9. Wapblog

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WAPBLOG Be sure: We have an email first. Go to www.mywapblog.com

Click Register

Click Register

This mobile blog's name will be : ashari_satu.mywapblog.com

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________



Blog Setting & Insert Picture

Click Please upload your picture here

Insert picture: Click Browse, choose picture file, click Upload

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________



When succeed, in the top-left side there is information: File uploaded successfully. Fill About You and Password or New password

Go to your email, activate your blog

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________



Finally, click Save See your blog: Click Dashboard

Crate Theme: click create theme

click Save

Check the result, and try other themes

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________



How can I change the look and feel (Theme) of my blog? Go to "Settings | Blog Theme" and select one of the many themes available by clicking on "Activate" besides the theme you like. More themes will be added occasionally. You can also use "Blog | Color Scheme" feature to change the color scheme of your blog. Advanced users who have a knowledge of CSS and HTML can also create their own stylesheet for their blog using "New | Create Theme" page.

Note What does "Blog Category" do? This new option lets you set the category you think your blog falls under. you can choose the closest match here. This is to categorize blogs in our Blog Catalog, where peoples can find other's blog. Quick Find * Top Rated * Most Visited * Recently Updated * Random Pick

* Most Ratings * Most Followed * Newly Registered

Categorized 1. General (11727) 3. Education (1881) 5. Science and Technology (3043) 7. Relationship (1144) 9. Uncategorised (32956)

2. Arts (900) 4. Hobbies and Life Style (4020) 6. Sports (801) 8. Health (293)

What does the “Blog Language” option do? The primary language you wish to write your blog in. This option WILL NOT change any display settings. It'll just be used to categorize your blog based on language. Remember, this setting is different from the “Display Language” setting. That changes the language in which we present administration pages to you, this changes the language we show your blog to your visitors. So you can very well interact with MyWapBlog.com in, say Hindi and still have you blog displayed to your visitors in English.

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________



My blog homepage is very lengthy, how can I make it shorter? You can either restrict the number of posts to display on your homepage (Go to "SETTINGS | BLOG", Posts Per Page) or set the homepage display option ("SETTINGS | BLOG", Homepage style). Tell me more about the "Blogroll" feature. Blogroll is a list of links one might like to share on his/her blog. You can add links to your blogroll from the "Manage | Blogroll" page on the Dashboard. By default your blogroll appears on your profile page (About Me) and a link to there is available from the Navigation menu of your blog. You can also display the whole blogroll in your navigation menu, if you wish, by changing the settings (from Settings page). Tell me more about "Follow Blogs" feature. If you have some favorite blog at MyWapBlog.com, you might have bookmarked them and have to visit them often to read new entries. Or some of you might have subscribed to the feeds. Well, we have sort of an integrated Feed Reader of our own that you can use now. Follow Blogs feature lets you add blogs on MyWapBlog.com and get notified when they get updated. Notifications are currently displayed on your Dashboard when you login. Besides this, your profile page (About Me) displays the list of blogs you're following. You can prevent this, if required, by selecting the required option from Settings page. In future we wish to have a follower/following feature as they have on Twitter.com. What does the "Time Zone" option do? All the dates in our system are stored as GMT/UTC, that means it\'s possible to have your blog use/show your local time by setting the time zone offset according to the country you live in. You can change it anytime by going to "Settings | Blog". Western Indonesia : GMT + 7 [Medan-Jakarta] Midle Indonesia: GMT + 8 [Sulawesi, NTT, Bali, and most of Asean countries] Eastern Indonesia: GMT + 9 [Maluku & Papua] What does the "Comment Moderation" option do? Comment Moderation lets you first moderate (check) comments on your blog before making them live. If comment moderation is enabled, comments made by anyone will not be published until you "Approve" them. You can approve or delete un-moderated comments from "Manage | Comments" page. This way you can only publish comments you'd like to and save your blog from spamming. What does the "Comments Require Email" Option do? By default, anyone can post comment on your blog by filling in just their name and the comment. If this option is enabled then a commenter will be required to fill in one more information - their email address. This way you can communicate with the commenter through email. As a downside you might notice a dip in your commenter count as many people do not like to type in much on the small keypads that cell phones have.

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________



You can find this option in "Settings | Blog" page. Email address of the commentators are not made public and are only available to the blog owner. What does "HTML Support" do? By defualt we support BBCode for styling text everywhere. BBCode is quite capable and does the job in most situations. However, due to public demand we now also support HTML in Posts and Navigation Menu items. You can enable this from "Blog | Settings" page. When enabled our system will accept HTML tags in places mentioned. Note that some tags like "<script>" are not supported. We have filtering in place to remove potentially unsafe tags. But, as long as you're not doing something fishy you won't even notice it's there. Also note that new lines WON'T be converted into line-breaks, so to paragraph your text you'll either have to use "<p>" (preferred) or "<br />" tag. What does the "Profile Picture" option do? Profile Picture, as the name suggests, lets you set an image or picture to be shown on your profile page (About Me) of your blog. you can either set one of your already uploaded image as your profile picture or upload a new one using "New | Upload Files" page. Profile Picture option can be found in "Settings | Blog" page.

Mobile blog examples: http://andika1983.com – my friend mobile blog http://jokoprasetiyo.mywapblog.com/ - religion mobile blog http://zaimo.mywapblog.com/ - unik (unique), tips, triks (trick) http://puisicinta.heck.in/ - poem, pic, all about love http://adekai.mywapblog.com/ - sell tokek [Tokay gecko, big lizard], etc http://www.es-bel.tk – food, menu, prophet stories http://assalammosque.mywapblog.com/ - mosque http://mawipraboe.heck.in/ - handphone, internet tricks, musics, videos, games, free download http://wahidin.mywapblog.com – hp trick, symbian, scripts php, java appl, games , hp themes http://ashari_satu.mywapblog.com , http://ashari_satu.mywibes.com – my bmobile blog (under construction) Do you want to see other mobile blog? Go to chat room, Choose one of the name/blog Source : Source: http://MyWapBlog.com, accessed nov, 8th, 2011

Ashari Sutrisno.p4tk matematika_____________________________


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