Volume 42 Issue 3

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Catch up on Sports! Details on page 13

Perfectly Portioned Details on page 6

University of Maine at Presque Isle Volume 42 Issue 3

Journalism for Northern Maine Visit us at utimes.umpi.edu

OCTOBER 11, 2013

Walking for Wishes Nicole Duplessis STAFF WRITER

On Sept. 19, people of all ages gathered in the Multipurpose Room of the Campus Center for the Make-A-Wish foundation’s Walk for Wishes. This is the third year the walk has been held at UMPI, and the Walk for Wishes is a nationwide event. “Wish families,” volunteers, donors and friends of the organization put on the event. UMPI is one of the 75 locations that hosts this walk, and it proved to be a great success. Make-a-Wish grants wishes for children between the ages of two and a half and 18 diagnosed with life-threatening medical conditions in the U.S. On average, they grant a wish every 38 minutes, and you can help make these wishes come true! There

are lots of ways to make a difference, including by participating in one of the 75 walks held throughout the U.S. visiting www.wish.org or by making a d o n a t i o n . “We’ve always received a lot of support from the University,” Peter Lento, a volunteer at the event as well as a member of a wish family, said. Around 20 to 30 people came out for the event. People began sporting their blue Walk for Wishes t-shirts, and the excitement in the room was t r e m e n d o u s . “It’s so nice to have UMPI participate,” Marilyn Carey, a volunteer, said. Carey expressed how rewarding being a part of the Make-a-Wish foundation is. She talked about her experiences and

The entire group before the walk.

the joy it has brought her to see children’s wishes come t r u e . “It’s probably the most rewarding thing to see the expression on children’s faces,” Carey said. After everyone arrived, photos were taken. The group then made their way outside for their walk around the campus. It was a beautiful night for it, and it was a great chance for the kids to let go of some energy. The walk lasted about twenty minutes. Everyone gathered back into the Multipurpose Room afterward. Organizers handed out prizes Peter and announced the grand total. Thanks to donors, they raised around $1,100. This money goes toward children getting their wishes. It was amazing to see a community work together for such a wonderful cause. Not only did these people help raise money to grant wishes, but they also “walked the talk” by coming together and acting out their s u p p o r t .

Lento handing out door prizes after the walk.

Letting their energy out before the walk!



The University Times Staff Editor Nicole Duplessis Assistant Editor Stephanie Jellett Staff Writers Kayla Ames Christopher Bowden Nicole Duplessis Stephanie Jellett Lisa Van Pelt Kelsey Wood Contributors Jen Borden Alex Csiernik Financial Aid Office Linda Schott Jim Stepp

University Times


Hi Everyone! Fall break is upon us. Itʼs crazy how time flies! Midterms are coming up shortly as well, which means half the semester is almost over! Before we know it, the snow will be flying! Letʼs not talk about snow quite yet, though! This past weekend was a beautiful one. I hope everyone got the chance to get out and enjoy the last of the warm weather! I know Iʼve been wearing my flip flops as much as possible. Might as well take advantage of it while we can! I hope everyone isnʼt too stressed out with school work. If so, get out and take a nice walk with friends and enjoy the beautiful fall colors. Maybe go bowling or catch a movie at the Braden. Or, if the budget is tight, gather a group of friends and have a movie night in the dorms. There is always something fun to do to get some of the load off! I hope everyone brings some warm clothes, sweatshirts and boots back after fall break because youʼll need them! Winter in northern Maine is quite chilly! -Nicole

October 11, 2013

Hola Everybody! Break seemed to sneak up on us, didnʼt it? Iʼm not complaining. I could use a break-and some Thanksgiving dinner! (In Canada, that is). Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday, mostly because you donʼt need to worry about the stress of buying presents. Everyone comes together to prepare a fantastic meal. Itʼs just so peaceful and homey. So, in other words, I canʼt wait for break! I also canʼt wait for the UMPI hockey season to start. The first game is on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 7:15 p.m. at the Forum. I encourage everyone to get out and support the players! Wear some blue and gold! Speaking of colors, arenʼt the leaves so pretty!? I love fall foliage. I feel the need to hike Haystack and bring my camera out with me and take lots of photos. Thatʼs definitely on my list of things to do before the leaves fall off the trees. Well, I hope everyone enjoys break and rests up before midterms! Iʼlll see you around campus! -Stephanie

Dates fo r Sub mission s to the U Times Adviser Dr. J The U Times welcomes submissions from the campus. Send digital versions of articles, photos, etc., to utimes@maine.edu and jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu

Oct. 28

Nov. 18 D ec . 2

Any submissions received after a deadline will be published in the following issue. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lowman at 768-9745.

