In Touch Newsletter - July 2018

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D epartment


M edicine

Con ne c ti ng T e c h n o lo g y , Ed uca t i o n a n d D i s cove ry w ith H um anis m in Me dicine

Vol. 7 Issue 3 Jul 2018

Electronic Resources and Medical Education

on a section of material.” Other resources broadcast technical expertise in doing procedures to a widespread audience of learners. Clinical librarian Rebecca Harrington says YouTube videos are widely used as a resource, particularly for medical students and residents, and can be a useful peer-to-peer tool as well. Of course, human expertise from our medical librarians and others enhance electronic resources. Harrington observes that, as search engines change to organize the volume of research generated, knowing what search terms to use can be a challenge. Terms evolve and change over time, and the same phenomenon can have different names in different disciplines or specialties. The staff at Preston Medical Library Health Information Center are on hand to help ensure you are getting the most out of the resources available. Technological resources for education and information have limits, too. “It’s definitely possible to get ‘app overload,’” says Dr. Norwood. Not every app is for every person. “You have to find your own workflow and decide what works best for you. And, of course, you still have to evaluate the information the app provides and decide if it is relevant.” She notes that over-reliance on apps can blunt critical thinking. Part of learning how to use electronic resources is understanding when and for what to use them. Finally, clinical judgment, common sense, and professionalism must be learned from excellent teachers. No electronic resource can replace the guidance of a trusted mentor.

Approaches to medical education have co-evolved with information resources. While lectures and books are still part of medical education, physicians and medical students alike also use newer methods like medical simulation and mobile apps. Where once one might have expected to master a body of medical knowledge, the rapid pace of discovery today has made this mastery impractical. Instead, learning how to access new and nuanced information has become a fundamental skill. Electronic resources have become essential for both learning and as a reference for all stages of medical education, from pre-med and medical school through residency and continuing education. Systems like Blackboard and Canvas, search engines like PubMed, and point-of-care resources like UpToDate have become ubiquitous. More recently, there has been a proliferation of apps and tools that can find and synthesize information, help juggle complex schedules, and even award CME credit. “Electronic resources tend to be underutilized, especially by faculty,” notes Dr. Daphne Norwood. “People may not be aware of everything that is out there.” Some e-resources are improvements on their traditional predecessors. “Resources like AccessMedicine and AccessSurgery are, essentially, the evolution of the medical textbook,” says Michael Lindsey, electronic resources librarian at the Preston Medical Library Health Information Center. “They combine screens of traditional text with multimedia cases. Users can even ask it to make up a bank of study questions based

Points of View

Rajiv Dhand, MD, Chair

to do research, we need a culture that promotes academics and scholarly activity. At present, the clinical workload tension as well as limited resources and research infrastructure are major deterrents to promoting research in our department. Over the past few years, several faculty members with strong academic interests have joined the department and are complementing the already flourishing basic science program that includes Dr. Wall and his team of talented investigators. Our research committee led by Drs. Emily Martin and Mark Rasnake is functioning well and plans to step up its efforts to streamline research in our department. A coalition is building to enhance research in the cardiology, pulmonary, infectious diseases, continued on page 3 rheumatology, and hematology/oncology

Looking back over the past several years, we have made significant strides as a department toward our missions of providing clinical care, education and public service. As we look to the future, the development of a research program needs greater emphasis. A strong research program requires a grassroots effort and commitment from members of the department across all disciplines. Besides the time and resources needed 1

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