and Gebhardt offer many signs that composition again faces a moment of precariousness, even as it did in the 1980s— the years of the great divorce from literary studies. The contours of writing in the university again are rapidly changing, making the objects of scholarship in composition again unstable. Composition is poised to move not from modern to postmodern but from process to postprocess, from a service-oriented "field" to a research-driven "discipline." Some would say we are already there. Momentum is building to replace "composition" and the pedagogical imperative long implied in that term with a "writing studies" model devoted to the study of composition as a fundamental tool of, and force within, all areas of human activity. Appropriately, contributors here use Stephen M. North’s 1987 book The Making of Knowledge in Composition to frame and background their discussion, as they look at both the present state of the field and its potential futures. www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
Composition; Writing Centers
NEW ter Win / l l a F 1 201
Oct 2011 $29.95, paper, 6x9 978-0-87421-861-9 256 pages
This book is exactly what I think of when I think of USU Press: innovative scholarship that offers new insights into the pedagogical issues surrounding writing and its production. —Resa Crane Bizarro
Writing Centers and the New Racism A Call for Sustainable Dialogue and Change Laura Greenfield Karen Rowan Click here to order
Laura Greenfield and Karen Rowan have created a rich resource for writing center tutors, administrators, and scholars. Motivated by a scholarly interest in race, literacy, and pedagogy, and by an ethical commitment to antiracism work, contributors address a series of related questions: How does institutionalized racism in American education shape the culture of literacy and language education in the writing center? How does racism operate in the discourses of writing center scholarship and lore, and in what ways are writing centers unwittingly complicit in racist practices? How can they meaningfully operationalize antiracist work? How do they persevere through the difficulty and messiness of negotiating race and racism in their daily practice? The conscientious, nuanced attention to race in Writing Centers and the New Racism is meant to model what it means to be bold in engagement with these hard questions and to spur the kind of sustained, productive, multivocal, and challenging dialogue that, with a few important exceptions, has been absent from the field. The depth of what’s presented in this collection of essays is extraordinary. It’s educational, informative, and in many places, quite inspiring. —Jaime Mejía 14
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
NEW ter Win / l l a F 1 201
Dec 2011 $26.95, paper, 6x9 978-0-87421-866-4 156 pages
A Teaching Subject is a book I recommend to every colleague and student of composition and repeatedly return to myself. Harris uses the occasion of this new edition not simply to update but to add fresh, insightful perspectives, elegantly expressed, to the cornucopia presented in the original. —Bruce Horner, Endowed Chair in Rhetoric and Composition,University of Louisville
A Teaching Subject
Composition Since 1966, New Edition Joseph Harris Click here to order
In this classic text, Joseph Harris traces the evolution of college writing instruction since the Dartmouth Seminar of 1966. A Teaching Subject offers a brilliant interpretive history of the first decades during which writing studies came to be imagined as a discipline separable from its partners in English studies. Postscripts to each chapter in this new edition bring the history of composition up to the present. Reviewing the development of the field through five key ideas, Harris unfolds a set of issues and tensions that continue to shape the teaching of writing today. Ultimately, he builds a case, now deeply influential in its own right, that composition defines itself through its interest and investment in the literacy work that students and teachers do together. Unique among English studies fields, composition is, Harris contends, a teaching subject.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
W r i t i n g S t u d i e s ; R h e t o r i c /C o m p o s i t i o n
April 2011 $26.95, paper, 6x9 978-0-87421-831-2 approx. 258 pages
“This is the first collection of essays about postprocess that has the potential to help inspire positive change in our theorizing and pedagogical practice on the same scale as did collections that made the process movement a national phenomenon.” —Nancy DeJoy
Beyond Postprocess Sidney I. Dobrin J.A. Rice Michael Vastola preface by Thomas Kent
Click here to order
Beyond Postprocess offers a vigorous, provocative discussion of postprocess
theory in its contemporary profile. Fueled by something like a fundamental refusal to see writing as self-evident, reducible, and easily explicable, the contributors rethink postprocess, suggesting that there is no easily defined moment or method that could be called postprocess. Instead, each contribution to this collection provides a unique and important example of what work beyond postprocess could be. Through the lively and provocative character of these essays, Beyond Postprocess aims to provide a critical site for nothing less than the broad reevaluation of what it means to study writing today. Its polyvocal considerations and conclusions invest the volume with a unique potential to describe not what that field of study should be, but what it has the capacity to create. The central purpose of Beyond Postprocess is to unleash this creative potential.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
W r i t i n g S t u d i e s ; R h e t o r i c /C o m p o s i t i o n
$26.95, paper, 6x9 978-0-87421-812-1 264 pages
“David Wallace rightly eschews both code-switching and “additive models,” and instead he reorients our focus on (indeed, our interest in) alternative rhetorics toward how such rhetorics use embodiment and disidentification. I literally yawped when I read his passages on embodiment.” —Jonathan Alexander
Compelled to Write Alternative Rhetoric in Theory and Practice David L. Wallace Click here to order
Wallace argues that any understanding of writing studies must include the conception of discourse as an embodied force with real consequences for real people. Informed in important ways by queer theory, Wallace calls to account users of dominant discourses and at the same time articulates a theory base from which to interpret "alternative rhetoric." To examine the practice of writing from varied margins of society, Compelled to Write offers careful readings of four exemplar American writers, each of whom felt compelled within their own time and place to write in response to systemic injustices in American society. Through these writers, Wallace explores a range of strategies that comprise alternative rhetorical practice, and demonstrates how such practice is inflected by social constraints on rhetorical agency and by how writers employ alternative discourses to resist those constraints. Grounding and personalizing Compelled to Write with rich material from his own teaching and his own experience, Wallace considers a number of implications for teachers of writing.
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736
NEW ter Win / l l a F 1 201
$19.95, cloth, 5½x8½ 978-0-87421-826-8 88 pages
About the Dead struck me on first reading as an adventurous book grounded in real places and real people, and reading it was like following the poet up a steep climb on a rocky slope as he improvised his route, and at every step I was struck by the rightness of his choices, surprised by so many odd words that seemed so exactly right. —Garrison Keillor
About the Dead Travis Mossotti Foreword by Garrison Keillor Click here to order
Travis Mossotti writes with humor, gravity, and humility about subjects grounded in a world of grit, where the quiet mortality of working folk is weighed. To Mossotti, the love of a bricklayer for his wife is as complex and simple as life itself: "ask him to put into words what that sinking is, / that shudder in his chest, as he notices / the wrinkles gathering at the corners of her mouth." But not a whiff of sentiment enters these poems, for Mossotti has little patience for ideas of the noble or for sympathetic portraits of hard-used saints. His vision is clear, as clear as the memory of how scarecrows in the rearview, "each of them, stuffed / into a body they didn't choose, resembled / your own plight." His poetry embraces unsanctimonious life with all its wonder, its levity, and clumsiness. About the Dead is an accomplished collection by a writer in control of a wide range of experience, and it speaks to the heart of any reader willing to catch his "drift, and ride it like the billowed / end of some cockamamie parachute all the way / back to the soft, dysfunctional, waiting earth."
Poetry Award Winner 2011 18
www.USUPress.org • 800-621-2736