Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 41, Number 4, 1973

Page 94

Utah Historical



RELIGION Jensen, Richard. "A New Home, A New Life: Contributions of the European Saints in Building the Kingdom," The Ensign of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, 3 (August 1973), 56-62. Early converts to Mormonism and their contributions in various fields. Quinn, D. Michael. "The First Months of Mormonism: A Contemporary View by Rev. Diedrich Willers," New York History, 54 (July 1973), 317-33. Includes annotated translation of Willers's letter about the Book of Mormon and the organizers of the church. Young, Biloine W. "Minnesota Mormons: The Cutlerites," Courage, 3 (WinterSpring 1973), 117-37.

The Utah State Historical Society library recently completed its microfilming of approximately a thousand pounds of Park City, Utah, municipal records. The records were presented to the library following the recent fire in Park City which inflicted extensive damage on the buisness district and emphasized the advisability of committing these data to duplication and safekeeping. Dating from the late nineteenth century, the documents include minutes of city council meetings, justice of the peace court records, certain police records, water system records, vital statistics, and fragmentary data from local churches. The Historical Society's librarian has announced Joseph Smith, Jr., estate papers from the county seat Hancock County, Illinois. Made available to the library assistance of F. Mark McKiernann, the collection contains ments and deals with the years 1842-1851.

the accession of the record depository of through the generous over a hundred docu-

Another accession of interest to researchers and friends of the Historical Society is the Franklin Worrell and Thomas C. Sharp papers, also containing over a hundred documents. The records cover the Nauvoo years and promise new insight into the anti-Mormon agitation. The Special Collections libraian of the Marriott Library, University of Utah, has announced several manuscript acquisitions certain to be of value to many students of Utah history. Included among them is the complete file on

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