Un iver si ty T ime s ! C A M P US ! Oc tob er 1 1 , 20 1 3


Linda’s Letter Welcoming Adult Students to UMPI

Linda Schott. During the last year, I have served on the Adult Baccalaureate Completion/Distance Educa-

tion (ABCDE) Committee of the University of Maine System. This committee is focused on

helping Maine’s adult and noncampus-based citizens complete their baccalaureate degrees. We know that between 180,000 and 220,000 adults in Maine have started but not finished a college degree. Our goal is to help those individuals complete their e d u c a t i o n s . The ABCDE Committee presented the findings of its work to the UMS Board of Trustees in July. The board responded enthusiastically and approved the report. Among the committee’s key findings were the following: •We must review all of our existing policies and procedures to see if they pose unnecessary barriers to adult students.

•We must make it easier for adult students, who are often working and have families, to attend classes by offering flexible schedules and by offering more instruction in alternative formats such as online. •We must be able to give adult students credit for prior learning they have done in the workforce or the military. •We must have an individual or individuals on each campus who are experts in serving adult students and can serve as a sort of “concierge” to assist adult s t u d e n t s . The ABCDE Committee is now working to implement our recommendations. Here at the UMPI campus, the director of

admissions, Erin Benson, has been designated as our “concierge.” If you know of someone who is thinking of returning to school or if you yourself may be interested, Erin will be happy to talk with you during business hours or even in the evening. Erin can be reached at 207-551-3858 or at erin.bens o n @ u m p i . e d u . If you’d like more information about the work of the ABCDE Committee, please contact my office at 207-7689525. We can provide you with a copy of the committee’s complete report and tell you more about how this initiative will unfold at UMPI.

UMPI Students Host Hawaiian-themed Fit and Fun Day.

Who: Children ages 5-11 are welcome Where: Gentile Hall When: Saturday, October 26 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Cost: Free!! Team games, tag and cup stacking with a Hawaiian twist are just a few of the activities on the list. If the sun decides to shine, some of the activities will take place outside. For more information, call Dr. Standefer at 768-9475 or e-mail christine.standefer@maine.edu

The Toga Dance, held on Sept. 26, brought in a large crowd of students. The dance was put on by Kappa Delta Phi. Many students sported togas, and some just came in regular clothes. No matter the apparel, students still had a blast and danced the night away. DJ Jake Ball provided some great tunes until the end of the night.


Un ive r si ty T ime s ! C A M P US ! Oc to ber 1 1 , 2 01 3

J i m ’s J o u r n a l Fr iend s a n d Fam ily

Jim Stepp. Note: This article is being written on Monday, Sept. 30, 2 0 1 3 . I usually do not include the date I am writing this article, but

since I do not know when you will be reading this article, the date becomes important. I am looking forward to the Oct. 4 weekend with anticipa-

tion and excitement. My wife, two of my children and I will be traveling to Pennsylvania to visit my in-laws and to attend homecoming activities at the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. I graduated from Edinboro in 1984 with my Bachelor of Science degree in secondary education and in 1990 with my Master’s degree in college a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . Most people hate going to visit their in-laws, but I don’t. I actually enjoy it. My parents have both passed away. My mother died during my sophomore year of college and my dad passed away in 1989. Because of my parents being deceased, I now consider Helen and Lloyd my parents. One of the highlights of this

trip will be meeting up with all of my college friends on Saturday morning. Many of these friend were members of the service fraternity I belonged to as well as members of my wedding party. Some of these friends I haven’t seen since my wedding 23 years ago. You may be asking yourself, “Why is Jim writing about this?” This trip has reminded me about the importance of family and friends in our lives. The people I will be meeting up with were my friends in college. People always say that the friends you make in college may be your friends for life. They are right. Some of the people we will be meeting up with became my friends in the early 1980s, almost 30 years ago. I

am happy that I met and hung out with these folks. They work in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Arizona, and yet we remain friends. As far as family goes, we all have our skeletons in the closets. Some family memories are good, some are not, but your family will always be a part of you. My family was not perfect. There were issues of alcoholism and violence, but with all of the bad stuff, there were good memories. I prefer to hold on to them. Use your college experience to make the kinds of friends you will want to have in 30 years. Get out and get involved. You control the quality and quantity of your friends.

Got the Monday blues? You can fix that by attending

K a r a o k e N ig h t !

When: Monday, Oct. 21 Where: Owl’s Nest Time: 7:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!

Un iver si ty Tim e s ! C A M P US ! Oc tob er 11 , 20 1 3

Oh, Brothers, Where Art Thou? Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

It turns out, the “brothers” are closer than you think – if you're looking for members of Kappa Delta Phi, UMPI's premiere fraternity. What is Kappa Delta Phi? Chances are, you've heard of them or seen the name on fliers around campus, but you probably don't know the whole story. A man named Nahum Leonard founded the organization in 1900 and it has since spread to 30 campuses. This includes but is not limited to the University of Maine at Presque Isle, whose chapter began in 1952. In fact, Kappa Delta Phis make a point of connecting with their brothers, whether in states such as Massachusetts and New Hampshire or Connecticut and Pennsylvania. They're a very close-knit group overall. One of their main goals is to foster a sense of brotherhood between members, near or far. Other goals include bringing together

men of good character, learning and teaching each other about Greek life and hosting fun campus events, often in collaboration with other student groups. “The only reason I joined was to make lifelong friends and connections I can use later on in life,” Chris Staples, secretary of the fraternity, said. Staples certainly got what he was looking for. He says that joining is a good way to make friends, which is very beneficial, especially when first coming to college. It's a different place. Knowing some people can make things much easier. That said, certain movies and rumors would have us believe otherwise. “Animal House” became a smash hit and many still see it as a classic, even though it suggests that fraternities are all about binge drinking, partying and skipping classes. “That's the misconception people have about fraternities,” president Tim Babine said. This is not the case with Kappa Delta Phi. Members have to be

