BA Documentary Photography · Station to Station #1 2020+2022

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EDITION #1 2020+2022

Welcome to the Station to Station project, edition #1. This publication showcases the amazing work from two years of the project, (we were forced to pause for a year because of the Covid-19 pandemic) made by students of the BA and MA Documentary Photography courses at USW.

Mentored by Gareth Phillips and Janire Najera, photographers head out into the south Wales valleys for three intensive days of photography, travelling by train. They work with communities and individuals to tell their stories while a team works in Cardiff editing and sequencing the work that is submitted each day. The result is this project.

‘Station to Station’ is a nod to both David Bowie and his song of the same name, but also to the remarkable history of social engagement of our course after nearly 50 years of teaching Documentary Photography in south Wales, firstly in Newport and now in Cardiff. In particular, we tip our hats to the very special ‘Newport Survey’ publications, and the staff and students that were responsible for that unique project recording everyday life.

Huge thanks to Transport for Wales for supporting Station to Station edition #1. Keep your eyes peeled for the second edition: 2023. Heading down the track very soon!

Croeso i’r prosiect Station to Station, arg. #1. Mae’r cyhoeddiad yma yn arddangos y gwaith arbennig ar draws dwy flwyddyn o’r prosiect, (roedd rhaid seibio am flwyddyn oherwydd y pandemig Covid-19) wedi ei wneud gan fyfyrwyr o’r cyrsiau BA ac MA Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol PDC.

Wedi eu mentora gan Gareth Phillips a Janire Najera, mae’r ffotograffwyr yn mynd allan i gymoedd De Cymru am tair diwrnod dwys o ffotograffiaeth, yn teithio ar drenau. Yna, maen nhw’n gweithio gyda chymunedau ac unigolion i adrodd eu straeon wrth i dîm weithio yng Nghaerdydd golygu a dilyniannu’r gwaith sy’n cael ei gyflwyno bob dydd. Y prosiect yma yw’r canlyniad.

Mae ‘Station to Station’ yn gyfeiriad i David Bowie a’i gan o’r un deitl, ond hefyd i’r hanes nodedig o ymgysylltiad gymdeithasol tu ôl i’r cwrs wedi bron 50 o flynyddoedd o addysgu Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol yn ne Cymru, yn gyntaf yng Nghasnewydd a nawr yng Nghaerdydd. Yn bennaf, rydym ni’n talu parch i’r cyhoeddiadau ‘Newport Survey’, ac i’r staff a myfyrwyr a oedd yn gyfrifol am y brosiect unigryw sydd yn record neilltuol iawn o fywyd bob dydd.

Diolch enfawr i Drafnidiaeth Cymru am gefnogi Station to Station arg. #1. Cadwch eich llygaid ar agor ar gyfer yr ail argraffiad: 2023. Yn teithio lawr y trac yn fuan iawn!

Contributors / Cyfrannwyr:

Project Leaders / Arweinwyr:

David Barnes

Janire Najera

Gareth Phillips

Paul Reas

Photographers / Ffotograffwyr:

Mana Baoosh

Steven Bell

Freddie Bingham

Katy Bird

Marzia Borracci

Laurie Broughton

Ellen Budd

Francisco Gonzalez Camacho

Alex Campbell-Reeves

Finn Carlow

Robin Chaddah-Duke

Ally Clark

Amy D’Agorne Craghill

Tom Cronin

Aran Davies

Beth Davies

Nate Davies

Rhys Davies

Teifi Davies

Alice Durham

James Ellaway

Fergus Thomas

Karin Bareman

Nate Davies

Designers & Editors/ Dylunwyr a Golygwyr:

