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2020 Strategic Plan Spring 2018 Final Report

April 17, 2018

Goal # 1 Strategy # 3

What work was completed this year?

Three to Four Accomplishments:

• Hire assistant directors and an AVP for Student Success • Enhance the Early Alert System • Implement a retention and graduation rate dashboard

Strengthen the structured enrollment program

Begin to strengthen supplemental instruction


Three to Four compared to established benchmarks:

• Fall-to-fall retention of students with early alert referrals with be compared between the fall 2016 and fall 2017 new freshman cohorts

• A substantial reduction in Math 1000 failure rates from 52% to a lower rate will be assessed, along with DFW rates in all classes with instructor-led supplemental instruction

• Fall-to-fall retention and academic success rates will be evaluated for students in structured enrollment comparing the fall 2016 and fall 2017 new freshman cohorts

Plan(s) for the upcoming year

Based on the identified outcomes; include conclusions and recommendations.

• To further enhance the early alert system, the web page for the withdrawal forms needs to be updated to inform students about the implications for withdrawal. A process for self-referral and intervention needs to be developed.

• The Success Center is currently working on a report about why students discontinue; using the same data, we will be working on a recruit-back strategy.

• The AVP for student success needs to demonstrate the retention dashboard across the university and answer questions; student lists can be generated.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Could be people, financial, structural, operational related…that your team experienced this year.

Implementing initiatives requires collaboration, not only identifying potential road blocks but also how to overcome the roadblocks; At times initiatives have not gone forward because the solutions to roadblocks are not discussed, just the concerns.

We need scholarship funding for a recruit-back initiative.

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