L to R: William P. Coppola III, Jessica Coppola, Katrina Boyles, Timothy Babine and Corey Hebert at the recent toga dance.


Kappa Delta Phi table at the Club and Community Fair. of decent character as well as good academic standing. They tend not to accept first semester freshmen because they want to give them time to, in Babine's words, “get their heels in the dirt with their GPA.” Unlike characters in “Animal House,” Kappa Delta Phi also prohibits hazing, and has for the past 30 years. Instead, members pledge in order to become full-fledged brothers. It usually takes two or three weeks, and it never involves pain or humiliation. “They [students] want to join just to get the experience, not the terrifying experience,” Babine said. Along with friendship and academics, the brothers value philanthropy. They do a lot for the campus, sometimes without much recognition. For instance, they recently hosted a toga dance. If you're a fan of the midnight breakfast that takes place during finals week, you have

them to thank. They also plan to put together a mud tug-of-war competition and help with the haunted house that will take place in Normal Hall around H a l l o w e e n . “We're one of the strongest philanthropic organizations on campus,” Babine said. Nor does their involvement stop at the campus level. The brothers are also active in the community. They help the local animal shelter, Catholic Charities, the Salvation Army and Homes for Troops, a national nonprofit organization that builds specially adapted houses for veterans with disabilities. In regards to the latter, they've set an ambitious goal for themselves: to raise and donate $10,000 within four years. They've already raised $2,000. UMPI's admirable fraternity invites other groups that are interested in collaborating or donating to contact them. They

also welcome new members. If you're looking for a small town version of “Animal House,” you won't find it there. On the other hand, if you're a male who values scholarship, brotherhood and charity, Kappa Delta Phi might be the perfect place for you. For more information, contact Tim Babine, Christopher Staples or vice president/treasurer Corey Herbert, all of whom live on the second floor of Park Hall. You can also find Kappa Delta Phi on Twitter at KDPhiUMPI and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/KDPhiU M P I .

! ! 6 Do You Really Need to Eat All That? Unive r sity Ti m e s

Stephanie Jellett STAFF WRITER

Have you ever found yourself rounding your plate with food, or going back for seconds or even thirds? During the Week of Wellness, Lisa Fishman gave a presentation on portion control at Gentile Hall on Sept. 25 and explained how people are eating more than they should be. “We eat with our eyes,” Fishman said. Fishman believes that lack of knowledge about portion control is what's leading to obesity today. She also explained that dinner plates and cups have increased in size substantially over the years, but that doesn't mean you need to round your plate. “Your plate should be divided into four quadrants. Half your plate should be fruits and vegetables, while the other half

should be split up into whole wheat grains and lean protein,” Fishman said. “And you can't forget about a serving of dairy as w e l l . ” Fishman believes that, if people follow the quadrant servings on the plate, then portion control would take care of itself and would help lower obesity rates. Also, knowing when your body is full helps with portion control. “Kids are a great example. They know when their body is full, but we teach them to ignore the signs and they eat more. As adults, we eat with our eyes even though we're full. We're expected to eat everything on our plate until our body is extremely full,” Fishman said. She explained reasons behind feeling tired after eating. Here's the example she gave during the presentation: At Thanksgiving


O ctob er 1 1, 2 0 13

dinner, you round your plate and overeat. You're so full, it's to the point where you're in a “food coma,” where you just want to sleep after eating. That’s because your body is trying to digest all the excess food. Portion control isn't just putting a certain amount of food on you plate. It's also knowing how many servings are in a certain item. For example, a box of mac n' cheese is four servings, but it's not unlikely for someone to eat an entire box. Plus, the information label on the box is only made out for one serving, so everything has to be multiplied by four to get the real consumption of calories, fat, etc. Another example is a regular sized (2 oz) chocolate bar. That is three servings, but again, most people will eat the entire bar rather than divide it into three pieces. To help with portion control, Fishman advised people to have a standard set of measuring cups to show just how much they’re eating. She also gave some advice on snacking and grazing. When people graze, they tend to forget everything that they've eaten throughout the day, which can lead to weight gain. If people snack, Fishman said it should be fruit-and v e g e t a b l e - b a s e d .

Lisa Fishman. “No food is bad food. It's just a matter of portions,” Fishman said. Knowing the signs of when your body is full and keeping up with portion control are steps to-

ward a healthier lifestyle. Following them will make you feel better and, if you spread the word, might even make the world a more nourished place as well.