Alex Campbell-Reeves

Amy D’Agorne Craghill

Matthew Harry

Matthew Keenan

Tracy Jones

Francesco Marchini

Paul Railton

Luke Richards

Tudor Etchells

David Fyfe

Callie Gale

Ross Gardner

Sam Gillibrand

Finn Green

Liv van der Ham

Matthew Harry

Dai Harrhy

Mohamed Hassan

Kit Heap

Jon Hosgood

Curtis Hughes

Ruby Ingleheart

Emily Jones

Kinga Kacala

Matthew Keenan

Daisy Leslie

Sadhbh Lynam

Louis McAllister

Bella Macauley

Francesco Marchini

Zoe Marshall

Jared Morgan

Daniel Moriarty

Jackson Mount

Shannon O’Donnell

Rachel Pepperell

Tomas Pacovsky

Curtis Peacock

Paul Railton

Joseph Robertson

Zoe Rodwell

Bnar Sardar

Hoda al Shaibani

Michael Tiedke

Sam Vallet

Marco Verhoogt

Wshear Wali

Marta Wawrzycka

Qiuwen Zhang

Since it was established by Magnum photographer David Hurn in 1973, BA Documentary Photography has become one of the leading documentary photography and photojournalism courses in the world.

Our students have a passion for social issues storytelling in all its forms. We are a welcoming, diverse, internationally focused course with a small class size and an inclusive and informal approach to teaching. We closely mentor you to work on topics that you are passionate about; to produce powerful and visually distinctive photography. Our assignments immerse you in the worlds of fine print and photobooks, exhibition production, digital storytelling for web, documentary filmmaking, and much more.

Our students and alumni are celebrated within the photographic industry: working as photojournalists for the world’s most prestigious news agencies including Associated Press, magazines like The New York Times, National Geographic, and Time Magazine; winning major awards, featuring in international exhibitions, publishing photobooks, and producing documentary films.

BA Documentary Photography is part of a pathway in documentary at USW including MA Documentary Photography and The European Centre for Documentary Research for PhD and postdoc.

USW has a history of 100 years of photography, and nearly 50 years of teaching Documentary Photography. We have a bespoke, specialist department with full digital and analogue facilities in central Cardiff, Wales, which we share with our amazing sister course BA Photography USW. We are also home to one of the largest specialist library collections in documentary / photojournalism in Europe.

Visit us at:

Ers cael ei sefydlu gan ffotograffydd Magnum David Hurn yn 1973, mae’r cwrs BA Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol wedi datblygu i fod yn un o’r cyrsiau ffotograffiaeth ddogfennol a ffotonewyddiaduriaeth fwyaf blaenllaw y byd. Mae ein myfyrwyr yn angerddol dros adrodd straeon am faterion cymdeithasol ymhob ffurf. Rydym yn gwrs croesawgar ac amrywiol gyda ffocws rhyngwladol. Mae’r dosbarthiadau yn fach ac mae gennym ymagwedd anffurfiol a chynhwysol tuag at addysgu.

Rydym yn eich mentora’n agos a’ch annog i weithio ar bynciau rydych yn angerddol yn eu cylch; er mwyn creu delweddau pwerus a thrawiadol. Mae ein aseiniadau yn eich ymdrochi i’r byd o brint cain a ffoto-lyfrau, cynnyrch arddangosfa, adrodd stori’n ddigidol ar gyfer y we, ffilmiau dogfennol a llawer mwy.

Mae ein myfyrwyr a chyn-fyfyrwyr yn ennill clôd yn y diwydiant ffotograffiaeth; yn gweithio fel ffoto-newyddiaduron i rai o asiantaethau newyddion mwyaf blaenllaw’r byd yn cynnwys Associated Press, cylchgronau fel y New York Times, National Geographic a Time Magazine; yn ennill gwobrau nodedig; yn arddangos eu gwaith mewn arddangosfeydd rhyngwladol; yn cyhoeddi llyfrau ac yn cynhyrchu ffilmiau dogfennol.

Mae’r cwrs BA Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol yn rhan o lwybr gwaith ddogfennol yn PDC, sy’n cynnwys MA Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol a Doethuriaeth mewn Ymchwil Dogfennol yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil Ddogfennol Ewropeaidd.

Mae gan PDC 100 mlynedd o hanes ffotograffiaeth a bron i 50 mlynedd o hanes addysgu ac arbenigo mewn Ffotograffiaeth Dogfennol yng nghanol Caerdydd, Cymru. Mae gennym ni, ar y cyd â’r adran BA Ffotograffiaeth, adnoddau digidol ac analog llawn ynghyd â llyfrgell sydd ag un o’r casgliadau mwyaf o ddeunyddiau dogfennol a ffotonewyddiadurol yn Ewrop.

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