Take Me Home
III.Withgaietyandabandon PaulReade(1943-1997)
Take Me Home
Adagio e Tarantella highlights both the virtuosic quality of the clarinet, but also the lyrical and expensive bounds of the instrument. The opening “Adagio” section is deeply expressive which highlights the warm tone with sweeping legato lines and subtle dynamics that captures the feeling of mystery and sweetness. The “Tarantella” reflects the effects a tarantula bite has on a human. The technical runs and dance-like style portrays the bite victim’s behavior as they go crazy while the venom courses their body I found this piece my sophomore year and immediately fell in love with it. The technical challenges equal the musical and lyrical challenges and gives me motivation as a player. I found that making music does not just come fromfastnotes,butmusicalchangesandcharacterswithinapiece.
Sonatina, I. Tema con Variazioni is an unaccompanied work in theme and variation form. Its variations portray different characters. In these variations, you will hear contrasts from a dogfight, a sweet, singing section, and a virtuosic cadenza variation, among others. This movement shows the contrasts that a clarinet hasbyhighlightingtheentiredynamicandregister range. Dr. Councilor introduced me to this piece last semester, and it was a rough one to fall in love with. It is very challenging in terms of both technical and musicalrequirements,butIhave grown to love the challenge. It is one of the capstone pieces of my degree, and I truly love performingit.
When starting recital preparations, Dr. Councilor and I decided that we needed to have a piece composed by a woman to highlight in my recital. There are many beautiful works written by women in the early to middle 20th century, which our studio’s former graduate student, Clarisa de la Garza, accumulated inacatalogthathighlightedtheseamazingcomposersandtheirworks. I found this piece in this catalog and immediately fell in love with the sound and dialogue between the clarinet and piano. From her catalog, IwilluseClarisa’swordstoconveythemusic anditscharacter:
Openswithaverylongandemotionalopeningsequence.Simplebutbeautifulmelodiesforthe clarinetalternatewithvirtuosicpassagesintheaccompaniment.Thefollowingallegretto cantabilesectionfeaturestheclarinetmoreprominently,asitsrangeisfurtherexploredwith scalarpassages.”
Suite from The Victorian Kitchen Garden by Paul Reade, originally composed for clarinet and piano, is a five-movement work inspired by the BBC series “Victorian Kitchen Garden”, which recreates a Victorian-era garden. The suite takes the listener throughthechangingseasons,from the awakening of the garden in the Prelude to the full vibrancy of Summer. The movements include Spring, alivelyandyouthfuldepictionoftheseason; Mists,adelicate,atmosphericpiece evoking the garden shrouded in fog; Exotica, a playful and fast-paced movement with dynamic contrasts; and Summer, the finale, which celebrates the garden at its peak, with rich, flowing melodies. Reade’s music captures the essence of the garden’s changing moods throughout the year. I first heard this piece as a freshman at UTSA butmostrecentlyhearditperformedbyone of my best friends at her recital. When planning my recital, I knew I wanted to program it because of the beautiful, lyrical aspect it has, but also the emotional connection I have with my colleagues and friends.Thispieceisdedicatedtoallofmyfriendsandcolleaguesthroughoutmy education here at UTSA, especiallymystudiomembers,presentandpast.Thankyouformaking mytimeherebeautiful.
Throughout my education at UTSA, I have become aware that I am a fan of the Theme and Variation form. Themes create a strong foundation for the multitudes of variations that allows players to make more musical decisions andinterpretthemusicintheirownway.Thispiecehas always been a favorite for me, as it highlights the transitional time between the Classical and Romantic period, by showing off the virtuosic qualities and the beautiful melodic qualities of clarinet and piano. The introduction features a hemiola rhythmic quality and opens the piece to all possibilities, both lyrically and technically The theme is a very simple melody, but continuously gets more technically challenging throughout the variations. This piece has a very “Concerto-like”endingthatisconsistentwiththeclassicalmusicperiod.Ichosethispiecetoend my solo repertoire portion of my recital as it has provided a clear andproudendingthatmirrors howIfeelaboutmycapstoneprojectformydegree.