Interested in anything in the pre-med or biology fields?

Join Pre-Med/Bio Club!!

It’s never too late to join and being a pre-med/bio major is not required. Meetings: Tuesdays @12.30 p.m., library 1st floor conference room For further information contact Errol Ireland at errol.ireland@maine.edu We look forward to seeing you!

Unive r sity Ti m e s ! C A MP US ! O cto b er 1 1, 2 0 13


Attention All Seniors! Are you planning to complete your degree requirements in May or August of 2014? If so, you need to submit an Application for Degree to the Office of Student Records by November 29, 2013. Applications for December 2013 potential graduates are due NOW. Applications can be obtained from the Office of Student Records, 235 Preble Hall or online at: http://www.umpi.edu/offices-services/student-records/graduation Why Do I Need to Apply for a Degree?

Completing an Application for Degree allows the following to happen: - Academic Record to be reviewed by the Office of Student Records to ensure completion of degree requirements - Degree Status Report to be forwarded to Academic Advisors for review and signatures - Information regarding Commencement, Caps, Gowns and Announcements to be mailed in late March, 2014 - Name to be included in the Commencement Program - Diploma to be ordered - Name to be included on lists of graduating seniors being considered for awards or other recognitions - Commencement list to be approved by Faculty Assembly in April

Commencement and Degrees

Students who submit their Application for Degree by the November 29, 2013 deadline, and who have a completed Degree Status Report signed by their Advisor and the Director of Students Records will be allowed to participate in the May 2014 commencement ceremony. Once students have completed all degree requirements, the Office of Student Records will issue a transcript and award the degree. Students will receive a diploma that will be dated the August, December or May following the actual completion of degree requirements. Diplomas are awarded only three times per year.

Commencement Participation Policy

Students lacking no more than six semester hours of credit toward completion of all degree requirements OR who have a single internship or practicum worth no more than fifteen credit hours (which are graded on a pass/fail basis) may participate in the commencement ceremony in May. Either shortfall should be completed by the following December. Students meeting this policy and planning to complete degree requirements in August 2014 or December 2014 must submit an Application for Degree by the November 29, 2013 deadline.

What is SALT?

Activating your SALT membership allows you take advantage of members-only features, such as:

Dear new UMPI students: University of Maine at Presque Isle has teamed up with SALTTM, a new membership program, to help our students manage their money and student loans. Here’s the best part – we are providing all of its services to you as a gift – free of charge. Check your inbox for an email invitation to join SALT in the next few days. If you don’t receive your SALT email in the next week or so, contact SALT’s Member Support team at 855.469.2724. SALT was created by American Student Assistance, a nonprofit organization, to help University of Maine at Presque Isle students and alums like you become more financially savvy.

•Interactive money management tools that show you how to take control of your finances. •A personal dashboard that tracks all of your federal student loans in one place. •Loan advice from SALT’s expert counselors. •My Money 101—a self-paced, online resource that teaches you practical money management strategies for budgeting, credit cards, banking and more. •Access to thousands of jobs and internships to jumpstart your career.

Remember to check your email for a message from SALT con•Exclusive benefits that help you save and spend smart. taining your invitation to join. Sincerely, University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Financial Aid Office


Un iver si t y Ti m e s ! Trol l e y To u r ! Octob er 1 1 , 20 1 3

All Aboard! Next Kayla Ames STAFF WRITER

A marker for John R. Braden, Presque Isleʼs beloved racehorse.

At the launch site of the Double Eagle II balloon.

Did you know there’s a trolley that can take you back in time? Her name is Molly and she’s a 1985, gas-driven “time machine” of aluminum and wood that the Presque Isle Historical Society uses to give historical and cultural tours around Aroostook County. They did exactly that on Saturday, Sept. 28. Around 9 a.m., approximately 30 people joined tour guide Kim Smith and the driver, Hermon, at the UMPI Campus Center. They climbed on board, eager to take full advantage of a free, three hour, educational journey into the past. “She’s a very important part of our tour program. We have lots of fun with Molly the trolley,” Smith, who’s also the secretary/treasurer of the PIHS, said. Smith began by describing Molly and the work they do with people in this area, including local sixth graders. She then gave a brief history of the University of Maine at Presque Isle. As it turns out, we owe thanks to Rev. George Park for starting it all. Around the year 1900, he convinced the town to turn abandoned St. John’s School buildings into a “Normal School,” or teacher’s college. Park and Normal Hall are named after that history.

The first stop on the tour was the Fairmount Cemetery. Due to reinterment and consolidation of old family plots, some of the graves are from as far back as the early 1800s. Attendees also learned about the prominent Civil War monument, which was erected in Presque Isle nine years after the war ended. “This monument was the first one in Aroostook County and one of the first in the state,” Smith said. More than 700 veterans are buried in Fairmount Cemetery. As Hermon drove, Smith pointed out other interesting and significant sites, including a drive-in theater, which were “all the rage” in the 1930s, the Southern Aroostook Grange and the Stage Coach House, which is undergoing renovation. She also talked about several state parks and man-made lakes in the area. Toward the end of the tour, participants learned more about one of the latter: Mantle Lake. The next time the trolley stopped, it was at the launch site of the Double Eagle II balloon. In 1978, Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson and Larry Newman set off from Presque Isle in what would become the first balloon to successfully cross the Atlantic. Of the 9,700 people who lived here at the time, 8,000 came to watch. “Now, this really put us

on the international map,” Smith said. After that, she talked about school houses, including the James School, and Hoggart Hill. This led to the subject of Arthur Gould, of whom Smith is a big fan. Though born in Corinth, Gould made Presque Isle modern and economically successful by running its early lumber mill and introducing such technologies as the electric railroad. He was an exceptional businessman and many schools as well as towns are named after him today: ever heard of “Gouldsville”? The trolley spent more time in some places than others. At the Northern Maine Fairgrounds, riders learned about the Braden theater’s namesake: a Tennessee racehorse who built Presque Isle’s prestige, became much-loved and won nearly half of the races he participated in throughout his distinguished career. At the Maysville Grange, Smith described the historical society’s renovation efforts, which are coming along nicely due in part to the generosity of many local businesses. After it’s restored, they hope to make it into a museum dedicated to the history of the Grange movement in Maine, the one-room school houses that were here, the Aroostook War and the history of Maysville.

The Maysville grange, soon to be the Maysville Museum.

Un iver si ty Ti m e s ! Trol l e y To u r ! Oc to ber 1 1 , 20 1 3

Stop: the Past “All our history seems to tie together,” Smith said, which she thinks makes it even more interesting. Driving around the Presque Isle Air Force Base proved to be another big hit. During WWII, it served as the northernmost defense post for the United States. Some of the original buildings are still there and the trolley even went onto a missile launch pad. Not far from the base, there used to be a POW tent camp. The tour drew to a close with a visit to the house of Vera Estey, considered an unconventional woman in her time because she was an entrepreneur who declined offers of marriage. Estey is still known today for her wild hats. Anyone who looked across the street could see the house of Sidney Cook, “Presque Isle’s first pirate.” With a crew, he retrieved more than $700,000 in sunken gold and laid the groundwork for what became modern treasure salvaging. Smith also talked about re-

form schools and the founder of Fairbanks. She mentioned Allie Cole, the first person to plow in this area and therefore break our early isolation. Participants heard about Henry Rolfe, who planted the first acre of potatoes in Aroostook County around 1840, as well as the contributions of the Glidden family, what the old fire station and public hospital – now a town hall – used to look like and what caused the Aroostook War. She made a running joke out of something that kept cropping up. “There’s a theme in Presque Isle history: either it burned down or we tore it down to build a parking lot,” Smith said. As Molly pulled up the Campus Center again, Smith told one last story: Presque Isle’s version of Sleepy Hollow, featuring a man named Jim Cullen and the “professor” who stole his skull. It’s sure to be reiterated during the haunted lantern tours on Oct. 25 and 26, in honor of

Halloween! Jim Stepp, a rider and UMPI’s dean of students, was surprised by much what Smith said. He knows a lot about Presque Isle’s historically important places and events, but the tour taught him more about the human aspect. “I knew some of the answers to her questions, but I didn’t know much about it. The stuff about the people was new to me,” Jim Stepp said. His wife, Rebecca, cited the day’s beautiful weather and the interesting narrator as two reasons she enjoyed the ride. One of her favorite parts was going on the nuclear missile site. “There was so much that I learned,” Rebecca Stepp said. “We’ve lived here for 18 years and I still learned new things about this place....It was just a great experience. I would recommend it to anyone.” To find out more about the Presque Isle Historical Society, including their ongoing projects and upcoming events, go to or call 762-1151.


The Civil War Monument at Fairmount Cemetery.

The home of Sidney Cook, ʻPresque Isleʼs first pirate.ʼ On a missle launch pad at the Presque Isle Air Force Base.


Un ive r si ty T ime s ! C A M P US ! Oc tober 1 1 , 2 01 3

Free Ice Cream for All!

Nicole Duplessis STAFF WRITER

Jim Stepp at the ice cream social.

Who doesn’t want free ice cream? Students and faculty had the opportunity to attend an ice cream social on Monday, Sept. 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Campus Center. This event is better known as “Dish it Out,” and the PULL programmers put it on. Everyone who attended got free ice cream, and the choices were delicious! There were many different toppings and a few different flavors, making it hard to only have one serving. First year students who attended had the chance to sign up for a chance to win some neat door prizes. This was also

the last chance to participate in the penny wars. “I think the ice cream social was very nice,” Jason Fortin, a student at UMPI, said. Indeed, it was! Students sat and socialized, had a few good laughs and came and went as they pleased. It was a great event to attend if anyone needed a quick break away from the books. “I think it’s a great opportunity for people to get to know each other,” Jannie Durr, assistant director of residence life, said. Many first year students attended the event. It’s great to see them, as well as others on

campus, attending events that student groups take the time to put together. Not only is it a way to meet people and have fun. It’s also a way to learn about the different opportunities on campus. “I thought the ice cream was super delicious!” Craig Pullen, a student at UMPI, said. Without a doubt, everyone enjoyed their ice cream. While some stopped in quickly to drop the remainder of their change off for the penny wars, others stuck around and enjoyed the delicious opportunity. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of something this good?