Suite for Four Equal Clarinet is a dynamic composition for clarinet quartet that features four clarinets playing equal roles, creating a rich and varied texture. Structured in multiple movements, the suite alternates between lively, upbeat themes and more lyrical, introspective sections, allowing each clarinet voice to contribute both independently and in harmonywiththe others. The piece highlights the versatilityoftheclarinetensemble,exploringarangeoftempos, dynamics, and expressive qualities. I played this piece for the first time as a freshman in high school with some of my closest friends. When deciding repertoire for my recital, I knew this quartet would be perfect for me to play with my closest friends now. It highlights the way that our friend group works; collaboratively and competitively. The piece fits so well as a closer for my recital, as it highlights not only my accomplishments as a player, but the people that I have grownwithaswell.
Dr. Nic s Co n or
IamdeeplygratefultoDr.Councilorforhisunwaveringsupportandguidancethroughoutmy education.Yourdedicationtomygrowthasbothamusicianandapersonhasmadealasting impact.Yourexpertise,patience,andencouragementhavechallengedmetopushbeyondmy limitsandcontinuouslystriveforexcellence.Iappreciatethetimeandeffortyou’veinvestedin mydevelopment,andI’mthankfulforthelessonsI’velearnedunderyourmentorship.
Mom, Dad, an Luc
Iwanttotakeamomenttosincerelythankmyparentsandsisterfortheirunwaveringsupport throughoutmymusiccareer.Yourencouragement,beliefinmytalent,andconstantpresence havebeenthefoundationofmygrowth.FromtheearlydaystowhereIamnow,you'vealways beenthere,liftingmeupandpushingmetopursuemypassion.Icouldn'thavecomethisfar withoutyourloveanddedication,andI’mtrulygratefulforeverythingyou’vedonetohelpme followmydreams.
My Fam
Iwanttoexpressmyheartfeltgratitudetomyfamilyfortheirconstantsupportinmymusic career Yourlove,encouragement,andbeliefinmehavebeenasourceofstrengththroughout thisjourney.FromwhenIsatonthefrontporchcallingthecowshometonow,you’vealways beenthere,cheeringmeon.Icouldn’thavereachedthispointwithoutyourunwaveringfaithin mydreams,andI’mforeverthankfulforeverythingyou’vedonetohelpmesucceed.
Dr. Joh Zar an Pro s Ron El i
IwanttoextendmysincerethankstoDr ZarcoandEfortheirincrediblesupportthroughoutmy collegebandjourney.Yourguidance,mentorship,anddedicationhavebeeninstrumentalin shapingmymusicalgrowthandexperience.You'vechallengedmetoimprove,inspiredmewith yourpassion,andalwaysmademefeellikeanimportantpartoftheensemble.Iamtrulygrateful foryourencouragementandforcreatinganenvironmentwhereIcouldthriveasbothamusician andaperson.Thankyoufortakingthetimetobeonmypanelandsupportingmeinmyjourney
Dr. Je n -Eun Le
IwouldliketoexpressmyheartfeltthankstoDr.Leeforplayinginmyrecital.Yourskill, dedication,andmusicalitytrulybroughttheperformancetolife.Iamsogratefulforyour collaborationandthewayyoubroughtdepthandemotiontoeverypiece.Yoursupportand professionalismwerevitaltomakingtherecitalasuccess,andIdeeplyappreciatethetimeand effortyouputintorehearsingwithme.Itwasapleasuresharingthestagewithyou.
My Fri s an Col u s
Iamtrulygratefultomyfriendsandcolleaguesfortheirconstantsupportthroughoutmymusic education.Yourencouragement,collaboration,andsharedpassionformusichavebeen invaluabletomygrowth.Whetheritwasthroughinsightfuldiscussions,offeringfeedback,or simplybeingtheretocelebrateaccomplishmentsandnavigatechallengestogether,you’vemade thisjourneysomuchmoremeaningful.Ideeplyappreciateyourpresenceandsupport,andI couldn’thavereachedthispointwithoutyou.