Time to get some ice cream! From left to r Cole Dumo ight: Aman da nth Graha m Jac ier, Chase Larrabee, their i k Amos ce cre son and K Emerson, Mitch Ward, e l se y am fix e Word . en aft ll Bartlett, er get ting

Univer si ty T im e s ! CAM P U S ! O tob e r 11 , 2 01 3

What Does It Mean to Be a Kappa Sister? Jen Borden


A few weeks ago during Homecoming Weekend, you may have seen an abundance of Black and Gold Greek letters on campus. The Sisters of Kappa Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority founded on this campus on November 8, 1972. They were celebrating their 40th anniversary. I, as one of the five women who re-founded the chapter in 2004, was pleasantly overwhelmed by the presence of so many incredible women who came before me and with whom I share the bonds of Sisterhood. It was most humbling that, included in those present, were not only a number of Sisters from each decade (70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s+), but two Sisters from the founding class of 1972. It was phenomenal to celebrate such a huge milestone in our chapter's history with two of the ladies that started it all. So what is Kappa about? What does it mean to be a Sister of Kappa Delta Phi National Af-

filiated Sorority? Well, for starters, we're not anything like you see on Animal House or any other stereotypical movies.

and bringing together a group of women who have diverse qualities and giving them a platform to work together to accomplish

network of thousands of Sisters, as well as the thousands of Brothers of Kappa Delta Phi National Fraternity.

Members during the 40th anniversary. Kappa is a lifelong, philanthropic organization, focused on serving the community. Yes, we do have fun, and we do have a program that must be completed to become a Sister, but without the crazy pranks and hazing. We're about family, Sisterhood

goals. We are also just one chapter of a national organization spreading all over the Northeast as well as into New York and Pennsylvania. When you become a Kappa Sister, you gain not only a family here at UMPI, but also an extended

"After attending our sorority's 40th anniversary and Homecoming weekend at UMPI I realize that what I really gained when I went to UMPI and became a Kappa sister was another family! One in which I found love, acceptance, loyalty, com-


passion, great humor, lots of fun and the support that I needed at that age. A place and a family in which I could be who I was (at that age) and grow and change and get prepared for "the grown up world" after college. While at UMPI and actively involved with Kappa I learned leadership skills, perseverance, how to "be there" when needed, how to work for and achieve a goal, how to be "a team player" and how to relax and have fun! It was really a wonderful time,� Sister Bess Gove, who pledged in 1982, said. So what does it mean to be a Kappa Sister? It means family, support, fun, and never-ending bonds with an amazing network of great women. It means Sisterhood at its finest. If you are interested in becoming a Kappa Sister, please contact Kameron Thyng, Jessica Coppola, Chelsey Ellis. Like us on Faceb o o k ! https://www.facebook.com/kdp. nas.kappa.mu

14th Annual Etiquette Event

Thursday, Oct. 24, from 5:30 - 8 p.m. in the Campus Center MPR Be prepared for interviews and your professional career by learning the fine art of introduction, conversation, dining and dress. The event is free, but seating is limited. This reception, dinner and fashion show is one of the most popular events of the year. DonĘźt miss out on this fun evening! To RSVP, call 768-9850 or e-mail Barbara.DeVaney@umpi.edu


Un ive r si ty T ime s ! C A M P US ! Oc tober 1 1 , 2 01 3

Living the High Life: UMPI Outing Club

Christopher Bowden STAFF WRITER

Here at UMPI, we have many great sports teams and clubs. One of the best is one you may not have heard of yet: the UMPI outing club. Advised by Amanda Baker, the outing club is the place for you if you’re interested in anything to do with the outdoors. They do activities such as hiking and paddling to everything in between. If you’re interested in joining this club you can contact Amanda Baker or attend the meetings, which take place

every other Thursday at 1 p.m. When asked about how to describe the club, Baker kept it short and simple. “Were Awesome,” Baker said. And that is 100 percent true. If you’re not an outdoor major, it’s perfectly fine. In fact, this club contains students from almost every major at UMPI. Another great thing about it: there’s no fee to join. Simply go to one of the meetings in their office located in Gentile Hall. The outing club prides itself on the “challenge by choice” rule,

which means you try what you want. If you’re not comfortable, then you don’t have to worry about it. This club isn’t just for UMPI students either. Anybody from the area can join too. The club also offers equipment rental to students for free! That’s right — all your camping, hiking or other outdoor needs can be satisfied as long as you have a student ID. So go check it out and see what you’ve been missing. For more information, go to http://www.umpi.edu/gentilehall/outingclub.

12 Hours of Homelessness Presented by the Student Organization of Social Workers

When: Friday, Oct. 18. Where: Parking lot next to Gentile Hall. Cost: $10 ($2 per person) OR 1 nonperishable food item per person. *Groups of five can sign up to build shelters out of provided boxes and experience a reality that many college students are facing every day.* -Events will include: a bonfire and an outdoor movie. -Event will happen rain or shine; dress accordingly! -Restroom facilities will be available. There will also be a prize for the most creative shelter! For more information, contact Julie Devine at julie.devine@maine.edu


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Men and Women Soccer Updates Christopher Bowden STAFF WRITER

On Wed. Sept. 18 the men’s soccer team hosted our great friends from the north, the University of Maine at Fort Kent, in a battle for the barrel and bragging rights. Although UMPI put up a good fight, they were just not quite enough for the heavily stacked Fort Kent team. The final score was 7-1 in favor of Fort Kent. Despite the tough loss, the men’s team had some great moral victories. Though no other team has been able to score off Fort Kent, thanks to UMPI senior Ryan Van Buskirk’s amazing shot on Fort Kent’s goalie Jamie Cleland, that is no longer true. Also, senior Aaron Hutchins returned and, although not fully active on the field, he was still a big boost.

Over the weekend of the Sept. 21 and 22, UMPI’s men’s team bounced out of their four game losing streak after traveling down to Vermont and beating two solid teams. The first win came on Saturday, when they went up against St. Joseph’s of Vermont. It was an exciting double overtime win for the men, who were down 21 after the first half. UMPI freshman Marc Reynolds scored his second goal of the game to tie it up. It went all the way to the second overtime before UMPI sophomore Derek Healy would score the gamewinning goal. In the second game of the weekend, the UMPI men’s team matched up against Green Mountain University and, once again, Derek Healy stepped up,

scoring both of UMPI’s goals. He scored one in the first half and one in the second, which helped lead them to a 2-1 victory. The men’s team now have 3 wins and 5 losses and look to continue their winning streak as they head to Fisher College for matches on Sept. 28 and 29. On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the women’s team also hosted rival school Fort Kent in a battle for bragging rights and the barrel. However, two minutes and 50 seconds in, Fort Kent’s Ariane Laberge-Pelle scored. Fort Kent racked up four more goals in the first half and two in the second to make the final score 7-0. It was a tough loss for the women’s team, but they avet their best effort all the way through, which in a positive thing. They will need this as they head into their next games. On Sunday, Sept. 22, the women’s team traveled to Vermont to face Green Mountain University, trying to redeem

UMPI Owl Martha McPartland (No. 26) fights to keep the ball. Photo by Bethany Lord. themselves after a tough lost to Fort Kent. Green Mountain jumped to a 2-0 lead before UMPI sophomore Chelsea Nickerson scored to cut the lead in half. However, Green Moun-

tain squeezed in two goals past UMPI’s Amanda Larrabee in the 74th and 78th minute to put the game out of reach. The final score was 4-1 in favor of Green Mountain.

The menʼs team during the game against Fort A large crowd came out to support the men and womenʼs games. Photo Kent. Photo by Bethany Lord. by Bethany Lord.

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The Reel Deal Alex Csiernik CONTRIBUTOR

'42' Rating 12 A 4/5 Stars Based on the incredible true story of how one man changed the game of baseball forever, "42" is a must-see for everyone. Growing up in California, Jackie Robinson was a prominent figure at UCLA. He was a four-sport athlete, playing football, basketball, track and baseball. After the end of World War II, Jackie started playing baseball in the Negro league for the Kansas City Monarchs. From there,

Branch Rickey -- who was the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers -- decided to recruit him. The film focuses on his life on and off the field, starting with the Montreal Royals, the triple-A affiliates of the Brooklyn Dodgers. This is where Jackie first announced his arrival to professional baseball. The following year, he made the jump from Montreal to the Dodgers. He played his first game on April 15, 1947. Originally, many of his teammates didn't welcome him, but as the season went on, they learned to admire the

fortitude of Jackie’s character. Players who didn’t accept him were traded to Pittsburgh. Also, Jackie had to deal with racist comments and protests from opposing teams, managers and fans. Overall, the movie was enjoyable. It allowed us to see the trials and tribulations of one man trying to break down the color barrier. Many sports are comparable to real-life situations and lessons. The fact that the Major Leagues accepted Jackie was the start of something bigger: it started to signify the end of segregation and better life for all.

Anytime thereʼs a chill in the air, you could reach for this adorable lap quilt. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Winnerʼs name will be drawn on Oct. 30. All proceeds go toward the University Times. To purchase tickets contact: Dr. Lowman at: jacquelyn.lowman@umpi.edu Stephanie Jellett at: stephanie.jellett@maine.edu Nicole Duplessis at: n icole.duplessis@maine.edu

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Cool Stuff on Mars Jim Stepp


One of the reasons sending astronauts to Mars would be so hard is the need to transport the water and supplies needed for the flight. And while the methods used to produce electricity in space produce water, it still must be stored and transported. That takes a lot of fuel to carry the extra weight. But what would happen if you could find water on Mars? Currently, there are two rovers and multiple space probes studying Mars. The rover Curiosity ( www.space.com/17963-marscuriosity.html) has discovered many new and fascinating facts about Mars. It has confirmed that water once existed on Mars. It has confirmed that water lasted on Mars for at least 500 million years. It has confirmed that the conditions on Mars some four billion years ago were right for the existence of microbial life forms, and now it has confirmed that there is enough

water on Mars to supply future astronauts with all of the water they will need. Curiosity discovered that surface soil on Mars contains about 2 percent water by weight. That means astronaut could extract roughly 1 quart (1 liter) of water out of every cubic foot (0.03 cubic meters) of Martian soil they dig up. Extracting this water would be easy. All the astronauts would have to do is heat the soil and distill the water from the water vapor that is produced. For more information please go to http://www.space.com/22949mars-water-discovery-curiosityrover.html?cmpid=545397

In upcoming articles, I will be writing about Comet ISON. If everything goes well, Comet ISON will be a very bright comet in November and December. There is actually a chance that it may be one of the brightest comets in centuries. Comet ISON will pass its closest to the sun on Nov. 28,

2013. But before that, it will pass by Mars. On Tuesday, Oct. 1, ISON passed just about 6.5 million miles (10.6 million km) from Mars. At this time, the rovers on the surface of Mars and the satellites orbiting Mars caught a close-up view of the comet. If all goes well, NASA’s Mars Curiosity and Opportunity rovers and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter would have captured images of Comet ISON. At the time I am writing this article, there have been no websites listed for finding the images. I would suggest doing a Google search for “Mars ISON images” to find the images. For more information go to http://science.nasa.gov/sciencen e w s / s c i e n c e - a t nasa/2013/23aug_marsison/. THE NIGHT SKY The International Space Station is visible as follows: Mornings–through Oct. 3. Evenings–after Oct. 7.

Go to www.heavensabove.com for exact times and locations. You will need to register at this site and load your location to be able to get exact

times. The University of Maine at Presque Isle is located at 68d00m7.8s west longitude and 46d40m45.6s north latitude. To get a free sky chart, go to www.skymaps.com. Sun and Planet Visibility 10/10/2013 Sunrise 06:43. Sunset 17:54. Mercury 18:24–18:30. Venus 17:54–19:30. Mars 02:12–06:12. Jupiter 23:00–06:30. Saturn 18:24–18:54. 10/20/2013 Sunrise 06:57. Sunset 17:36. Mercury not visible. Venus 17:36–19:24. Mars 02:06–06:24. Jupiter 22:24–06:42. Saturn 18:06–18:24.

10/04 20:35 New moon. 10/05 18:30 Draconid Meteor Shower–6 meteors per hour. 10/06 19:36 Mercury 2.8 degrees from moon. 10/06 18:30 Saturn 4.3 degrees from moon. 10/06 19:00 Draconid Meteor

Shower–8 meteors per hour. 10/07 19:00 Draconid Meteor Shower–11 meteors per hour. 10/08 03:30 Mercury 5.0 degrees from Saturn. 10/08 06:00 Draconid Meteor Shower Maximum. 10/08 18:00 Venus 5.8 degrees from moon. 10/08 19:00 Draconid Meteor Shower–11 meteors per hour. 10/09 06:02 Mercury at greatest elongation 25.3 deg. east– visible in the evening sky. 10/09 19:00 Draconid Meteor Shower–8 meteors per hour. 10/10 19:00 Draconid Meteor Shower–6 meteors per hour. 10/10 19:08 Moon at perigee– closest to the Earth--369,800 km or 229,800 miles. 10/11 45th anniversary of the Apollo 7 launch–1st manned Apollo mission (1968). 10/11 19:03 First quarter moon. 10/12 Astronomy Day. 10/14 12:00 Mercury at half p h a s e . 10/18 19:38 Full moon. 10/18 19:50 Penumbral lunar eclipse. 10/19 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower–5 meteors per hour. 10/19 19:00 All Systems Go– Planetarium Show at the Malcolm Science Center–Call 207-488-5451 for reservations or information. Cost: $3.50 for adults and $1.50 for children. 10/20 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower–8 meteors per hour. 10/21 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower–10 meteors per hour. 10/21 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower Maximum. 10/22 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower–10 meteors per hour. 10/23 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower–9 meteors per hour. 10/24 05:00 Orionid Meteor Shower–6 meteors per hour. 10/25 10:22 Moon at apogee– farthest from the moon–404,500 km or 251,400 miles. 10/25 22:42 Jupiter 6.7 degrees from moon.


Have a great fall break!

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